130 research outputs found

    Measurement of effective atomic number of gunshot residues using scattering of gamma rays

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    Better understanding of gunshot residues and the major elemental composition would be valuable to forensic scientists for their analysis work and interpretation of results. In the present work, the effective atomic numbers of gunshot residues (cartridge case, bullet core, bullet jacket and gunpowder) were analyzed using energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX). The scattering of 59.54 keV gamma rays is studied using a high-resolution HPGe detector. The experiment is performed on various elements with atomic number in the 4rZr82. The intensity ratio of coherent to Compton scattered peaks, corrected for photo-peak efficiency of gamma detector and absorption of photons in the sample and air, is plotted as a function of atomic number and constituted a best-fit-curve. From this fit-curve, the respective effective atomic numbers of gunshot residues are determined

    Bir robot kolunun bilgisayar destekli kinematik analizi

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Mekanizmaların ilkel olarak ilk ortaya çıkması insanlık tarihi ile aynı dönemlere denk gelmektedir. İnsanlar sorunlarla karşılaşmışlar ve bu sorunları çözebilmek için çeşitli araç gereçler üretmişlerdir. Ancak daha sonraları yapılan bu gereçler ve mekanizmalar daha karmaşık ve modern şekillere bürünmüştür ve insanlar akıllarındakini hemen yapmak yerine kâğıtlara çizdikten sonra daha sistemli şekilde hayata geçirmeye başlamışlardır. Bilgisayarların yaygınlaşması ile tasarım yapmak daha da kolaylaşmıştır ve üç boyutlu tasarım programları günümüzde tasarımın geldiği son noktadır. Üç boyutlu tasarımla birlikte bilgisayar destekli statik ve dinamik analiz programları ortaya çıkmıştır.Bu sayede tasarlanan mekanizmaların, direkt olarak imal edilmeden önce, bilgisayarda simülasyonu yapılabilir, mekanizmanın hareketi incelenebilir. Uzuvların birbirine göre konumları, yer değiştirmeleri ve hızları ileri kinematik ve ters kinematiğin karmaşık denklemleri ile uğraşmadan bulunabilir. Mekanizmaların bilgisayar üzerinde analizlerinin yapılması tek seferde doğruya ulaşmayı proje süresini kısaltmayı ve maliyetleri azaltmayı sağlar.Bu çalışmada bir robot kolunun hareket kabiliyeti ADAMS® programında incelendi. Robot kolunun görevi, konum koordinatları bilinen bir cismi almak ve yine koordinatları bilinen başka bir noktaya koymaktır. Bu hareketi sağlamak için robot kolunun uzuvlarının yapması gereken açıların incelenmesi bir ters kinematik problemdir. Bu problemin çözümü için ADAMS®' ta hesaplama yapılarak açıların zamana göre değişimlerinin grafikleri çıkarıldı. Durum sağlaması yapmak için mekanizmanın belli bir saniyedeki ( cismi aldığı saniyedeki) eklem açıları alınarak ileri kinematik denklemlerinde yerine konarak cismin koordinat sistemleri bulundu. Ayrıca ADAMS® çalışanlara örnek teşkil etmesi açısında iki adet basit mekanizma hesaplaması ekte sunuldu.The first emerge of the primitive mechanisms are at the same beginning period of the human history. Human beings met with problems and in order to solve these, they have produced some tools. For example, as to tie the stone on the pole of the stick was also a mechanism in order to make it a hammer and use it to provide the necessities. However, all of the further made tools and mechanisms have wrapped to complex and modern shapes and human beings have started to make what is in their mind, a part of life in a systematic manner as drawing them to the sheets rather than doing just at that time. With the spread of the computers, it has been easier to design and the 3D design is the last point of the design issue. Through the 3D design, the computer aided static & dynamic analysis programs have been also emerged.In this way, it could be enough to perform a simulation and study the motion for the designed mechanisms instead of directly manufacturing. The positions of the members compared to together, displacements and velocities could be found without messing with the complex equations of the forward and reverse kinematic. To perform the analysis of the mechanisms on computer obtains to reach the true solution, shorten the project time and reduce the costs at once.In this study, the movement capability of a robotic arm has been reviewed in the ADAMS® programme. The aim of a robotic arm is to take an object from a location which coordinates are known and to put the object to a location which coordinates are also known. The study of the angles which are made by the joints of the robotic arm in order to perform this movement is a reverse kinematic problem. In case of solving this problem, the deviations of the angles according to time have been simulated in ADAMS® as plotting related graphs. To verify the situation, we have obtained the coordinates of the object as noting the joint angles in a known time (second in taking the object) and putting them in to the forward kinematic equations. Also, in order to give examples for the people who study ADAMS®, two simple mechanism analyses have been presented as attached

