147,988 research outputs found

    Comparison of different measures for quantum discord under non-Markovian noise

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    Two geometric measures for quantum discord were recently proposed by Modi et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 080501 (2010)] and Dakic et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 190502 (2010)]. We study the similarities and differences for total quantum correlations of Bell-diagonal states using these two geometry-based quantum discord and the original quantum discord. We show that, under non-Markovian dephasing channels, quantum discord and one of the geometric measures stay constant for a finite amount of time, but not the other geometric measure. However, all the three measures share a common sudden change point. Our study on critical point of sudden transition might be useful for keeping long time total quantum correlations under decoherence.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures submitted for publicatio

    A new three-parameter correlation for gamma-ray bursts with a plateau phase in the afterglow

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    Gamma ray bursts (GRBs) have great advantages for their huge burst energies, luminosities and high redshifts in probing the Universe. A few interesting luminosity correlations of GRBs have been used to test cosmology models. Especially, for a subsample of long GRBs with known redshifts and a plateau phase in the afterglow, a correlation between the end time of the plateau phase (in the GRB rest frame) and the corresponding X-ray luminosity has been found. In this paper, we re-analyze the subsample and found that a significantly tighter correlation exists when we add a third parameter, i.e. the isotropic γ\gamma-ray energy release, into the consideration. Additionally, both long and intermediate duration GRBs are consistent with the same three-parameter correlation equation. It is argued that the new three-parameter correlation is consistent with the hypothesis that the subsample of GRBs with a plateau phase in the afterglow be associated with the birth of rapidly rotating magnetars, and that the plateau be due to the continuous energy-injection from the magnetar. It is suggested that the newly born millisecond magnetars associated with GRBs might provide a good standard candle in the Universe.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, 1 table; A&A, in pres

    Impact of Resonant Magnetic Perturbations on Zonal Modes, Drift-Wave Turbulence and the L-H Transition Threshold

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    We study the effects of Resonant Magnetic Perturbations (RMPs) on turbulence, flows and confinement in the framework of resistive drift-wave turbulence. This work was motivated, in parts, by experiments reported at the IAEA 2010 conference [Y. Xu {\it et al}, Nucl. Fusion \textbf{51}, 062030] which showed a decrease of long-range correlations during the application of RMPs. We derive and apply a zero-dimensional predator-prey model coupling the Drift-Wave Zonal Mode system [M. Leconte and P.H. Diamond, Phys. Plasmas \textbf{19}, 055903] to the evolution of mean quantities. This model has both density gradient drive and RMP amplitude as control parameters and predicts a novel type of transport bifurcation in the presence of RMPs. This model allows a description of the full L-H transition evolution with RMPs, including the mean sheared flow evolution. The key results are: i) The L-I and I-H power thresholds \emph{both} increase with RMP amplitude |\bx|, the relative increase of the L-I threshold scales as \Delta P_{\rm LI} \propto |\bx|^2 \nu_*^{-2} \gyro^{-2}, where ν∗\nu_* is edge collisionality and \gyro is the sound gyroradius. ii) RMPs are predicted to \emph{decrease} the hysteresis between the forward and back-transition. iii) Taking into account the mean density evolution, the density profile - sustained by the particle source - has an increased turbulent diffusion compared with the reference case without RMPs which provides one possible explanation for the \emph{density pump-out} effect.Comment: 30 pages, IAEA-based articl

    Annealing-induced Fe oxide nanostructures on GaAs

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    We report the evolution of Fe oxide nanostructures on GaAs(100) upon pre- and post-growth annealing conditions. GaAs nanoscale pyramids were formed on the GaAs surface due to wet etching and thermal annealing. An 8.0-nm epitaxial Fe film was grown, oxidized, and annealed using a gradient temperature method. During the process the nanostripes were formed, and the evolution has been demonstrated using transmission and reflection high energy electron diffraction, and scanning electron microscopy. These nanostripes; exhibited uniaxial magnetic anisotropy. The formation of these nanostructures is attributed to surface anisotropy, which in addition could explain the observed uniaxial magnetic anisotropy

    Why not Merge the International Monetary Fund (IMF) with the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank)

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    Motivation: Cellular Electron CryoTomography (CECT) is an emerging 3D imaging technique that visualizes subcellular organization of single cells at sub-molecular resolution and in near-native state. CECT captures large numbers of macromolecular complexes of highly diverse structures and abundances. However, the structural complexity and imaging limits complicate the systematic de novo structural recovery and recognition of these macromolecular complexes. Efficient and accurate reference-free subtomogram averaging and classification represent the most critical tasks for such analysis. Existing subtomogram alignment based methods are prone to the missing wedge effects and low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Moreover, existing maximum-likelihood based methods rely on integration operations, which are in principle computationally infeasible for accurate calculation. Results: Built on existing works, we propose an integrated method, Fast Alignment Maximum Likelihood method (FAML), which uses fast subtomogram alignment to sample sub-optimal rigid transformations. The transformations are then used to approximate integrals for maximum-likelihood update of subtomogram averages through expectation-maximization algorithm. Our tests on simulated and experimental subtomograms showed that, compared to our previously developed fast alignment method (FA), FAML is significantly more robust to noise and missing wedge effects with moderate increases of computation cost. Besides, FAML performs well with significantly fewer input subtomograms when the FA method fails. Therefore, FAML can serve as a key component for improved construction of initial structuralmodels frommacromolecules captured by CECT
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