161 research outputs found

    Performance Measurement of Vietnamese Publishing Firms by the Integration of the GM (1,1) Model and the Malmquist Model

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    Background: In the new technology context, the publishing industry cannot continue to maintain its business operations and to develop relying solely on traditional product offerings, such as books, magazines, and newspapers. There needs to be an expansion into innovative products, such as e-books, micro-publishing, and websites. Objectives: The paper addresses the factors influencing financial reports of Vietnamese publishing firms using two methodological approaches, namely the Grey first-order one variables (GM,1,1) model in the Grey theory and the Malmquist model in the data envelopment analysis (DEA). Methods/Approach: The GM(1,1) model predicts the future period of 2020–2023 based on the historical time series analysis. The Malmquist model presents catch-up, frontier-shift, and Malmquist Productivity Index (MPI) in whole terms. Results: The analysis provides an overview of the publishing industry in Vietnam. The final empirical results show that twelve companies reached a production efficiency higher than 1 and fourteen companies are expected to attain a productivity score higher than 1. Conclusions: Only a few firms do not need to change significantly; however, the remaining firms must re-evaluate their current operations

    Performance analysis of global local mean square error criterion of stochastic linearization for nonlinear oscillator

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    The paper presents a performance analysis of global-local mean square error criterion of stochastic linearization for some nonlinear oscillators. This criterion of stochastic linearization for nonlinear oscillators bases on dual conception to the local mean square error criterion (LOMSEC). The algorithm is generally built to multi-degree of freedom (MDOF) nonlinear oscillators. Then, the performance analysis is carried out for two applications which comprise a rolling ship oscillation and two-degree of freedom one. The improvement on accuracy of the proposed criterion has been shown in comparison with the conventional Gaussian equivalent linearization (GEL)

    Selection of Exercises to Improve the Effectiveness of Physical Education under the Project of Elective Sports Cockpitching for Female Students K2023 Hanoi Metropolitan University

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    The interview results have selected 36 exercises belonging to 5 exercise groups to improve the effectiveness of physical education according to the project for female Hanoi Metropolitan University students studying the optional sport of shuttlecock, including Group 1: Exercises to develop strength quickly has 7 exercises; Group 2: Strength development exercises have 6 exercises; Group 3: Exercises to develop endurance has 5 exercises; Group 4: Exercises to develop flexibility and coordination has 5 exercises; Group 5: Exercises with the bridge has 13 exercises with an agreement level of > 70% or more and an average score of > 3.41 - 4.20 points. &nbsp

    Quantum Vision Clustering

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    Unsupervised visual clustering has garnered significant attention in recent times, aiming to characterize distributions of unlabeled visual images through clustering based on a parameterized appearance approach. Alternatively, clustering algorithms can be viewed as assignment problems, often characterized as NP-hard, yet precisely solvable for small instances on contemporary hardware. Adiabatic quantum computing (AQC) emerges as a promising solution, poised to deliver substantial speedups for a range of NP-hard optimization problems. However, existing clustering formulations face challenges in quantum computing adoption due to scalability issues. In this study, we present the first clustering formulation tailored for resolution using Adiabatic quantum computing. An Ising model is introduced to represent the quantum mechanical system implemented on AQC. The proposed approach demonstrates high competitiveness compared to state-of-the-art optimization-based methods, even when utilizing off-the-shelf integer programming solvers. Lastly, this work showcases the solvability of the proposed clustering problem on current-generation real quantum computers for small examples and analyzes the properties of the obtained solutionsComment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2202.08837 by other author

    Groundwork-Based Research to Design Application SCC - Building a Sustainable Community for Children in Mountainous Area

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    Children’s clothing is a prime example of fast fashion, as their continuous growth requires frequent purchases. This not only impacts the environment but also puts financial strain on parents. Concurrently, many highland children lack essential material and educational resources, contributing to poverty in the region. To address these challenges, local authorities urgently require a sustainable solution that supports children, communities, and localities, fostering comprehensive development. The project development criteria are evaluated based on the United Nations’ 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs). Data was collected through an online survey of 50 married individuals, 162 non-married individuals, and interviews with those who have organized events for children in the highlands. Additionally, insights were obtained from three children from disadvantaged areas. The results indicate that all target groups show a keen interest in social activities for children. Parents facing difficulties accessing charities, and the lack of effective collaboration between charities and local authorities, hinders sustainable development efforts. Keywords: children, SDG, social sustainabilty, communit

    Evaluation of genetic diversity and DNA fingerprinting of 19 standard reference rice varieties using SSR markers

