42 research outputs found

    The effect of modern cupper ıntra uterin device (IUD) on serum iron and total iron binding capacity (TIBC)

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    Bakırlı RİA takılan 20 vakada, uygulama öncesi ve uygulamadan 12 ay sonra serum demir ve total demir bağlama kapasitesi tayin edilerek, RİA ile anemi riski ilişkisi araştırıldı. RİA grubunda 2 vakada sınırda demir azlığı (% 10) ve 1 vakada bariz demir eksikliği (% 5) tespit edilirken, kontrol grubunda sadece bir vakada (% 7.69) bariz demir eksikliği tespit edildi. Ancak RİA ve kontrol gruplarının başlangıç ve 12 ay sonraki serum demir ve TDBK değerleri arasında istatistiksel olarak önemli bir fark görülmedi.In copper IUD inserted 20 women, the association of IUD and risk of anemia has been investigated by measurements of serum iron and total iron binding capacity (TIBC) before and after 12 months of insertion. In IUD group 2 cases of borderline iron deficiency (10 %) and one case (5 %) of evident iron deficiency have been found whereas in the control group only one case was evidently iron deficient (7.69 %). Serum iron and TIBC values of both groups were statistically significant

    The reliability and interobserver reproducibility of T2/FLAIR mismatch in the diagnosis of IDH-mutant astrocytomas

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    PURPOSE:The reliability and reproducibility of T2-weighted imaging/ fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (T2/FLAIR) mismatch were investigated in the diagnosis of isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) mutant astrocytoma between WHO grade II and III diffuse hemispheric gliomas.METHODS:WHO grade II and grade III diffuse hemispheric gliomas (n=133) treated in our institute were included in the study. Pathological findings and molecular markers of the cases were reviewed with the criteria of WHO 2016. The finding of mismatch between T2-weighted and FLAIR images in preoperative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the cases was evaluated by two different radiologists. The readers reviewed MRIs independently, blinded to the histopathologic diagnosis or molecular subset of tumors. The cases were classified as IDH-mutant astrocytoma, oligodendroglioma and IDH-wildtype (IDH-wt) astrocytoma according to molecular and genetic features.RESULTS:T2/FLAIR mismatch positivity was observed in 46 patients (34.6%). T2/FLAIR mismatch positivity was observed in 42 of 75 IDH-mutant astrocytomas (56%) and 4 of 43 oligodendrogliomas (9.30%), while it was not seen among IDH-wt astrocytomas (0/15, 0%). The T2/FLAIR mismatch ratio was significantly different between IDH-mutant astrocytomas (WHO grade II and grade III) and oligodendrogliomas (chi-square, p <0.05). The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and accuracy of T2/FLAIR mismatch in predicting IDH-mutant astrocytomas were 58.7%, 90.7%, 91.7%, 61.4%, and 70.3% respectively. Radiologist 1 diagnosed T2/FLAIR mismatch in 48 of 133 cases (36.1%) and Radiologist 2 in 66 of 133 cases (49.6%). The interrater agreement for the T2/FLAIR mismatch sign was 0.61 (p <0.05), 95% CI (0.55, 0.67).CONCLUSION:T2/FLAIR mismatch appears to be an important MRI finding in distinguishing IDH-mutant astrocytomas from other diffuse hemispheric gliomas. However, it should be kept in mind that T2/FLAIR mismatch sign can be seen in a minority of oligodendrogliomas besides IDH-mutant astrocytomas

    Evaluation of the placenta with relative apparent diffusion coefficient and T2 signal intensity analysis

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    PURPOSEWe aimed to test the null hypothesis that relative apparent diffusion coefficient (rADC) and relative signal intensity values (rSIHASTE) do not change in the evaluation of placental maturation with advancing gestational age.MATERIALS AND METHODSFifty-six fetuses with diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) data were enrolled in this retrospective study. Fetuses were analyzed in three different gestational age groups: group 1, 18–23 weeks; group 2, 24–28 weeks; and group 3, 29–38 weeks. The rADC (mean ADC/ADCglobe) and rSIHASTE values (mean SIHASTE/SIglobe) were obtained. Two radiologists experienced in fetal MRI who were blinded to the patient information reviewed MRI images independently. Kruskal-Wallis Test was used to compare the rADC and rSIHASTE with gestational age groups. The agreement between the two blinded readers was tested using Krippendorff’s alpha ratio.RESULTSBoth placental rADC values and placental rSIHASTE values were not significantly different between the gestational age groups (P = 0.688 and P = 0.280, respectively). rADC and rSIHASTE measurements were reproducible with a good agreement between the two readers (Krippendorff’s alpha ratio was 0.613 and 0.778, respectively).CONCLUSIONThe rADC and rSIHASTE values do not change with advancing gestational age

    Monitoring the damage state of fiber reinforced composites using an FBG network for failure prediction

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    A structural health monitoring (SHM) study of biaxial glass fibre-reinforced epoxy matrix composites under a constant, high strain uniaxial fatigue loading is performed using fibre Bragg grating (FBG) optical sensors embedded in composites at various locations to monitor the evolution of local strains, thereby understanding the damage mechanisms. Concurrently, the temperature changes of the samples during the fatigue test have also been monitored at the same locations. Close to fracture, significant variations in local temperatures and strains are observed, and it is shown that the variations in temperature and strain can be used to predict imminent fracture. It is noted that the latter information cannot be obtained using external strain gages, which underlines the importance of the tracking of local strains internally

