489 research outputs found

    Unresolved Questions in the Bill of Rights of the New Iraqi Constitution: How Will the Clash Between Human Rights and Islamic Law Be Reconciled in Future Legislative Enactments and Judicial Interpretations?

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    This Article endeavors to answer the question, are the provisions on “human rights” and “Islamic Law” in the new Iraqi constitution compatible? The new Iraqi Constitution recognizes the concept of “human rights” in accordance with Iraq\u27s international obligations, establishes an independent “Supreme Commission for Human Rights,” limits the work of governmental intelligence agencies in accordance with human rights, and prohibits tribal customs that contradict human rights. At the same time, the Constitution makes some references to Islamic Shari\u27ah: it establishes Islam as the official religion of the State, recognizes Islam as a source of legislation, recognizes Iraq as a part of the Muslim world, guarantees the Islamic identity of its majority, allows Iraqis to choose their personal status law according to Islamic Law, and requires that the Federal Supreme Court contain jurists of Islamic Law. This Article endeavours to answer the question by briefly examining the various provisions of the Iraqi Constitution that cover the rights of the Iraqi people

    State Responsibilities in Combating Trafficking in Persons in Central Asia

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    Human Rights Legislation in the Arab World: The Case of Human Trafficking

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    In the Arab World, human rights legislation has not always enhanced human rights. In fact, many national laws have been adopted that restrict human rights. Some countries\u27 laws regulating nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) do not allow NGOs to receive funding from foreign entities. Media laws impose various limitations on the press. Jordan is the only Arab nation to enforce a comprehensive law on combating violence against women. Jordan is also the only country that has a law on access to information. Despite these gaps in human rights legislation, many Arab countries have passed comprehensive laws to combat human trafficking since the passage of the U.N. Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children (U.N. Protocol) ten years ago. These laws were adopted in compliance with the legislative mandate of the U.N. Protocol, which itself was ratified by most Arab countries. These laws were also drafted to comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking in persons as articulated in the U.S. Trafficking Victims Protection Act, which requires the U.S. State Department to assess efforts made by foreign governments to combat trafficking in persons. Although states, by passing comprehensive laws, are implementing the U.N. Protocol\u27s legislative mandate, in my judgment, the U.S. assessment has also played a significant role in the antitrafficking legislative movement in the Arab World

    مدونة لسلوك السائحين الذين سوف يزورون قطر للاحتفال بكأس العالم 2022

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    This Code of Conduct for Tourist who are visiting Qatar for the World Cup 2022 covers the fundamental rights and duties that must be observed and implemented such as the right to movement, travel and safety and obtaining the different services relevant to the World Cup matches of 2022. In drafting the Code of Conduct references have been made to a number of prohibitions that the tourist must avoid such as sexual exploitation, human trafficking, sex tourism and sexual harassment. In addition to the prohibition against alcohol consumption or other illegal substances as well as gambling and the infringement of intellectual property rights. The drafting of the Code of Conduct is mainly based on three elements, the first is the statement of the rule of law that governs the relevant relationship, the second is a commentary to interpret and explain such rule of law and the third is various references to the sources that was relied on in stating the rule of law.تتناول مدونةُ سلوك السائحين الذين سوف يزورون قطر للاحتفال بكأس العالم 2022 الحقوقَ والواجبات الأساسية التي يتعين مراعاتها وإعمالها، ومن ذلك: حق السائح في التنقل، والسفر، والسلامة، والحصول على الخدمات المختلفة المرتبطة بمباريات كأس العالم 2022. وفي صياغة مدونة السلوك روعي الإشارة إلى المحظورات التي يتعين على السائح تجنبها؛ ومن ذلك: الاستغلال الجنسي والإتجار بالبشر، والسياحة الجنسية، والتحرش الجنسي. ومن ذلك أيضًا؛ استهلاك الكحوليات والمواد الأخرى الممنوعة، والمقامرة، والاستخدام غير المشروع لحقوق الملكية الفكرية. وتقوم صياغة مدونة السلوك هذه على ثلاثية؛ أولها: وضع القاعدة القانونية التي تحكم العلاقة المعروضة، وثانيها: تفسير هذه القاعدة والتعليق على أهم مضامينها. وثالثها: إشارات متنوعة للمصادر التي اعتمدت عليها القاعدة القانونية

    Comparative Models of Reporting Mechanisms on the Status of Trafficking in Human Beings

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    A comprehensive approach to combating trafficking in human beings requires precise knowledge of the scope of the problem and constant evaluation of government responses. Reporting on the status of human trafficking achieves both goals. This Article is designed to examine the various human trafficking reporting mechanisms, including reports that states are required to submit to the United Nations as well as national reports whereby governments engage in a process of self-assessment. Comparative models from Europe and the United States will be examined. The Article analyzes reports released by interministerial task forces as well as congressional hearings held on progress made and future steps that must be taken. This Article advocates establishing an independent and competent national rapporteur or a similar mechanism to assess government actions to combat the problem and recommend changes that should be implemented to reform existing frameworks. While reporting is an essential element of monitoring the status of human trafficking, it has not received adequate attention. This Article attempts to provide the first comprehensive study on the issue