    K Shell X-Ray Fluorescence Parameters of Some Elements in the Atomic Range 40 <= Z <= 50

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    The production cross sections sigma(Ki), the fluorescence yield W-K, K shell X-ray intensity ratio I-K beta/I-K alpha, the vacancy transfer probabilities from K to L shell eta(KL), and the Gamma(K) level widths for some elements in the atomic range 40 <= Z <= 50 were measured. The samples were excited by 80.998 keV gamma rays from a 10 mCi Ba-133 radioactive source. The K X-rays emitted by samples were detected by using a CdTe detector. These parameters have been theoretically calculated, also. The experimental values were compared with the theoretical and semiempirical values. Our experimental values closely agreed with theoretical values and other experimental values

    An investigation into the perception of space in children through visual representations: The Children's Library in Giresun (The Capuchin Catholic Church)

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    Children's physical and mental activities cause them to show differences in their perception and evaluation of spaces. Correctly designed spaces specifically for the child support the physical and psychological development of the child positively. In addition, children who can establish strong relationships with historical places develop a sense of attachment and belonging to the place, which is also important in the transfer of such places to the coming generations. Capuchin Catholic Church (Giresun Central Children's Library) has an important place in the memory of the city and is the sole example in the region. It is used by children. The present study discusses how children perceive the church. The study aims, on the one hand, to reveal how the church is perceived by children, and, on the other, to examine how the child's perception of space and expression styles change depending on age. To this end, children were made to draw visual representations and these images were converted into numerical data. These data are discussed in terms of the preoperational period and the concrete operational period which takes into account the developmental stages of the child. The study employed observation and mapping methods. It was concluded that the child's perception of space changes depending on age, experience and frequency of use of the space, and historical buildings are important stimuli for the child's perception of space

    Artralji ile Başvuran Bir Wegener Granülamatozu Olgusu

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    Granulomatosis with polyangitis (GPA/WG) (previously known as Wegener granulomatosis) is a multisystemsystemic necrotizing non-caeseating granulomatous vasculitis affecting small to medium sized arteries, capillaries andveins, with a predilection for the respiratory system and kidneys. The average incidence of this disease is 40-55. 90% of theWG patients have pulmonary involvement. Wegener Granulomatosis is a disease with high mortality when its diagnosisand treatment is delayed. Although WG may have symptoms such as hemoptysis and hematuria, it should be noted that itmay present with severe arthralgia and arthritis which may be in many connective tissue diseases and vasculitis. Malepatient, 52 years old. Analgesic treatment was applied when he came to the center due to arthralgia two months ago,however, there was no change in his complaints and intra-articular injection treatment was applied on left knee and bothshoulders. The symptoms did not regress and the patient lost 20 kg within the last two months. In urine analysis, 14-15erythrocyte and 10-15 leucocyte detected in every field; 1 positive detected. The patient was hospitalized in order to makefurther examination upon the determination of CRP: 61 mg/L and ESR: 82 mm/hr in the next polyclinic control after threedays. In the kidney biopsy report, “Pauci-immun glomerulonephritis” was primarily considered in the phenomenon. For thefirst three days 1 gr pulse and by the fourth day 1 mg/kg methylprednisolone and cyclophosphamide treatment was appliedWegener Granülomatozu özellikle üst solunum yolları, akciğer ve böbrekler olmak üzere, tüm organları tutabilen nekrotizan granülomatöz vaskülitik bir hastalıktır. Ortalama görülme yaşı 40-55 tir. Kadın ve erkek eşit etkilenir. Akciğer tutulumu Wegener granülomatozisli hastaların %90’ında mevcuttur. Wegener Granülomatozu, tanı ve tedavisi geciktiğinde, mortalitesi yüksek olan bir hastalıktır. WG’nin hemoptizi ve hematüri gibi semptomları olabileceği gibi; birçok konnektif doku hastalığı ve vaskülitte olabilen şiddetli artralji ve artritle de prezente olabilir. 52 yaşında erkek hasta. 2 ay önce başlayan eklemlerde ağrı şikayetiyle başvurduğu merkezde analjezik tedavisi uygulanmış ancak fayda görmemesi nedeniyle sol diz ve her iki omuzuna intraartiküler enjeksiyon tedavisi yapılmış. Şikayetleri gerilemeyen hastanın son 2 ayda 20kg kaybı olmuş. Tam idrar tahlilinde: her sahada 14-15 eritrosit ve 10-12 lökosit, protein; 1 pozitif saptandı. Hastanın 3 gün sonraki poliklinik kontrolünde CRP’si:61 mg/L, sedimantasyonu: 82 mm saptanması üzerine ileri tetkik amacıyla hospitalize edildi. Böbrek biyopsisi raporunda, ön planda “pauci-immun glomerulonefrit” düşünüldü. İlk 3 gün 1 gr pulse, 4. günden itibaren 1 mg/kg metilprednizolon tedavisi ve siklofosfamid tedavisi uygulandı

