142 research outputs found

    Law and Nonlegal Norms in Government Lawyers\u27 Ethics: Discretion Meets Legitimacy

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    This Essay is about the role of unwritten norms in the ethical decisionmaking of government lawyers. Because the ethical obligations of lawyers, including government lawyers, are closely tied to the legal rights and obligations of clients, this analysis necessarily depends on understanding the relationship between written law and unwritten norms. As we all know, however, written law leaves gaps, ambiguities, and zones of unregulated discretion. Prosecutors in the United States, for example, have virtually unreviewable discretion to decide who to investigate and charge, what charges to bring, and whether to offer immunity in exchange for cooperation. No one has a legal entitlement not to be prosecuted, nor does anyone else—official or private citizen—have the power to compel a prosecutor to bring charges. The president possesses nearly unconstrained discretion to grant clemency to people convicted of criminal offenses. The impeachment power of Congress is constrained only by the Constitution’s requirement that the president be charged with certain enumerated offenses, including the open-ended phrase “high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” In other areas, a government official may possess the legal authority to do something but may nevertheless be criticized for exercising that authority contrary to standards that are not reducible to positive law. The question is, what standards, norms, or ethical values, if any, constrain the actions of lawyers advising government officials who exercise their power within discretionary unwritten areas of the law? In other words, is there a type of official discretion that is distinguishable from the exercise of raw power or whimsical decision-making, despite being unconstrained by positive law? If so, what is its relationship to positive law and its claim to legitimate authority

    Using quantum spherical fuzzy decision support system as a novel sustainability index approach for analyzing industries listed in the stock exchange

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    This study aims to identify critical factors of the sustainability index (SI) and evaluate the industries listed in the stock exchange based on the performance of this index. For this purpose, a new fuzzy decision-making model has been created. Firstly, 12 different criteria for the SI are weighted by decision using trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) methodology based on quantum spherical fuzzy sets (QFS) with golden cut. Secondly, SI performances of the 10 industry alternatives are ranked by extended technique for order of preference: according to similarity through an ideal solution (TOPSIS) with QFS. The main novelty of this study is to identify significant sustainability criteria for the companies to join this index with an original fuzzy decision-making methodology. For this purpose, the analysis results help the companies to act without incurring extreme costs. It is determined that the usage of renewable energy has a significant impact on all other criteria, and while using clean energy, the companies get a chance to improve other criteria of SI. Additionally, based on the weighting results, the use of renewable energy is the most critical criterion to be included in SI. Similarly, recovery of the resources also has a significant contribution. Finally, the ranking results indicate that communication and IT is the most successful industry for SI. Hence, it would be appropriate for businesses to attach importance to the use of renewable energy. In this way, the carbon emission problem would be minimized, and the image of businesses will rise in the eyes of both consumers and investors. In this framework, companies can join microgrid energy management systems to handle high-cost problems of renewable energy investment projects. Owing to microgrid energy applications, the costs of using renewable energy can be shared with other companies, and since this situation can reduce the cost per unit, it will be possible to increase the use of renewable energy.Istanbul Medipol Universit

    Bafra Ovası Sağ Sahili Topraklarının Sınıflandırılması

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    Bu ara şt ı rman ı n amac ı Bafra Ovas ı Sağ Sahili'nin ve yak ı n çevresinin detayl ı olarak arazi ve topraklar ı n ı n etüd ve haritalamas ı n ı n yap ı lmas ı d ı r. Bu çal ışma daha önce bölge ile ilgili olarak yap ı lmış çal ışmalardan ve topoğrafik haritalardan yararlan ı larak arazide gerçekle ştirilmiş ve 6 profil çukuru incelenmi ştir. Aç ı lan profillerin her birinden horizon esas ı na göre örnekler al ı nmış ve laboratuvarda analizleri yap ı lm ışt ı r. Analizlerden elde edilen sonuçlar ı n ve arazi gözlemlerinin değerlendirilmesi ile 6 farkl ı toprak serisi tan ı mlanm ışt ı r. Bu serilerden dördü Entisol, biri Vertisol, biri de Inceptisol olarak s ı n ı fland ı r ı lmışt ı r. Daha sonra toprak serilerinin ve alt gruplar ı n ı n özellikleri hakk ı nda bilgiler verilmiştir

