145 research outputs found

    Dielectric response function PdHx system

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    The calculations of electron structure of pure Pd and PdHx (x=1,2,3) system have been made ab initio in the range of local density approximation. Total energy of PdHx system has been calculated for the cases of different coordination of hydrogen atom (oct-and tetrahedral), the conclusion on their most probable location in metal lattice has been made. In the approximation of constant matrix element the imaginary part of permittivity constant function ?2(?) has been calculated. It was stated that dissolution of hydrogen in palladium increases values of the function ?2(?) in the investigated range of energies from 2 to 24 eV. Therefore in the case of radiation impact on PdHx system one can expect intensive excitement of the crystal electron subsystem, and, hence, decrease of potential barriers for hydrogen atom movement

    Experimental verification of PbBi2_{2}Te4_{4} as a 3D topological insulator

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    The first experimental evidence is presented of the topological insulator state in PbBi2_{2}Te4_{4}. A single surface Dirac cone is observed by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) with synchrotron radiation. Topological invariants Z2\mathbb{Z}_2 are calculated from the {\it ab initio} band structure to be 1; (111). The observed two-dimensional iso-energy contours in the bulk energy gap are found to be the largest among the known three-dimensional topological insulators. This opens a pathway to achieving a sufficiently large spin current density in future spintronic devices.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    One-dimensional Topological Edge States of Bismuth Bilayers

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    The hallmark of a time-reversal symmetry protected topologically insulating state of matter in two-dimensions (2D) is the existence of chiral edge modes propagating along the perimeter of the system. To date, evidence for such electronic modes has come from experiments on semiconducting heterostructures in the topological phase which showed approximately quantized values of the overall conductance as well as edge-dominated current flow. However, there have not been any spectroscopic measurements to demonstrate the one-dimensional (1D) nature of the edge modes. Among the first systems predicted to be a 2D topological insulator are bilayers of bismuth (Bi) and there have been recent experimental indications of possible topological boundary states at their edges. However, the experiments on such bilayers suffered from irregular structure of their edges or the coupling of the edge states to substrate's bulk states. Here we report scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) experiments which show that a subset of the predicted Bi-bilayers' edge states are decoupled from states of Bi substrate and provide direct spectroscopic evidence of their 1D nature. Moreover, by visualizing the quantum interference of edge mode quasi-particles in confined geometries, we demonstrate their remarkable coherent propagation along the edge with scattering properties that are consistent with strong suppression of backscattering as predicted for the propagating topological edge states.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, and supplementary materia

    de Sitter Thick Brane Solution in Weyl Geometry

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    In this paper, we consider a de Sitter thick brane model in a pure geometric Weyl integrable five-dimensional space-time, which is a generalization of Riemann geometry and is invariant under a so-called Weyl rescaling. We find a solution of this model via performing a conformal transformation to map the Weylian structure into a familiar Riemannian one with a conformal metric. The metric perturbations of the model are discussed. For gravitational perturbation, we get the effective modified Po¨\ddot{\text{o}}schl-Teller potential in corresponding Schro¨\ddot{\text{o}}dinger equation for Kaluza-Klein (KK) modes of the graviton. There is only one bound state, which is a normalizable massless zero mode and represents a stable 4-dimensional graviton. Furthermore, there exists a mass gap between the massless mode and continuous KK modes. We also find that the model is stable under the scalar perturbation in the metric. The correction to the Newtonian potential on the brane is proportional to e3rβ/2/r2e^{-3 r \beta/2}/r^2, where β\beta is the de Sitter parameter of the brane. This is very different from the correction caused by a volcano-like effective potential.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figures, published versio

    A boundary stress tensor for higher-derivative gravity in AdS and Lifshitz backgrounds

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    We investigate the Brown-York stress tensor for curvature-squared theories. This requires a generalized Gibbons-Hawking term in order to establish a well-posed variational principle, which is achieved in a universal way by reducing the number of derivatives through the introduction of an auxiliary tensor field. We examine the boundary stress tensor thus defined for the special case of `massive gravity' in three dimensions, which augments the Einstein-Hilbert term by a particular curvature-squared term. It is shown that one obtains finite results for physical parameters on AdS upon adding a `boundary cosmological constant' as a counterterm, which vanishes at the so-called chiral point. We derive known and new results, like the value of the central charges or the mass of black hole solutions, thereby confirming our prescription for the computation of the stress tensor. Finally, we inspect recently constructed Lifshitz vacua and a new black hole solution that is asymptotically Lifshitz, and we propose a novel and covariant counterterm for this case.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figure; v2: minor corrections, references added, to appear in JHE

