1,698 research outputs found

    Wigner Measure Propagation and Conical Singularity for General Initial Data

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    We study the evolution of Wigner measures of a family of solutions of a Schr\"odinger equation with a scalar potential displaying a conical singularity. Under a genericity assumption, classical trajectories exist and are unique, thus the question of the propagation of Wigner measures along these trajectories becomes relevant. We prove the propagation for general initial data.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figur

    Géochimie d'une toposéquence de sols tropicaux du Tchad : utilisation des méthodes statistiques

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    In der tropischen Bodenkette von Mindera (Tschad) konnten verschiedene pedologische und geochemische Faziestypen festgestellt werden. Von den höher gelegenen ausgewaschenen Typen zu den angereicherten Typen der tieferen Lagen findet man Kaolinit, konkretionierte Eisen-und Manganhydroxyde, Montmorillonit und schliesslich Kalziumkarbonat. Mit Hilfe statistischer Methoden ist es möglich die Proben in Gruppen zusammenzufassen, die Beziehungen zwischen Hauptund Spurenelementen festzustellen sowie deren Lokalisation in verschiedenen mineralogischen und geochemischen Faziestypen zu erkennen. So erscheint die landschaftliche Verteilung der Elemente sehr nuanciert : die Zusammensetzung der Bestandteile eines Faziestyps ist nicht konstant längs der Bodenkette, die relative Mobilität der Elemente hängt von dieser Fazies und den vorhandenen geochemischen Schranken ab.Геохимия последовательного ряда тропических почв чада. применение статистических методов. В ряде тропических почв Миндеры, территория Чад, различные педологические и геохимические фации располагаются, во времени и пространстве, в определенном порядке. Они характеризуются, от вышележащей выщелоченной до нижележащей замкнутой среды, следующим последовательним рядом : каолинит, конкреционные гидроокиси железа и потом марганца, монтмориллонит и карбонат кальция. Статистические методы (кистевой анализ, факторный анализ) позволяют выделить группы образцов, связь между главными элементами и микроэлементами, также как и их локализацию в различных минералогических и геохимических определенных фациях. Таким образом, хроматографическая схема элементов в ландшафтах представляется нюансированной : состав компонентов одной фации не постоянен в последовательном ряду ; порядок относительной подвижности элементов меняется в зависимости от фаций и природы геохимических барьеров.In the tropical soil catena of Mindera, Chad, several pedological faciès are distributed in space and time. From the leached environments of the upper part of the catena to the confined environments of the lower part, the succession is the following : kaolinite, iron then manganese hydroxide concretions, montmorillonite and calcium carbonate. The statistic methods (factor analysis and cluster analysis) permit the autours to establish groups of samples, relations between major elements and trace elements, as well as their distribution in the different mineralogical and geochemical facies defined. The scheme of the chromatography of elements in the landscapes is thus discriminative : the composition of the constituents of a facies is not constant along the catena ; the order of relative mobility of elements varies as a function of facies and of the nature of geochemical barriers.Dans la chaîne de sols tropicaux de Mindera, au Tchad, différents faciès pédologiques et géochimiques s'ordonnent dans l'espace et dans le temps. Ils sont caractérisés, depuis les milieux lessivés de l'amont aux milieux confinés de l'aval, par la succession suivante : kaolinite, hydroxydes concrétionnés de fer puis de manganèse, montmorillonite et carbonate de calcium. Les méthodes statistiques (analyse de grappe et analyse factorielle) permettent d'établir des groupes d'échantillons, les relations entre éléments majeurs et traces, ainsi que leur localisation dans les différents faciès minéralogiques et géochimiques définis. Le schéma de la Chromatographie des éléments dans les paysages est donc nuancé : la composition des constituants d'un faciès n'est pas constante le long de la toposéquence ; l'ordre de mobilité relative des éléments varie en fonction des faciès et de la nature des barrières géochimiques.Karpoff Anne-Marie, Bocquier Gérard, Isnard Pierre, Tardy Yves. Géochimie d'une toposéquence de sols tropicaux du Tchad. Utilisation des méthodes statistiques. In: Sciences Géologiques. Bulletin, tome 26, n°4, 1973. Sédimentologie et géochimie de la surface. pp. 315-338

    Universal optimal broadband photon cloning and entanglement creation in one dimensional atoms

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    We study an initially inverted three-level atom in the lambda configuration embedded in a waveguide, interacting with a propagating single-photon pulse. Depending on the temporal shape of the pulse, the system behaves either as an optimal universal cloning machine, or as a highly efficient deterministic source of maximally entangled photon pairs. This quantum transistor operates over a wide range of frequencies, and can be implemented with today's solid-state technologies.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Photoassisted tunneling from free-standing GaAs thin films into metallic surfaces

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    The tunnel photocurrent between a gold surface and a free-standing semiconducting thin film excited from the rear by above bandgap light has been measured as a function of applied bias, tunnel distance and excitation light power. The results are compared with the predictions of a model which includes the bias dependence of the tunnel barrier height and the bias-induced decrease of surface recombination velocity. It is found that i) the tunnel photocurrent from the conduction band dominates that from surface states. ii) At large tunnel distance the exponential bias dependence of the current is explained by that of the tunnel barrier height, while at small distance the change of surface recombination velocity is dominant

    A Kato type Theorem for the inviscid limit of the Navier-Stokes equations with a moving rigid body

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    The issue of the inviscid limit for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations when a no-slip condition is prescribed on the boundary is a famous open problem. A result by Tosio Kato says that convergence to the Euler equations holds true in the energy space if and only if the energy dissipation rate of the viscous flow in a boundary layer of width proportional to the viscosity vanishes. Of course, if one considers the motion of a solid body in an incompressible fluid, with a no-slip condition at the interface, the issue of the inviscid limit is as least as difficult. However it is not clear if the additional difficulties linked to the body's dynamic make this issue more difficult or not. In this paper we consider the motion of a rigid body in an incompressible fluid occupying the complementary set in the space and we prove that a Kato type condition implies the convergence of the fluid velocity and of the body velocity as well, what seems to indicate that an answer in the case of a fixed boundary could also bring an answer to the case where there is a moving body in the fluid

    Optimal irreversible stimulated emission

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    We studied the dynamics of an initially inverted atom in a semi-infinite waveguide, in the presence of a single propagating photon. We show that atomic relaxation is enhanced by a factor of 2, leading to maximal bunching in the output field. This optimal irreversible stimulated emission is a novel phenomenon that can be observed with state-of-the-art solid-state atoms and waveguides. When the atom interacts with two one-dimensional electromagnetic environments, the preferential emission in the stimulated field can be exploited to efficiently amplify a classical or a quantum state.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Gravitational dipole radiations from binary systems

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    We investigate the possibility of generating sizeable dipole radiations in relativistic theories of gravity. Optimal parameters to observe their effects through the orbital period decay of binary star systems are discussed. Constraints on gravitational couplings beyond general relativity are derived.Comment: One comment added, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    The black holes of topologically massive gravity

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    We show that an analytical continuation of the Vuorio solution to three-dimensional topologically massive gravity leads to a two-parameter family of black hole solutions, which are geodesically complete and causally regular within a certain parameter range. No observers can remain static in these spacetimes. We discuss their global structure, and evaluate their mass, angular momentum, and entropy, which satisfy a slightly modified form of the first law of thermodynamics.Comment: 10 pages; Eq. (15) corrected, references added, version to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit