40 research outputs found

    Successful Management of Peripartum Cardiomyopathy in a Young Female Patient

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    DergiPark: 1020979tmsjAims: Peripartum cardiomyopathy is a rarely seen pregnancy-related myocardial disorder. The diagnosis is usually challenging and is made by exclusion. We aimed to present the recovery of a patient with peripartum cardiomyopathy as a result of a successful treatment plan. Case Report: A 26-year-old female patient with type-2 diabetes mellitus presented to the cardiology department of Trakya University School of Medicine. The patient experienced dyspnea and edema after delivery at 37 weeks of gestation. After the results of the blood tests, further cardiac examinations were deemed necessary. The echocardiogram revealed a low ejection fraction, indicating heart failure. The patient was recommended to halt breastfeeding and bromocriptine treatment was started. The patient was discharged one week later and kept under follow-up. Conclusion: Peripartum cardiomyopathy is a rare disease and therefore not easy to diagnose, but with appropriate treatment plans and frequent follow-ups, patients have high chances of full recovery

    Evaluation of Demographic, Clinic and Genetic Characteristics of Patients Admitted to Trakya University Hospital With Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

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    DergiPark: 1020973tmsjAims: This study aims to evaluate the genetics, clinical characteristics, and functional abnormalities of patients diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in Trakya University Hospital. Methods: This retrospective study was conducted with patients who were diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy between November 2009 - November 2019 in Trakya University Hospital. The data were obtained from the hospital’s database. Patients’ data (regarding age, gender, ge- netics, transthoracic echocardiogram findings, medications, types of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, and first diagnoses) were examined. Numbers, percentages, means, and standard deviations were used as descriptive statistics. Results: Eleven patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy were evaluated. Five (45.45%) were female and 6 (54.54%) were male. The mean age of the female patients was 58.20 ± 8.57 years. The most common type of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy was found to be asymmetrical septal cardiomyopathy [7 (63.63%)]. Three (27.27%) patients presented with hypertension. There were gene mutations in three patients. Among these three patients, two (18.18%) patients have MYBPC3, and one (9.09%) patient has TTN gene mutations. Conclusion: Hypertrophic car- diomyopathy is usually accompanied by comorbidities such as arrhythmias, myocardial infarction, coronary artery disease. Therefore, these patients must be paid attention to in these matters

    Investigation of the Death Anxiety and Meaning in Life Levels among Middle-Aged Adults

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    Life and death constitute a whole, and these concepts become increasingly important in the evaluation of life among middleaged adults. Therefore, this study investigated the correlation between individual levels of death anxiety and meaning in life in terms of certain variables such as gender, age, educational status, marital status, perceived level of devoutness, and witness to death. The sample consisted of 185 individuals (82 males, 103 females; aged 25–55 years) living in Istanbul, Turkey. The data was collected by using a Personal Information Form, the Death Anxiety Scale, and the Meaning in Life Questionnaire. The findings showed that, as the death anxiety and meaning in life subscale levels increased, the meaning in life levels decreased. In addition, it was found that death anxiety does not differ according to the following variables: age (25–35 and 35–55 years), educational status, marital status, perceived religious belief, and living with someone. The results also indicated that women tend to experience more death anxiety than men, and that individuals who witnessed the death of a close person generally feel more death anxiety than those who did not

    The Investigation of Medical Student Journals

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    DergiPark: 963050tmsjAims: The aim of our study is to examine and evaluate data of medical student journals from around the world for the year 2020. Methods: In this observational study 20 medical student journals were examined. Data analyzed comprised of the year of foundation, country of origin, number of issues per year, types of articles published, and the total number of articles published in a year. Issues that were published in 2020 only were taken into consideration. Results: In 2020, the majority of medical student journals were based in the United States of America, followed by Canada. There were only four indexed (Scopus, Science Citation Index Expanded, PubMed) medical student journals; three were from the United States of America, and one from Canada. In comparison with other journals, the Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine had the most published issues. They also have the most crowded editorial board. Overall, the median of people on the editorial boards and advisory boards were 17.5 and 14, respectively. The median for issues per year was 2. The median number of publications in medical student journals in 2020 was 23. Among them, 13.1% were original research articles, 10.8% review articles, 9.4% case reports, 4.9% editorials, and 2.9% letters to the editor. The remaining 59.0% were publications that fell into the "others" category. Conclusion: In conclusion, the majority of medical student journals are based in North America and Europe, and a substantial amount of the published articles falls into the “others” category. Considering the lack of effective guidance and regulations with relevance to indexing. Medical student journals face certain challenges regarding visibility, accessibility, and publishing articles. However, provided that the editors of medical student journals remain keen, motivated, and focused, medical student journals will contribute to the scientific community by creating a supportive and intellectual environment for aspiring researchers where they can enhance their understanding of scientific research and publishing skills

