45 research outputs found

    Towards interoperability through inter-enterprise collaboration architectures

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    Most enterprise architectures published so far are capable of generating reasonably good descriptive models for individual enterprises to enable integration, organization and synchronization of enterprise elements: organizational structure, business processes, information systems and technology infrastructure, among others. However, research in this field applied to the extended enterprise or inter-enterprise architectures that takes into account the growing trend towards complex collaborative environments is very scarce. In this sense, this article seeks to analyze, link and synthesize the researches that has addressed the disciplines of enterprise architecture and business collaboration, in order to identify possible future research needs from the conceptualization made.Vargas, A.; Boza Garcia, A.; Cuenca, L. (2011). Towards interoperability through inter-enterprise collaboration architectures. En On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2011 Workshops. Springer Verlag (Germany). 7046:102-111. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-25126-9_18S1021117046Adam, O., Hofer, A., Zang, S., Hammer, C., Jerrentrup, M., Leinenbach, S.: A Collaboration Framework for Cross-enterprise Business Process Management. In: First International Conference on Interoperability of Enterprise Software and Application, Geneva (2005)Chalmeta, R., Grangel, R.: ARDIN extension for virtual enterprise integration. The Journal of Systems and Software 67, 141–152 (2003)Choi, Y., Kang, D., Chae, H., Kim, K.: An enterprise architecture framework for collaboration of virtual enterprise chains. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 35, 1065–1078 (2008)Schekkerman, J.: Extended Enterprise Architecture Framework Essentials Guide. Institute For Enterprise Architecture Developments, IFEAD (2006), http://www.enterprise-architecture.info/index.htmISO 15704. Industrial automation systems - Requirements for enterprise-reference architectures and methodologies.: International Organization for Standardization (2000)Kosanke, K., Vernadat, F., Zelm, M.: CIMOSA: Enterprise engineering and integration. Computers in Industry 40, 83–97 (1999)Cuenca, L.: Marco arquitectónico para la propuesta IE-GIP. Extensión de la arquitectura CIMOSA. Aplicación a una empresa del sector cerámico. PhD thesis. Universidad Politécnica de ValenciaMolina, A., Panetto, H., Chen, D., Whitman, L.: Enterprise Integration and Networking: challenges and trends. Studies in Informatics and Control 16(4), 353–368 (2007)Ortiz, A., Lario, F., Ros, L.: Enterprise Integration—Business Processes Integrated Management: a proposal for a methodology to develop Enterprise Integration Programs. Computers in Industry 40, 155–171 (1999)Chalmeta, R., Campos, C., Grangel, R.: References architectures for enterprise integration. The Journal of Systems and Software 57, 175–191 (2001)Vernadat, F.: Enterprise modeling and integration (EMI): Current status and research perspectives. Annual Reviews in Control 26, 15–25 (2002)Williams, T., Li, H.: PERA and GERAM enterprise reference architectures in enterprise integration. Information Infrastructure Systems for Manufacturing, 1–27 (1998)Lankhorst, M.: Enterprise Architecture at Work: Modelling, Communication and Analysis. Springer, Heidelberg (2009)Arango, M., Londoño, J., Zapata, J.: Arquitectura empresarial- Una visión general. Revista Ingenierías Universidad de Medellín 9(16), 101–111 (2010)Bernard, S.: An introduction to enterprise architecture. AuthorHouse, Bloomington (2005)Cuenca, L., Ortiz, A., Boza, A.: Arquitectura de Empresa. Visión General. In: IX Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización, Gijón (2005)Maya, E.: Arquitectura empresarial: un nuevo reto para las empresas de hoy. Centro de Investigación de las Telecomunicaciones. INTERACTIC: Interacción con la información (2010), http://www.interactic.org.co/THE OPEN GROUP.: ARCHIMATE, The Power of Enterprise Architecture (2009), http://www.archimate.org/en/home/Stelzer, D.: Enterprise Architecture Principles: Literature Review and Research Directions. In: Dan, A., Gittler, F., Toumani, F. (eds.) ICSOC/ServiceWave 2009. LNCS, vol. 6275, pp. 12–21. Springer, Heidelberg (2010)Schekkerman, J.: Enterprise architecture validation. Achieving business-aligned and validated enterprise architectures. Institute For Enterprise Architecture Developments, IFEAD (2004), http://www.enterprise-architecture.info/index.htmKosanke, K.: CIMOSA Primer on key concepts, purpose and business value (1996), http://cimosa.cnt.pl/Chen, D., Vallespir, B., Doumeingts, G.: GRAI integrated methodology and its mapping onto generic enterprise reference architecture and methodology. Computers in Industry 33, 387–394 (1997)Rathwell, G.: PERA Enterprise Integration Web Site (2005), http://www.pera.net/Williams, T., Rathwell, G., Li, H.: A handbook on master planning and implementation for enterprise integration programs. PERA Enterprise Integration Web Site (2001), http://www.pera.net/IFIP.: GERAM: Generalised Enterprise Reference Architecture and Methodology. International Federation for Information Processing (1999), http://dl.ifip.org/index.php/index/indexOrtiz, A.: Propuesta para el Desarrollo de Programas de Integración Empresarial en Empresas Industriales. Aplicación a una Empresa del Sector Cerámico. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (1998)Cuenca, L., Boza, A., Ortiz, A.: Architecting business and IS/IT strategic alignment for extend enterprises. Studies in Informatics and Control 20(1), 7–18 (2011)The Open Group (2011), https://www.opengroup.org/index.htmGrangel, R.: Propuesta para el Modelado del Conocimiento Empresarial. PhD thesis Universidad Jaume I de Castello (2007)Scheer, A., Schneider, K.: ARIS – Architecture of Integrated Information. Handbook on Architectures of Information Systems. International Handbooks on Information Systems 3, 605–623 (2006)ISO/CEN 19439. Enterprise integration - Framework for enterprise modelling.: International Organization for Standardization (2006)Stadtler, H., Kilger, C.: Supply Chain Management and advance planning. Concepts, Models, Sofware and Cases Studies. Springer, Heidelberg (2002)Alarcón, F., Ortiz, A., Alemany, M., Lario, F.: Planificación Colaborativa en un contexto de varias Cadenas de Suministro: ventajas y desventajas. In: VIII Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización, Leganés, pp. 857–866 (2004)Alarcón, F.: Desarrollo de una Arquitectura para la definición del proceso de Comprometer Pedidos en contextos de Redes de Suministro Colaborativas. Aplicación a una Red compuesta por Cadenas de Suministro en los Sectores Cerámico y del Mueble. PhD thesis Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (2005)Petersen, K., Ragatz, G., Monczka, R.: An Examination of Collaborative Planning Effectiveness and Supply Chain Performance. The Journal of Supply Chain Management 41(2), 14–25 (2005)Ribas, I., Companys, R.: Estado del arte de la planificación colaborativa en la cadena de suministro: Contexto determinista e incierto. Intangible Capital, 91–121 (2007)Ribas, I., Lario, F., Companys, R.: Modelos para la planificación colaborativa en la cadena de suministro: contexto determinista e incierto. In: Congreso de ingeniería de organización, Valencia, pp. 1–10 (2006)Dudek, G.: Collaborative Planning in Supply Chains. Supply Chain Management and Collaborative Planning. Springer, Heidelberg (2009)Stadtler, H.: A framework for collaborative planning and state-of-the-art. OR Spectrum 31, 5–30 (2009)Kilger, C., Reuter, B., Stadtler, H.: Collaborative Planning. In: Stadtler, H., Kilger, C. (eds.) Supply Chain Management and Advanced Planning-—Concepts, Models Software and Case Studies, pp. 263–284. Springer, Heidelberg (2008)Audy, J., Lehoux, N., D’Amours, S.: A framework for an efficient implementation of logistics collaborations. International Transactions in Operational Research, 1–25 (2010)Zachman, J.: A Framework for Information Systems Architecture. IBM Systems Journal 26(3), 454–470 (1987

