38 research outputs found

    Ischemia modified albumin is an indicator of oxidative stress in multiple sclerosis

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    Introduction: Oligodendrocytes need iron in processes of energy generation and myelination. However, excessive levels of iron may exert iron induced oxidative stress and thus lead to tissue degeneration. Monitoring oxidative stress will be of paramount importance in follow-up of patients with many diseases including multiple sclerosis (MS). The aim of this study was to measure total anti-oxidative status (TAS), total oxidative status (TOS) and ischemia modified albumin (IMA) in stable relapse remitting MS (RRMS) patients. Materials and methods: Thirty-five RRMS patients (15 males and 20 females; median age 42 (20-55) years) and thirty-five age-sex matched healthy controls (13 males and 22 females; median age 37 (21-60) years) were included in this study. All patients were diagnosed with MS according to the criteria of McDonald. Results: IMA levels were significantly higher in RRMS patients (P < 0.001), while TAS and TOS did not show any significant difference between groups (P = 0.870 and P = 0.460, respectively). Conclusions: Our results suggest IMA as a more efficient serum marker than TAS and TOS in detecting the oxidative stress in MS patients. Serum oxidative stress markers should be included in future study protocols besides clinical and radiological parameter

    The Relationship Between Structural Measurements of the Corpus Callosum and Disability in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis

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    Abstract Purpose: The corpus callosum (CC) is the largest commissural pathway connecting both cerebral cortices. Materials and Methods: Forty MS patients and 40 healthy controls were included in this research, which was planned as a prospective and case-control study. Disability was evaluated with the expanded disability rating scale. The number of attacks, disease duration, and MS disease subtype were determined. CC genu, truncus, splenium, and anterior-posterior diameters were measured in brain magnetic resonance imaging TSE/T1 sagittal sequence, and the corpus callosum index (CCI) was calculated using these measurements. The relationship of all these parameters with each other was examined. Results: There were 40 patients (29 females, 11 males) with a mean age of 36.47±11.14 years in the study. In the CC morphometric measurements of the patients, the genu (mean±SD) was 11.46±1.60, truncus (median, min-max) 5.29 (4.6-6.52), splenium 11.09±1.82, anterior-posterior diameter 65.20 (63.64-67.22) and CCI was determined as 0.43±0.05 millimeters. The anterior-posterior diameter was smaller in MS patients (p=0.022). A negative correlation was determined between CCI and disease duration, the number of attacks, and EDSS scores in MS patients (p&lt;0.05; r=-0.319; r=-0.316; r=-0.349; respectively). In the severe disability group, CC splenium, AP diameter, and CCI were lower (p=0.007; p=0.020; p=0.046; respectively). Conclusion: In MS disease, the CC structure is affected, as in many central nervous system regions. The study results revealed that changes in the corpus callosum could be examined as a parameter in evaluating the disease process in MS patients. Keywords: Multiple sclerosis; corpus callosum; morphometry; disability

    Podwyższony poziom greliny w stanie przedrzucawkowym: czy grelina jest przyjacielem czy wrogiem?

