39 research outputs found

    Investigation of middle school parents’ attitude towards extracurricular sports activities according to some demographic characteristics

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate middle school parents’ attitude towards extracurricular sports activities according to some demographic characteristics. The data for the study was obtained from parents of a public school in Aydın Province, in Turkey. To measure parents’ attitude, “The Parents’ Attitude Scales Towards Extracurricular Sports Activities” was used. This scale includes three sub-dimensions: personality development, academic perception, and social support. Descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and non-parametric tests were used to analyze the data. The findings indicated that parents’ attitude towards extracurricular sports activities were seen to be at a very good level in all dimensions. In demographic variables, only income groups and educational degree groups had significant differences at the p<0.01 level for all of the sub-dimensions. Results indicated that parents’ approach to extracurricular sports activities plays an important role on students’ participation in these activities

    The effect of leader-member exchange on job performance of academic staff: An empirical evidence from higher education institutions

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    Recently, the relationship between leader-member exchange and job performance has become more interesting subject among researchers. However, the literature has a paucity of empirical studies conducted in the higher education institutions; therefore, the relationship between these two variables is not clear. Hence, the purpose of this study was to examine the effect of leader-member exchange on the job performance of academic staff in higher educational institutions. The data for the study were collected from the academic staff (n=174) of five faculties of sport sciences in Turkey. The LMX-7 scale developed by Scandura and Graen (1984) was used to determine the quality of the interactions between leaders (i.e., administrators) and members (i.e., academic staff). Sigler and Pearson’s (2000) job performance scale, which is a modified version of Kirkman and Rosen’s (1999) team productivity scale, was used to measure job performance. The findings exposed a statistically significant positive effect of leader-member exchange on job performance (p<0.05)

    Structure Preserving Model Order Reduction of Shallow Water Equations

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    In this paper, we present two different approaches for constructing reduced-order models (ROMs) for the two-dimensional shallow water equation (SWE). The first one is based on the noncanonical Hamiltonian/Poisson form of the SWE. After integration in time by the fully implicit average vector field method, ROMs are constructed with proper orthogonal decomposition/discrete empirical interpolation method (POD/DEIM) that preserves the Hamiltonian structure. In the second approach, the SWE as a partial differential equation with quadratic nonlinearity is integrated in time by the linearly implicit Kahan's method and ROMs are constructed with the tensorial POD that preserves the linear-quadratic structure of the SWE. We show that in both approaches, the invariants of the SWE such as the energy, enstrophy, mass, and circulation are preserved over a long period of time, leading to stable solutions. We conclude by demonstrating the accuracy and the computational efficiency of the reduced solutions by a numerical test problem

    Reduced order modelling of nonlinear cross-diffusion systems

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    In this work, we present a reduced-order model for a nonlinear cross-diffusion problem from population dynamics, for the Shigesada-Kawasaki-Teramoto (SKT) equation with Lotka-Volterra kinetics. The finite-difference discretization of the SKT equation in space results in a system of linear--quadratic ordinary differential equations (ODEs). The reduced order model (ROM) has the same linear-quadratic structure as the full order model (FOM). Using the linear-quadratic structure of the ROM, the reduced-order solutions are computed independent of the full solutions with the proper orthogonal decomposition (POD). The computation of the reduced solutions is further accelerated by applying tensorial POD. The formation of the patterns of the SKT equation consists of a fast transient phase and a long steady-state phase. Reduced order solutions are computed by separating the time, into two-time intervals. In numerical experiments, we show for one-and two-dimensional SKT equations with pattern formation, the reduced-order solutions obtained in the time-windowed form, i.e., principal decomposition framework (P-POD), are more accurate than the global POD solutions (G-POD) obtained in the whole time interval. Furthermore, we show the decrease of the entropy numerically by the reduced solutions, which is important for the global existence of nonlinear cross-diffusion equations such as the SKT equation.Comment: To appear in Applied Mathematics and Computatio

    Beden eğitimi ve spor eğitimi veren yükseköğretim kurumlarının istihdam durumlarına yönelik öğrenci görüşleri

