3,684 research outputs found

    Azimuthal Asymmetry of Direct Photons in High Energy Nuclear Collisions

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    We show that a sizeable azimuthal asymmetry, characterized by a coefficient v_2, is to be expected for direct photons produced in non-central high energy nuclear collisions. This signal is generated by photons radiated by jets interacting with the surrounding hot plasma. The anisotropy is out of phase by an angle π/2\pi/2 with respect to that associated with the elliptic anisotropy of hadrons, leading to negative values of v_2. Such an asymmetry, if observed, could be a signature for the presence of a quark gluon plasma and would establish the importance of jet-plasma interactions as a source of electromagnetic radiation.Comment: New title. Final versio

    Extreme nonlinear electrodynamics in metamaterials with very small linear dielectric permittivity

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    We consider a sub-wavelength periodic layered medium whose slabs are filled by arbitrary linear metamaterials and standard nonlinear Kerr media and we show that the homogenized medium behaves as a Kerr medium whose parameters can assume values not available in standard materials. Exploiting such a parameter availability, we focus on the situation where the linear relative dielectric permittivity is very small thus allowing the observation of the extreme nonlinear regime where the nonlinear polarization is comparable with or even greater than the linear part of the overall dielectric response. The behavior of the electromagnetic field in the extreme nonlinear regime is very peculiar and characterized by novel features as, for example, the transverse power flow reversing. In order to probe the novel regime, we consider a class of fields (transverse magnetic nonlinear guided waves) admitting full analytical description and we show that these waves are allowed to propagate even in media with ϵ0\epsilon0 since the nonlinear polarization produces a positive overall effective permittivity. The considered nonlinear waves exhibit, in addition to the mentioned features, a number of interesting properties like hyper-focusing induced by the phase difference between the field components.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Competition between ferromagnetic and charge-orbital ordered phases in Pr1x_{1-x}Cax_{x}MnO3_3 for xx=1/4, 3/8, and 1/2

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    Spin, charge, and orbital structures in models for doped manganites are studied by a combination of analytic mean-field and numerical relaxation techniques. At realistic values for the electron-phonon and antiferromagnetic t2gt_{2g} spin couplings, a competition between a ferromagnetic (FM) phase and a charge-orbital ordered (COO) insulating state is found for xx=1/4, 3/8, and 1/2, as experimentally observed in Pr1x_{1-x}Cax_{x}MnO3_3 for xx=0.3\sim0.5. The theoretical predictions for the spin-charge-orbital ordering pattern are compared with experiments. The FM-COO energy difference is surprisingly small for the densities studied, result compatible with the presence of a robust colossal-magnetoresistive effect in Pr1x_{1-x}Cax_{x}MnO3_3 in a large density interval.Comment: 4 pages, Revtex, with 2 figures embedded in the text. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Dynamical Casimir-Polder interaction between an atom and surface plasmons

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    We investigate the time-dependent Casimir-Polder potential of a polarizable two-level atom placed near a surface of arbitrary material, after a sudden change in the parameters of the system. Different initial conditions are taken into account. For an initially bare ground-state atom, the time-dependent Casimir-Polder energy reveals how the atom is "being dressed" by virtual, matter-assisted photons. We also study the transient behavior of the Casimir-Polder interaction between the atom and the surface starting from a partially dressed state, after an externally induced change in the atomic level structure or transition dipoles. The Heisenberg equations are solved through an iterative technique for both atomic and field operators in the medium-assisted electromagnetic field quantization scheme. We analyze in particular how the time evolution of the interaction energy depends on the optical properties of the surface, in particular on the dispersion relationof surface plasmon polaritons. The physical significance and the limits of validity of the obtained results are discussed in detail.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Violation of Casimir Scaling for Static QCD Potential at Three-loop Order

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    We compute the full O(αs4){\cal O}(\alpha_s^4) and O(αs4logαs){\cal O}(\alpha_s^4\log\alpha_s) corrections to the potential VR(r)V_R(r) between the static color sources, where VR(r)V_R(r) is defined from the Wilson loop in a general representation RR of a general gauge group GG. We find a violation of the Casimir scaling of the potential, for the first time, at O(αs4){\cal O}(\alpha_s^4). The effect of the Casimir scaling violation is predicted to reduce the tangent of VR(r)/CRV_R(r)/C_R proportionally to specific color factors dependent on RR. We study the sizes of the Casimir scaling violation for various RR's in the case G=SU(3)G=SU(3). We find that they are well within the present bounds from lattice calculations, in the distance region where both perturbative and lattice computations of VR(r)V_R(r) are valid. We also discuss how to test the Casimir scaling violating effect.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures, v2: a typo in eq.(13) correcte

