309 research outputs found

    Integration with the Global Economy: The Case of Turkish Automobile and Consumer Electronics Industries

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    This paper aims to contribute to the extensive study of the World Bank Commission on Growth and Development by a case study of the Turkish automotive and the consumer electronics industries. Despite a macroeconomic environment that inhibits investment and growth, both industries have achieved remarkable output and productivity growth since the early 1990s and played a critical role in generating employment and fostering growth. Although there are similarities between the performances of automobile and consumer electronic industries, there seems to be significant differences between their structures, links with domestic suppliers, technological orientation and modes of integration with the global economy. The automobile industry is dominated by multinational companies, has a strong domestic supplier base, and has seized the opportunities opened up by the Customs Union by investing in new product and process technology and learning. The consumer electronics industry is dominated by a few, large domestic firms, and has become competitive in the European market thanks to its geographical proximity, productive domestic labor, and focus on a protected and technologically mature CRT color television receivers segment of the marker, which also helps explain the recent decline in industry’s fortunes. It is without doubt that these industries could have performed even better had governments in Turkey adopted more responsive macroeconomic policies. It is certain that governments could be more responsive only if far-reaching political/institutional reforms are undertaken by changing the Constitution, and current political party and election laws in order to establish public control over the political elites.Macroeconomic policies; automobile industry; consumer electronics industry; political elites; political reforms.

    Galatasaray’ın ve Fatih Terim’in Kütüphanecilere Söyledikleri

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    Bu yazıda ülkemizi Avrupa’da başarıyla temsil etmiş olan Galatasaray futbol takımının takım yönetimi anlayışı ve buna bağlı olarak gösterdiği performans bağlamında kütüphanecilik alanına kısa bir göz atılmış ve kimi küçük karşılaştırmalar yapılmıştır

    Internet: Yeni Bir Kitle İletişim ve Halkla İlişkiler Aracı

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    The importance of the Internet as a tool for mass communication and public relations is emphasized and the use of Internet for such purposes in librarianship and infor­mation studies is explained.Bu makalede Internet’in yeni bir kitle iletişim ve halkla ilişkiler aracı olarak önemi­ne değinilmekte ve kütüphanecilikte Internet’in bu amaçla nasıl kullanılabileceği an­latılmaktadır

    Kütüphanecilik Alanında Halkla İlişkiler Çalışmaları ve Televizyon

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    Public relations is an indispensable management function for an organization to reach its target audiences so as to serve them better and, at the same time, to upgrade its status in society as an organization. Television, as mass communication medium, is used effectively in public relations in librarianship. Researches showed that planned public relations is not utilized in the field of librarianship in our country, and television is not made use of for this purpose.Halkla ilişkiler bir kurumun hizmet verdiği hedef kitleye ulaşarak onlara en iyi hizmeti vermesi ve bu arada kurumun da gelişerek toplumda iyi bir yere sahip olması konusunda vazgeçilmez bir yönetim fonksiyonudur Televizyon ise, bir kitle iletişim aracı olarak, kütüphanecilikte halkla ilişkiler uygulamalarında son derece etkin olarak kullanılan bir araçtır. Ancak araştırmalar göstermektedir ki, ülkemiz kütüphanelerinde planlı halkla ilişkiler çalışmaları yapılmamakta ve bu amaçla televizyondan yararlanılmamaktadır