5 research outputs found

    MSM-VC: High-fidelity Source Style Transfer for Non-Parallel Voice Conversion by Multi-scale Style Modeling

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    In addition to conveying the linguistic content from source speech to converted speech, maintaining the speaking style of source speech also plays an important role in the voice conversion (VC) task, which is essential in many scenarios with highly expressive source speech, such as dubbing and data augmentation. Previous work generally took explicit prosodic features or fixed-length style embedding extracted from source speech to model the speaking style of source speech, which is insufficient to achieve comprehensive style modeling and target speaker timbre preservation. Inspired by the style's multi-scale nature of human speech, a multi-scale style modeling method for the VC task, referred to as MSM-VC, is proposed in this paper. MSM-VC models the speaking style of source speech from different levels. To effectively convey the speaking style and meanwhile prevent timbre leakage from source speech to converted speech, each level's style is modeled by specific representation. Specifically, prosodic features, pre-trained ASR model's bottleneck features, and features extracted by a model trained with a self-supervised strategy are adopted to model the frame, local, and global-level styles, respectively. Besides, to balance the performance of source style modeling and target speaker timbre preservation, an explicit constraint module consisting of a pre-trained speech emotion recognition model and a speaker classifier is introduced to MSM-VC. This explicit constraint module also makes it possible to simulate the style transfer inference process during the training to improve the disentanglement ability and alleviate the mismatch between training and inference. Experiments performed on the highly expressive speech corpus demonstrate that MSM-VC is superior to the state-of-the-art VC methods for modeling source speech style while maintaining good speech quality and speaker similarity.Comment: This work was submitted on April 10, 2022 and accepted on August 29, 202

    Expressive-VC: Highly Expressive Voice Conversion with Attention Fusion of Bottleneck and Perturbation Features

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    Voice conversion for highly expressive speech is challenging. Current approaches struggle with the balancing between speaker similarity, intelligibility and expressiveness. To address this problem, we propose Expressive-VC, a novel end-to-end voice conversion framework that leverages advantages from both neural bottleneck feature (BNF) approach and information perturbation approach. Specifically, we use a BNF encoder and a Perturbed-Wav encoder to form a content extractor to learn linguistic and para-linguistic features respectively, where BNFs come from a robust pre-trained ASR model and the perturbed wave becomes speaker-irrelevant after signal perturbation. We further fuse the linguistic and para-linguistic features through an attention mechanism, where speaker-dependent prosody features are adopted as the attention query, which result from a prosody encoder with target speaker embedding and normalized pitch and energy of source speech as input. Finally the decoder consumes the integrated features and the speaker-dependent prosody feature to generate the converted speech. Experiments demonstrate that Expressive-VC is superior to several state-of-the-art systems, achieving both high expressiveness captured from the source speech and high speaker similarity with the target speaker; meanwhile intelligibility is well maintained

    UniSyn: An End-to-End Unified Model for Text-to-Speech and Singing Voice Synthesis

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    Text-to-speech (TTS) and singing voice synthesis (SVS) aim at generating high-quality speaking and singing voice according to textual input and music scores, respectively. Unifying TTS and SVS into a single system is crucial to the applications requiring both of them. Existing methods usually suffer from some limitations, which rely on either both singing and speaking data from the same person or cascaded models of multiple tasks. To address these problems, a simplified elegant framework for TTS and SVS, named UniSyn, is proposed in this paper. It is an end-to-end unified model that can make a voice speak and sing with only singing or speaking data from this person. To be specific, a multi-conditional variational autoencoder (MC-VAE), which constructs two independent latent sub-spaces with the speaker- and style-related (i.e. speak or sing) conditions for flexible control, is proposed in UniSyn. Moreover, supervised guided-VAE and timbre perturbation with the Wasserstein distance constraint are leveraged to further disentangle the speaker timbre and style. Experiments conducted on two speakers and two singers demonstrate that UniSyn can generate natural speaking and singing voice without corresponding training data. The proposed approach outperforms the state-of-the-art end-to-end voice generation work, which proves the effectiveness and advantages of UniSyn

    AnyoneNet: Synchronized Speech and Talking Head Generation for Arbitrary Persons

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    Automatically generating videos in which synthesized speech is synchronized with lip movements in a talking head has great potential in many human-computer interaction scenarios. In this paper, we present an automatic method to generate synchronized speech and talking-head videos on the basis of text and a single face image of an arbitrary person as input. In contrast to previous text-driven talking head generation methods, which can only synthesize the voice of a specific person, the proposed method is capable of synthesizing speech for any person. Specifically, the proposed method decomposes the generation of synchronized speech and talking head videos into two stages, i.e., a text-to-speech (TTS) stage and a speech-driven talking head generation stage. The proposed TTS module is a face-conditioned multi-speaker TTS model that gets the speaker identity information from face images instead of speech, which allows us to synthesize a personalized voice on the basis of the input face image. To generate the talking head videos from the face images, a facial landmark-based method that can predict both lip movements and head rotations is proposed. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method is able to generate synchronized speech and talking head videos for arbitrary persons, in which the timbre of the synthesized voice is in harmony with the input face, and the proposed landmark-based talking head method outperforms the state-of-the-art landmark-based method on generating natural talking head videos.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository 'You share, we take care!' - Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Multimedia Computin

    Septin functions in organ system physiology and pathology

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