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    Objectives: To investigate maternal serum ghrelin levels in pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia and to explore the relationship between ghrelin level and disease severity. Materials and methods: This case-control study included 40 healthy pregnant women, 42 women with mild preeclampsia, and 40 women with severe preeclampsia. The groups were matched in terms of maternal and gestational age and body mass index. Serum ghrelin levels were measured via enzyme immunoassay. Results: Serum ghrelin levels were significantly higher in women with mild and severe preeclampsia than in healthy controls (p &lt; 0.001). Although serum ghrelin levels were somewhat higher in the severe compared to the mild preeclampsia group, the difference was not statistically significant (p &gt; 0.05). In the control group, no significant correlation was observed between ghrelin level and any other parameter, but in the preeclampsia group, serum ghrelin levels were negatively correlated with uterine artery Doppler index values and both systolic and diastolic blood pressure (all p-values &lt; 0.05). Multivariate stepwise linear regression analysis revealed that systolic blood pressure (β = 0.493, p = 0.023) was independently associated with serum ghrelin level. Conclusion: Elevated blood ghrelin levels were correlated with disease severity in pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia.Cel pracy: Ocena poziomu greliny w surowicy kobiet w ciąży powikłanej stanem przedrzucawkowym i określenie związku między poziomem greliny a ciężkością choroby. Materiał i metoda: Do badania włączono 40 zdrowych kobiet w ciąży, 42 z łagodnym stanem przedrzucawkowym i 40 z ciężkim stanem przedrzucawkowym. Grupy były dobrane pod względem wieku ciążowego, wieku matek i wskaźnika masy ciała. Poziom greliny w surowicy był mierzony metodą immunoenzymatyczną. Wyniki: Poziom greliny w surowicy był istotnie wyższy u kobiet z łagodnym i ciężkim stanem przedrzucawkowym niż w grupie kontrolnej (p &lt; 0,001). Chociaż poziom greliny w surowicy był wyższy w grupie z ciężkim stanem przedrzucawkowym niż w grupie z łagodnym stanem przedrzucawkowym, to ta różnica nie była istotna statystycznie (p &gt; 0,05). W grupie kontrolnej nie obserwowano żadnych istotnych związków pomiędzy poziomem greliny a jakimkolwiek innym parametrem, ale w grupie ze stanem przedrzucawkowym poziom greliny w surowicy był ujemnie skorelowany z indeksami przepływów Dopplera w tętnicy macicznej oraz ciśnieniem krwi skurczowym i rozkurczowym (all p-values &lt; 0,05). Wieloczynnikowa analiza regresji liniowej wykazała, że skurczowe ciśnienie krwi było niezależnym czynnikiem związanym z poziomem greliny w surowicy (β = 0,493, p = 0,023). Wnioski: Podwyższony poziom greliny we krwi był związany z ciężkością choroby w ciążach powikłanych stanem przedrzucawkowym

    Azoospermik insan testis biyopsi örneklerinde endotelyal nitrik oksit sentazın immünohistokimyasal lokalizasyonu

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    TEZ3747Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2001.Kaynakça (s. 65-70) var.xi, 71 s. : rnk. res. ; 30 cm.…Bu çalışma Ç.Ü. Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi Tarafından Desteklenmiştir. Proje No: FBE 98 D4

    Cytochrome P4502C9 genotype in Southeast Anatolia and possible relation with some serum tumour markers and cytokines.

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    Substrates for CYP2C9 include fluoxetine, phenytoin, warfarin, losartam and numerous nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Polymorphisms in the coding region of the CYP2C9 gene produce variants at amino-acid residues 144 Arg/Cys and 359 Ile/Leu of the CYP2C9 protein. Individuals homozygous for Leu359 have markedly diminished metabolic capacities for most CYP2C9 substrates, the frequency of this allele is, however, rather low. Consistently with the modulation of enzyme activity by genetic and other factors, wide interindividual variability occurs in the elimination and/or dosage requirements of prototypic CYP2C9 substrates. The polymorphic enzyme CYP2C9 takes part in the metabolism of alkylating agents and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons like benzo(a)pyrene, a carcinogen present in tobacco smoke. Although the impact of impaired enzyme activity in metabolism of carcinogens and procarcinogens has not been fully defined, an association of CYP2C9 variant alleles to DNA adduct levels in lung tissues as well as to lung cancer risk have been reported. In this study 64 healthy subjects (44M/22F) were analysed for CYP2C9 genotype with PCR-RFLP and for serum carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), α-fetoprotein (AFP), CA 19-9, CA 15-3, ferritin, IL-6, IL-8 concentrations by chemiluminescence or electrochemiluminescence methods. CYP2C9*1 was found to be the most prevalent allele and CYP2C9*1/CYP2C9*1 was the most frequent genotype represented in 64% of the population in southeastern Anatolia (Gaziantep). Although slight differences in serum tumour marker and cytokine concentrations were observed for CYP2C9 genotypes the differences were statistically insignificant (P >0.05). This could be due to the complexity of the role of CYP2C9 in benzo(a)pyrene metabolism as well as from other contributing factors like interindividual variability of diverse enzymes participating in the same metabolic pathway, unequal expression of the variant alleles and differences in exposure to carcinogens. However, determination of CYP2C9 phenotypes in a larger group of subjects might clarify these slight differences