    A role for coaching to support leadership development? The experiences of female Arab leaders: An interpretative phenomenological analysis

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    Objectives: This study aimed to explore how eight female leaders from four Arab countries experienced their leadership journey, and to consider a potential role for coaching in that developmental journey.Design and Method: A qualitative design was applied to explore the participants’ experiences. Data collection was through semi-structured interviews, and interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) was used to analyse the data.Results: Four themes emerged:(1) Acontinuous, exhausting struggle; (2) Fulfilment and pride in achievements;(3) Adoption of coping strategies;(4) Engagementin personal and professional development.Conclusion: The findings suggest that coaching could be an appropriate intervention to increase the individual leadership potential of females in the Arab world

    Experience replay is associated with efficient nonlocal learning

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    To make effective decisions, people need to consider the relationship between actions and outcomes. These are often separated by time and space. The neural mechanisms by which disjoint actions and outcomes are linked remain unknown. One promising hypothesis involves neural replay of nonlocal experience. Using a task that segregates direct from indirect value learning, combined with magnetoencephalography, we examined the role of neural replay in human nonlocal learning. After receipt of a reward, we found significant backward replay of nonlocal experience, with a 160-millisecond state-to-state time lag, which was linked to efficient learning of action values. Backward replay and behavioral evidence of nonlocal learning were more pronounced for experiences of greater benefit for future behavior. These findings support nonlocal replay as a neural mechanism for solving complex credit assignment problems during learning

    The atypical chemokine receptor ACKR2 is protective against sepsis

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    Sepsis is a systemic inflammatory response as a result of uncontrolled infections. Neutrophils are the first cells to reach the primary sites of infection and chemokines play a key role in recruiting neutrophils. However, in sepsis chemokines could also contribute to neutrophil infiltration to vital organs leading to multiple organ failure. ACKR2 is an atypical chemokine receptor, which can remove and degrade inflammatory CC chemokines. The role of ACK2 in sepsis is unknown. Using a model of cecal ligation and puncture (CLP), we demonstrate here that ACKR2 deficient (−/−) mice exhibited a significant reduction in the survival rate compared to similarly treated wild type (WT) mice. However, neutrophil migration to the peritoneal cavity and bacterial load were similar between WT and ACKR2−/− mice during CLP. In contrast, ACKR2−/− mice showed increased neutrophil infiltration and elevated CC chemokine levels in the lung, kidney and heart compared to the WT mice. In addition, ACKR2−/− mice also showed more severe lesions in the lung and kidney than those in the WT mice. Consistent with these results, WT mice under non-severe sepsis (90% survival) had higher expression of ACKR2 in these organs than mice under severe sepsis (no survival). Finally, the lungs from septic patients showed increased number of ACKR2+ cells compared to those of non-septic patients. Our data indicate that ACKR2 may have a protective role during sepsis, and the absence of ACKR2 leads to exacerbated chemokine accumulation, neutrophil infiltration and damage to vital organs

    Frequency of LCT -13910C>T single nucleotide polymorphism associated with adult-type hypolactasia/lactase persistence among Brazilians of different ethnic groups

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Adult-type hypolactasia, the physiological decline of lactase some time after weaning, was previously associated with the LCT -13910C>T polymorphism worldwide except in Africa. Lactase non-persistence is the most common phenotype in humans, except in northwestern Europe with its long history of pastoralism and milking. We had previously shown association of LCT -13910C>T polymorphism with adult-type hypolactasia in Brazilians; thus, we assessed its frequency among different Brazilian ethnic groups.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We investigated the ethnicity-related frequency of this polymorphism in 567 Brazilians [mean age, 42.1 ± 16.8 years; 157 (27.7%) men]; 399 (70.4%) White, 50 (8.8%) Black, 65 (11.5%) Brown, and 53 (9.3%) Japanese-Brazilian. DNA was extracted from leukocytes; LCT -13910C>T polymorphism was analyzed by PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Prevalence of the CC genotype associated with hypolactasia was similar (57%) among White and Brown groups; however, prevalence was higher among Blacks (80%) and those of Japanese descent (100%). Only 2 (4%) Blacks had TT genotype, and 8 (16%) had the CT genotype. Assuming an association between CC genotype and hypolactasia, and CT and TT genotypes with lactase persistence, 356 (62.8%) individuals had hypolactasia and 211 (37.2%) had lactase persistence. The White and Brown groups had the same hypolactasia prevalence (~57%); nevertheless, was 80% among Black individuals and 100% among Japanese-Brazilians (<it>P </it>< 0.01).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The lactase persistence allele, LCT -13910T, was found in about 43% of both White and Brown and 20% of the Black Brazilians, but was absent among all Japanese Brazilians studied.</p