502 research outputs found

    Behaviour of the Blazar CTA 102 during two giant outbursts

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    Blazar CTA 102 underwent exceptional optical and high-energy outbursts in 2012 and 2016-2017. We analyze its behaviour during these events, focusing on polarimetry as a tool that allows us to trace changes in the physical conditions and geometric configuration of the emission source close to the central black hole. We also use Fermi gamma-ray data in conjunction with optical photometry in an effort to localize the origin of the outbursts.AST-1615796 - Boston Universit

    Everyday Life of a Provincial Estate: A diary of a servant of the Ural Landowners Golubtsov

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    Marina Larionova, a specialist in the history of Russia, a candidate of historical sciences, presents her Everyday Life of a Provincial Estate (Yekaterinburg, 2013). The book was written with reference to a rare historical source, a diary of a servant of the Ural Landowners Golubtsov that is kept in the State Archive of Sverdlovsk Region (GASO, f. 67, op. 1, d. 69). The diary is anonymous, and the authorship was established as a result of an inquiry into its origin; Matvey Andreev, a descendant of a family of serfs was finally given credit as the author, and, according to the diary, he was a petty bourgeois of Kungur, an uyezd town, by the time the diary was started. For 3 years and 5 months (1872-1875), he wrote an account of daily life in the estate and in the manor house located in Aleksandrovskoye Settlement of Vladimir Platonovich Golubtsov, a Perm landowner. The diary describes the everyday life of a Ural petty manorial estate located in Krasnoufimsk Uyezd, Perm Governorate, the day-to-day routine of the owner and the dwellers of the manor, the relationships between them and the ones characteristic of the life of an uyezd community, the emotional experience of the people mentioned in the diary, and other details shedding light on the previously unknown events in the history of the Urals. In her talk with Lyudmila Dashkevich and Yevgeny Neklyudov, professors of history, research fellows of the Institute for History and Archaeology (Russian Academy of Sciences, Ural Branch), and with Irina Shalina, professor of philology, the author discusses the academic significance and informational potential of the source in question. The comparison drawn of the document with some previously known similar sources gives evidence proving its uniqueness conditioned by its comprehensive character, the author's viewpoint and the quality of the publication. Thus, it does not only comply with the text and has few editorial corrections, it also contains a variety of academic historical, cultural and biographic commentaries. The diary both describes the problems a 19 th -century manor could face on a daily basis and dwells on some general issues connected with the relationships between social classes, the historical psychology of servants, the perseverance of serf consciousness after the abolition of serfdom, the patriarchal character of life, and the modernization of the region's economy. © 2015 Ural Federal University. All rights reserved

    Simultaneous spectrophotometric determination of chromium(VI) and iron (III) by H-point standard addition method

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    In this work the possibility of simultaneous spectrophotometric determination of chromium (VI) and iron (III) in alloys with help of the mixed organic reagent (diphenylcarbazide and 1,10-phenanthroline) is studied. We have applied Н-point standard addition method to determine concentrations of chromium (VI) and iron (III) from the mixture. The pure signals of complexes of chromium (VI) with diphenylcarbazide and iron (III) with the 1,10-phenanthroline and their calibration plots are previously carried out. We established the possibility of simultaneous determination of chromium (VI) and iron (III) in the different concentration ranges by Н-point standard addition method. Correctness of determination of concentration by means of the offered technique is proved by "added-found" method for a series of mixtures with different ratios of concentration of chromium (VI) and iron (III). It is founded that the error of determination of concentration doesn't exceed 33 %.

    The American aid to the Russian reforms at the end of the twentieth century

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    The importance of the studied problem is caused by the USA’s leading role in the development of modern world order and the economy, its influence in the international economic organizations. The article is aimed at revealing the reasons of choosing neoliberal strategy for Russian reforms, the amount and results of the American financial and technical aid to these reforms. The leading approach of researching this problem is the complex one. It allows finding out economic, internal political, geopolitical and cultural factors which influenced the implementation and the results of the American assistance to the Russian reforms. Authors draw a conclusion about considerable influence of the USA on domestic policy of Russia in the early nineties of the XX century. The amount and the content of the American financial and technical assistance to the Russian government are analyzed. Promises of massive financial aid from the international economic organizations and the USA were realized partially and much later, than it was necessary for economic transformations. The article’s content and conclusions can be used in other scientific works on American-Russian relations history, Modern history of Russia, during elaboration the effective strategy of reforms for the countries which are in a condition of a transitional economy. © 2016 Tarasova et al


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    Purpose. To specify efficiency evaluation of the DС-DC power semiconductor converter application in the power-supply system. Methodology. We have chosen application version of converter and then used the statistical modeling of DC-DC converter for its efficiency evaluation at varied input voltage according to proposed technique. We have compared the simulated result with the data presented in reference literature. Results. We have proposed the efficiency evaluation technique of converter application. Proposed technique includes detection of external factors influenced on the converter efficiency; development of efficiency evaluation models; selecting application version of converter; determination of the correlation coefficients between the values of external factors; definition of the converter efficiency; obtaining of the converter efficiency distribution. Originality. For the first time, we have developed the evaluation technique of converter efficiency corrected for application version of converter. Practical value. Presented in the study results could be useful for specialists in semiconductor equipment, electrical facilities and systems.Разработана методика оценки эффективности использования силового полупроводникового преобразователя постоянного напряжения в системе электроснабжения. Методика включает выявление множества внешних факторов, влияющих на эффективность использование преобразователя; разработку модели оценки эффективности как функции внешних факторов; выбор варианта использования преобразователя; установление коэффициентов корреляции между значениями внешних факторов; определение значений КПД преобразователя; нахождение распределения КПД преобразователя. Применение предложенной методики проиллюстрировано на примере синхронного промежуточного вольтодобавочного преобразователя постоянного напряжения. Для этой цели выполнено статистическое моделирование преобразователя этого типа при стохастичном изменении входного напряжения.Розроблено методику оцінки ефективності використання силового напівпровідникового перетворювача постійної напруги в системі електропостачання. Методика включає виявлення множини зовнішніх чинників, що впливають на ефективність використання перетворювача; розробку моделі оцінки ефективності як функції зовнішніх чинників; вибір варіанта використання перетворювача; встановлення коефіцієнтів кореляції між значеннями зовнішніх чинників; визначення значень ККД перетворювача; знаходження розподілу ККД перетворювача. Застосування запропонованої методики проілюстровано на прикладі синхронного проміжного вольтододаткового перетворювача постійної напруги. Для цієї мети виконано статистичне моделювання перетворювача цього типу при стохастичній зміні вхідної напруги