    The rexinoid, bexarotene, prevents the development of premalignant lesions in MMTV-erbB2 mice

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    Retinoids, vitamin A analogues that bind to retinoic acid receptor (RAR) or retinoid X receptor (RXR), play important roles in regulating cell proliferation, apoptosis, and differentiation. Recently, RXR-selective ligands, also referred to as rexinoids, have been investigated as potential chemopreventive agents for breast cancer. Our previous studies demonstrated that the rexinoid bexarotene significantly prevented ER-negative mammary tumourigenesis with less toxicity than naturally occurring retinoids in animal models. To determine whether bexarotene prevents cancer at the early stages during the multistage process of mammary carcinogenesis, we treated MMTV-erbB2 mice with bexarotene for 2 or 4 months. The development of preinvasive mammary lesions such as hyperplasias and carcinoma-in-situ was significantly inhibited. This inhibition was associated with reduced proliferation, but no induction of apoptosis. We also examined the regulation of a number of rexinoid-modulated genes including critical growth and cell cycle regulating genes using breast cell lines and mammary gland samples from mice treated with rexinoids. We showed that two of these genes (DHRS3 and DEC2) were modulated by bexarotene both in vitro and in vivo. Identification of these rexinoid-modulated genes will help us understand the mechanism by which rexinoid prevents cancer. Such rexinoid-regulated genes also represent potential biomarkers to assess the response of rexinoid treatment in clinical trials

