285 research outputs found

    Offering Sexual Health Fairs to Supplement Existing Sex Education Programs: An Evaluation of Adolescent Students' Knowledge Needs

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    A health fair called Choices Not Chances has been designed by the public health nurses in a southern Ontario city to increase the knowledge of young high school students about sexual health and healthy relationships. Our purpose in designing this study in cooperation with the public health nurses ivas to assess the existing level of knowledge among grades 9 and 10 students to determine if the content presented through this fair was appropriate for these students. Forty-five grades 9-10 students completed one survey during class time in their sex-segregated physical education class. Our findings show that although students had basic knowledge about STDs, anatomy, and pregnancy prevention, their knowledge of healthy communication and behavior in relationships was much less developed, which may put students at risk of becoming involved in unsafe sex and abusive relationships. Overall, the health fair appears to provide a valuable supplement for sex education.Dans le but d'accroître les connaissances qu'ont les élèves du secondaire au sujet de la santé en matière de sexualité et des relations interpersonnelles saines, des infirmières de la santé publique ont organisé, dans une ville du sud de l'Ontario, une foire sur la santé intitulée Choices Not Chances (Des choix plutôt que des risques). Nous avons entrepris cette étude avec la coopération de ces infirmières de la santé publique afin d'évaluer ce que savent les élèves en 9e et en 10e années pour ensuite déterminer si le contenu de la foire leur convenait. Quarante-cinq élèves en 9e et en 10e années ont complété un sondage pendant leur cours d'éducation physique (pendant lequel ils sont regroupés selon leur sexe). Les résultats indiquent que, quoique les étudiants aient des connaissances de base au sujet des MTS, de l'anatomie et de la prévention de la grossesse, ils en savent beaucoup moins sur la communication et le comportement sains dans les relations interpersonnelles, ce qui pourrait indiquer qu'ils courrent le risque de se retrouver dans des relations abusives ou d'adopter des pratiques sexuelles risquées. De façon globale, la foire sur la santé semble constituer un supplément valable au cours d'éducation en matière de sexualité

    Calculation of AGARD Wing 445.6 Flutter Using Navier-Stokes Aerodynamics

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    An unsteady, 3D, implicit upwind Euler/Navier-Stokes algorithm is here used to compute the flutter characteristics of Wing 445.6, the AGARD standard aeroelastic configuration for dynamic response, with a view to the discrepancy between Euler characteristics and experimental data. Attention is given to effects of fluid viscosity, structural damping, and number of structural model nodes. The flutter characteristics of the wing are determined using these unsteady generalized aerodynamic forces in a traditional V-g analysis. The V-g analysis indicates that fluid viscosity has a significant effect on the supersonic flutter boundary for this wing

    Statistical Inference for Valued-Edge Networks: Generalized Exponential Random Graph Models

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    Across the sciences, the statistical analysis of networks is central to the production of knowledge on relational phenomena. Because of their ability to model the structural generation of networks, exponential random graph models are a ubiquitous means of analysis. However, they are limited by an inability to model networks with valued edges. We solve this problem by introducing a class of generalized exponential random graph models capable of modeling networks whose edges are valued, thus greatly expanding the scope of networks applied researchers can subject to statistical analysis

    Modulation of extracellular matrix by nutritional hepatotrophic factors in thioacetamide-induced liver cirrhosis in the rat

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    Nutritional substances associated to some hormones enhance liver regeneration when injected intraperitoneally, being denominated hepatotrophic factors (HF). Here we verified if a solution of HF (glucose, vitamins, salts, amino acids, glucagon, insulin, and triiodothyronine) can revert liver cirrhosis and how some extracellular matrices are affected. Cirrhosis was induced for 14 weeks in 45 female Wistar rats (200 mg) by intraperitoneal injections of thioacetamide (200 mg/kg). Twenty-five rats received intraperitoneal HF twice a day for 10 days (40 mL·kg-1·day-1) and 20 rats received physiological saline. Fifteen rats were used as control. The HF applied to cirrhotic rats significantly: a) reduced the relative mRNA expression of the genes: Col-α1 (-53%), TIMP-1 (-31.7%), TGF-β1 (-57.7%), and MMP-2 (-41.6%), whereas Plau mRNA remained unchanged; b) reduced GGT (-43.1%), ALT (-17.6%), and AST (-12.2%) serum levels; c) increased liver weight (11.3%), and reduced liver collagen (-37.1%), regenerative nodules size (-22.1%), and fibrous septum thickness. Progranulin protein (immunohistochemistry) and mRNA (in situ hybridization) were found in fibrous septa and areas of bile duct proliferation in cirrhotic livers. Concluding, HF improved the histology and serum biochemistry of liver cirrhosis, with an important reduction of interstitial collagen and increased extracelullar matrix degradation by reducing profibrotic gene expression

    Multiplex Zymography Captures Stage-specific Activity Profiles of Cathepsins K, L, and S in Human Breast, Lung, and Cervical Cancer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cathepsins K, L, and S are cysteine proteases upregulated in cancer and proteolyze extracellular matrix to facilitate metastasis, but difficulty distinguishing specific cathepsin activity in complex tissue extracts confounds scientific studies and employing them for use in clinical diagnoses. Here, we have developed multiplex cathepsin zymography to profile cathepsins K, L, and S activity in 10 μg human breast, lung, and cervical tumors by exploiting unique electrophoretic mobility and renaturation properties.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Frozen breast, lung, and cervix cancer tissue lysates and normal organ tissue lysates from the same human patients were obtained (28 breast tissues, 23 lung tissues, and 23 cervix tissues), minced and homogenized prior to loading for cathepsin gelatin zymography to determine enzymatic activity.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Cleared bands of cathepsin activity were identified and validated in tumor extracts and detected organ- and stage-specific differences in activity. Cathepsin K was unique compared to cathepsins L and S. It was significantly higher for all cancers even at the earliest stage tested (stage I for lung and cervix (n = 6, p < .05), and stage II for breast; n = 6, p < .0001). Interestingly, cervical and breast tumor cathepsin activity was highest at the earliest stage we tested, stages I and II, respectively, and then were significantly lower at the latest stages tested (III and IV, respectively) (n = 6, p < 0.01 and p < 0.05), but lung cathepsin activity increased from one stage to the next (n = 6, p < .05). Using cathepsin K as a diagnostic biomarker for breast cancer detected with multiplex zymography, yielded 100% sensitivity and specificity for 20 breast tissue samples tested (10 normal; 10 tumor) in part due to the consistent absence of cathepsin K in normal breast tissue across all patients.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>To summarize, this sensitive assay provides quantitative outputs of cathepsins K, L, and S activities from mere micrograms of tissue and has potential use as a supplement to histological methods of clinical diagnoses of biopsied human tissue.</p

    Mind the (yield) gap(s)

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    This paper explores the origin of the notion of “yield gap” and its use as a framing device for agricultural policy in sub-Saharan Africa. The argument is that while the yield gap of policy discourse provides a simple and powerful framing device, it is most often used without the discipline or caveats associated with the best examples of its use in crop production ecology and microeconomics. This argument is developed by examining how yield gap is used in a selection of recent and influential agricultural policy documents. The message for policy makers and others is clear: “mind the (yield) gap(s)”, for they are seldom what they appear