    Bayanp ı narı Köyü Arazilerinin Çankırı-Kızılırmak Detaylı Etüd ve Haritalanması

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    Bu ara şt ı rman ı n amac ı Çank ı r ı İ li Kı z ı l ı rmak ilçesi Bayanp ı nar ı Köyü arazilerinin detayl ı toprak etüd ve haritalama çal ışmas ı n ı n yap ı lmas ı d ı r. Etüd, topografik haritadan yararlan ı larak arazide gerçekle ştirilmi ş ve 8 adet profil çukuru incelenmiştir. Aç ı lan profillerin herbirinden horizon esas ı na göre örnekler al ı nm ış ve gerekli analizler laboratuvarda yap ı lm ışt ı r. Analizlerden elde edilen sonuçlar ı n ve arazi gözlemlerinin de ğ erlendirilmesi ile 6 farkl ı toprak serisi belirlenmi ştir. Bu serilerden 3 tanesi Inceptisol, 2 tanesi Entisol ve bir tanesi Alfisol olarak s ı n ı fland ı rı lm ış t ı r

    Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü İkizce Araştırma Çiftliğinin Arazi Değerlendirmesi

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    Bu çal ışman ı n amac ı Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Ara şt ı rma Enstitüsü İ kizce Araşt ı rma Çiftliğinin arazi kullan ı m planlamas ı n ı n yap ı lmas ı d ı r. Bu amaçla İ lk önce çal ışma alan ı na ait daha önce yap ı lmış 1:5.000 ölçekli temel toprak haritas ı ndan arazi karakteristikleri ve kaliteleri ile haritalama üniteleri tan ımlanmışt ı r. Daha sonra değerlendirmeye al ı nacak arazi kullan ı m türleri ve onlar ı n arazi istekleri belirlenmiştir. Arazi kullan ı m türlerinin arazi istekleri ile arazi haritalama birimlerinin arazi karakteristik ve nitelikleri kar şı laşt ı rı lmışt ı r. Arazi haritalama birimlerinin arazi kullan ı m türleri ile karşı laşt ı rı lmas ı yla elde edilen sonuçlar ekonomik, sosyal ve ekolojik verilerle birle ştirilerek her bir arazi haritalama birimi için uygun olan arazi kullan ı m türleri ve uygunluk s ı n ı fları belirlenmiştir. Son olarak da arazi uygunluk haritas ı haz ı rlanm ıştı r

    Response surface modeling of a small crossflow hydro turbine rotor

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    This paper presents the progress made in works aiming to design a modular low cost cross-flow turbine runner that is compatible with mass production. In an earlier study, stress and weight optimization analyses had been presented for a common runner design. This work includes analyses on segmented modular runner design iteration. Obtaining a closed form analytical formulation for complex mechanical structures such as turbine rotors with multiple blade assemblies can be very problematic. Building a prototype without optimizing the structural stress levels may result in unnecessary hardware costs. In this work, mathematical models for highest stress or lowest factor of safety on critical components of a small modular cross-flow hydro turbine rotor have been explored for various design options through a response surface analysis. The response surface model is obtained based on finite element analysis results following design of simulated experiments. Rotor design parameters have been investigated to optimize factor of safety on critical components without violating the specified weight limits. Box-Behnken data tables have been used to obtain the response surface model. The attained response model yields the maximum stress and lowest factor of safety for critical rotor components for various combinations of design parameters. Verification runs indicate that response model successfully predicts factor of safety levels close to finite element calculations