    Anorectal syphilis mimicking Crohn's disease

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    WOS: 000297210500021PubMed ID: 21437679Anorectal syphilis, one of the great masqueraders in medicine, can be difficult to diagnose not only because of its variable symptoms but also because it is hard to think of unless a detailed history about sexual preferences and practices, including homosexuality, has been gathered. With increasing acceptance of sexual activity in our culture, despite moral and religious issues, various forms of sex have led to many different clinical conditions of sexually transmitted diseases. In this report, we describe a rare case of primary anorectal syphilis with clinical, endoscopic and histologic features that was misdiagnosed as Crohn's disease

    The Relationship of Ankyloglossia With Gender in Children and the Ideal Timing of Surgery in Ankyloglossia

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    PubMed ID: 31558060Introduction: Ankyloglossia is a congenital condition that restricts tongue mobility. The aim of this study is to evaluate the relationship between gender and pediatric ankyloglossia and evaluate the planning of ideal timing of surgery. Methods: The files of pediatric patients in the Turkish population treated surgically for tongue-tie between June 2014 to June 2018 were scanned retrospectively. Results: Three hundred and eighty-two pediatric patients were included in the study. Of these, 115 (30.1%) were female and 267 (69.9%) were male. The prevalence of ankyloglossia was significantly higher in males than in females (P <.001). The age of the patients at time of surgery ranged from 1 day to 114 months. The most common indication was sucking/feeding difficulties (82%) in patients younger than 2 years, and the most common symptom was speech problems (67%) in patients aged 2 years and older. Conclusion: In our study, the prevalence of ankyloglossia in Turkish society was significantly higher in males. Frenectomy surgery is a safe procedure that can be performed on the first day of life in newborns. © The Author(s) 2019

