40 research outputs found

    Peran Serta Masyarakat dalam Proses Penyusunan Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan Hidup

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      Environmental Impact Analysis or called EIA is a preventive measure to prevent environmental damage as well as a prerequisite for getting an environmental license. The EIA in its preparation should involve the society, but there are still many societies that have not been fully involved by investors/business actors and the government. Whereas the society has the right and obligation to keep environment. The lack of social involvement to result in further about an assessment of social participation in the process of preparing EIA. The written uses normative juridical methods in addressing issues related to guarantees of protection concerning society involvement in the process of preparing to EIA and the legal consequences of non-involvement of the society. Discussion results show that society involvement in the EIA compilation process has been protected and guaranteed its rights by regulation but the implications of the regulation are still minimal. Consequently, the involvement of the public with the implications of EIA documents may be submitted to the Administrative Court and investors/business actors shall be required to improve the phase of the non-involvement of the society in the process of preparing the EIA in accordance with the court's verdict. Keywords: Social Participation, Environmental Impact Analysis, Administrative Cour


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    Wabah virus corona atau lebih dikenal dengan nama Covid–19 berdampak sampai ke Indonesia hinggasekarang. Angka penularan virus ini terus meningkat di Indonesia dan masih tergolong tinggi sehingga kerjasama antara pemerintah, aparat, swasta dan masyarakat terjalin dalam menanggulangi penyebaran viruscorona. Pengobatan Covid–19 diterapi dengan antivirus dan antibiotik yang menjadi salah satu fakorpenunjang keberhasilan pengobatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi penggunaan oseltamivirsebagai antivirus dan azitromisin sebagai antibiotik pada terapi pasien Covid–19 ditinjau dari hasil data klinikdan pengunaan obat di RS Undata Tahun 2020. Desain penelitian ini, yaitu kuantitatif dengan pendekatanretrospektif, dengan populasi seluruh pasien terkonfirmasi positif covid-19 dan jumlah sampel 52 pasien yangmemenuhi kriteria inklusi yaitu pasien menerima oseltamivir dan azitromisin dan memiliki data suhu, heartrate, respiration rate, leukosit, hasil klinik yang tertera di rekam medik. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis denganuji statistik Wilcoxon. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penggunaan oseltamivir dengan persentase 11%,sedangkan azitromisin dengan persentase 4% untuk terapi tunggal dan sebanyak 85% untuk terapi kombinasioseltamivir dan azitromisin. Penggunaan terapi oseltamivir dan azitromisin menunjukkan perbedaan yangsignifikan untuk suhu tubuh (p=0,002), heart rate (p=0,003) dan GCS (p=0,035), tidak ada perbedaan signifikanuntuk hasil pemeriksaan leukosit (p=0,888) dan respiration rate (p=0,333). Pemberian kombinasi oseltamivirdan azitromisin sebagai terapi pengobatan lebih efektif dan dapat memperluas lingkup terapi dan beberapainfeksi

    Metabolic syndrome and its associated factors in patients with severe mental illness in Malaysia

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    Background: Mental illness is a huge public health issue. Patients with severe mental illness (SMI) are at risk of developing metabolic syndrome (MetS). Therefore, this cross-sectional study aimed to determine the associations between personal, clinical and lifestyle factors with MetS in patients with SMI. Materials and Methods: 151 patients attending psychiatric outpatient clinics in two government hospitals in Klang Valley participated in this study. The Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) was used to diagnose patients with SMI by a psychiatrist. MetS was defined based on the 2009 Joint Interim Statement (JIS) criteria. Information needed on socio-demographic background, clinical characteristics (types and duration of illness and medication), lifestyle factors (physical activity level, smoking behaviour and alcohol consumption) were collected through a face-to-face interview. Body weight, height, waist circumference, percentage of body fat and blood pressure were measured by the researchers. Blood test results were obtained from the medical records. Result: Nearly half of the respondents (48.3%) had MetS, in which it was higher among males (48.5%), married respondents (61.5%), older age group (66.7%) and schizophrenic patients (50.7%). Overweight (AOR=3.64, 95% CI=1.55-8.58) and obese (AOR=15.06, 95% CI=5.27-43.09) patients were more likely to develop MetS. Moreover, middle-aged and older patients were about 3 times (AOR=3.31, 95% CI=1.38-7.94) and 6 times (AOR=5.65, 95% CI=1.62-19.73), respectively, more likely to develop MetS compared to younger patients. Conclusion: This study demonstrated high prevalence of MetS among patients with SMI. It also highlighted the need of regular assessment of BMI among patients with SMI to prevent MetS

    Temporal and Spatial Variations in Fish Assemblage Structures in Relation to the Physicochemical Parameters of the Merbok Estuary, Kedah

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    The effects of seven variables–rainfall, water depth, salinity, turbidity, temperature, conductivity and pH–on fish assemblages were evaluated in this study. Fish were sampled on a monthly basis using a barrier net deployed by artisanal fishermen at six physicochemical sampling stations. The Merbok estuary was influenced by variable river discharges and mainly affected by primary and secondary wet seasons in March–June and August–November, respectively. This impacted the salinity gradient which ranged from 3.50 ppt to almost 30.75 ppt, resulted in two different salinity regimes, i.e. mesohaline and polyhaline. The temperature varied with a pronounced peak in both the primary and secondary rainy seasons. Other parameters such as conductivity, turbidity and pH fluctuated temporally, but no significant differences were recorded among the sampling sites. Fish species accounted for 72.06% (897.9 g/b/t), while marine and freshwater shrimps accounted for 27.94% (350.7 g/b/t). Almost 80 species of fish, representatives of 45 genera from 36 were recorded in the present study. Temporally, the mean abundance of fish was lower during the primary wet season than during the secondary rainy periods while spatially, the mean abundance of fish species was higher in the middle zone of the estuarine systems. The correlations between species and variables, suggesting the importance of environmental parameters in determining fish distribution, abundance and assemblage. Some fish species such as Butis gymnopomus showed a strong correlation with turbidity and pH, whereas others such as Lates calcarifer were strongly correlated with salinity. Key words: physicochemical, estuarine fishery, resource management, Merbok estuar