    Diagnostic Value of The Ischemia Modified Albumin and Pentraxin 3 In Pediatric Appendicitis: A Meta Analysis

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    Objective: In this meta-analysis, we aimed to review the diagnostic value of pentraxin 3 (PTX3) and ischemia-modified albumin (IMA) biomarkers in pediatric appendicitis. Method: Studies focusing on the value of PTX3 and IMA in the diagnosis of appendicitis were searched related to the PubMed database. Only randomized prospective clinical trials were included in this study. Results: After the screening, 6 articles based on the diagnostic value of IMA in appendicitis and 5 articles on the diagnostic value of PTX3 were reviewed. A total of 5 studies were included. The data of the 385 patients were reviewed. Sensitivity of PTX3 was 73-92% and specificity 88-100%, while IMA sensitivity was 89-96.7% and specificity was 26-99.7% in acute appendicitis. Conclusion: Although the results of the present study indicate that PTX3 and IMA can be shown as biomarkers in the differential diagnosis of acute abdomen, further study is needed to determine the cut-off value

    Ulusaldan Küresele: Popülizm, Demokrasi, Güvenlik Konferansı

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    Öngörülmesi giderek güçleşen, sarsıntılı ve savrulmalı zamanlardan geçiyoruz. İkinci Dünya Savaşı ve Soğuk Savaş ortak deneyimleri sonrasında 1950’lerden ve 1990’lardan itibaren demokratik sistemlerin peş peşe dalgalarla meşrulaşacağı, yaygınlaşacağı ve güçleneceği öngörüsü hakimdi. Ancak son yıllarda yaşanan bazı gelişmelerle demokrasilerin geleceği tekrar sorgulanmaya başladı. Gerek 11 Eylül ile başlayan ve IŞİD ile devam eden ve şiddet içeren İslamcı radikalizm, gerek Batı demokrasilerinde popülist radikal sağ hareketlerin ve beyaz ırkçı grupların yükselişi ve iktidara gelişi, bir yandan güvenlik-özgürlük ikileminin demokrasi dengesini bozdu, bir yandan da hem demokratik sistemlerin hem dünya barışının geleceğini bizi tekrar sorgular, sorgulatır hale getirdi. Demokrasileri bildiğimizi zannediyoruz, ama demokrasiler ile ilgili daha öğrenmemiz gereken çok şey var. Demokrasi kaderimiz de geleceğimiz de olmak zorunda değil belki de. Ya da belki yanlış yerden soru sormaya başlıyoruz, belki demokrasi yerine yeni bir referansa ihtiyacımız var. Aslında demokrasileri çantada keklik görmeyip, sabırla büyütüp yeşertmek, geliştirmek, korumak, ileri safhalara taşımak ve bizden sonraki nesillere aktarmak bir sorumluluk, ve bu sorumluluk bizlere ait. Popülizm, demokrasi, güvenlik kavramlarının her biri bugün sıkça ve yaygın olarak kullandığımız kavramlar olarak gündelik sohbetlerimizin içine kadar girmiş durumda. Bu yaygın kullanımlarına rağmen her bir kavram, üzerine düşünmeye, tartışmaya ve değerlendirmeye tekrar tekrar olanak verecek derinlikte. Her bir tartışma bir diğerini açarken, farklı gibi görünen bu kavramların birbirleriyle kesiştikleri zeminler bulmak mümkün. Popülist liderlerin politikaları bütün siyaset yapma biçimlerini kendine çeken ya da kendinden uzaklaştıran eksenler yaratarak her ikisini de aynı anda besleyebiliyor. Popülist politikaya angaje olan liderler ve grupların yanında bu politikaya karşı mücadele eden kişiler ve kitleler de yok değil, ancak kimi zaman bu kitleler eleştirdiği bu siyaset biçiminin kurucu öznesi haline de gelebiliyor. Bunun karşısında tabandan gelen demokratikleşme talepleri ve popülist siyasetle beraber kurumsallaşan diğer politika yapma biçimleri, demokrasi anlayışımızı farklı yönlere çekebiliyor. Bu demokratikleşme talepleri kimi zaman olumlu karşılıklar alsa da, kimi zaman devletlerin güvenlik politikaları ile etkisizleştirilmeye ve bastırılmaya çalışılıyor. Güvenlik politikalarının alanı günümüz teknolojisi sebebiyle o kadar genişledi ki, bu politikanın nesnesi haline gelmemiş varlık ve alan bulmak neredeyse mümkün değil. Ulusaldan Küresele: Popülizm, Demokrasi, Güvenlik konferansımız bu alanların kendine özgülüklerini göz önünde bulundururken, aralarındaki kesişimleri de ortaya koyan pek çok değerli sunuma ev sahipliği yaptı. Konferansın düzenlenmesinde emeği geçen herkese, ve bu bildiri kitabında tam metinleri ve özetleri bulunan bütün katılımcılarımıza çok teşekkür ederiz.Publisher's Versio

