32 research outputs found

    Cancellation of drift kinetic effects between thermal and energetic particles on the resistive wall mode stabilization

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    Drift kinetic stabilization of the resistive wall mode (RWM) is computationally investigated using MHD-kinetic hybrid code MARS-K following the non-perturbative approach (Liu et al 2008 Phys. Plasmas 15 112503), for both reversed field pinch (RFP) and tokamak plasmas. Toroidal precessional drift resonance effects from trapped energetic ions (EIs) and various kinetic resonances between the mode and the guiding center drift motions of thermal particles are included into the self-consistent toroidal computations. The results show cancellation effects of the drift kinetic damping on the RWM between the thermal particles and EIs contributions, in both RFP and tokamak plasmas, even though each species alone can provide damping and stabilize RWM instability by respective kinetic resonances. The degree of cancellation generally depends on the EIs equilibrium distribution, the particle birth energy, as well as the toroidal flow speed of the plasma

    Multiple-Clade H5N1 Influenza Split Vaccine Elicits Broad Cross Protection against Lethal Influenza Virus Challenge in Mice by Intranasal Vaccination

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    Background: The increase in recent outbreaks and unpredictable changes of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 in birds and humans highlights the urgent need to develop a cross-protective H5N1 vaccine. We here report our development of a multiple-clade H5N1 influenza vaccine tested for immunogenicity and efficacy to confer cross-protection in an animal model. Methodology/Principal Findings: Mice received two doses of influenza split vaccine with oil-in-water emulsion adjuvant SP01 by intranasal administration separated by two weeks. Single vaccines (3 mg HA per dose) included rg-A/Vietnam/1203/ 2004(Clade 1), rg-A/Indonesia/05/2005(Clade 2.1), and rg-A/Anhui/1/2005(Clade 2.3.4). The trivalent vaccine contained 1 mg HA per dose of each single vaccine. Importantly, complete cross-protection was observed in mice immunized using trivalent vaccine with oil-in-water emulsion adjuvant SP01 that was subsequently challenged with the lethal A/OT/SZ/097/03 influenza strain (Clade 0), whereas only the survival rate was up to 60 % in single A/Anhui/1/2005 vaccine group. Conclusion/Significance: Our findings demonstrated that the multiple-clade H5N1 influenza vaccine was able to elicit a cross-protective immune response to heterologous HPAI H5N1 virus, thus giving rise to a broadly cross-reactive vaccine to potential prevention use ahead of the strain-specific pandemic influenza vaccine in the event of an HPAI H5N1 influenza outbreak. Also, the multiple-clade adjuvanted vaccine could be useful in allowing timely initiation of vaccination agains

    Fractional variational problems depending on indefinite integrals and with delay

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    The aim of this paper is to exhibit a necessary and sufficient condition of optimality for functionals depending on fractional integrals and derivatives, on indefinite integrals and on presence of time delay. We exemplify with one example, where we nd analytically the minimizer