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    Molecular markers are advanced-tools for identifying new varieties at DNA levels. According to the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties ofPlants,  new breeded varieties need to be tested for the Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability (DUS), before being recognized as the new ones. Traditional DUS criteria based on 62 - 65 morphological and biochemical characteristics, which evaluated on comparison of new varieties with 19 standard reference varieties for traits of interest.  Study on the genotypic polymorphism of 19 standard reference rice varieties provides genotypic information of these varieties for the evaluation of new rice varieties based on genotyping analysis.  The reference marker set (30 markers) was used to evaluate the genetic diversity and DNA fingerprinting of 19 standard reference rice varieties. The results showed the similarity coefficient of 19 varieties varied from 0.04 to 0.548. At the genetic similarity coefficient of 0.1, the 19 rice varieties divided into two main groups. Group one included 3 varieties: DH1, DH5, DH13. Group 2 included the remaining 16 varieties. Inside group two, phylogenetic tree divided into two main branches at the genetic similarity coefficient of 0.3. Branch 1 includes 5 varieties including DH2, DH6, DH10, DH11 and DH7. The 11 remaining varieties were in the branch 2. The most closely varieties were DH6 and DH10 with the genetic similarity coefficient of 0.548. This study shows that, the standard reference varieties have high uniformity and high genotypic polymorphism, could used for testing new varieties based on genotyping by DNA fingerprinting combining with phenotype

    Modification of natural zeolite by salt to treat ammonia pollution in groundwater

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    Treating ammonium pollution in ground water by natural zeolite after being modificated to the Naform (Z-Na) is the new way of research that scientists interested in. The experiment results showed that, at pH 6, the efficient of treating ammonium in ground water is the highest. The efficient of treating increase rapidly in the first 5 minutes and remain stable after that. Higher concentration of the Z-Na will increase the treating coefficient of the process. With a water sample that has CNNH4+= 27 mg/L at first, using CZ-Na=13g/L and after 5 minutes, the concentration of ammonium in water was declined to 1mg/L, passed the Vietnamese standard for ground water (QCVN 09:2015- MT/BTNMT). The treating coefficient is 96.30%, the adsorption capacity is 2.07 mg N-NH4 +/1g ZNa. The loaded Z-Na was regenerated using 2g/L NaOH solution, the ammonium recovery ratio exceeded 92%. This means the reuse of Z-Na for ammonium adsorption is very high. The results of the experiment with groundwater samples in Phu Xuyen district, Ha Noi have a concentration of 53 mg/L. In conclusion, Z-Na material is perfectly fit for purpose of treating ammonium in ground water because of it low price, safety, easily to imitate and high efficiency.Xử lí ô nhiễm amoni trong nước ngầm bằng vật liệu zeolite tự nhiên được biến tính bằng muối ăn (Z-Na) là một hướng nghiên cứu mới, được các nhà khoa học rất quan tâm. Kết quả thí nghiệm cho thấy, tại pH 6 thì hiệu quả xử lí amoni trong nước là tốt nhất. Hiệu quả xử lí amoni trong nước tăng rất nhanh trong 5 phút đầu tiên xử lý. Càng tăng nồng độ Z-Na thì hiệu quả xử lí amoni càng cao. Với dung dịch nước ban đầu có nồng độ amoni tính theo nitơ (N-NH4 +) nhỏ hơn 27 mg/L và nồng độ vật liệu Z-Na sử dụng là 13g/L thì nước sau xử lí có nồng độ nhỏ hơn 1mg N-NH4 +/L, đạt QCVN 09-MT:2015/BTNMT, hiệu suất xử lí đạt 96,30%, dung lượng hấp phụ cực đại đạt 2,07 mg NNH4 +/1g Z-Na. Vật liệu Z-Na sau khi xử lý được nghiên cứu giải hấp bằng dung dịch NaOH với nồng độ 2g/L cho thấy hiệu quả giải hấp đạt 92% lượng amoni được hấp phụ. Điều này chứng tỏ khả năng tái sử dụng của vật liệu Z-Na cho hấp phụ amoni là khá cao. Kết quả nghiên cứu đã được thử nghiệm xử lý với mẫu nước ngầm tại huyện Phú Xuyên, Hà Nội có nồng độ N-NH4 + là 53 mg/L. Vì vậy, vật liệu Z-Na hoàn toàn có thể ứng dụng vào thực tiễn để xử lý amoni trong nước ngầm rất an toàn, dễ thực hiện và hiệu quả cao

    Fairness in Visual Clustering: A Novel Transformer Clustering Approach

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    Promoting fairness for deep clustering models in unsupervised clustering settings to reduce demographic bias is a challenging goal. This is because of the limitation of large-scale balanced data with well-annotated labels for sensitive or protected attributes. In this paper, we first evaluate demographic bias in deep clustering models from the perspective of cluster purity, which is measured by the ratio of positive samples within a cluster to their correlation degree. This measurement is adopted as an indication of demographic bias. Then, a novel loss function is introduced to encourage a purity consistency for all clusters to maintain the fairness aspect of the learned clustering model. Moreover, we present a novel attention mechanism, Cross-attention, to measure correlations between multiple clusters, strengthening faraway positive samples and improving the purity of clusters during the learning process. Experimental results on a large-scale dataset with numerous attribute settings have demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed approach on both clustering accuracy and fairness enhancement on several sensitive attributes