55 research outputs found

    El Tratado de Libre Comercio y la agricultura mexicana: un enfoque de equilibrio general aplicado.

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    This paper presents the main results obtained from an applied general equilibrium model of Mexico, which tries to identify the impact on agricultural production and consumption of a North American Free Trade Agreement. It also discusses the limit and potentialities of such models.

    Efectos de la desaparición de la Conasupo en el comercio y en los precios de los cultivos básicos

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    This article examines one of many reforms undertaken by the Mexican government in order to liberalize the economy: the dismantling of Conasupo, which was probably the most important state trading enterprise of Mexico. In this article we document the steps followed to eliminate this company, with special emphasis on its effect on trade. We also present the results of an empirical investigation that indicates that as a consequence of the liberalization of Mexico's agricultural sector, it´s food staple producers are now subject to international competition.

    Liberalización y reformas al agro: lecciones de México

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    [EN] In this article I examine the North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) to investigate its impact on agriculture and the rural economy in Mexico and assess the policies the country has adopted to support the process. The first conclusion is that NAFTAhas confirmed some predictions (an increase in the trading of agricultural and fresh fish products between member countries and price cuts to Mexican producers of non-competitive crops). The second conclusion is the non-fulfilment of other predictions, an important one of which was an increase in the production of Mexican maize —the country’s main crop and form of human sustenance, and considered non-competitive. The Mexican experience, however, shows that the polarized view of some political agents, which is reflected in their choice of public policies, has led to contradictions between goals and policies, that is, the protection of food safety and sovereignty in the context of an agricultural trade liberalization framework. The article concludes by indicating some of the lessons the Mexican experience has to offer to other Latin American countries with existing or pending free trade agreements.[ES] En el artículo examino el Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte (TLCAN o NAFTA por sus siglas en inglés) con el objeto de analizar el impacto sobre la agricultura y la economía rural en México, y evaluar las políticas introducidas por este último país para acompañar el proceso. La primera conclusión es que el TLCAN ha cubierto algunas de las predicciones (aumento en el comercio agropecuario entre los países firmantes y reducción de los precios al productor de cultivos no competitivos producidos en México). La segunda conclusión es que otras redicciones no se han cumplido, destacando el aumento en la producción de maíz en México —el principal cultivo y alimento humano en el país, considerado no competitivo. La experiencia mexicana, sin embargo, muestra que la visión polarizada que presentan varios agentes políticos con respecto a la elección de políticas públicas apropiadas ha provocado contradicción en sus objetivos e instrumentos; a saber: la promoción de la seguridad y soberanía alimenticia en un marco de liberalización en el comercio agrícola. El artículo concluye con las lecciones que la experiencia mexicana puede ofrecer a otros países de Latinoamérica con acuerdos de liberalización de mercado nuevos o en proceso de discusión.Yúnez Naude, A. (2006). Liberalization and reform of the agricultural sector: Lessons from Mexico. Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales - Agricultural and Resource Economics. 6(12):47-67. doi:10.7201/earn.2006.12.03SWORD476761

    Diagnóstico sobre pobreza rural en México

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    En el presente diagnóstico se documenta la evolución de la pobreza en México durante los últimos años, poniendo especial atención en la que padecen los habitantes de su medio rural y haciendo uso de las estimaciones que hay para el país y las propias. El documento está compuesto por ocho secciones. En la primera se explican de manera resumida las metodologías comúnmente aplicadas en la medición de la pobreza y las fuentes de datos usadas para las mediciones en México. En las cinco secciones que siguen se presentan los resultados a partir de las metodologías expuestas en la sección previa. Se concluye en la sección ocho con una reflexión general sobre la evolución y perspectivas de la pobreza rural en México (el documento incluye dos anexos que contienen cuadros de resultados sobre estimaciones de pobreza para todo el país, que sirven como referencia de lo expuesto en el texto principal).pobreza, México, economías rurales, América Latina

    Dispersal of transgenes through maize seed systems in Mexico.