    Sağlıklı yenidoğanlarda kordon kanı tsh ve tiroid hormon düzeyleri

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    Kordon kanı intrauterin yaşama ait özellikler ve doğum travmasının etkileri yanı sıra yenidoğanın sağlık ve hastalık durumunu da yansıtmaktadır. Fetal gelişim ve doku farklılaşmasında rol oynayan tiroid hormonları ve Tiroid Stimulan Hormon’un (TSH) kordon kanı düzeylerinin bilinmesi fetal metabolizmanın anlaşılması ve konjenital hipotiroidizm erken tanısına alternatif bir yaklaşım getirebilme olasılığı nedeniyle önem kazanmaktadır. Çalışmamızda normal doğum ile ve son adet tarihine göre hesaplanan gestasyon yaşına göre miadında doğan (38-40 hafta) sağlıklı 202 yenidoğanda (98 K/104 E) kordon kanı TSH, total tiroksin (TT4), serbest tiroksin (fT4), total triiyodotironin (TT3), serbest triiyodotironin (fT3) düzeyleri kemiluminesans yöntemle saptandı. Üretici firmanın erişkinler için önerdiği referans değerler ile karşılaştırıldığında kordon kanında saptadığımız TT4, FT4, TSH referans değerleri yüksek, FT3 değerleri düşük, TT3 alt sınırı düşük, üst sınırı yüksek bulundu. İmmunoluminometrik yöntemle saptanan TSH, Radyo İmmun Analiz (RIA) ile saptanan TT3, TT4 ve direkt equilibrium diyaliz ile saptanan FT3, FT4 referans değerler ile karşılaştırıldığında sonuçlarımızın yenidoğan döneminden düşük olduğu, kordon kanında saptanan değerlerden de farklılık gösterdiği görüldü. Cinsiyetler arasında anlamlı farklılık saptanmadı (p>0.05). Fetal doku, plasenta ve uterusta tip III 5’- monodeiyodinaz aktivitesinin yüksekliği, fetusta periferik tiroksin metabolizmasının farklılığı, fetal hipofizin TT4’e duyarlılığındaki azalma ve tiroksin bağlayıcı globulin düzeyindeki değişikliklerin kordon kanında saptanan farklı tiroid hormon patemine yol açabileceği düşünüldü. Referans değerler oluşturulmasında ve kullanılmasında yöntemsel farklılıkların ve referans birey seçiminin önemli faktörler olduğu sonucuna varıldı. Bulgularımız miadında doğan, sağlıklı bebeklerin kemiluminesans yöntemle saptanan kordon kanı tiroid hormon ve TSH düzeyleri için fikir oluşturmaktadır.Cord blood reflects health and disease of the newborn as well as features of the intrauterine life and effects of parturition trauma. Cord blood concentrations of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) and thyroid hormones that contribute to fetal tissue accretion and differentiation provide insight into fetal thyroid metabolism and may offer an alternative approach for early diagnosis of congenital hypothyroidism. In this study cord blood TSH, total thyroxine (TT4), free thyroxine (fT4), total triiodothyronine (TT3), free triiodothyronine (fT3) concentrations of healthy, term (38-40 weeks according to the last menstrual period) 202 newborns (98 F/104 M) were determined by a chemiluminescence method. Our cord blood reference ranges of TSH, TT4, fT4 were higher, 1T3 were lower, lower and upper limits of TT3 were lower and higher respectively than adult reference ranges supplied by the manufacturer. Compared with reference limits of immunolumiometric (TSH), radio immune analytic (TT4, TT3) and direct equilibrium dialysis methods, our cord blood reference ranges were lower than the newborn and variably different from cord blood. A significant difference was not observed between sexes (p>0.05). High type III 5’monodeiodinase activity in fetal tissue, placenta and pregnant uterus, differences of periferic thyroxine metabolism in fetus, limited sensitivity of the fetal pituitary to thyroxine and variation of thyroxine binding globulin concentrations may lead to different pattern of thyroid hormones in cord blood. Methodology and selection of reference individuals is important for establishment of eference ranges. Our results may provide insight to healthy term newborns’ cord blood TSH and thyroid hormone concentrations.Cord blood reflects health and disease of the newb orn as well as features of the intrauterine life and effe cts of partu rition traum a. Cord blood co nce ntrations of Thyroid Stimulating Horm one (TSH) and thyroid horm ones that contribute to fetal tissue accretion and different iation provide insight into fetal thyroid metabolism and may offer an alternative approach for ea rly diagnosis of congenital hypoth yroidism. İn this study cord blood TSH, total thyroxine (TT4 ) , free thyroxine (İT4) , total triiodoth yronin e (TT)), free triiodothyronine (İT3) concentrations of health y, term (38-40 wee ks according to the last menstru al period) 202 newborns (98 F/l04 M) were determined by a chemiluminescence method. Our cord blood referenc e ranges of TSH, TT4, İT4 were higher, İT) were lower, lower and upp er limits of TT3 were lower and higher respectively than adult reference ranges supplied by the manufacturer. Comp ared with reference limits of immun olumiometric (TS H), radio immun e analytic (TT 4, TT3) and direct equilibrium dialysis methods, our cord blood reference ranges were lower than the newborn and variably different from cord blood . A significant difference was not observed between sexes (p>0.05). High type İİİ 5'monodeiodin ase activity in fetal tissue, placenta and preg nant uteru s, differences of periferic thyro xine metabolism in fetu s, limited sensitivity of the fetal pituitary to thyroxine and variation of thyroxine bindin g globulin concentrations may lead to different pattern of thyroid horm ones in cord blood . Me thodology and selection of refe rence individuals is important for estab lishment of reference ranges. Our results may provide insight to healthy term newborns' cord blood TSH and thyroid hormone concentrations