    Alloimmünizasyonla oluşan anti-HLA antikorlarının mikrolenfositotoksisite yöntemi ile belirlenmesi

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    Bu çalışmada anti-HLA antikoru oluşum sebeplerinden kan transfüzyonu, gebelik ve transplantasyon öyküsüne sahip olan KBY hastalarından alınan serum örneklerinin fizyolojik şartlara yakın ortamda antikor antijen etkileşimi gözlemlenebilen mikrolenfositotoksisite yöntemi ile panel reaktif antikor taraması yapıldı. Bunun için laboratuvarımıza rutin anti-HLA antikoru taraması için başvuran KBY hastalarının arasından Luminex PRA tarama sonuçlarındaki HLA sınıf I ve HLA sınıf II pozitifliğine göre hastalar seçildi. Ardından 21 seruma sınıf I tanımlama, 8 seruma sınıf II tanımlama, 13 seruma hem sınıf I hem sınıf II Luminex PRA tanımlama testi yapılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre 5 farklı temada terasaki plakları düzeninde serumlar laboratuvarımıza başvuran doku tipi bilinen verici adaylarından elde edilen lenfositler serumların üzerine eklenerek mikrolenfositotoksisite yöntemi ile testlendi. Sentetik boncukların üzerine HLA fragmentlerinin yerleştirilmesi ile antikor tanımlaması yapılan Luminex PRA yönteminin fizyolojik şartlarda gerçek hücre üzerindeki HLA antijenleri ile antikor birleşmesi sağlayan mikrolenfositotoksisite yöntemi ile her zaman aynı antikorları saptamadığı görüldü

    Treatment Management with Long Term Follow-Up in Late-Admitted Traumatized Permanent Incisors: Case Series

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    Traumatic dental injuries are particularly common in school-age children and often occur in the anterior region. Process management of cases is possible with alternative treatments according to the root development levels. In this case series, it is aimed to present the treatment and 2-year follow-up of permanent anterior teeth with traumatic dental injuries. Case 1: 8-year-old patient, who had a bicycle accident 20 days ago, was diagnosed with extrusion of # 31. Due to late admission to the clinic was in the late period, no repositioning procedure was applied to the tooth. Regenerative endodontic treatment was done. During the radiological follow-up, the apex was closed in the 12th month; however, it was observed that obliteration started in the root canal at the 24th months. The case is still being followed up at regular intervals. Case 2: A 13-year-old patient, who had a traffic accident 3 days ago, was diagnosed with subluxation in #11, and a root fracture was detected in the apical third of #21. In #21, root canal treatment was applied to the coronal part of the fragments. After the diagnosis of pulp necrosis in #11 in the 2nd month of the follow-up period, root canal filling was applied. During the follow-up period, no pathology was detected and no granulation tissue was formed between the fragments in #21. In traumatic dental injuries, long-term follow-up, well-timed endodontic treatments and material selection play an important role in success. With regenerative endodontic treatment, successful results can be obtained even in treatments applied in the late period