    Functional interaction between mouse erbB3 and wild-type rat c-neu in transgenic mouse mammary tumor cells

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    INTRODUCTION: Co-expression of several receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs), including erbB2 and erbB3, is frequently identified in breast cancers. A member of the RTK family, the kinase-deficient erbB3 can activate downstream signaling via heterodimer formation with erbB2. We studied the expression of RTK receptors in mammary tumors from the wild-type (wt) rat c-neu transgenic model. We hypothesized that physical and functional interactions between the wt rat neu/ErbB2 transgene and mouse ErbB3-encoded proteins could occur, activating downstream signaling and promoting mammary oncogenesis. METHODS: Immunohistochemical and Western blot analyses were performed to study the expression of rat c-neu/ErbB2 and mouse erbB3 in mammary tumors and tumor-derived cell lines from the wt rat c-neu transgenic mice. Co-immunoprecipitation methods were employed to quantitate heterodimerization between the transgene-encoded protein erbB2 and the endogenous mouse erbB3. Tumor cell growth in response to growth factors, such as Heregulin (HRG), epidermal growth factor (EGF), or insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), was also studied. Post-HRG stimulation, activation of the RTK downstream signaling was determined by Western blot analyses using antibodies against phosphorylated Akt and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), respectively. Specific inhibitors were then used with cell proliferation assays to study the phosphoinositide-3 kinase (PI-3K)/Akt and MAPK kinase (MEK)/MAPK pathways as possible mechanisms of HRG-induced tumor cell proliferation. RESULTS: Mammary tumors and tumor-derived cell lines frequently exhibited elevated co-expression of erbB2 and erbB3. The transgene-encoded protein erbB2 formed a stable heterodimer complex with endogenous mouse erbB3. HRG stimulation promoted physical and functional erbB2/erbB3 interactions and tumor cell growth, whereas no response to EGF or IGF-1 was observed. HRG treatment activated both the Akt and MAPK pathways in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Both the PI-3K inhibitor LY 294002 and MEK inhibitor PD 98059 significantly decreased the stimulatory effect of HRG on tumor cell proliferation. CONCLUSION: The co-expression of wt rat neu/ErbB2 transgene and mouse ErbB3, with physical and functional interactions between these two species of RTK receptors, was demonstrated. These data strongly suggest a role for erbB3 in c-neu (ErbB2)-associated mammary tumorigenesis, as has been reported in human breast cancers

    Влияние фосфатных связующих на физико-механические свойства периклазохромитовых огнеупоров

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    У данній статті наведено та порівняно фізико-механічні властивості периклазо-хромітових матеріалів в залежності від різних типів фосфатних зв’язуючих та введення різних домішок. Визначено, що найбільш раціональним є введення триполіфосфату натрію.In given clause are resulted and the physycal-mechanical properties periclase-cgromite of materials are compared depending on different of types phosphate binding and introduction of the various additives. Is determined, that most rational is the introduction treepolyphosphate sodume

    Wie gut beherrschen Studierende im Praktischen Jahr klinisch-praktische Fertigkeiten?

