1,517 research outputs found

    Sunlight (actinic) keratosis: an update

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    Ground State Energy of the One-Component Charged Bose Gas

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    The model considered here is the `jellium' model in which there is a uniform, fixed background with charge density eρ-e\rho in a large volume VV and in which N=ρVN=\rho V particles of electric charge +e+e and mass mm move --- the whole system being neutral. In 1961 Foldy used Bogolubov's 1947 method to investigate the ground state energy of this system for bosonic particles in the large ρ\rho limit. He found that the energy per particle is 0.402rs3/4me4/2-0.402 r_s^{-3/4} {me^4}/{\hbar^2} in this limit, where rs=(3/4πρ)1/3e2m/2r_s=(3/4\pi \rho)^{1/3}e^2m/\hbar^2. Here we prove that this formula is correct, thereby validating, for the first time, at least one aspect of Bogolubov's pairing theory of the Bose gasComment: 38 pages latex. Typos corrected.Lemma 6.2 change

    Multi-qubit gate with trapped ions for microwave and laser-based implementation

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    A proposal for a phase gate and a Mølmer–Sørensen gate in the dressed state basis is presented. In order to perform the multi-qubit interaction, a strong magnetic field gradient is required to couple the phonon-bus to the qubit states. The gate is performed using resonant microwave driving fields together with either a radio-frequency (RF) driving field, or additional detuned microwave driving fields. The gate is robust to ambient magnetic field fluctuations due to an applied resonant microwave driving field. Furthermore, the gate is robust to fluctuations in the microwave Rabi frequency and is decoupled from phonon dephasing due to a resonant RF or a detuned microwave driving field. This makes this new gate an attractive candidate for the implementation of high-fidelity microwave based multi-qubit gates. The proposal can also be realized in laser-based set-ups

    The antigenicity and cholesteroid nature of mycolic acids determined by recombinant chicken antibodies

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    <div><p>Mycolic acids (MA) are major, species-specific lipid components of Mycobacteria and related genera. In <i>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</i>, it is made up of alpha-, methoxy- and keto-MA, each with specific biological functions and conformational characteristics. Antibodies in tuberculosis (TB) patient sera respond differently towards the three MA classes and were reported to cross-react with cholesterol. To understand the antigenicity and cholesterol cross-reactivity of MA, we generated three different chicken -derived phage-displayed single-chain variable fragments (scFv) that reacted similarly towards the natural mixture of MA, but the first recognized all three classes of chemically synthetic MAs, the second only the two oxygenated types of MAs and the third only methoxy MA. The cholesterol cross-reactivity was investigated after grafting each of the three scFv types onto two configurations of constant chain domains–CH1-4 and CH2-4. Weak but significant cross-reactivity with cholesterol was found only with CH2-4 versions, notably those two that were also able to recognize the <i>trans</i>-keto MA. The cholesteroid nature of mycobacterial mycolic acids therefore seems to be determined by the <i>trans</i>-keto MA subclass. The significantly weaker binding to cholesterol in comparison to MA confirms the potential TB diagnostic application of these antibodies.</p></div

    Mixed Representation RPA Calculation for Octupole Excitations on Superdeformed Sates in the 40Ca and Neutron-Rich Sulfur Regions

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    By means of the mixed representation RPA based on the Skyrme-Hartree-Fock mean field, we investigate low-frequency octupole excitations built on the superdeformed (SD) states in the N=Z nuclei around 40Ca and the neutron-rich Sulfur isotopes. The RPA calculation is carried out fully self-consistently on the three-dimensional Cartesian mesh in a box, and yields a number of low-frequency octupole vibrations built on the SD states in 32S, 36Ar, 40Ca and 44Ti. In particular, a strongly collective K^\pi=1^- octupole vibration is suggested to appear on top of the SD state in 40Ca. For 48,50S close to the neutron drip line, we find that the low-lying state created by the excitation of a single neutron from a loosely bound low Omega level to a high Omega resonance level acquires an extremely strong octupole transition strength due to the spatially very extended structure of the particle-hole wave functions.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figure

    Meson loop effects in the NJL model at zero and non-zero temperature

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    We compare two different possibilities to include meson-loop corrections in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model: a strict 1/N_c-expansion in next-to-leading order and a non-perturbative scheme corresponding to a one-meson-loop approximation to the effective action. Both schemes are consistent with chiral symmetry, in particular with the Goldstone theorem and the Gell-Mann-Oakes-Renner relation. The numerical part at zero temperature focuses on the pion and the rho-meson sector. For the latter the meson-loop-corrections are crucial in order to include the dominant rho -> pipi-decay channel, while the standard Hartree + RPA approximation only contains unphysical qqbar-decay channels. We find that m_\pi, f_\pi, and quantities related to the rho-meson self-energy can be described reasonably with one parameter set in the 1/N_c-expansion scheme, whereas we did not succeed to obtain such a fit in the non-perturbative scheme. We also investigate the temperature dependence of the quark condensate. Here we find consistency with chiral perturbation theory to lowest order. Similarities and differences of both schemes are discussed.Comment: 51 pages, 18 figures, to be published in Physics of Atomic Nuclei, the volume dedicated to the 90th birthday of A.B. Migdal, error in Eq. 4.22 correcte

    Radiative decays with light scalar mesons and singlet-octet mixing in ChPT

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    We study different types of radiative decays involving f0(980) and a0(980) mesons within a unified ChPT-based approach at one-loop level. Light scalar resonances which are seen in pi pi, pi eta, K K-bar channels of phi(1020) radiative decays and in J/psi decays are responsible for key questions of low-energy dynamics in the strong interaction sector, and decays phi(1020) -> gamma a0(980), phi(1020) -> gamma f0(980), a0(980) -> gamma gamma, f0(980) -> gamma gamma are of interest for current experimental programs in Juelich, Frascati and Novosibirsk. From theoretical point of view it is important to verify whether light scalar mesons are members of some flavor octet or nonet. We find a value of mixing angle dictated by consistency with experiment and coupling structures of ChPT Lagrangian. Decay widths f0(980)/a0(980) -> gamma rho(770)/omega(782), which are not studied experimentally yet, are predicted. We also obtain several relations between widths, which hold independently of coupling constants and represent a fingerprint of the model.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures; misprints in text and tables corrected, discussion extended, references added; version accepted for publication in Eur.Phys.J.