146 research outputs found

    Thomas-Fermi Calculations of Atoms and Matter in Magnetic Neutron Stars II: Finite Temperature Effects

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    We present numerical calculations of the equation of state for dense matter in high magnetic fields, using a temperature dependent Thomas-Fermi theory with a magnetic field that takes all Landau levels into account. Free energies for atoms and matter are also calculated as well as profiles of the electron density as a function of distance from the atomic nucleus for representative values of the magnetic field strength, total matter density, and temperature. The Landau shell structure, which is so prominent in cold dense matter in high magnetic fields, is still clearly present at finite temperature as long as it is less than approximately one tenth of the cyclotron energy. This structure is reflected in an oscillatory behaviour of the equation of state and other thermodynamic properties of dense matter and hence also in profiles of the density and pressure as functions of depth in the surface layers of magnetic neutron stars. These oscillations are completely smoothed out by thermal effects at temperatures of the order of the cyclotron energy or higher.Comment: 37 pages, 17 figures included, submitted to Ap

    Three-Particle Correlations in Simple Liquids

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    We use video microscopy to follow the phase-space trajectory of a two-dimensional colloidal model liquid and calculate three-point correlation functions from the measured particle configurations. Approaching the fluid-solid transition by increasing the strength of the pair-interaction potential, one observes the gradual formation of a crystal-like local order due to triplet correlations, while being still deep inside the fluid phase. Furthermore, we show that in a strongly interacting system the Born-Green equation can be satisfied only with the full triplet correlation function but not with three-body distribution functions obtained from superposing pair-correlations (Kirkwood superposition approximation).Comment: 4 pages, submitted to PRL, experimental paper, 2nd version: Fig.1 and two new paragraphs have been adde

    Neutrino opacity in magnetised hot and dense nuclear matter

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    We study the neutrino interaction rates in hot matter at high densities in the presence of uniform magnetic field. The neutrino cross-sections involving both the charged current absorption and neutral current scattering reactions on baryons and leptons have been considered. We have in particular considered the interesting case when the magnetic field is strong enough to completely polarise the protons and electrons in supernovae and neutron stars. The opacity in such a situation is considerably modified and the cross-section develops anisotropy. This has implications for phenomenon invoked in the literature to explain the observed pulsar kicks.Comment: 22 latex pages and 7 postscript figure

    Consistent alpha-cluster description of the 12C (0^+_2) resonance

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    The near-threshold 12C (0^+_2) resonance provides unique possibility for fast helium burning in stars, as predicted by Hoyle to explain the observed abundance of elements in the Universe. Properties of this resonance are calculated within the framework of the alpha-cluster model whose two-body and three-body effective potentials are tuned to describe the alpha - alpha scattering data, the energies of the 0^+_1 and 0^+_2 states, and the 0^+_1-state root-mean-square radius. The extremely small width of the 0^+_2 state, the 0_2^+ to 0_1^+ monopole transition matrix element, and transition radius are found in remarkable agreement with the experimental data. The 0^+_2-state structure is described as a system of three alpha-particles oscillating between the ground-state-like configuration and the elongated chain configuration whose probability exceeds 0.9

    Puzzling thermonuclear burst behaviour from the transient low-mass X-ray binary IGR J17473-2721

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    We investigate the thermonuclear bursting behaviour of IGR J17473-2721, an X-ray transient that in 2008 underwent a six month long outburst, starting (unusually) with an X-ray burst. We detected a total of 57 thermonuclear bursts throughout the outburst with AGILE, Swift, RXTE, and INTEGRAL. The wide range of inferred accretion rates (between <1% and about 20% of the Eddington accretion rate m-dot_Edd) spanned during the outburst allows us to study changes in the nuclear burning processes and to identify up to seven different phases. The burst rate increased gradually with the accretion rate until it dropped (at a persistent flux corresponding to about 15% of m-dot_Edd) a few days before the outburst peak, after which bursts were not detected for a month. As the persistent emission subsequently decreased, the bursting activity resumed with a much lower rate than during the outburst rise. This hysteresis may arise from the thermal effect of the accretion on the surface nuclear burning processes, and the timescale is roughly consistent with that expected for the neutron star crust thermal response. On the other hand, an undetected superburst, occurring within a data gap near the outburst peak, could have produced a similar quenching of burst activity.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Triplet correlations in two-dimensional colloidal model liquids

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    Three-body distribution functions in classical fluids have been theoretically investigated many times, but have never been measured directly. We present experimental three-point correlation functions that are computed from particle configurations measured by means of video-microscopy in two types of quasi-two-dimensional colloidal model fluids: a system of charged colloidal particles and a system of paramagnetic colloids. In the first system the particles interact via a Yukawa potential, in the second via a potential Γ/r3\Gamma/r^{3}. We find for both systems very similar results: on increasing the coupling between the particles one observes the gradual formation of a crystal-like local order due to triplet correlations, even though the system is still deep inside the fluid phase. These are mainly packing effects as is evident from the close resemblance between the results for the two systems having completely different pair-interaction potentials.Comment: many pages, 8 figures, contribution to the special issue in J.Phys. Cond. Mat. of the CECAM meeting in LYON ''Many-body....'

    The Ground States of Large Quantum Dots in Magnetic Fields

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    The quantum mechanical ground state of a 2D NN-electron system in a confining potential V(x)=Kv(x)V(x)=Kv(x) (KK is a coupling constant) and a homogeneous magnetic field BB is studied in the high density limit NN\to\infty, KK\to \infty with K/NK/N fixed. It is proved that the ground state energy and electronic density can be computed {\it exactly} in this limit by minimizing simple functionals of the density. There are three such functionals depending on the way B/NB/N varies as NN\to\infty: A 2D Thomas-Fermi (TF) theory applies in the case B/N0B/N\to 0; if B/Nconst.0B/N\to{\rm const.}\neq 0 the correct limit theory is a modified BB-dependent TF model, and the case B/NB/N\to\infty is described by a ``classical'' continuum electrostatic theory. For homogeneous potentials this last model describes also the weak coupling limit K/N0K/N\to 0 for arbitrary BB. Important steps in the proof are the derivation of a new Lieb-Thirring inequality for the sum of eigenvalues of single particle Hamiltonians in 2D with magnetic fields, and an estimation of the exchange-correlation energy. For this last estimate we study a model of classical point charges with electrostatic interactions that provides a lower bound for the true quantum mechanical energy.Comment: 57 pages, Plain tex, 5 figures in separate uufil

    Neutrino Propagation in a Strongly Magnetized Medium

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    We derive general expressions at the one-loop level for the coefficients of the covariant structure of the neutrino self-energy in the presence of a constant magnetic field. The neutrino energy spectrum and index of refraction are obtained for neutral and charged media in the strong-field limit (MWBme,T,μ,pM_{W}\gg \sqrt{B}\gg m_{e},T,\mu ,| \mathbf{p}| ) using the lowest Landau level approximation. The results found within the lowest Landau level approximation are numerically validated, summing in all Landau levels, for strong BT2B\gg T^{2} and weakly-strong BT2B \gtrsim T^{2} fields. The neutrino energy in leading order of the Fermi coupling constant is expressed as the sum of three terms: a kinetic-energy term, a term of interaction between the magnetic field and an induced neutrino magnetic moment, and a rest-energy term. The leading radiative correction to the kinetic-energy term depends linearly on the magnetic field strength and is independent of the chemical potential. The other two terms are only present in a charged medium. For strong and weakly-strong fields, it is found that the field-dependent correction to the neutrino energy in a neutral medium is much larger than the thermal one. Possible applications to cosmology and astrophysics are considered.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures. Corrected misprints in reference