6 research outputs found

    Stereological analysis of sciatic nerve in chickens following neonatal pinealectomy: an experimental study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although the injury to the peripheral nervous system is a common clinical problem, understanding of the role of melatonin in nerve degeneration and regeneration is incomplete.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The current study investigated the effects of neonatal pinealectomy on the sciatic nerve microarchitecture in the chicken. The chickens were divided into two equal groups: unpinealectomized controls and pinealectomized chickens. At the end of the study, biochemical examination of 10 sciatic nerve samples from both groups was performed and a quantitative stereological evaluation of 10 animals in each group was performed. The results were compared using Mann-Whitney test.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study, the results of axon number and thickness of the myelin sheath of a nerve fiber in newly hatched pinealectomy group were higher than those in control group. Similarly, surgical pinealectomy group had significantly larger axonal cross-sectional area than the control group (p < 0.05). In addition, the average hydroxyproline content of the nerve tissue in neonatal pinealectomy group was higher than those found in control group. Our results suggest that melatonin may play a role on the morphologic features of the peripheral nerve tissue and that melatonin deficiency might be a pathophysiological mechanism in some degenerative diseases of peripheral nerves. The changes demonstrated by quantitative morphometric methods and biochemical analysis has been interpreted as a reflection of the effects of melatonin upon nerve tissue.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In the light of these results from present animal study, changes in sciatic nerve morphometry may be indicative of neuroprotective feature of melatonin, but this suggestion need to be validated in the human setting.</p

    Investigation into the effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on postnatal spine development and expression of synaptophysin and PSD95 in rat hippocampus

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    WOS: 000333002800014PubMed ID: 24365761Ethanol is known as a potent teratogen responsible for the fetal alcohol syndrome characterized by cognitive deficits especially pronounced in juveniles but ameliorating in adults. Since the mechanisms of these deficits and following partial recovery are not fully elucidated, the aim of the present study was to investigate the process of synaptogenesis in the hippocampus over the first two months of life in control and fetal-alcohol rats. Ethanol was delivered to the pregnant dams by intragastric intubation throughout 7-21 gestation days at the daily dose of 6 g/kg generating a mean blood alcohol level of 246.6 +/- 40.9 mg/dl on gestation day 20. The spine densities as well as the expression of pre- and postsynaptic proteins, synaptophysin (SYP) and PSD-95 protein, were evaluated for three distinct hippocampal regions: CA1, CA2+3, and DG and four postnatal days: PD1, PD10, PD30 and PD60, independently. Our results confirmed an intensive synaptogenesis within the brain spurt period (first 10 postnatal days), however, the temporal pattern of changes in the SYP and PSD-95 expression was different. The ethanol exposure during half of the 1st and the whole 2nd human trimester equivalent resulted in an overall trend toward lower values of synaptic indices at PD1 with a fast recovery from these deficits observed already at PD10. At PD30, around the age when the most pronounced behavioral deficits have been previously reported in juvenile fetal-alcohol subjects, no significant changes were found in either the hippocampal levels of synaptic proteins or in the spine density in principal hippocampal neurons. (C) 2013 ISDN. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.METU Scientific Research FoundTurkish Scientific and Technical Council (TUBITAK)The study was supported by the METU Scientific Research Found and by the grant from the Turkish Scientific and Technical Council (TUBITAK), SBAG-107S069 to EJD and by the TUBITAK PhD scholarship given to BEC. The authors would like to thank Signem Eyuboglu-Dinc for her kindly guidance and help with experimental protocols applied in this study

    Tumor apelin immunoreactivity is correlated with body mass index in ovarian high grade serous carcinoma

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    Ovarian cancer has a high mortality rate. Serous carcinoma is the most common subtype and can be detected by distant or lymph node metastasis in advanced stages. Apelin, an adipokine associated with obesity, and its receptor, APJ, participate in lymphatic invasion. Angiogenesis also can affect lymph node involvement in serous ovarian carcinomas. We investigated apelin/APJ receptor immunoreactivity in stages III and IV ovarian cancer with or without lymph node involvement and correlated the results with body mass index (BMI) to determine whether the potential relation of the two affects the outcome of the cancer. We investigated 30 patients diagnosed between 2014 and 2016 with high grade serous ovarian cancer. Tumor:stroma ratio, indirect immunoperoxidase method, H-score and MATLAB analysis were performed. In obese and pre-obese patients, tumor apelin immunoreactivity was stronger than for patients with normal BMI. Tumor:stroma ratio was correlated with survival and lymph node involvement. Strong apelin and moderate APJ immunoreactivity was detected in both lymph node negative and positive patients. BMI was related to both survival outcome and apelin immunoreactivity. BMI, adipokines such as apelin, and the stromal compartment play critical roles in advanced stage serous carcinomas. © 2019, © 2019 The Biological Stain Commission

    Alterations of Tear Film and Ocular Surface in Children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

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    Purpose: To investigate whether diabetes mellitus (DM) affects ocular surface of children with well-controlled type 1 DM. Methods: Sixty-five diabetic patients and 55 age-matched controls enrolled to study. Detailed ocular surface assessment including, ocular surface disease index (OSDI) questionnaire, tear film break-up time (TBUT) analysis, Schirmer test, and conjunctival impression cytologic analysis were performed. Results: Schirmer test and TBUT results were significantly lower in DM group than controls (p = 0.001, for all). OSDI scores of all participants were within normal range. Impression cytology analysis showed grade 0 changes in all participants and there was no difference between groups for goblet cell density (p > 0.05). The TBUT results were significantly associated with duration of DM (r = ?0.309, p = 0.036). Conclusion: Diabetic children without symptoms, signs, and definite diagnosis of dry eye still had lower TBUT and Schirmer test results than controls; however, impression cytology analysis was similar in both groups. © 2019, © 2019 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

    Histoloji Laboratuvar Yardımcı Kitabı

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    Histoloji; Tıp eğitiminde insana ait birçok farklı hücre, doku ve organların yapılanmalarını araştıran, yorumlayan, fonksiyonel aktiviteleri ile ilişkilendiren ve mikroskobik görüntülenmelerini içeren önemli bir sağlık bilimidir. Bu kitap çeşitli hücre, doku ve organların histolojilerini ve bunlara ait mikrografları içermektedir. Kitabın amacı öğrencilerin laboratuvarda preparatları mikroskop altında incelerken geçirdikleri zamanı verimli kılmak ve bu sırada hücrenin biyolojik aktivitesine yönelik fonksiyonel yapılanmasını histokimyasal boyanma özellikleriyle ilişkilendirmelerini sağlamaktır. Kitaptaki her bölüm; mikrograflar ve kısa açıklamaları ile organ, doku ve hücrelerin temel özellikleri hakkında bilgi vermektedir. Preparatlardan alınan mikrograflar; Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Histoloji ve Embriyoloji Anabilim Dalı; laboratuvar teknisyenleri, araştırma görevlileri, uzmanları ve akademik personelinin yıllar içinde katkıda bulunduğu emeğidir