    Open business models for future smart energy:a value perspective

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    Abstract Energy is essential for our lives and underpins all the key functions of society. However, our energy systems today are undergoing substantial changes. The growing energy demand and our dependence on fossil fuels have become an important issue faced by countries around the globe. Besides the technological developments in the field of renewables and smart grids for future smart energy, a significant weakness of our energy systems is their lack of social and economic perspectives, even though energy systems are often defined as techno-social systems. Through an extensive literature review of extant studies related to various aspects of energy and business model studies, this study has identified a major gap in that the business model and the value perspective have not been conceptualized with well-defined and holistic theoretical frameworks. Particularly, there is little understanding of the creation of open business models in digitalized industries, although the phenomenon is widespread in the real world. The main purpose of this research is to explore and understand the creation of open business models from the value perspective in the emerging smart energy ecosystem with a specific focus on value configurations. The study utilizes a system- and design-oriented action research approach and takes an energy innovation project funded by the European Union (EU) as the main data source. The results of the study are that: 1) the study proposes a holistic framework for the value perspective for (open) business models including value spaces, value configuration, and value complementarity. This is a major contribution to business model and management studies, and for the first time, it unifies the value thinking scattered throughout the existing literature; 2) the research provides an insight into how practitioners can conceptualize and approach the creation of open business models that are often enabled through digitalization; 3) the study contributes to the EU’s 2020 and 2030 energy and environmental targets. The research on new business models for the energy industry can assist in the implementation of new energy market development, policy instruments, and market regulations that promote the creation of smart grids, all of which are currently boosting jobs, economic growth, and environmental sustainability in Europe and elsewhere.Tiivistelmä Nykyinen fossiilisista energianlähteistä riippuvainen energiajärjestelmämme on globaalissa muutoksessa energian kysynnän kasvaessa. Tulevaisuuden älykkäissä sähköverkoissa — ja koko energiajärjestelmässä — uusiutuvien energialähteiden rooli kasvaa huomattavasti. Vaikka energiajärjestelmät usein ymmärretäänkin sosio-teknisinä järjestelminä, ovat taloudelliset ja sosiaaliset näkökulmat jääneet aikaisemmassa tutkimuksessa usein teknisten näkökulmien varjoon. Tässä tutkimuksessa keskitytäänkin arvonluontiin ja liiketoimintamalleihin tulevaisuuden älykkäissä sähköverkoissa. Tutkimuksessa tehdyn ja energialiiketoimintaan kohdistuneen kirjallisuusanalyysin tuloksena voitiin todeta, että aikaisemmassa tutkimuksessa sovelletut liiketoimintamalli- tai arvonluonnin näkökulmat eivät muodosta riittävää ja kokonaisvaltaista viitekehystä älykkäiden sähköverkkojen tutkimukseen. Erityiseksi tutkimusaukoksi havaittiin avoimien ja digitaalisten liiketoimintamallien luominen energia-alalla. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena onkin ymmärtää, erityisesti arvon luonnin näkökulmasta, kuinka uusissa ja esiin nousevissa energiaekosysteemeissä syntyy ja luodaan avoimia liiketoimintamalleja ja arvokonfiguraatioita. Tutkimuksessa sovelletaan systeemi- ja suunnitteluorientoitunutta toimintatutkimusmetodologiaa, ja sen tutkimusaineisto on kerätty osana EU Horizon 2020 -ohjelmasta rahoitettua P2P-Smartest -hanketta. Tutkimuksen tuloksena esitetään 1) kokonaisvaltainen viitekehys avoimien liiketoimintamallien ymmärtämiseen arvonluonnin näkökulmasta. Viitekehys sisältää arvon luonnin alueen (value space), arvokonfiguraation (value configuration) ja arvon täydentävyyden (value complementarity) ulottuvuudet ekosysteemisessä kontekstissa. Lisäksi työssä esitetään näkökulmia, kuinka 2) käytännössä voidaan konseptoida ja luoda avoimia digitaalisia liiketoimintamalleja älykkäiden sähköverkkojen kontekstiin. Toteutetun liiketoimintamallitutkimuksen tulokset tukevat myös 3) EU:n vuosille 2020 ja 2030 asetettujen energia- ja ympäristötavoitteiden saavuttamista erityisesti energiamarkkinan, markkinaregulaation ja -politiikkojen kehittämisessä sekä älykkäiden sähköverkkojen käyttöön ottamisessa

    How new business ecosystems emerge:a study on Finnish cloud business ecosystem

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    It is an emerging phenomenon that the leading multinational companies are studying how to use the engagement experiences of customers and communities as the foundation of value co-creation. To achieve this, the business leaders have increasingly adopted an ecological organizational form, namely business ecosystem. Google, Amazon and Microsoft are the real world examples and pioneers in this field. However, in the academic research, it is addressed by a number of researchers that there is significant lack of empirical studies that examines the emergence and formation of business ecosystem, especially in ICT industry. In essence, this study takes Cloud as the context to develop concepts on the emergence of business ecosystem and examine the manifestation of such evolution in the emerging business field. Through extensive literature reviews and empirical interviews, the current study developed answers to the research question, “How do new business ecosystems emerge, in the context of Cloud computing?” at qualitative level. In general, it is considered in the study that business ecosystem is a type of more advanced business form emerged recently. It has the characteristics as follow: provision of value, integration with external partners, requiring multiple participants, shifting from individual to collaborative thinking, interdependence of the participants, value co-creation, co-petition, open innovation and shared fate of success or failure. From a macro level viewpoint, the emergence of business ecosystem is the result of the continuous evolution of business forms, from linear type towards a more complex networked type. At a micro level, for an ecosystem to emerge in a given industry, it involves strategic design and appropriate execution. Furthermore, a set of critical elements need to be in the right place for a business ecosystem to emerge, which including: prerequisite conditions for ecosystem to emerge, external environmental and resource, shared vision, leadership of the ecosystem, common platform, mechanisms of the ecosystem, ecosystem healthiness, and IT infrastructure. The study further suggests that the emergence of business ecosystem as a new business form is not out of luck or probability. It is a natural path that under governance of the evolution forces existing in the social-economic contexts, just as the evolution of all the living creatures in the natural environment. For this broader perspective, the emergence of ecosystem is inevitable due to the social-economic and technological driving forces