    Student perceptions of teaching quality in five countries: A partial credit model approach to assess measurement invariance

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    This study examines measurement invariance of student perceptions of teaching quality collected in five countries: Indonesia (n students = 6,331), the Netherlands (n students = 6,738), South Africa (n students = 3,422), South Korea (n students = 6,997) and Spain (n students = 4,676). The administered questionnaire was the My Teacher Questionnaire (MTQ). Student perceived teachers’ teaching quality was estimated using the partial credit model (PCM). Tests for differential item functioning (DIF) were used to assess measurement invariance. Furthermore, if DIF was found, it was explored whether an application of a quasi-international calibration, which estimates country-unique parameters for DIF items, can provide more valid estimates for between-country comparisons. Results indicate the absence of non-uniform DIF, but presence of uniform DIF among most items. This suggests that direct comparisons of raw mean or sum scores between countries is not advisable. Details of the set of invariant items are provided. Furthermore, results suggest that the quasi-international calibration is promising, but also that this approach needs further exploration in the context of student perceptions of teaching quality

    Fitting the best-fit distribution for the hourly rainfall amount in the Wilayah Persekutuan

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    In determining the best-fit model for the hourly rainfall amounts for the twelve stations in the Wilayah Persekutuan, four distributions namely, the Exponential, Gamma, Weibull and Mixed-Exponential were used. Parameters for each distribution were estimated using the maximum likelihood method. The best-fit model was chosen based upon the minimum error produced by the goodness-of-fit tests used in this study. The tests were justified further by the exceedance probability plot. The Mixed-Exponential was found to be the most appropriate distribution in describing the hourly rainfall amounts. From the parameter estimates for the Mixed-Exponential distribution, it could be implied that most of the hourly rainfall amount recorded were received from the heavy rainfall even though there was a high occurrences of light rainfall

    Implementasi Peran Koperasi dalam Pemberdayaan dan Kemandirian Pondok (Studi Kasus pada Pondok Pesantren Mukmin Mandiri Sidoarjo)

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    The purpose of the study was to find out the title role of Pesantren believer Cooperative Mandiri Sidoarjo towards economic empowerment and independence employee boarding schools. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative approach to the case study method. Data collection was carried out by interviews and direct observation to informants, namely those in charge of pesantren, cooperative and cooperative employees (santri). And secondary data collection comes from journals, text books and other literature. The result of this study is the Mukmin Mandiri Pesantren Cooperative plays a major role in enhancing the empowerment of cooperative employees (santri) and playing an optimal role in supporting the independence of the cottage. The economic empowerment of pesantren employees conducted by the Mukmin Mandiri Pesantren Cooperative is by making the Cooperative a work field, a place to apply knowledge and a place to increase income. As for the independence of the cottage, that is to become the main source of funding for Islamic boarding schools in carrying out operations and the sustainability of Islamic boarding schools. Going forward, the Cooperative will further optimize the empowerment of union employees (santri) to print better students in the field of entrepreneurship and religion

    Business Process Analysis and Improvement in Selling Process Using Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) at Locarvest

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    This research is conducted in Locarvest. Established in 2015, Locarvest is an online platform company that selling agricultural products based in Bandung. They see the importance of agricultural products for humans and people who like to shop online as an opportunity for them to sell local agricultural products online. Currently, they have been developing a website to change their selling platform which will be launched soon in the late of July 2019. They assume that the website can create a simpler selling process. However, they do not have their written business process where many companies have become increasingly interested in business processes due to the need for effective and efficient activities (Dave, 2017). In here, the objectives of this research are to analyze and model the current business process of Locarvest and propose a new business process to solve Locarvest's current problem using the concept of Business Process Management (BPM) and the design is modeled using Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN). To model the current business process, interviews with the employees of Locarvest and observation in the office were conducted. The result of this paper is proposing some improvements within the business process by eliminating some activities and create some new activities for Locarvest. The design also has been approved by the employees of Locarvest. Keywords: Business process, Business Process Management, Business Process Modelling Notation, case study, agricultur

    Generation of rainfall sequence using fourier series

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    The generation of rainfall sequence at subdaily scale is needed for various applications in hydrology. In this study a clustered point process model the Neyman Scott Rectangular Pulse Model (NSRP) with mixed exponential distribution for cell intensity is selected to produce synthetic hourly rainfall sequence of the Klang Valley, Malaysia. In the NSRP model, storms arrive following a Poisson process. Each storm generates rain cells with the position of cells relative to storm origin are determined by the exponential distribution. Individual cell has width and height which correspond to the cell’s duration and intensity respectively. The NSRP model with mixed exponential distribution has seven parameters, X, v , B, n, a, and 0 that characterize respectively the storm origin, number of cells, positions of cells, duration of cells, mixing probability and the intensity of cells. The model’s parameters were estimated by employing the Shuffle Complex Evolution (SCEMJA) method. The model’s setback which requires the parameters to be estimated monthly to account for seasonality is dealt with by incorporating Fourier Series. Fourier coeftlcients for each paranieter were derived based on significant harmonics which best describe the parameter. Historical hourly data of ten years were used for model assessment. Results indicate that statistical properties of the simulated rainfall series were able to match most of those of the historical series. The preservation of these properties exhibits the ability of Fourier Series to capture the seasonal pattern of rainfall process