125 research outputs found

    Child Centered and Care based Practices According to Constructivist Learning Approach

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    Yapılandırmacı öğrenme yaklaşımına göre öğrenme, bireyin yapılandırma sürecini etkileyen içsel ve dışsal faktörlerin uyumu ile açıklanabilir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, çocuğu tanıyarak geliştirmeye yönelik çabalar olarak açıklanabilecek olan “çocukla ilgilenmenin” öğretmen, veli ve çocuk için ne anlama geldiğini belirlemeye çalışmaktır. Araştırma betimsel bir çalışma niteliğinde olup araştırma verileri 2015-2016 öğretim yılında Antalya ilinde kolay ulaşılabilir örnekleme yoluyla belirlenmiş 150 kişiden yarı-yapılandırılmış görüşme soruları aracılığıyla toplanmıştır. Araştırma verileri, betimsel içerik analizi ile analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma bulguları incelendiğinde, öğretmen ve veli açısından çocukla ilgilenmenin çocuğu akademik başarıya ulaştırma için bilgi öğretmekle ilişkilendirildiği, özellikle aileler açısından ise çocukların istek ve ihtiyaçlarının karşılanması olarak algılandığı görülmüştür. Çocukların ise öğretmenlerinin kendileriyle ilgilenmesini öğretme kavramıyla, anne baba ilgisini ise daha çok istek ve ihtiyaçlarını karşılamaları ile açıkladıkları görülmüştür. Araştırma sonucunda, çalışma grubunun, çocukla ilgilenme kavramını yapılandırmacı öğrenme ortamları ile ilişkilendiremedikleri, hala davranışçı öğrenme yaklaşımına göre beklentilerinin şekillendiği ve öğrenme-öğretme sürecine yön verdikleri söylenebilir.Learning can be explained by the harmony between internal and external factors that affect the construction process of individuals. This study aimed to identify what “taking care of the child” means for teachers, parents and children. The descriptive study was conducted in 2015-2016 academic year and data were collected from a total of 150 individuals identified. Research data were analyzed by using descriptive content analysis. Research findings show that taking care of the child was associated by teachers and parents with providing information in order to have children acquire academic achievement; parents were perceived as meeting the requests and needs while children explain teacher interest and care with the concept of teaching and they explain parental care and interest as being shown that they are loved and having their requests and needs met. It can be claimed that research results point to a lack of constructivist learning environments in which these roles are supposed to be displayed in terms of taking care of children and learning-teaching process is still guided by behavioral learning approach

    Effect of different impression materials on the marginal fit of frameworks: An in-vitro study

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    Objectives: The objective of this study was to compare the accuracy of three different impression materials with evaluating the marginal fits of metal frameworks using replica technique.Materials and Methods: A phantom premolar tooth was prepared with a 1 mm circumferential chamfer preparation. Four impression materials: two vinyl polysiloxane (VPS) (Affinis Precious, (Group A); Elite HD, (Group E)), one polyether (Impregum Penta Soft, (Group P)) and one vinyl siloxanether (Identium, (Group I)) were used for producing stone casts of this master model. Twelve measurements per replica were carried out using a light microscope X40 magnification by Leica software, to assess the vertical marginal gap (VMG). Data were analyzed using the analysis of variance followed by Tukey’s test (p=0.05).Results: Specimens of the Group A and I showed significantly lower VMG values than those of Group E and Group P (p<0.001). Differences were not significant between groups A and I, and E and P either (p>0.05).Conclusions: All impression materials were clinically acceptable. As well as composition of the impression materials, size of filler particles and fluid mechanics of flow into very small spaces can be effective on accuracy of the materials

    The significance of MUAC z-scores in diagnosing pediatric malnutrition: A scoping review with special emphasis on neurologically disabled children

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    This review by a panel of pediatric gastroenterology-hepatology-nutrition and pediatric neurology experts aimed to address the significance of mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) assessment in diagnosis of pediatric malnutrition. Specifically, the potential utility of recently developed MUAC z-score tape in clinical practice for larger patient populations was addressed including the neurologically disabled children. In accordance with the evidence-based data, four statements were identified by the participating experts on the utility of MUAC z-score tape, including (1) MUAC z-scores correlate with body mass index (BMI) and weight for height/length (WFH/l) z-scores in diagnosing malnutrition; (2) MUAC z-score tape offers a higher sensitivity to diagnose the mild and moderate malnutrition and better ability to track the changes in nutritional status over time than the other single datapoint measurements; (3) Using single-step MUAC z-score tape in children with cerebral palsy (CP) seems to provide more reliable data on anthropometry; and (4) The clinical value of the tool in classifying secondary malnutrition in CP should be investigated in large-scale populations. In conclusion, enabling single-step estimation of nutritional status in a large-scale pediatric population regardless of age and within a wide range of weight, without formal training or the need for ancillary reference charts and calculators, MUAC z-tape offers a favorable tool for easier and earlier diagnosis of pediatric malnutrition. Nonetheless, further implementation of MUAC z-score screening in larger-scale and/or special populations is necessary to justify its utility in relation to other primary anthropometric indicators in diagnosis of malnutrition as well as in treatment monitoring in the community and hospital setting.Abbott Nutrition Turkey ; KAPPA Consultancy Training Research Ltd

    An ethno-veterinary study on plants used for the treatment of livestock diseases in Genç (Bingöl-Turkey)

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    There are a very limited number of studies on plants traditionally used in animal diseases in Turkey. As a result, valuable information is getting lost. Traditional plant use in Genç District (Turkey) was recorded by semi-structured interviews with breeders and shepherds. The collected information was subjected to quantitative analysis using the informant consensus factor. It was recorded that a total of 53 plants from 24 families were used in the traditional treatment of animal diseases. 8 of these plants are endemic plants with a narrow distribution area and were recorded for the first time by us. The breeders stated that they applied such plants to animals with peace in mind as these plants had been used for human treatment as well. This study is the first ethno-veterinary study conducted in the province. Phytochemical studies need to be carried out on medicinal plants used in livestock around Bingöl Province. We believe that the use of this preliminary information obtained from ethnoveterinary studies by researchers will contribute to the production of natural animal medicines

    Yeni Ortadoğu: Toplum, Siyaset ve Ekonomi Konferansı

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    Ortadoğu asırlar boyu uluslararası siyasetin merkezinde yer almış, araştırmacı ve siyaset yapıcıların ilgi odağı olmuştur. Bu ilgiye rağmen, 2010 yılında başlayan ve ‘Arap Baharı’ olarak adlandırılan halk ayaklanmaları ve bu çerçevede yaşanan siyasal, ekonomik ve sosyal dönüşümler siyasetçiler ve sosyal bilimciler tarafından öngörülememiş ve mevcut varsayımları derinden sarsmıştır. Bir yandan demokratikleşme hareketleri ve ekonomik bir dönüşüm yaşayan bölge, diğer yandan iç çatışmaların, darbelerin ve vekalet savaşlarının merkezi haline gelmiş, ve tüm bu gelişmeler yeni yaklaşımları ve analizleri gerekli kılmıştır. Bu çerçevede Işık Üniversitesi Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü, Arap Baharı’yla başlayan süreçte bölgede gözlemlenen yeni toplumsal, ekonomik, iç ve dış siyasal dinamikleri akademik alanda tartışmaya açmak amacıyla ‘Yeni Ortadoğu’ başlıklı bir konferans düzenledi. Bu konferans çerçevesinde 24-25 Mart 2016 tarihlerinde Maslak Kampüsü’nde bizzat sunulan ve tam metin olarak bize iletilen bildirilerden bu kitabı oluşturduk.Publisher's Versio