176 research outputs found

    Determination of the preference of urban people in picnic areas with different landscape characteristics

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    Access to open, green spaces for recreational purposes plays a significant role in the quality of the lives of city dwellers. Given this, such spaces should be provided, but quite what is required? Appropriately detailed research can help in the identification of principles capable of informing the work of landscape architects, designers and planners in the development, construction and restoration of such valuable green spaces. The objective of this study was to determine preferences and priorities among the urban population for open and green areas with differing landscape characteristics in Erzurum, Turkey in 2005. The results indicated that there were great differences in preferences for picnic sites regarding to income level, gender, age and occupational groups and people prefer the areas with higher natural beauties. The areas close to the city centre are preferred by the elderly people and those with a lower income level, while the further sites are preferred by the ones with a higher income level

    Pnömoni tanısı ile hospitalize edilen demanslı hastalarda direkt maliyetin değerlendirilmesi

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    Pneumonia is an indisputable cause of morbidity and mortality in elderly patients especially if they have dementia. We aimed to compare the cost of pneumonia for hospitalized patients with and without dementia and to investigate the factors affecting the direct cost of hospitalization. Material and Methods: The study group consisted of 58 dementia patients hospitalized for pneumonia compared with a matched cohort of 54 patients without dementia. The data were collected from the hospital record system between May 2017 and June 2019. Demographic features, comorbidities, characteristics of pneumonia and factors contributing to the total cost of hospitalization were analysed retrospectively. Results: The total mean cost of all patients for hospitalization of pneumonia was 653.1±1,059.9 American Dollars. The mean cost in the dementia group is 976.14±1,433.83 and 339.01±180.81 American Dollars for the control group per episode (p=0.001). The mean length of stay is 10.24±6.97 days and 7.24±2.89 days in the dementia and control groups, respectively (p<0.05). The number of consultations, pharmacy costs, examination costs and the total costs of patients with dementia were significantly higher than those without dementia and independent of the parameters associated with the characteristics of pneumonia. Conclusion: This study shows that pneumonia in elderly patients with dementia produces a burdensome financial cost which is lower in a matched population of patients without dementia. Advances in elderly care, precautions for pneumonia and assessment of aspiration risk in dementia patients might be rational solutions for decreasing the cost of pneumonia.Amaç: Pnömoni, özellikle yaşlı hastalarda tartışılmaz bir morbidite ve mortalite nedenidir. Çalışmamızın amacı, pnömoni tanısı ile hospitalize edilen demansı olan ve olmayan hastaların, hastanede yatış maliyetini karşılaştırmak ve direkt maliyete etki eden faktörleri değerlendirmektir. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çalışmaya, pnömoni tanısı ile interne edilip, tedavi edilen demans tanılı 58 hasta ve benzer özellikteki demans tanısı olmayan 54 hasta dâhil edildi. Hastane kayıt sistemine Mayıs 2017 ile Haziran 2019 tarihleri arasında kaydedilen hasta verileri incelendi. Hastaların demografik özellikleri, komorbiditeleri, pnömoniye ait özellikler ve direkt hastane maliyetine etki eden faktörler retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Pnömoni tanısı ile hospitalize edilen hastaların toplam direkt maliyeti 653,1±1.059,9 Amerikan Doları olarak değerlendirildi. Demansı olan hastalarda, yatış başına ortalama maliyet 976,14±1.433,83 Amerikan Doları iken demansı olmayan hastalarda maliyetin 339,01±180,81 Amerikan Doları olduğu gözlendi (p=0,001). Ortalama yatış süresi demanslı hastalarda ve kontrol grubunda sırasıyla 10,24±6,97 gün ve 7,24±2,89 gün idi (p<0,05). Konsültasyon sayısı, ilaç maliyetleri, muayene ücretleri ve toplam maliyetin, demanslı hastalarda pnömoninin klinik özelliklerinden bağımsız olarak kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı ölçüde daha yüksek olduğu gözlendi. Sonuç: Bu çalışmanın sonuçları, pnömoni tanısı ile interne edilen demanslı hastaların, benzer özellikteki demansı olmayan hastalara göre anlamlı oranda fazla direkt finansal maliyeti olduğunu göstermiştir. Yaşlı bakımındaki gelişmeler, pnömoni gelişiminin önlenmesi için alınacak tedbirler ve aspirasyon riskinin değerlendirilmesi ile demanslı hastalarda aşırı maliyet yükünden kaçınılması mümkün olabilmektedir