    Development of Approaches and Organizational Models for the Mass Implementation of Information Modeling Technologies in the Investment and Construction Sphere

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    The rapidly increasing use of building information modeling (BIM) technologies in the world is highly relevant to the search for new approaches and managerial models for enterprises in the construction sphere. As shown in the study of several developing countries, there is a certain lag in this area compared with highly industrialized countries. A comparative analysis of countries in terms of the level of spread of BIM technologies was made using open data from job search Internet sites. In this regard, the urgency of the research is due to the need to develop appropriate approaches to intensify the implementation of BIM technologies in the construction and operation of buildings. The purpose of the study is the development of methodological foundations and applied models of functional interaction between participants of construction projects based on BIM. As a working hypothesis, the authors assume that the mass application of BIM technologies is possible in providing a set of measures of different nature: market, non-market, legal, economic, and organizational. The main results of the study provided a solution to the problem of a significant expansion of the scope of BIM technologies in the construction sector through the formation of an information eco-environment for interaction of participants in the project management system. © 2023 by the authors

    Study of the grammal standards of use of Russian pronouns in a foreign language auditorium

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    The article examines the problem of mastering the grammatical rules of use of Russian pronouns among foreign Chinese students. The authors suggest the most effective methods and forms of learning based on the particularity of the functional peculiarities of the pronominal words. The leading methods of research are analysis, observation, questioning and summarizing. The article highlights some methodological aspects of the study of the errors of Chinese students-philologists' use of Russian pronouns. The Chinese students' errors are identified by the authors as a result of holding an ascertaining experiment. Special attention is paid to the study of the nature of errors and ways of their prevention and overcoming. The authors consider the comparative study of pronouns in Russian and Chinese languages as the most appropriate method. This method will help the teacher to understand the cause of interfeairing errors for Chinese students due to the differences of Russian grammatical system and the same one of native (Chinese) languages. You should also take into account the specifics of pronouns in the Russian language, the speakers' depending on the situation in substitution or index functions. We believe that this study contributes its part in the area of didactics and can present an interesting topic of study for all people involved in teaching Russian language to foreign (Chinese) audience

    Theoretical and methodological approaches to management of resource flow processes of development projects on macro-, mezzo-, microlevels

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    Paper is devoted to the actual problem of managing resource flows of development projects as complex, unique, and open systems, across the different project lifecycle stages that differ in content and are distributed in space and time. The idea was to create a single throughout system for managing resource flow processes of the long-term projects. The research goal included development of theoretical and methodological approaches that can be used in order to manage the combination of development project resource flows using "order from chaos"paradigm. That includes by-stage organization of resource flow processes on of macro-, meso- and microscale, going from sources and sinks of the chaotic project environment resolve to ordered stages of project life cycles. It is proposed to implement resource flow management in form of the stage and resource-based "project-logistic"relay of a triune movement, ordering and transformation of the resource flow processes. This relay is created within a project-logistic field of project management that change by project phases. Synergetic effects of self-organization and self-control appear in the project logistic field due to horizontal interactions, sharing experience, competences, and values among the stakeholders in course of transforming entropic resource-flow processes into the negentropy processes related to project phase goals (attractors). Results can be used to forecast and develop multilevel resource-flow and process systems arranged by resource sources and sinks, and chaotically ordered for projects in different application areas. Further research perspectives include development of self-control and self-organization forms for development projects stakeholders that would comply with international best practices, and fit corresponding project stages. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Sustainable development of the Russian market of organic agro-industrial complex

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    Organic agriculture is a dynamically developing area of the global agro-industrial complex. Global climate problems and the depletion of natural resources across the planet dictate the need to review the food production technologies used. Excessive intensification of agricultural production through soil mineralization and fertilization, hormonal stimulation of animal and plant growth has led to the deterioration of water, soil, air quality and overall health. Therefore, the problem of reducing the anthropogenic impact on the environment is the main trend of implementing the principles of organic production. The paper developed recommendations for the strategic development of the Russian market of organic production within the framework of the current EAEU agreement. Conclusions were made on the expansion of instruments of state incentives for the development of organic agricultural production in a changing world economic relations and integration. © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2023

    Interband mixing between two-dimensional states localized in a surface quantum well and heavy hole states of the valence band in narrow gap semiconductor

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    Theoretical calculations in the framework of Kane model have been carried out in order to elucidate the role of interband mixing in forming the energy spectrum of two-dimensional carriers, localized in a surface quantum well in narrow gap semiconductor. Of interest was the mixing between the 2D states and heavy hole states in the volume of semiconductor. It has been shown that the interband mixing results in two effects: the broadening of 2D energy levels and their shift, which are mostly pronounced for semiconductors with high doping level. The interband mixing has been found to influence mostly the effective mass of 2D carriers for large their concentration, whereas it slightly changes the subband distribution in a wide concentration range.Comment: 12 pages (RevTEX) and 4 PostScript-figure