    A Study on Visibility Analysis of Urban Landmarks: The Case of Hagia Sophia (Ayasofya) In Trabzon

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    Perceptionality of religious buildings in Trabzon’s main pedestrian ways

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    Kentsel kimlik, kentlerin özgün fiziksel, kültürel, sosyo-ekonomik, tarihsel niteliklerinin bütünüdür ve yerin ayırt edici özelliğidir. Kentsel imge ise bir kente dair duyu, duygu, düşünce ve algılama sonucu oluşan izlerdir. Çalışmada kentsel kimlik, kentsel imge, işaret öğeleri, okunabilirlik gibi kavramlar ve yaya hareketiyle algılama temelinde seri görünüm ele alınmıştır. Kent dokusunda veya kent siluetinde öne çıkabilen kullanıcı belleğinde kalıcı izler bırakan işaret öğesi olma açısından avantajlı yapı gruplarından biri olarak dini yapılar seçilmiştir. Çalışma dini yapıları birçok tarihi ve yeni binayı içinde barındıran, yoğun olarak kullanılan Trabzon kent merkezinde yaya yollarında yapılan yaya hareketiyle ilişkili ele almıştır. Yaya hareketi boyunca dini yapıların nasıl algılandığının tartışılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla, dini yapının konumuna, yolun fiziksel yapısına, yapının görülebilirliğine, görünüm gücüne, sürekliliğine ve tekilliğine bağlı olarak değişen algısı analiz edilmiştir. Tüm bu analizlerde görsel analiz tekniği kullanılmıştır. Analizler sonucunda dini yapıların algılanıp algılanmadığı belirlenmiştir. Ardından işaret öğesi olma potansiyeli yüksek yapılar belirlenerek bu yapıların güçlü ve zayıf algılanmasına neden olan sebepler ortaya konulmuştur. İşaret öğesi olabilmenin yolla ilişkili olarak konumsal ve biçimsel özelliklerin yanında görülebilirlik, etkili görünüm, süreklilik ve tekillik gibi özelliklerin de olması gerektiğini göstermiştir. Bu özelliklerin bir arada birbirini destekler biçimde ele alınmasının güçlü bir işaret öğesi oluşturabileceği sonucuna varılmıştır.Urban identity is the whole of the original physical, cultural, socioeconomic and historical characteristics of cities and distinguishing feature of place. On the other hand, urban image is the traces of a city as a result of sense, emotion, thought and perception. In the study, concepts such as urban identity, urban image, landmarks, legibility and serial vision on the basis of pedestrian movement are discussed. In the study, religious buildings are chosen as one of the advantageous building groups in terms of being landmarks that leaves permanent traces in the memory of the user, which can stand out in the urban structure or city silhouette. The study deals with religious buildings in relation to the pedestrian movement in the heavily used Trabzon city center, which contains many historical and new buildings. It is aimed to discuss how religious buildings are perceived during the pedestrian movement. For this purpose, the changing perception of the religious building depending on its location, the physical structure of the road, the visibility of the building, its strength of appearance, continuity and singularity are analyzed. Visual analysis techniques are used in all these analyzes. As a result of the analysis, it is determined whether religious structures are perceived or not. Then, the buildings which have high potential to be a landmark are determined and the reasons that caused these buildings to be perceived as strong and weak are revealed. This showed that being a landmark should have features such as visibility, effective appearance, continuity and singularity as well as positional and formal features in relation to the road. It was concluded that considering these features together in a way that supports each other can create a strong landmarks/sign

    Examining classroom teachers' knowledge levels of geometric objects and shapes by using mind mapsSınıf öğretmenlerinin geometrik cisimler ve şekiller konusundaki bilgi düzeylerinin zihin haritaları üzerinden incelenmesi

