59 research outputs found

    Evaluation de l'impact des nouvelles Directives et recommandations architecturales des établissements médico-sociaux vaudois (DAEMS) sur la satisfaction des usagers

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    L'environnement construit contribue à influencer la santé des individus, selon l'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé. L'architecture des établissements médico-sociaux (EMS) peut, elle aussi, produire un impact sur le bien-être et la satisfaction des résident-e-s et des autres usagers. Dans le canton de Vaud, des normes architecturales de construction des EMS (les Directives et recommandations architecturales des établissements médico-sociaux, DAEMS) ont été créées en 2003 afin d'optimiser la conception des EMS par rapport aux besoins des usagers. Notre étude a pour but de vérifier si les EMS construits selon les DAEMS sont associés avec une satisfaction accrue des usagers par rapport aux EMS qui n'ont pas été construits selon ces directives. "Le but de la présente étude est de vérifier si le fait de construire les EMS selon les DAEMS est associé avec une plus grande satisfaction chez les usagers par rapport aux EMS qui n'ont pas été construits selon les DAEMS. Nous avons effectué une comparaison de la satisfaction auprès des trois-publics qui sont les principaux usagers des EMS, à savoir les résident-e-s, leurs proches de référence, et les professionnel-le-s en EMS. Trente EMS ont participé à l'étude, à savoir dix construits selon les DAEMS (EMS « DAEMS »), et vingt qui n'ont pas été construits selon les DAEMS (EMS « non-DAEMS »). Ce rapport a été défini pour garantir une bonne validité statistique des résultats

    A DNA barcode reference library for Swiss butterflies and forester moths as a tool for species identification, systematics and conservation.

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    Butterfly monitoring and Red List programs in Switzerland rely on a combination of observations and collection records to document changes in species distributions through time. While most butterflies can be identified using morphology, some taxa remain challenging, making it difficult to accurately map their distributions and develop appropriate conservation measures. In this paper, we explore the use of the DNA barcode (a fragment of the mitochondrial gene COI) as a tool for the identification of Swiss butterflies and forester moths (Rhopalocera and Zygaenidae). We present a national DNA barcode reference library including 868 sequences representing 217 out of 224 resident species, or 96.9% of Swiss fauna. DNA barcodes were diagnostic for nearly 90% of Swiss species. The remaining 10% represent cases of para- and polyphyly likely involving introgression or incomplete lineage sorting among closely related taxa. We demonstrate that integrative taxonomic methods incorporating a combination of morphological and genetic techniques result in a rate of species identification of over 96% in females and over 98% in males, higher than either morphology or DNA barcodes alone. We explore the use of the DNA barcode for exploring boundaries among taxa, understanding the geographical distribution of cryptic diversity and evaluating the status of purportedly endemic taxa. Finally, we discuss how DNA barcodes may be used to improve field practices and ultimately enhance conservation strategies

    A meta-review of evidence on heart failure disease management programs: the challenges of describing and synthesizing evidence on complex interventions

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    Background: Despite favourable results from past meta-analyses, some recent large trials have not found Heart Failure (HF) disease management programs to be beneficial. To explore reasons for this, we evaluated evidence from existing meta-analyses. Methods: Systematic review incorporating meta-review was used. We selected meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials published after 1995 in English that examined the effects of HF disease management programs on key outcomes. Databases searched: MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR), DARE, NHS EED, NHS HTA, Ageline, AMED, Scopus, Web of Science and CINAHL; cited references, experts and existing reviews were also searched. Results: 15 meta-analyses were identified containing a mean of 18.5 randomized trials of HF interventions +/- 10.1 (range: 6 to 36). Overall quality of the meta-analyses was very mixed (Mean AMSTAR Score = 6.4 +/- 1.9; range 2-9). Reporting inadequacies were widespread around populations, intervention components, settings and characteristics, comparison, and comparator groups. Heterogeneity (statistical, clinical, and methodological) was not taken into account sufficiently when drawing conclusions from pooled analyses. Conclusions: Meta-analyses of heart failure disease management programs have promising findings but often fail to report key characteristics of populations, interventions, and comparisons. Existing reviews are of mixed quality and do not adequately take account of program complexity and heterogeneity

    A first update on mapping the human genetic architecture of COVID-19

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