4,567 research outputs found

    Land-surface influences on weather and climate

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    Land-surface influences on weather and climate are reviewed. The interrelationship of vegetation, evapotranspiration, atmospheric circulation, and climate is discussed. Global precipitation, soil moisture, the seasonal water cycle, heat transfer, and atmospheric temperature are among the parameters considered in the context of a general biosphere model

    Magnetoresistance Devices Based on Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes

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    We demonstrate the physical principles for the construction of a nanometer sized magnetoresistance device based on the Aharonov-Bohm effect. The proposed device is made of a short single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) placed on a substrate and coupled to a tip. We consider conductance due to motion of electrons along the circumference of the tube (as opposed to motion parallel to its axis). We find that the circumference conductance is sensitive to magnetic fields threading the SWCNT due to the Aharonov-Bohm effect, and show that by retracting the tip, so that its coupling to the SWCNT is reduced, very high sensitivity to the threading magnetic field develops. This is due to the formation of a narrow resonance through which the tunneling current flows. Using a bias potential the resonance can be shifted to low magnetic fields, allowing the control of conductance with magnetic fields of the order of 1 Tesla.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Target dark matter detection rates in models with a well-tempered neutralino

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    In the post-LEP2 era, and in light of recent measurements of the cosmic abundance of cold dark matter (CDM) in the universe from WMAP, many supersymmetric models tend to predict 1. an overabundance of CDM and 2. pessimistically low rates for direct detection of neutralino dark matter. However, in models with a ``well-tempered neutralino'', where the neutralino composition is adjusted to give the measured abundance of CDM, the neutralino is typically of the mixed bino-wino or mixed bino-higgsino state. Along with the necessary enhancement to neutralino annihilation rates, these models tend to give elevated direct detection scattering rates compared to predictions from SUSY models with universal soft breaking terms. We present neutralino direct detection cross sections from a variety of models containing a well-tempered neutralino, and find cross section asymptotes with detectable scattering rates. These asymptotic rates provide targets that various direct CDM detection experiments should aim for. In contrast, in models where the neutralino mass rather than its composition is varied to give the WMAP relic density via either resonance annihilation or co-annihilation, the neutralino remains essentially bino-like, and direct detection rates may be below the projected reaches of all proposed experiments.Comment: 13 pages including 1 EPS figur

    Three-Body Decays of SUSY Particles

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    We analyze the decays of charginos, neutralinos, gluinos and the first/second generation squarks in the Minimal Supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model, focusing on the three-body decays in scenarios where the ratio tanβ\tan \beta of vacuum expectation values of the two Higgs doublet fields is large. We show that the three-body decays of the next-to-lightest neutralinos (lightest charginos) into bbˉ,τ+τb\bar{b},\tau^+\tau^- (τν\tau \nu) final states, where third generation sfermion and Higgs boson exchange diagrams play an important role, are dominant. Furthermore, we show that decays of gluinos into bbˉb\bar{b} final states and squark decays into lighter sbottoms through gluino exchange can also have sizeable branching fractions, especially in scenarios where the soft SUSY breaking gaugino mass parameters are not unified at the GUT scale.Comment: 10 pages with 5 figures + axodraw.sty, late

    Diffractive parton distributions from the saturation model

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    We review diffractive deep inelastic scattering (DIS) in the light of the collinear factorization theorem. This theorem allows to define diffractive parton distributions in the leading twist approach. Due to its selective final states, diffractive DIS offers interesting insight into the form of the diffractive parton distributions which we explore with the help of the saturation model. We find Regge-like factorization with the correct energy dependence measured at HERA. A remarkable feature of diffractive DIS is the dominance of the twist-4 contribution for small diffractive masses. We quantify this effect and make a comparison with the data.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, latex, Q_0^2 corrected in comparison to the journal versio

    Hidden SUSY at the LHC: the light higgsino-world scenario and the role of a lepton collider

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    While the SUSY flavor, CP and gravitino problems seem to favor a very heavy spectrum of matter scalars, fine-tuning in the electroweak sector prefers low values of superpotential mass \mu. In the limit of low \mu, the two lightest neutralinos and light chargino are higgsino-like. The light charginos and neutralinos may have large production cross sections at LHC, but since they are nearly mass degenerate, there is only small energy release in three-body sparticle decays. Possible dilepton and trilepton signatures are difficult to observe after mild cuts due to the very soft p_T spectrum of the final state isolated leptons. Thus, the higgsino-world scenario can easily elude standard SUSY searches at the LHC. It should motivate experimental searches to focus on dimuon and trimuon production at the very lowest p_T(\mu) values possible. If the neutralino relic abundance is enhanced via non-standard cosmological dark matter production, then there exist excellent prospects for direct or indirect detection of higgsino-like WIMPs. While the higgsino-world scenario may easily hide from LHC SUSY searches, a linear e^+e^- collider or a muon collider operating in the \sqrt{s}\sim 0.5-1 TeV range would be able to easily access the chargino and neutralino pair production reactions.Comment: 20 pages including 12 .eps figure