    Local Fields without Restrictions on the Spectrum of 4-Momentum Operator and Relativistic Lindblad Equation

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    Quantum theory of Lorentz invariant local scalar fields without restrictions on 4-momentum spectrum is considered. The mass spectrum may be both discrete and continues and the square of mass as well as the energy may be positive or negative. Such fields can exist as part of a hidden matter in the Universe if they interact with ordinary fields very weakly. Generalization of Kallen-Lehmann representation for propagators of these fields is found. The considered generalized fields may violate CPT- invariance. Restrictions on mass-spectrum of CPT-violating fields are found. Local fields that annihilate vacuum state and violate CPT- invariance are constructed in this scope. Correct local relativistic generalization of Lindblad equation for density matrix is written for such fields. This generalization is particulary needed to describe the evolution of quantum system and measurement process in a unique way. Difficulties arising when the field annihilating the vacuum interacts with ordinary fields are discussed.Comment: Latex 23 pages, sent to "Foundations of Physics

    Perturbative Expansion in the Galilean Invariant Spin One-Half Chern-Simons Field Theory

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    A Galilean Chern-Simons field theory is formulated for the case of two interacting spin-1/2 fields of distinct masses M and M'. A method for the construction of states containing N particles of mass M and N' particles of mass M' is given which is subsequently used to display equivalence to the spin-1/2 Aharonov-Bohm effect in the N = N' =1 sector of the model. The latter is then studied in perturbation theory to determine whether there are divergences in the fourth order (one loop) diagram. It is found that the contribution of that order is finite (and vanishing) for the case of parallel spin projections while the antiparallel case displays divergences which are known to characterize the spin zero case in field theory as well as in quantum mechanics.Comment: 14 pages LaTeX, including 2 figures using eps

    Long range neutrino forces in the cosmic relic neutrino background

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    Neutrinos mediate long range forces among macroscopic bodies in vacuum. When the bodies are placed in the neutrino cosmic background, these forces are modified. Indeed, at distances long compared to the scale T1T^{-1}, the relic neutrinos completely screen off the 2-neutrino exchange force, whereas for small distances the interaction remains unaffected.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Large Rapidity Gap Processes in Proton-Nucleus Collisions

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    The cross sections for a variety of channels of proton-nucleus interaction associated with large gaps in rapidity are calculated within the Glauber-Gribov theory. We found inelastic shadowing corrections to be dramatically enhanced for such events. We employ the light-cone dipole formalism which allows to calculate the inelastic corrections to all orders of the multiple interaction. Although Gribov corrections are known to make nuclear matter more transparent, we demonstrate that in some instances they lead to an opaqueness. Numerical calculations are performed for the energies of the HERA-B experiment, and the RHIC-LHC colliders.Comment: 19 page

    Dynamical Generation of Extended Objects in a 1+11+1 Dimensional Chiral Field Theory: Non-Perturbative Dirac Operator Resolvent Analysis

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    We analyze the 1+11+1 dimensional Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model non-perturbatively. In addition to its simple ground state saddle points, the effective action of this model has a rich collection of non-trivial saddle points in which the composite fields \sigx=\lag\bar\psi\psi\rag and \pix=\lag\bar\psi i\gam_5\psi\rag form static space dependent configurations because of non-trivial dynamics. These configurations may be viewed as one dimensional chiral bags that trap the original fermions (``quarks") into stable extended entities (``hadrons"). We provide explicit expressions for the profiles of these objects and calculate their masses. Our analysis of these saddle points is based on an explicit representation we find for the diagonal resolvent of the Dirac operator in a \{\sigx, \pix\} background which produces a prescribed number of bound states. We analyse in detail the cases of a single as well as two bound states. We find that bags that trap NN fermions are the most stable ones, because they release all the fermion rest mass as binding energy and become massless. Our explicit construction of the diagonal resolvent is based on elementary Sturm-Liouville theory and simple dimensional analysis and does not depend on the large NN approximation. These facts make it, in our view, simpler and more direct than the calculations previously done by Shei, using the inverse scattering method following Dashen, Hasslacher, and Neveu. Our method of finding such non-trivial static configurations may be applied to other 1+11+1 dimensional field theories