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    90 students of Balıkesir University  Physical Education and Sports Institute participated in this study which is made in the purpose of investigating the ideas of students through the condition of employment of the instutions that gives the physical and sports education course.A 5 pointed Likert type scale applied to the students. The arithmethic avareges and standart deviation of the datas that are gained, the meaninfulness through the changings One Way ANOMA is used, in order to determine the differences between the groups of TUKEY HSD is used..After the anylse it is observed that the expressions “opening too many schools and varities of these schools affect the future of these schools badly” and “receiving too many students in this schools accelerate the process of educating students” are choosed very much. And the students compelety agreed with the expressions of “there is an lopsidedness between receing students and employement” and “employement is restraint in the public and private sector. Beden eğitimi ve spor eğitimi veren yükseköğretim kurumlarının istihdam durumlarına yönelik öğrenci görüşlerinin incelenmesi amacıyla yapılan bu çalışmaya, Balıkesir Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Yüksekokulu’ndan 90 öğrenci katılmıştır. Öğrencilere istihdam durumu ile ilgili 5 maddelik Likert tarzı bir ölçek uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen verilerin aritmetik ortalamaları ve standart sapmaları hesaplanmış, değişkenler arasındaki anlamlılığı tespit etmek için One-Way ANOVA, gruplar arasındaki farklılığı belirlemek için de Tukey HSD uygulanmıştır. Analiz sonucunda öğrencilerin ölçekte yer alan ifadelerden ‘çok sayıda okul açılması ve çeşitlilik göstermesi okulların geleceğini olumsuz etkileyecektir’ ifadesi ile ‘okullara alınan öğrenci sayısın fazla olması öğrenci yetiştirme sürecini hızlandırmaktadır’ ifadesine oldukça katıldıkları, ‘öğrenci girdisi ile istihdam durumu arasında orantısızlık bulunmaktadır’, ‘kamu kurumlarında istihdam alanı kısıtlıdır’ ve ‘özel kuruluşlarda istihdam alanı kısıtlıdır’ ifadelerine de tamamen katıldıkları görülmüştür. Gruplar arası ve grup içi değerlerde ise herhangi bir anlamlı farklılık ortaya çıkmamıştır (p>0,05)

    Structure-preserving Reduced Order Modeling of non-traditional Shallow Water Equation

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    An energy preserving reduced order model is developed for the nontraditional shallow water equation (NTSWE) with full Coriolis force. The NTSWE in the noncanonical Hamiltonian/Poisson form is discretized in space by finite differences. The resulting system of ordinary differential equations is integrated in time by the energy preserving average vector field (AVF) method. The Poisson structure of the NTSWE in discretized exhibits a skew-symmetric matrix depending on the state variables. An energy preserving, computationally efficient reduced-order model (ROM) is constructed by proper orthogonal decomposition with Galerkin projection. The nonlinearities are computed for the ROM efficiently by discrete empirical interpolation method. Preservation of the semi-discrete energy and the enstrophy are shown for the full order model, and for the ROM which ensures the long term stability of the solutions. The accuracy and computational efficiency of the ROMs are shown by two numerical test problemsComment: 17 pages, 7 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1907.0940

    Beden eğitimi ve spor eğitimi veren yükseköğretim kurumları ve istihdam durumlarına yönelik öğrenci algılamaları

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    This study was conducted among the students of higher education institutions providing Physical Education and Sports (PES) education. The study looks at the students’ perceptions of employment opportunities in their field. 746 students from the Schools of Physical Education and Sports located in different regions participated in the study. The students’ perceptions of employment opportunities were assessed using three items designed in the form of five-point Likert scale (Strongly disagree, Disagree, Undecided, Agree, Strongly agree). Arithmetic means and standard deviations of the responses were calculated, and One-Way ANOVA was conducted to find differences between groups, and Turkey test was used to find the source of the differences. At the end of the study; it was found that there is disproportion between the number of the students enrolling in the Schools of Physical Education and Sports and employment opportunities present for their graduates and employment opportunities in public and private organizations are limited.Bu araştırma, Beden Eğitimi ve Spor (BES) eğitimi veren yükseköğretim kurumlarında bulunan öğrencilerin alanları ile ilgili istihdam durumlarına yönelik algılamalarının incelenmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırmaya farklı bölgelerdeki Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Yüksekokullarından  746 öğrenci katılmıştır. Öğrencilere, istihdam durumuna yönelik 5 dereceli (Hiç Katılmıyorum, Katılmıyorum, Karasızım, Katılıyorum, Tamamen Katılıyorum) Likert tipi üç maddelik ifade yöneltilmiştir. Maddelerin aritmetik ortalaması ve standart sapmaları hesaplanmış, gruplar arası farklılığı bulmak için tek boyutlu varyans (One-Way ANOVA) analizi, farklılığın nereden kaynaklandığını belirlemek için de Tukey Testi kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda; BES eğitimi veren yükseköğretim kurumlarına alınan öğrenci sayısı ile bu öğrencilerin mezuniyet sonrası istihdam edilmesi arasında bir orantısızlığın bulunduğu, bununla birlikte kamu kurumları ile özel kuruluşlarda istihdamın kısıtlı olduğu bulunmuştur

    The Types of Injury, Regions and Frequency in Athletes Participating Universities Taekwondo Championchip

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    This study aims to determine the rates of injuries, the types of injuries and what part of the body is mostly injured in professional taekwondo sportsmen during competitions. This study involves 287 sportsmen participated in the interuniversity Taekwando championship in Ordu. Injuries during a match of the championship was determined by a team. The characteristics and types of injuries, the sportsmen’s verbal expressions were registered by a pre-determined team, and it was mentioned about how these injuries occurred, in which part of the body the injuries were seen. Among 287 sportsmen in this study, 178 sportsmen were male, 109 ones were female. 46 universities took part in this championship. The championship lasted three days and total 271 competitions were done. 539 injuries were determined in total. The mostly seen type of injury was hematoma (43%), the mostly injured part was in lower extremities 416 (77%), most of the injuries were ones seen in defense (36%). No injuries were not observed in neck, shoulder, spine or trunk and cerebral injuries were not also observed. As a result of the study, it was explained that most of the injuries seen in the taekwondo competitions did not require the medical intervention and the lower extremities were mostly injured in these competitions. In the light of these findings, it could be said that these parts be protected during the competitions and the defense techniques be different