    Prospect for Searches for Gluinos and Squarks at a Tevatron Tripler

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    We examine the discovery potential for SUSY new physics at a p{\bar p} collider upgrade of Tevatron with \sqrt s = 5.4 TeV and luminosity L ~= 4\times 10^{32} cm^{-2}s^{-1} (the Tripler). We consider the reach for gluinos and squarks using the experimental signatures with large missing transverse energy (\met) of jets + \met and 1l + jets + \met (where l=electron or muon) within the framework of minimal supergravity. The Tripler's strongest reach for the gluino is 1060 GeV for the jets + \met channel and 1140 GeV for the 1l + jets + \met channel for 30 fb^{-1} of integrated luminosity (approximately two years running time). This is to be compared with the Tevatron where the reach is 440(460) GeV in the jets + \met channel for 15(30) fb^{-1} of integrated luminosity.Comment: 17 pages, latex, 7 figure

    Mixed Higgsino Dark Matter from a Reduced SU(3) Gaugino Mass: Consequences for Dark Matter and Collider Searches

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    In gravity-mediated SUSY breaking models with non-universal gaugino masses, lowering the SU(3) gaugino mass |M_3| leads to a reduction in the squark and gluino masses. Lower third generation squark masses, in turn, diminish the effect of a large top quark Yukawa coupling in the running of the higgs mass parameter m_{H_u}^2, leading to a reduction in the magnitude of the superpotential mu parameter (relative to M_1 and M_2). A low | mu | parameter gives rise to mixed higgsino dark matter (MHDM), which can efficiently annihilate in the early universe to give a dark matter relic density in accord with WMAP measurements. We explore the phenomenology of the low |M_3| scenario, and find for the case of MHDM increased rates for direct and indirect detection of neutralino dark matter relative to the mSUGRA model. The sparticle mass spectrum is characterized by relatively light gluinos, frequently with m(gl)<<m(sq). If scalar masses are large, then gluinos can be very light, with gl->Z_i+g loop decays dominating the gluino branching fraction. Top squarks can be much lighter than sbottom and first/second generation squarks. The presence of low mass higgsino-like charginos and neutralinos is expected at the CERN LHC. The small m(Z2)-m(Z1) mass gap should give rise to a visible opposite-sign/same flavor dilepton mass edge. At a TeV scale linear e^+e^- collider, the region of MHDM will mean that the entire spectrum of charginos and neutralinos are amongst the lightest sparticles, and are most likely to be produced at observable rates, allowing for a complete reconstruction of the gaugino-higgsino sector.Comment: 35 pages, including 26 EPS figure

    Collider and Dark Matter Searches in Models with Mixed Modulus-Anomaly Mediated SUSY Breaking

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    We investigate the phenomenology of supersymmetric models where moduli fields and the Weyl anomaly make comparable contributions to SUSY breaking effects in the observable sector of fields. This mixed modulus-anomaly mediated supersymmetry breaking (MM-AMSB) scenario is inspired by models of string compactification with fluxes, which have been shown to yield a de Sitter vacuum (as in the recent construction by Kachru {\it et al}). The phenomenology depends on the so-called modular weights which, in turn, depend on the location of various fields in the extra dimensions. We find that the model with zero modular weights gives mass spectra characterized by very light top squarks and/or tau sleptons, or where M_1\sim -M_2 so that the bino and wino are approximately degenerate. The top squark mass can be in the range required by successful electroweak baryogenesis. The measured relic density of cold dark matter can be obtained via top squark co-annihilation at low \tan\beta, tau slepton co-annihilation at large \tan\beta or via bino-wino coannihilation. Then, we typically find low rates for direct and indirect detection of neutralino dark matter. However, essentially all the WMAP-allowed parameter space can be probed by experiments at the CERN LHC, while significant portions may also be explored at an e^+e^- collider with \sqrt{s}=0.5--1 TeV. We also investigate a case with non-zero modular weights. In this case, co-annihilation, A-funnel annihilation and bulk annihilation of neutralinos are all allowed. Results for future colliders are qualitatively similar, but prospects for indirect dark matter searches via gamma rays and anti-particles are somewhat better.Comment: 38 pages including 22 EPS figures; latest version posted to conform with published versio

    Neutralino dark matter in mSUGRA/CMSSM with a 125 GeV light Higgs scalar

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    The minimal supergravity (mSUGRA or CMSSM) model is an oft-used framework for exhibiting the properties of neutralino (WIMP) cold dark matter (CDM). However, the recent evidence from Atlas and CMS on a light Higgs scalar with mass m_h\simeq 125 GeV highly constrains the superparticle mass spectrum, which in turn constrains the neutralino annihilation mechanisms in the early universe. We find that stau and stop co-annihilation mechanisms -- already highly stressed by the latest Atlas/CMS results on SUSY searches -- are nearly eliminated if indeed the light Higgs scalar has mass m_h\simeq 125 GeV. Furthermore, neutralino annihilation via the A-resonance is essentially ruled out in mSUGRA so that it is exceedingly difficult to generate thermally-produced neutralino-only dark matter at the measured abundance. The remaining possibility lies in the focus-point region which now moves out to m_0\sim 10-20 TeV range due to the required large trilinear soft SUSY breaking term A_0. The remaining HB/FP region is more fine-tuned than before owing to the typically large top squark masses. We present updated direct and indirect detection rates for neutralino dark matter, and show that ton scale noble liquid detectors will either discover mixed higgsino CDM or essentially rule out thermally-produced neutralino-only CDM in the mSUGRA model.Comment: 17 pages including 9 .eps figure