    The Evaluation of Saliva Flow Rate, pH, Buffer Capacity, Microbiological Content and Indice of Decayed, Missing and Filled Teeth in Behçet"s Patients

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    Background: Several lines of evidence indicate that oral microbial flora play a critical role in the pathogenesis of Behçet disease. Saliva flow rate, buffer capacity and microorganism content are very important in the maintenance of oral health. Aims: We aimed to evaluate saliva flow rate, pH, buffer capacity and Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacilli content along with the decayed, missing, and filled tooth index in Behçet’s patients. Study Design: Case-control study Methods: Forty patients with active Behçet disease [female:male (F/M) 21/19, mean age 31.05±11.08 years] and forty healthy persons (F/M 21/19, mean age 31.03±9.14 years) were included in the study. The oral region was first examined, and the decayed, missing, and filled tooth index was calculated for each person. Stimulated saliva was collected and divided into two separate millimetric tubes to calculate the buffer capacity of the saliva, determine Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacilli levels and measure the pH of the saliva. A Caries Risk Test buffer strip was used to calculate the buffer capacity. Caries Risk Test bacterial kit was used to determine Streptococcus mutans and lactobacilli levels. A pH meter was used to measure the pH of the saliva. Results: The mean saliva pH of the patients was higher than the controls (7.76±0.51, 7.18±0.46, respectively) (p0.05). Conclusion: We think that the maintenance of oral health by effective, regular tooth brushing, regular dental check-ups and dental treatment for Behçet patients is very important for the prevention and therapy of Behçet disease

    Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging in Grading of Infiltrative Glial Tumors

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    Purpose: Histopathological and radiological examination is necessary for the evaluation of tumor types and staging. Histopathologic examination is considered as the gold standard, while the radiological examination is used for preoperative evaluation. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI) the in grading of infiltrative glial tumors. Materials and Methods: The SWI sequences in pre-operative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) images were retrospectively assessed in a total of 67 patients (mean age, 36.7 years; age range, 4–79 years; 29 female, 38 male) who were diagnosed with a glial tumor based on histopathological examination. The numbers of punctate intratumoral susceptibility sign (ITSS) in the SWI sequence in the tumors were determined by two radiologists on a consensus-based approach. Lesions with no ITSS were graded as Grade 0, while those having 1–5, 6–15, >15 ITSS were categorized as Grade 1, Grade 2, and Grade 3, respectively. No susceptibility was classified as ITSS, “non-punctate with blurred margins” and diffuse susceptibility were categorized as >15. ITSS grades were compared to the results of histopathological grading and diagnosis. Results: The sensitivity, specificity, negative predictive value, and positive predictive value of the presence of ITSS regarding differentiating high and low-grade glial tumors were 97.6%, 88%, 95.65%, and 93.18%, respectively. Conclusion: In diffuse glial tumors, while the presence of ITSS is indicative of high-grade tumors, its absence is associated with low-grade tumors. These data suggest that the presence rather than the number of ITSS yields more information on the grade of this type of tumor

    80’ler askeri modernizasyonunda bir Türk-Amerikan ortaklığı : FNSS savunma sistemleri

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    Ankara : İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent Üniversitesi İktisadi, İdari ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü, 2016.This work is a student project of the The Department of History, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University.by Çekiç, Can Eyup

    Tarsus palpebralis: Şahin (Buteo buteo) alt göz kapağına özgü protektif bir yapı

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    İnsan nüfusundaki hızlı artış yaban hayvanları ile insan temasının artmasına yol açmaktadır. Son yıllarda genellikle yaban hayvanlarının yasal olmayan yollarla avlanması, yaralanması yada trafik kazası gibi vakaların hızla artması sonucu Veteriner Fakültesi kliniklerine gelen vakalar da artmıştır. Bu çalışmada 8 adet şahine (Buteo buteo) ait 16 palpebra inferioris, subgros ve histolojik yöntemler kullanılarak incelendi. Cornea’nın kapatılmasından sorumlu olan alt göz kapağı, üst göz kapağına göre daha uzundur ve kuvvetli bir bağ doku tabakası olan tarsal tabaka (tarsus palpebralis) ile desteklenmiştir. Şahin’in tarsal tabakası oldukça kuvvetli şekillenmiş, kornea’nın şekline uygun koruyucu bir yapıdır. Şahinde alt göz kapağının cerrahi uygulamalarında kuvvetli tarsal tabakanın varlığı göz önünde bulundurulmalıdır.The study was carried out to investigate the effects of some external egg traits on hatchability using classification tree mRapid increase in human population leads to frequent contact with wild animals. Recently, the number of wild animals brought to the clinic of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine increased in consequence of illegal hunting, injury and road accident. In the present study, 16 palpebra inferiores of 8 buzzards (Buteo buteo) were investigated by subgros and histological methods. Palpebra inferioris responsible of covering cornea was longer than superior palpebra and supported with a dense connective tissue structure called tarsal plate. Tarsal plate in the buzzard has a strong structure and suitable form to protect eye. This strong tarsal plate should be kept in mind during surgical approach of inferior palpebra