637 research outputs found

    Direct observation of charge inversion by multivalent ions as a universal electrostatic phenomenon

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    We have directly observed reversal of the polarity of charged surfaces in water upon the addition of tri- and quadrivalent ions using atomic force microscopy. The bulk concentration of multivalent ions at which charge inversion reversibly occurs depends only very weakly on the chemical composition, surface structure, size and lipophilicity of the ions, but is dominated by their valence. These results support the theoretical proposal that spatial correlations between ions are the driving mechanism behind charge inversion.Comment: submitted to PRL, 26-04-2004 Changed the presentation of the theory at the end of the paper. Changed small error in estimate of prefactor ("w" in first version) of equation

    Wave function mapping conditions in Open Quantum Dots structures

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    We discuss the minimal conditions for wave function spectroscopy, in which resonant tunneling is the measurement tool. Two systems are addressed: resonant tunneling diodes, as a toy model, and open quantum dots. The toy model is used to analyze the crucial tunning between the necessary resolution in current-voltage characteristics and the breakdown of the wave functions probing potentials into a level splitting characteristic of double quantum wells. The present results establish a parameter region where the wavefunction spectroscopy by resonant tunneling could be achieved. In the case of open quantum dots, a breakdown of the mapping condition is related to a change into a double quantum dot structure induced by the local probing potential. The analogy between the toy model and open quantum dots show that a precise control over shape and extention of the potential probes is irrelevant for wave function mapping. Moreover, the present system is a realization of a tunable Fano system in the wave function mapping regime.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Many-body Theory vs Simulations for the pseudogap in the Hubbard model

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    The opening of a critical-fluctuation induced pseudogap (or precursor pseudogap) in the one-particle spectral weight of the half-filled two-dimensional Hubbard model is discussed. This pseudogap, appearing in our Monte Carlo simulations, may be obtained from many-body techniques that use Green functions and vertex corrections that are at the same level of approximation. Self-consistent theories of the Eliashberg type (such as the Fluctuation Exchange Approximation) use renormalized Green functions and bare vertices in a context where there is no Migdal theorem. They do not find the pseudogap, in quantitative and qualitative disagreement with simulations, suggesting these methods are inadequate for this problem. Differences between precursor pseudogaps and strong-coupling pseudogaps are also discussed.Comment: Accepted, Phys. Rev. B15 15Mar00. Expanded version of original submission, Latex, 8 pages, epsfig, 5 eps figures (Last one new). Discussion on fluctuation and strong coupling induced pseudogaps expande

    Hmong Adults Self-Rated Oral Health: A Pilot Study

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    Since 1975, the Hmong refugee population in the U.S. has increased over 200%. However, little is known about their dental needs or self-rated oral health (SROH). The study aims were to: (1) describe the SROH, self-rated general health (SRGH), and use of dental/physician services; and (2) identify the factors associated with SROH among Hmong adults. A cross-sectional study design with locating sampling methodology was used. Oral health questionnaire was administered to assess SROH and SRGH, past dental and physician visits, and language preference. One hundred twenty adults aged 18–50+ were recruited and 118 had useable information. Of these, 49% rated their oral health as poor/fair and 30% rated their general health as poor/fair. Thirty-nine percent reported that they did not have a regular source of dental care, 46% rated their access to dental care as poor/fair, 43% visited a dentist and 66% visited a physician within the past 12 months. Bivariate analyses demonstrated that access to dental care, past dental visits, age and SRGH were significantly associated with SROH (P \u3c 0.05). Multivariate analyses demonstrated a strong association between access to dental care and good/excellent SROH. About half of Hmong adults rated their oral health and access to dental care as poor. Dental insurance, access to dental care, past preventive dental/physician visits and SRGH were associated with SROH

    Convective Term and Transversely Driven Charge-Density Waves

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    We derive the convective terms in the damping which determine the structure of the moving charge-density wave (CDW), and study the effect of a current flowing transverse to conducting chains on the CDW dynamics along the chains. In contrast to a recent prediction we find that the effect is orders of magnitude smaller, and that contributions from transverse currents of electron- and hole-like quasiparticles to the force exerted on the CDW along the chains act in the opposite directions. We discuss recent experimental verification of the effect and demonstrate experimentally that geometry effects might mimic the transverse current effect.Comment: RevTeX, 9 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publications in PR

    Temporally ordered collective creep and dynamic transition in the charge-density-wave conductor NbSe3

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    We have observed an unusual form of creep at low temperatures in the charge-density-wave (CDW) conductor NbSe3_3. This creep develops when CDW motion becomes limited by thermally-activated phase advance past individual impurities, demonstrating the importance of local pinning and related short-length-scale dynamics. Unlike in vortex lattices, elastic collective dynamics on longer length scales results in temporally ordered motion and a finite threshold field. A first-order dynamic phase transition from creep to high-velocity sliding produces "switching" in the velocity-field characteristic.Comment: 4 pages, 4 eps figures; minor clarifications To be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Defects, order, and hysteresis in driven charge-density waves

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    We model driven two-dimensional charge-density waves in random media via a modified Swift-Hohenberg equation, which includes both amplitude and phase fluctuations of the condensate. As the driving force is increased, we find that the defect density first increases and then decreases. Furthermore, we find switching phenomena, due to the formation of channels of dislocations. These results are in qualitative accord with recent dynamical x-ray scattering experiments by Ringlandet al. and transport experiments by Lemay et al.Comment: Accepted to Phys. Rev. Lett. Click here for "http://www-theory.mpip-mainz.mpg.de/~karttune/CDW/", movies of driven CDW