    Beden eğitimi ve spor yüksekokullarında insan kaynaklarının eğitim hizmetleri kalitesine yönelik algılarının değerlendirilmesi

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    Bu çalışma, Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Yüksekokulları'nın insan kaynakları içerisinde yer alan öğretim elemanları ile öğrencilerin eğitim hizmetleri kalitesine yönelik algılarının değerlendirilmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırmaya, 21 Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Yüksekokulu ile 2 Spor Bilimleri ve Teknolojisi Yüksekokulu'nda yer alan Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Öğretmenliği Bölümleri'nin 4. sınıf öğrencileri (n=870) ile bu okullarda görev yapan öğretim elemanları (n=330) gönüllü olarak katılmıştır. Araştırma tarama modeline göre yürütülmüştür. Araştırmanın amacına uygun olarak araştırmacı tarafından öğretim elemanları ve öğrencilere yönelik birer kalite ölçeği geliştirilmiştir. Geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması yapılan bu ölçekler öğretim elemanları ve öğrencilere uygulanmıştır. Bu ölçeklerde algı yoluyla öğretim elemanları ve öğrencilerden, sekiz alt boyut içerisinde yer alan faktörlere karşı mevcut durumu ortaya koyması ve buna yönelik önem derecesini belirtmesi istenmiştir.Elde edilen verilerin istatistiksel analizleri SPSS 12.0 paket programında yapılmıştır. Öğretim elemanları ve öğrencilerin algılamalarından elde edilen verilerin aritmetik ortalamaları ve standart sapmaları hesaplanmıştır. Gruplar arası farklılığı bulmak için bağımsız grup t testi kullanılmıştır. Aralarındaki fark p<0,05 olması durumunda anlamlı kabul edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda öğretim elemanları ve öğrenciler, Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Yüksekokulları'ndaki eğitim hizmetleri kalitesinin mevcut durumunu "orta" düzeyde algılamışlar, bu boyutu ise "önemli" olarak görmüşlerdir. Ayrıca aralarında p<0,001 düzeyinde anlamlı bir fark bulunmuştur. Anahtar kelimeler: Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Yüksekokulu, Eğitim, Kalite EVALUATION OF THE PERCEPTIONS OF HUMAN RESOURCES IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORTS COLLEGES OF THE QUALITY OF THE EDUCATION SERVICESSUMMARYThis study is conducted to investigate the perceptions of faculty and students who are considered to be a part of human resources in Physical Education and Sports Colleges of the quality of the educational services given in these institutions. Senior students (n=870) and faculty members (n=330) of 21 Physical Education and Sports Colleges and 2 Sports Sciences and Technologies College participated in the study on voluntary basis. Study was carried out in line with survey method. In line with the aim of the study, a quality scale was developed by the researcher for each group (faculty members and students). The scales, whose validity and reliability were tested, were administered to the faculty members and students. In these scales, the students and faculty members are asked to indicate the current status of the factors covered in eight sub-dimensions and what importance they assign to these factors. The analyses of the data were executed with SPSS 12.0 program. Arithmetic means and standard deviations of the data obtained in the study were calculated. In order to find the differences between the groups, t test was drawn on. When the difference was found to be p<0.05, it was accepted as significant.At the end of the study, it was found out that the quality of educational services in Physical Education and Sports Colleges are perceived to me "moderate" by the faculty members and students; and they view this dimension as important. Moreover, the difference at the level of p<0.001 was found between them. Keywords: Physical Education and Sports, Education, Qualit


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    Öz Bu çalışmada sosyal mübadelenin içsel pazarlama ve iş performansı arasındaki aracılık etkisi incelenmiştir. Veriler yükseköğretim kurumlarında görev yapan öğretim elemanlarından elde edilmiştir. Veri toplama aracı olarak içsel pazarlama için Yıldız ve Kara’nın (2015), sosyal mübadele için Shore vd.’nin (2006) ve iş performansı için Sigler ve Pearson’un (2000) geliştirdiği ölçekler kullanılmıştır. Araştırma hipotezlerini test etmek amacıyla korelasyon analizi ile regresyon analizi uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular sosyal mübadelenin içsel pazarlama ve iş performansı arasında tam aracılık etkisinin olduğunu göstermiştir. Abstract In this study, the mediating effect of social exchange between internal marketing and job performance was investigated. The data were obtained from the academic staff in higher educational institutions. IM-11 Scale developed by Yildiz and Kara (2015) was used to measure internal marketing,social exchange scale developed by Shore et al. (2006) was used to measure social exchange, and job performance scale developed by Sigler and Pearson (2000) was used to measure job performance. In order to test the hypothesis of this study, correlation analyzes and regression analyzes were applied. The findings of the study demonstrated that the effects of internal marketing on job performance were fully mediated by social exchange