    Milli mücadelede kadın ve Müfide Ferit Tek örneği

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    Millî Mücadele; İstiklâl Harbi, Bağımsızlık Savaşı veya Kurtuluş Savaşı olarak da anılır. Mondros Mütarekesi’nin (30 Ekim 1918) ardından başlayıp askerî bakımdan Mudanya Mütarekesi (11 Ekim 1922), siyasî bakımdan ise Lozan Antlaşması (24 Temmuz 1923) ile son bulmuştur. İtilaf kuvvetlerine karşı direnmenin yollarını arayan Mustafa Kemal Paşa, 19 Mayıs 1919’da Samsun’a çıkarak yurt çapında topyekûn bir direniş gerçekleştirmek için işe girişmiştir. Kongreler düzenleyerek halkı savaşa manen hazırlamakla ve askerî direnişi örgütlemekle uğraşmıştır. Önce halktan oluşturulan silahlı müfrezelerle işgali yavaşlatmayı, böylelikle kazanılan zamanla düzenli ordunun kurulmasını planlamıştır. Kuvâ-yi Milliye adı verilen bu birlikler, Yunanlıları yenebilecek kabiliyette olmasa da onları oyalayabilmiştir.2 Mütareke gereğince ülkede orduların büyük kısmı terhis edilmiş, stratejik noktalar ele geçirilmiş ve silah depoları kontrol altına alınmıştır. Uzun savaş döneminin yorgunluğu ve ümitsizliği içinde bulunan padişah ve hükümet, İtilâf devletlerinin merhametine sığınmaktan, işgallerin genişlemesini önlemek için halkı sükûnete çağırmaktan başka bir şey yapamamıştır. Halk namusunu ve vatanını savunmak amacıyla Müdâfaa-i Hukuk ve Redd-i İlhak Cemiyetleri’ni kurarak mücadeleye başlamıştır. Bu cemiyetlerin bugünkü partilerle veya kurulmakta olanlarla hiçbir ilgisi yoktur. Tersine her türlü siyasal amaçtan tamamen uzaktırlar. Varlıklarını sadece memleket bütünlüğünü, millet ve devletin diğer haklarını korumak amacına borçludurlar. Bunların hepsi aynı etkiler ve sebepler altında faaliyet göstermektedirler

    STEM-Focused Activities to Support Student Learning in Primary School Science

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    This study examines the effect on student academic success through teaching the "Let's Know the Matter" grade 3 science unit accompanied by STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)-focused activities. The study group consisted of 24 third grade students studying in the 2019-2020 academic year. Teaching was done with a 5E (enter, explore, explain, elaborate, evaluate) instructional model, and student opinions about the STEM activities were collected. A group pretest-posttest research design was used in which the "Let's Know the Matter Test (MT)" was administered at the beginning to measure the students' prior knowledge, and again at the end of the unit to determine what students had learned. Their opinions of the lessons taught with STEM-focused activities were collected using a semi-structured interview technique. Qualitative data were divided into appropriate categories under common themes. It was observed that the 5E instructional model contributed to their academic success. Also, it was found that their opinions about the lessons taught with STEM activities were quite positive. Based on the results obtained from the research, it is suggested that STEM activities be used in the teaching of other topics

    Rate of history of tuberculosis among healthcare workers in Turkey: A cross-sectional study

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    OBJECTIVES: Healthcare workers (HCWs) possess a high risk for both latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) and active disease. This study aimed to investigate tuberculosis (TB) disease history in hospital staff working in healthcare institutions in the Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This study included 460 HCWs employed in 5 hospitals in the Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey. Between May 01 and July 31, 2016, the participants were asked to answer a questionnaire, including data about TB history. The data about family TB history, Bacilli Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccination, or tuberculin skin test (TST) application before starting work were also evaluated. RESULTS: Of the 460 participants, 69.3% were women (n=319) and 30.7% (n=141) were men. The mean age was 32 (17-63) years. A total of 8 participants (1.7 %) had TB history. There was no statistically significant relationship between TB history and age, sex, body mass index (BMI), smoking habits, or presence of comorbidities (p>0.05 for all variables); family history of TB (p0.05). The duration of work (years) was higher in participants with a TB history. The p value was very close but did not reach the limits of significance (p=0.059). CONCLUSION: In this study, the rate of TB among HCWs was 1.7% (8 of 460 HCWs). Family history of TB and TST positivity are strong predictors of TB in HCWs