    Digital business model effectuation:an agile approach

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    Abstract The radical changes in today’s competitive environment created a “big bang” effect: companies and industries are being disrupted in an unprecedented short time. The challenge has shifted from predicting the unknown or conventional method of venture creation to agile actions, which is to act rapidly before the competition catches up and eliminate any advantage one may have, especially for entrepreneurs and small businesses with significant resource constraints. The objective of this research is to investigate alternative approaches under a time-constrained setting. A recent national open innovation initiative of Finland challenged practitioners and researchers to transform technologies into commercializable innovations in under six months. A high-tech case within the challenge piloted the agile effectuation of a business model with three parallel approaches: effectuation, causation and lean startup method, thus providing antecedent on how effectuation theory can be integrated with agile development and business model theory

    Unblurring the boundary between daily life and gameplay in location-based mobile games, visual online ethnography on Pokémon GO

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    Abstract Observing blending of realities, daily life and gameplay in location-based mobile games is challenging. This study aims at observing this blending by targeting a vast number of images (N = 2432), which have been taken during gameplay of a well-known game, Pokémon GO. Images were collected from social media communities of Pokémon GO players in Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, and analysed using visual and online ethnography. To keep the sample size manageable for analysis, the images were collected only from Nordic Pokémon GO player communities in eight cities during 2016–2018. The findings show that the blending of daily life and gameplay is observable from the shared photos especially from the augmented reality screenshots which is why in this article the context of gameplay, both outdoors and indoors, in Pokémon GO is described in more detail than in previous studies

    EaaS:electricity as a service?

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    Abstract 1. Purpose: Innovative business models have been transforming and disrupting traditional industries in an unprecedented speed. The energy industry is no exception. The advent of smart grid has initiated paradigm shifts from traditional product-based business models to service provision. An essential question is that, “How can energy industry create and capture new value from service business, turning the existing product-based business model to service orientation?” 2. Research gaps: This study addresses research gaps regarding 1) the value perspective for business model; 2) the ecosystem thinking for complex industries; 3) maximising systemic value for an ecosystem rather than a focal firm. 3. Research design, data collection, and approach: The study collects business model case data from BRIDGE, a high-level initiative of the European Commission uniting 31 major European energy projects. The research includes the full 50 business model cases contributed by experts from 15 EU Horizon 2020 innovation projects. 4. Findings: The study utilises the 4C ecosystemic framework and the XaaS (Everything as a Service) digital service business model typologies. A key outcome is the proposition of Electricity as a Service (EaaS) concept with four service business model typologies for the energy sector, proposing a new service business paradigm for the energy ecosystem. 5. Originality and value: The study proposes a value-based approach and service-dominant logic towards business model research at ecosystemic level. For the first time, the study introduces the XaaS service business typologies, investigating how this well-established ICT (Information and Communication Technology) business concept can enable the digitalisation of the energy industry

    Drivers for platform business model innovation:individuals in control over their personal data

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    Abstract Personal data has become an important resource in today’s market and in platform business models. In fact, the essence of many platform business models is to create value for an individual by offering a free service and to capture value by collecting and selling collected data. In this study, we analyse the drivers for platform business model innovation in the context of personal data used in the healthcare sector. Platform business models are shaped and designed with respect to the internal and external drivers in the market. However, few studies have increased our understanding of the drivers for platform business model innovation. For that, we conducted an exploratory study for five personal data platform providers that enable individuals to control the use of their personal data in digital services by interviewing the personal data platform providers and using company presentation material. The findings show that by adopting a human-centred approach to personal data, giving control over data to the individual, personal data platform providers change how value is created and captured. This research has managerial implications and contributes to the business model innovation literature by extending the current knowledge about drivers for personal data-based platform business model innovation in the healthcare sector

    Opportunity complementarity in data-driven business models

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    Abstract Business model literature has been focused on value co-creation and co-capture logic in understanding business models in the ecosystem. To understand the “Ex Ante” source of ecosystem-based value creation/capture, this paper proposes opportunity complementarity as a key antecedent and construct for the ecosystem-based value creation and capture in data-driven business ecosystems