374 research outputs found

    L'évolution et le nouvel essor de la législation chinoise après l'époque de Mao : ses orientations

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    Que s'est-il passé en Chine après la mort de Mao ? L'explosion économique intervenue depuis la réforme et l'ouverture sur l'extérieur, l'événement de la place Tian'anmen de 1989 et le lancement de l'économie de marché socialiste font réfléchir sur la direction du développement de ce pays tellement peuplé, où la civilisation confucianiste et l'idéologie issue du marxisme-léninisme et de la pensée de Mao ont eu une très profonde influence sur le peuple qui se méfiait du rôle du droit. À travers un rappel historique sur l'évolution juridique et législative du droit chinois traditionnel, qui se caractérise, d'une part, par le développement considérable du droit pénal et, d'autre part, par la négligence d'élaboration du droit civil qui est remplacé, dans une certaine mesure, par les morales confucianistes, le présent texte essaie d'exposer le nouveau changement et développement législatif apporté par de nouvelles politiques et de mettre en lumière les deux orientations principales de l'essor législatif en Chine.What has happened in China since the death of Mao ? Economic explosion in the wake of reform and an opening up to the outside world, the 1989 Tian An Men Square incident and the inauguration of the socialist market economy have all raised questions regarding the administration of this so heavily populated country in which Confucian civilization and Marxist-Leninist inspired ideology and Mao's thinking have left a profound influence on the Chinese people who have been distrustful of the role of the law. Through an historical survey of the juridical and legislative evolution of traditional Chinese law characterized by the marked development of criminal law and a corresponding neglect in the furtherance of the civil law, in turn replaced to a degree by Confucian moralism, this paper attempts to explain this new change and legislative development brought on by new policy and shed light on the two main orientations of this legislative beginning in China

    Active integrated antenna with simultaneous transmit and receive

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    An active antenna with simultaneous transmit and receive function, integrate an active devices onto a printed antenna to improve its performance or combine functions within the antenna itself. Such antenna are of increasing interest, as system designers require more complex functions to be implemented in reduced space. This paper discusses the integration of active antennas by combining both transmit and receive functions into one single antenna. Four main components in the design are circular polarized microstrip patch antenna, rat race coupler, power divider and amplifiers. All the simulations are done using the Agilent ADS. The circular polarized antenna resonates at 2. 4 GHz. Two MESFET amplifiers have been used to transmit and receive the channel separately. The rat race coupler isolates the two channels and a Tee junction power divider is connected the two channels to the input and output port. The channels are of the same frequency. The simulation and measurement results of the microstrip patch antenna for S11 are lower than -10 dB at frequency of 2.4 GHz. The antenna polarization is confirmed as a circular polarized, as can be seen in the radiation pattern from the measured and simulated results. The amplifier biasing circuit is supplied by two power sources; one is the drain voltage (Vds) which is positive and the other is the gate voltage (Vgs), which is negative. After integrating all of the components, the radiation pattern is measured for both transmit and receive. The beamwidth of the antenna is in the range of 60o – 70o for H plane. The radiation pattern for E plane is smaller compared with the H plane. The comparison between the passive and the active integrated antenna shows that the active integrated antenna has 3 dB extra gain compared to the passive antenna for both transmit and receive. The isolation between transmit and receive is between 20 – 25 dB


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    Le processus législatif et la technique législative en Chine

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    Cet article vise à préciser et nuancer l'apparente similitude entre le droit légiféré de la RPC, tel qu'il se présente après quinze ans de réformes économiques, et celui des démocraties occidentales, sur la base d'une description du processus d'élaboration des textes législatifs et réglementaires chinois et de la technique législative mise en oeuvre dans ces textes. Les auteurs, après avoir présenté la hiérarchie complexe des normes juridiques découlant de la Constitution de 1982, décrivent dans un premier temps le processus de rédaction et d'adoption des lois par l'Assemblée populaire nationale et son Comité permanent, et celui des règlements par le Conseil des affaires d'État et les instances centrales et locales investies de pouvoirs réglementaires. Dans un deuxième temps, ils présentent les caractéristiques formelles des textes législatifs et réglementaires chinois, ainsi que les règles et pratiques concernant leur introduction dans l'ordre juridique et leur interprétation. Enfin, dressant le bilan de quinze années de construction d'un système législatif en Chine, ils en dégagent quelques constats et réflexions prospectives sur l'évolution des attitudes des Chinois face à la loi, sur l'effectivité des textes législatifs et réglementaires compte tenu des obstacles culturels et systémiques qu'elle rencontre, et sur la problématique nouvelle du principe de légalité socialiste, encore conçu de manière rigoureusement légicentrique. L'évolution de ces perspectives leur paraît dépendre au premier chef de la capacité du nouveau droit chinois de garantir sa propre effectivité.This paper aims at establishing a clearer distinction between the legislative system as enacted in the PRC over these past fifteen years of economic reform and legislation as it is known in western democracies, despite apparent similarities. This attempt is based upon an overview of Chinese legislative and regulatory processes, plus a brief survey of current Chinese legislative techniques. Starting from a description of the complex hierarchy of legal norms provided under the Constitution of 1982, the authors first describe how laws are drafted and deliberated in the National People's Congress and its Standing Committee, then how the same is done for regulations at the Council of State and other, both central and local, regulatory agencies. As such, they present the main formal features found in Chinese laws and regulations, as well as rules and practices governing implementation, publication and interpretation of statutory instruments. In summing up the output of fifteen years of legislative activities, the authors comment on three significant issues : Chinese attitudes to law, cultural and systemic obstacles to the effective implementation of law and regulations, and the need to rethink the principle of socialist legality, which is still being understood strictly in terms of legislation. The future development of these issues appears to the authors to depend critically upon the ability of the new legislative system to ensure its own effectiveness