    Thyroid gland disease as a comorbid condition in COPD

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    Introduction. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is one of the most common causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. The disease is characterized by progressive airway inflammation, which not only affects the airways but also has systemic effects that are associated with comorbidities. Although comorbid conditions such as hypertension and coronary artery disease are very well-known in COPD patients, diseases of the thyroid gland have not been sufficiently studied. Therefore, thyroid diseases are not considered among the comorbid conditions of COPD. The purpose of this study was to determine the thyroid gland disease (TGD) prevalence in COPD and associated factors. Materials and Method. The study included 309 (297 (96%) male) patients. The patients were subjected to spirometry and thyroid function tests (TFT) in the stable period. The thyroid gland disease they were diagnosed with was recorded after face-to-face meetings and examining their files. Results. The mean age of the patients who were included in the study was 65.9 +/- 9.8 (40-90). Thyroid disease was determined in 68 (22%) individuals. There were hypothyroidism in 7 (2%), euthyroidism in 45 (15%), and hyperthyroidism in 16 (%5) patients. No relationship was found between the severity of airflow limitation and the prevalence of TGD. Conclusion. Thyroid abnormalities are commonly observed in COPD. The most frequently encountered TGDs are euthyroid multinodular goiter, euthyroid sick syndrome (ESS), and toxic multinodular goiter


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    ABSTRACT Objectives: Silver diamine fluoride (SDF) offers a minimally invasive and inexpensive alternative to traditional restorative caries treatment. Aim of this study was to evaluate the mineral density value and remineralization effect of 38% SDF solution and 5% sodium fluoride (NaF) varnish on artificial primary tooth dentin caries lesions. Materials and Methods: 54 extracted sound primary molars were demineralized and allocated into two groups: SDF and NaF groups. After pH-cycling, mineral density values (MDV) were assessed with micro computed tomography (micro-CT) and surface morphology were studied via scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Results: After remineralization agents were apllied and specimens pH-cycled, the MDVs of the Region of Interest (ROI) in lesions increased in both NaF and SDF group. The mean MDV of SDF applied specimens was found to be higher than NaF applied specimens at statistically significant level. In the SEM images, it was observed that the dentinal tubules orifices were occluded almost completely in SDF group while the orifices in NaF group were partially occluded. Conclusions: The use of 38% SDF demonstrated a great remineralization effect on primary molar dentin than 5% NaF varnish. Further clinical studies are needed to investigate the effect of 38% SDF on primary molars which remains in the mouth longer than incisors and have a great function on chewing

    Is it worth using thrombolytic therapy in elderly patients with pulmonary embolism

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    Objective: Antithrombotic treatment is avoided in geriatric population owing to its side effects. Thus, we aimed to examine complication rates related to thrombolytic treatment in geriatric patients with pulmonary thromboembolism (PTE). Materials and Methods: The study included patients aged >65 years who received thrombolytic treatment for a diagnosis of PTE. Patient files were screened retrospectively to extract data on etiology, clinical risk scores, laboratory values, thrombolytic treatment-related complications, and early mortality development. Results: The study included 68 patients (female: 70.6%; mean age: 77.8 years). The Simplified Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index score was high in all patients. Early mortality risk classification at admission was high, medium-high, and medium-low risk in 64.7%, 23.5%, and 11.8% patients, respectively. In-hospital mortality was 30.9%. The causes of death were secondary to PTE in 85.7% patients, respiratory failure in 9.6%, and sepsis in 4.7%. Complication-related mortality was not observed. The only independent risk factor for mortality was change in consciousness. Conclusion: Mortality and complication rates in geriatric patients receiving thrombolytic treatment are not as high as expected