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    This study aimed to investigate the level of knowledge of geometric objects and shapes as a sub-learning area of geometry learning area in primary school mathematics curriculum of classroom teachers through mind maps. The study was carried out with the case study which is one of the qualitative research methods. There are 58 class teachers who work in three primary schools. Easy sampling method was used in determining the participants. As data collection tools, mind maps designed by classroom teachers on geometric objects and shapes were used. The mind maps prepared by the teachers were examined by two researchers at the analysis stage. Based on the findings, it can be said that the teachers of class are more informed about the shapes, they have difficulties distinguishing geometric objects and shapes according to their characteristics, teachers are given less space than a square prism and sphere and some teachers confuse objects and shapes. One of the teachers was able to map the objects with the branches and the lower branches, and the three teachers could map the shapes exactly with the branches and the lower branches. Mind maps that are among the alternative measurement tools can be used as an effective tool in assessing teachers' content knowledge.Extended English abstract is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file.ÖzetBu çalışmada, sınıf öğretmenlerinin ilkokul matematik ders programında geometri öğrenme alanının bir alt öğrenme alanı olarak yer alan geometrik cisimler ve şekiller konusunda bilgi düzeylerinin zihin haritaları üzerinden incelenmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Çalışma nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden biri olan durum çalışması ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmaya üç ayrı ilköğretim okulunda görev yapan 58 sınıf öğretmeni katılmıştır. Katılımcıların belirlenmesinde uygun örneklem yöntemi esas alınmıştır. Veri toplama araçları olarak sınıf öğretmenlerinin geometrik cisim ve şekiller konusunda tasarladıkları zihin haritaları kullanılmıştır. Öğretmenler tarafından hazırlanan zihin haritaları analiz safhasında yer alan iki araştırmacı tarafından incelenmiştir. Elde edilen bulgulara dayanarak sınıf öğretmenlerinin şekiller konusunda cisimlere nazaran daha yetkin oldukları, cisimleri ve şekilleri özelliklerine göre ayırt etmede güçlükler yaşadıkları, cisimler başlığı altında özellikle kare prizma ve küreyi ortalamanın altında ifade ettikleri, bazı öğretmenlerin cisimler başlığı altında şekillere, şekiller başlığı altında cisimlere yer verdikleri tespit edilmiştir. Alternatif ölçme araçları arasında yer alan zihin haritaları öğretmenlerin alan bilgisinin değerlendirilmesinde etkili bir araç olarak kullanılabilir

    Does genetic variation in PNPLA3, TM6SF2 and HSD17B13 have a role in the development or prognosis of hepatocellular carcinoma in Turkish patients with Hepatitis B?

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Progression to hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is restricted by viral suppression in chronic hepatitis B (CHB); however, some patients still progress despite antiviral therapy. Presence of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) such as PNPLA3 rs738409 and TM6SF2 rs58542926 are associated with the development and progression of steatotic liver disease to HCC, whereas a splice variant in HSD17B13 rs72613567:TA has been shown to be protective. We investigated the role of these SNPs in the development or prognosis of HCC in pure CHB etiology, in the absence of hepatic steatosis, remains unknown. MATERIALS: We analysed PNPLA3 rs738409, TM6SF2 rs58542926, and HSD17B13 rs72613567 SNPs in a prospectively recruited cohort (n=323) consisting of healthy controls, CHB and CHB-HCC patients without hepatic steatosis. SNPs were determined by PCR analysis and associations for the alleles and genotypes were investigated using adjusted-logistic regression analyses. The overall survival (OS) data were collected from CHB-HCC patients for survival analysis. RESULTS: The genotype and allelic distribution of PNPLA3 rs738409, TM6SF2 rs58542926, and HSD17B13 rs72613567 were similar between healthy controls, CHB, and CHB-HCC groups. No genotype, allele or haplotype analysis was found to be associated with increased risk for CHB-HCC. Survival analysis revealed no genotype or allele to be associated with OS in patients with CHB-HCC. CONCLUSIONS: We could not demonstrate any association of PNPLA3 rs738409, TM6SF2 rs58542926, and HSD17B13 rs72613567 with the development or prognosis of CHB-HCC, supporting the initial hypothesis that they should be considered specific hotspots for liver diseases characterized with hepatic steatosis

    Clinical diagnosis and complications of paratubal cysts: review of the literature and report of uncommon presentations

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    Paraovarian or paratubal cysts (PTCs) constitute about 10 % of adnexial masses. Although they are not uncommon; they rarely cause symptoms and are usually incidentally found. Actual incidence is not known. The symptoms occur when they grow excessively, or in case of hemorrhage, rupture or torsion. Here, literature review reporting the incidence, presentation and complications of PTCs is performed. Uncommon presentations of PTCs in three different cases, a giant PTC, torsion of PTC and borderline paratubal tumor, are also reported and discussed. Ultrasonography, CT or MRI may be performed in preoperative evaluation; but none of these imaging techniques have specific criteria for diagnosis. So, in most cases misdiagnosis as an ovarian mass remains to be a problem. Paratubal cysts can become extremely big before causing symptoms. Torsion is another urgent issue regarding PTCs, necessiating urgent surgery for preservation of the ovary and the tube. Although malignancy is rare, borderline paratubal tumors have been reported in the literature