    Pengaruh Kenaikan Penghasilan Tidak Kena Pajak (Ptkp) terhadap Peningkatan Daya Beli Masyarakat di Daerah Kabupaten Kediri (Studi Kasus di Desa Sambireksik Kecamatan Gampengrejo)

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    Developing countries such as Indonesia\u27s state government development is necessary in order to make this country better and grow into a developed country. Income tax article 21, the biggest contributor of government revenue. Itself taxable income is income that is not taxed. Policy PTKP rise in 2013 was taken by the government for fiscal stimulus in anticipation of a global economic slowdown. The purpose of this study is the effect of the increase in taxable income to purchasing power in the region, especially the village of Kediri District Gampengrejo Sambiresik. Researchers wanted to examine the truth by raising the taxable income will increase purchasing power also appropriate government said. This type of research used in this study is a quantitative approach. Data collection techniques used questionnaire study. This study used a Likert scale scores of the questionnaire. Analysis of the data used is descriptive analysis. The results of this research is that if the independent variable (PTKP) worth (0) then the dependent variable (Purchasing Power) worth 3,938. Leverage the value of coefficient for the variable X is equal to -180. In the regression tests are sig 0.140, then H0 is accepted. Advice from research that more closely if the government wants to increase the amount of taxable income to increase purchasing power. The government can increase people\u27s purchasing power by raising the taxable income but also control the prices of basic necessities

    Network Adjustment: Channel Search Guided by FLOPs Utilization Ratio

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    Automatic designing computationally efficient neural networks has received much attention in recent years. Existing approaches either utilize network pruning or leverage the network architecture search methods. This paper presents a new framework named network adjustment, which considers network accuracy as a function of FLOPs, so that under each network configuration, one can estimate the FLOPs utilization ratio (FUR) for each layer and use it to determine whether to increase or decrease the number of channels on the layer. Note that FUR, like the gradient of a non-linear function, is accurate only in a small neighborhood of the current network. Hence, we design an iterative mechanism so that the initial network undergoes a number of steps, each of which has a small `adjusting rate' to control the changes to the network. The computational overhead of the entire search process is reasonable, i.e., comparable to that of re-training the final model from scratch. Experiments on standard image classification datasets and a wide range of base networks demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, which consistently outperforms the pruning counterpart. The code is available at https://github.com/danczs/NetworkAdjustment

    Edge control in a computer controlled optical surfacing process using a heterocercal tool influence function

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    Edge effect is regarded as one of the most difficult technical issues in a computer controlled optical surfacing (CCOS) process. Traditional opticians have to even up the consequences of the two following cases. Operating CCOS in a large overhang condition affects the accuracy of material removal, while in a small overhang condition, it achieves a more accurate performance, but leaves a narrow rolled-up edge, which takes time and effort to remove. In order to control the edge residuals in the latter case, we present a new concept of the ‘heterocercal’ tool influence function (TIF). Generated from compound motion equipment, this type of TIF can ‘transfer’ the material removal from the inner place to the edge, meanwhile maintaining the high accuracy and efficiency of CCOS. We call it the ‘heterocercal’ TIF, because of the inspiration from the heterocercal tails of sharks, whose upper lobe provides most of the explosive power. The heterocercal TIF was theoretically analyzed, and physically realized in CCOS facilities. Experimental and simulation results showed good agreement. It enables significant control of the edge effect and convergence of entire surface errors in large tool-to-mirror size-ratio conditions. This improvement will largely help manufacturing efficiency in some extremely large optical system projects, like the tertiary mirror of the Thirty Meter Telescope