    On higher derivative gravity, c-theorems and cosmology

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    We consider higher derivative gravity lagrangians in 3 and 4 dimensions, which admit simple c-theorems, including upto six derivative curvature invariants. Following a suggestion by Myers, these lagrangians are restricted such that the fluctuations around (anti) de Sitter spaces have second order linearized equations of motion. We study c-theorems both in the context of AdS/CFT and cosmology. In the context of cosmology, the monotonic function is the entropy defined on the apparent horizon through Wald's formula. Exact black hole solutions which are asymptotically (anti) de Sitter are presented. An interesting lower bound for entropy is found in de Sitter space. Some aspects of cosmology in both D=3 and D=4 are discussed.Comment: 23 pages, v3: clarifications added, references adde

    Lifshitz spacetimes from AdS null and cosmological solutions

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    We describe solutions of 10-dimensional supergravity comprising null deformations of AdS5×S5AdS_5\times S^5 with a scalar field, which have z=2z=2 Lifshitz symmetries. The bulk Lifshitz geometry in 3+1-dimensions arises by dimensional reduction of these solutions. The dual field theory in this case is a deformation of the N=4 super Yang-Mills theory. We discuss the holographic 2-point function of operators dual to bulk scalars. We further describe time-dependent (cosmological) solutions which have anisotropic Lifshitz scaling symmetries. We also discuss deformations of AdS×XAdS\times X in 11-dimensional supergravity, which are somewhat similar to the solutions above. In some cases here, we expect the field theory duals to be deformations of the Chern-Simons theories on M2-branes stacked at singularities.Comment: Latex, 29pgs, v3. references, minor clarifications (subsection on Lifshitz geometry seen by scalar probes) added, to appear in JHE

    BPS States in Omega Background and Integrability

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    We reconsider string and domain wall central charges in N=2 supersymmetric gauge theories in four dimensions in presence of the Omega background in the Nekrasov-Shatashvili (NS) limit. Existence of these charges entails presence of the corresponding topological defects in the theory - vortices and domain walls. In spirit of the 4d/2d duality we discuss the worldsheet low energy effective theory living on the BPS vortex in N=2 Supersymmetric Quantum Chromodynamics (SQCD). We discuss some aspects of the brane realization of the dualities between various quantum integrable models. A chain of such dualities enables us to check the AGT correspondence in the NS limit.Comment: 48 pages, 10 figures, minor changes, references added, typos correcte

    Oxidised cosmic acceleration

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    We give detailed proofs of several new no-go theorems for constructing flat four-dimensional accelerating universes from warped dimensional reduction. These new theorems improve upon previous ones by weakening the energy conditions, by including time-dependent compactifications, and by treating accelerated expansion that is not precisely de Sitter. We show that de Sitter expansion violates the higher-dimensional null energy condition (NEC) if the compactification manifold M is one-dimensional, if its intrinsic Ricci scalar R vanishes everywhere, or if R and the warp function satisfy a simple limit condition. If expansion is not de Sitter, we establish threshold equation-of-state parameters w below which accelerated expansion must be transient. Below the threshold w there are bounds on the number of e-foldings of expansion. If M is one-dimensional or R everywhere vanishing, exceeding the bound implies the NEC is violated. If R does not vanish everywhere on M, exceeding the bound implies the strong energy condition (SEC) is violated. Observationally, the w thresholds indicate that experiments with finite resolution in w can cleanly discriminate between different models which satisfy or violate the relevant energy conditions.Comment: v2: corrections, references adde

    Towards strange metallic holography

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    We initiate a holographic model building approach to `strange metallic' phenomenology. Our model couples a neutral Lifshitz-invariant quantum critical theory, dual to a bulk gravitational background, to a finite density of gapped probe charge carriers, dually described by D-branes. In the physical regime of temperature much lower than the charge density and gap, we exhibit anomalous scalings of the temperature and frequency dependent conductivity. Choosing the dynamical critical exponent zz appropriately we can match the non-Fermi liquid scalings, such as linear resistivity, observed in strange metal regimes. As part of our investigation we outline three distinct string theory realizations of Lifshitz geometries: from F theory, from polarised branes, and from a gravitating charged Fermi gas. We also identify general features of renormalisation group flow in Lifshitz theories, such as the appearance of relevant charge-charge interactions when z2z \geq 2. We outline a program to extend this model building approach to other anomalous observables of interest such as the Hall conductivity.Comment: 71 pages, 8 figure