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    ObjectivesCurrent models of transgene dispersal focus on gene flow via pollen while neglecting seed, a vital vehicle for gene flow in centers of crop origin and diversity. We analyze the dispersal of maize transgenes via seeds in Mexico, the crop's cradle.MethodsWe use immunoassays (ELISA) to screen for the activity of recombinant proteins in a nationwide sample of farmer seed stocks. We estimate critical parameters of seed population dynamics using household survey data and combine these estimates with analytical results to examine presumed sources and mechanisms of dispersal.ResultsRecombinant proteins Cry1Ab/Ac and CP4/EPSPS were found in 3.1% and 1.8% of samples, respectively. They are most abundant in southeast Mexico but also present in the west-central region. Diffusion of seed and grain imported from the United States might explain the frequency and distribution of transgenes in west-central Mexico but not in the southeast.ConclusionsUnderstanding the potential for transgene survival and dispersal should help design methods to regulate the diffusion of germplasm into local seed stocks. Further research is needed on the interactions between formal and informal seed systems and grain markets in centers of crop origin and diversification

    Natural resource dependence in rural Mexico

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    The relationship between poverty and natural resources is complex and the empirical evidence to date, mostly from studies of forest activities and poverty, is inconclusive. The main purpose of this paper is to empirically identify the effects of household characteristics and of inequality at the village level on natural resource extraction and dependence. To do so we use data from the Mexico National Rural Household Survey (ENHRUM). Our results show that in rural Mexico natural resource extraction is predominantly an activity carried out by poor households. The same is true for dependence. We also show that there are important differences across Mexico in terms of both participation and dependence on resource income. These differences are most evident when one compares the south and north of the country. We also show that when relatively rich households participate in resource extraction their natural resource income is considerably higher than that of the poor

    Natural resource dependence in rural Mexico

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    The relationship between poverty and natural resources is complex and the empirical evidence to date, mostly from studies of forest activities and poverty, is inconclusive. The main purpose of this paper is to empirically identify the effects of household characteristics and of inequality at the village level on natural resource extraction and dependence. To do so we use data from the Mexico National Rural Household Survey (ENHRUM). Our results show that in rural Mexico natural resource extraction is predominantly an activity carried out by poor households. The same is true for dependence. We also show that there are important differences across Mexico in terms of both participation and dependence on resource income. These differences are most evident when one compares the south and north of the country. We also show that when relatively rich households participate in resource extraction their natural resource income is considerably higher than that of the poor

    Cambios en el bienestar de 1990 a 2005: un estudio espacial para México

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    The article presents the results of a typology of Mexico's municipalities/counties based on statistical estimations of changes in human welfare during 1990-2005; i.e. changes in consumption, poverty and inequality. Results show that 53.1% of Mexican population lived in municipalities that experienced significant improvement in at least one of this welfare measures, but that 45.7% did not experienced improvements in any of them. The details of the findings are drawn in maps which show the high heterogeneity of welfare changes experienced by the population of Mexico.welfare, economic development, typology, municipalities, small areas estimations.

    La dinámica de un territorio en Yucatán

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    El hilo conductor del proyecto en Yucatán partió de las preguntas surgidas del Programa Dinámicas Territoriales Rurales (DTR): ¿Cuáles han sido los fenómenos endógenos y exógenos que han influenciado la dinámica del territorio a estudiar en los últimos 20 años?; ¿Cuáles son los fenómenos que podrían explicar el resultado de una mejora de 1990 a 2005 en el nivel de bienestar de los hogares de cuatro municipios en el estado de Yucatán? A las estas dos preguntas hemos añadido la que sigue:¿ha cambiado el bienestar de los hogares de estos municipios en 2009? Un paso previo, necesario para llevar a cabo el estudio, fue indagar si los cuatro municipios yucatecos pueden considerarse como un territorio. Con base en los resultados obtenidos consideramos que los municipios de Cuzamá, Huhí, Acanceh y Homún forman un territorio, que denominamos CHAH a partir de la primera letra de sus nombres. Nuestra investigación se ha basado en el uso de dos metodologías: cualitativa y cuantitativa.Yucatán, México, economías rurales, Latín América, dinámicas territoriales