    Attitude and Knowledge of Intensive Care Nurses About Organ Donation

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    Objective: Intensive care nurses make a significant contribution to the donation process by providing communication between donor and recipient families. Hence, their knowledge and attitude are important to increase the rate of organ donation. This research aimed to determine the knowledge and attitudes of intensive care nurses about organ donation. Methods: The study was a cross-sectional design. The aim of this study was to determine the knowledge and attitudes of intensive care nurses about organ donation. The number of samples was determined according to the nurse layer weight of these hospitals: 311 volunteer intensive care nurses formed the sample. The data were collected using a valid and reliable “Organ Donation Attitude Scale” and “Organ Donation Information Scale”. Results: The mean age of the nurses was 27.28±6.08. The majority of the intensive care nurses included in the study were young, their attitudes towards organ donation were positive, and their knowledge on organ donation was at a good level. Most of the nurses did not have an organ donor card (98.4%). Positive organ donation attitude score in young nurses (p=0.012), male nurses (p=0.049), nurses with low-education level (p=0.002), nurses working in a private university or training/research hospital (p=0.007) and nurses working in neurosurgery, emergency intensive care (p=0.001) was lower. ODI score was higher in nurses with undergraduate and higher education (p=0.001), nurses working at education/research university hospital and state university hospital (p=0.003). There was an inverse correlation between negative and positive attitude about organ donation (p=0.029). Conclusion: Some clinical and sociodemographic characteristics of nurses are important in organ donation attitudes. However, although it is recommended that nurses with a high level of education work in this field to have a high level of knowledge about organ donation, this is not enough. Continuous training of nurses on this subject is required after graduation

    Preoperative Lipid Profile of Patients Operated For Coronary Bypass Surgery

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    DergiPark: 379072tmsjAims: Dyslipidemia is a major risk factor for atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. Evidence showed that an atherogenic lipid pattern is characterized by high levels of small, dense low-density lipoprotein, low levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, elevated triglyceride and total cholesterol levels; similar with the lipid profiles of diabetics.Methods: In this study, 91 patients who underwent coronary artery bypass grafting in Trakya University Hospital Department of Cardiovascular Surgery from April 2017 to September 2017 were analyzed retrospectively. As for statistical analysis, Student’s t-test and Mann Whitney U tests were performed.Results: The lipid profiles of patients were not significantly related to their ages and genders. However, when diabetic patients’ lipid profiles were analyzed, their low-density lipoprotein, and total cholesterol values were found to be significantly lower.Conclusion: It is unexpected to see that patients with diabetes had significantly lower total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein levels than non-diabetic patients. As for the reason, it is thought that patients with diabetes are more conscious of their health conditio


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    Bu araştırmanın amacı, aluviyal araziler üzerinde oluşmuş Çankırı-Kenbağ orman fidanlığı topraklarının fiziksel, kimyasal ve morfolojik özelliklerin incelenmesidir. Araştırma alanı Çankırı il merkezine 6 km uzaklıkta olup deniz seviyesinden ortalama yüksekliği 710 m dir. İklim yazları sıcak ve kurak kışları ise soğuk ve serttir. Çalışma bölgesindeki topraklar, özellikle Tatlı çayının değişik taşkın zamanlarında getirmiş olduğu sedimanlar üzerinde ve yamaç arazilerin etkileri sonucu oluşmuştur. Bölgeye ait topografik harita ve krokilerin incelenmesi, grit yöntemi ve burgu yoklamaları ile gerçekleştirilen arazi gözlemlerinden sonra, araştırma sahasında 9 profil kazılmıştır. Açılan profillerin her birinden horizon esasına göre örnekler alınmış ve labaratuvarda analizleri yapılmıştır. Analizlerden elde edilen sonuçların ve arazi gözlemlerinin değerlendirilmesi ile 7 farklı toprak serisi tanımlanmıştır. Bunlardan 2 tanesi Aridisol ve 5 tanesi Entisol olarak sınıflandırılmıştır. Anahtar kelimeler: Morfoloji, Genesis, Taksonomi, Etü