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    Introduction: The clinical examination and other practical clinical skills are fundamental to guide diagnosis and therapy. The teaching of such practical skills has gained significance through legislative changes and adjustments of the curricula of medical schools in Germany. We sought to find out how well final year undergraduate medical students master practical clinical skills.Methods: We conducted a formative 4-station objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) focused on practical clinical skills during the final year of undergraduate medical education. Participation was voluntary. Besides the examination of heart, lungs, abdomen, vascular system, lymphatic system as well as the neurological, endocrinological or orthopaedic examination we assessed other basic clinical skills (e.g. interpretation of an ECG, reading a chest X-ray). Participants filled-out a questionnaire prior to the exam, inter alia to give an estimate of their performance.Results: 214 final year students participated in our study and achieved a mean score of 72.8% of the total score obtainable. 9.3% of participants (n=20) scored insufficiently (<60%). We found no influence of sex, prior training in healthcare or place of study on performance. Only one third of the students correctly estimated their performance (35.3%), whereas 30.0% and 18.8% over-estimated their performance by 10% and 20% respectively.Discussion: Final year undergraduate medical students demonstrate considerable deficits performing practical clinical skills in the context of a formative assessment. Half of the students over-estimate their own performance. We recommend an institutionalised and frequent assessment of practical clinical skills during undergraduate medical education, especially in the final year.Einleitung: Die körperliche Untersuchung und klinisch-praktische Fertigkeiten sind wesentliche ärztliche Fähigkeiten, mit deren Hilfe die Diagnostik und Therapie von Krankheiten gesteuert werden. Durch curriculare Veränderungen wird der praktischen Ausbildung ein hoher Stellenwert eingeräumt. Wie gut beherrschen also Studierende im Praktischen Jahr (PJ) klinisch-praktische Fertigkeiten?Methoden: Wir führten eine freiwillige mündlich-praktische Prüfung mittels OSCE bei Studierenden im PJ durch. Inhalte der Prüfung waren u.a. die körperliche Untersuchung (Herz, Lunge, Abdomens, Gefäßsystem, Lymphsystem; neurologische, endokrinologische bzw. orthopädische Untersuchung) sowie elementare praktische Fertigkeiten (etwa EKG-Interpretation, Basis-Befundung Röntgen-Thorax). Die Teilnehmer füllten zudem vor Beginn der Prüfung einen Fragebogen aus, u.a. zur Einschätzung der eigenen Leistung.Ergebnisse: Insgesamt 214 PJ-Studierende nahmen teil und erreichten 72,8% der erreichbaren Punktzahl. Eine nicht ausreichende Leistung (<60%) zeigten 9,3% der Teilnehmer (n=20). Geschlecht, vorangegangene Ausbildung in einem Gesundheitsberuf sowie Studienort hatten keinen Einfluss auf die Leistung. Im Mittel schätzten sich die Studierenden 0,5 Notenstufen besser. 35,3% der Teilnehmer vermochten ihre Leistung richtig einzuschätzen. 30,0% überschätzten ihr Ergebnis um eine Notenstufe, 18,8% um zwei oder mehr Notenstufen. Diskussion: Studierende im Praktischen Jahr zeigen deutliche Defizite bei der Durchführung klinisch-praktischer Fertigkeiten im Rahmen einer mündlich-praktischen Prüfung. Dabei überschätzt knapp die Hälfte der Studierenden die eigene Leistung. Eine institutionalisierte, regelhafte Prüfung der mündlich-praktischen Fähigkeiten im Praktischen Jahr erscheint daher notwendig

    Optoacoustic imaging and staging of arthritic inflammation.

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    Objectives Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is one of the most frequent inflammatory diseases, causing pain and disability in the affected joints. Early diagnosis is essential for the efficiency of symptomatic treatment, and relies on careful clinical, serologic and imaging examinations, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), which is both expensive and time consuming. In an effort to provide the biomedical community with a more accessible way to assess arthritis advancement, we investigated the use of multispectral optoacoustic tomography (MSOT) in a murine model to visualize the extent of the inflammation in vivo through a L- and P-selectin targeting contrast agent. Methods Collagen induced arthritis mice were used as a rheumatoid arthritis model of the limb. MSOT was performed using a L- and P-selectin targeting contrast agent (dPGS-NIR provided by Mivenion, Germany) to increase contrast of the arthritic joint, and signal intensity ratios between healthy and arthritic legs were calculated. Contrast enhanced MR imaging as well as clinical observation, lymphocyte/granulocyte ratio and histology served as references. Results MSOT using an inflammation targeting contrast agent allowed for accurate diagnosis of inflammation in the mouse joints and for significant differentiation of inflamed to healthy joints (P = 0.023). The arthritis findings on the MSOT images were confirmed by clinical observation, blood analysis, contrast enhanced MRI and ex vivo histological examinations. Conclusion This study demonstrates that the combination of inflammation targeting contrast agent and optoacoustic tomographic imaging present a promising mean for diagnosis and staging of arthritic inflammation

    Polyglycerolsulfate functionalized gold nanorods as optoacoustic signal nanoamplifiers for <em>in vivo</em> bioimaging of rheumatoid arthritis.

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    We have synthesized a targeted imaging agent for rheumatoid arthritis based on polysulfated gold nanorods. The CTAB layer on gold nanorods was first replaced with PEG-thiol and then with dendritic polyglycerolsulfate at elevated temperature, which resulted in significantly reduced cytotoxicity compared to polyanionic gold nanorods functionalized by non-covalent approaches. In addition to classical characterization methods, we have established a facile UV-VIS based BaCl2 agglomeration assay to confirm a quantitative removal of unbound ligand. With the help of a competitive surface plasmon resonance-based L-selectin binding assay and a leukocyte adhesion-based flow cell assay, we have demonstrated the high inflammation targeting potential of the synthesized gold nanorods in vitro. In combination with the surface plasmon resonance band of AuNRs at 780 nm, these findings permitted the imaging of inflammation in an in vivo mouse model for rheumatoid arthritis with high contrast using multispectral optoacoustic tomography. The study offers a robust method for otherwise difficult to obtain covalently functionalized polyanionic gold nanorods, which are suitable for biological applications as well as a low-cost, actively targeted, and high contrast imaging agent for the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. This paves the way for further research in other inflammation associated pathologies, in particular, when photothermal therapy can be applied