256 research outputs found

    Classification of THz pulse signals using two-dimensional cross-correlation feature extraction and non-linear classifiers

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    This work provides a performance comparison of four different machine learning classifiers: multinomial logistic regression with ridge estimators (MLR) classifier, k-nearest neighbours (KNN), support vector machine (SVM) and naïve Bayes (NB) as applied to terahertz (THz) transient time domain sequences associated with pixelated images of different powder samples. The six substances considered, although have similar optical properties, their complex insertion loss at the THz part of the spectrum is significantly different because of differences in both their frequency dependent THz extinction coefficient as well as differences in their refractive index and scattering properties. As scattering can be unquantifiable in many spectroscopic experiments, classification solely on differences in complex insertion loss can be inconclusive. The problem is addressed using two-dimensional (2-D) cross-correlations between background and sample interferograms, these ensure good noise suppression of the datasets and provide a range of statistical features that are subsequently used as inputs to the above classifiers. A cross-validation procedure is adopted to assess the performance of the classifiers. Firstly the measurements related to samples that had thicknesses of 2 mm were classified, then samples at thicknesses of 4 mm, and after that 3 mm were classified and the success rate and consistency of each classifier was recorded. In addition, mixtures having thicknesses of 2 and 4 mm as well as mixtures of 2, 3 and 4 mm were presented simultaneously to all classifiers. This approach provided further cross-validation of the classification consistency of each algorithm. The results confirm the superiority in classification accuracy and robustness of the MLR (least accuracy 88.24%) and KNN (least accuracy 90.19%) algorithms which consistently outperformed the SVM (least accuracy 74.51%) and NB (least accuracy 56.86%) classifiers for the same number of feature vectors across all studies. The work establishes a general methodology for assessing the performance of other hyperspectral dataset classifiers on the basis of 2-D cross-correlations in far-infrared spectroscopy or other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. It also advances the wider proliferation of automated THz imaging systems across new application areas e.g., biomedical imaging, industrial processing and quality control where interpretation of hyperspectral images is still under development

    Accurate Image Analysis of the Retina Using Hessian Matrix and Binarisation of Thresholded Entropy with Application of Texture Mapping

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    In this paper, we demonstrate a comprehensive method for segmenting the retinal vasculature in camera images of the fundus. This is of interest in the area of diagnostics for eye diseases that affect the blood vessels in the eye. In a departure from other state-of-the-art methods, vessels are first pre-grouped together with graph partitioning, using a spectral clustering technique based on morphological features. Local curvature is estimated over the whole image using eigenvalues of Hessian matrix in order to enhance the vessels, which appear as ridges in images of the retina. The result is combined with a binarized image, obtained using a threshold that maximizes entropy, to extract the retinal vessels from the background. Speckle type noise is reduced by applying a connectivity constraint on the extracted curvature based enhanced image. This constraint is varied over the image according to each region's predominant blood vessel size. The resultant image exhibits the central light reflex of retinal arteries and veins, which prevents the segmentation of whole vessels. To address this, the earlier entropy-based binarization technique is repeated on the original image, but crucially, with a different threshold to incorporate the central reflex vessels. The final segmentation is achieved by combining the segmented vessels with and without central light reflex. We carry out our approach on DRIVE and REVIEW, two publicly available collections of retinal images for research purposes. The obtained results are compared with state-of-the-art methods in the literature using metrics such as sensitivity (true positive rate), selectivity (false positive rate) and accuracy rates for the DRIVE images and measured vessel widths for the REVIEW images. Our approach out-performs the methods in the literature.Xiaoxia Yin, Brian W-H Ng, Jing He, Yanchun Zhang, Derek Abbot

    2-D wavelet segmentation in 3-D T-ray tomography

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    Copyright © 2007 IEEEIn this letter, segmentation techniques for terahertz (T-ray) computed tomographic (CT) imaging are investigated. A set of linear image fusion and novel wavelet scale correlation segmentation techniques is adopted to achieve material discrimination within a 3-D object. The methods are applied to a T-ray CT image dataset taken from a plastic vial containing a plastic tube. This setup simulates the imaging of a simple nested organic structure, which provides an indication of the potential for using T-ray CT imaging to achieve T-ray pulsed signal classification of heterogeneous layersXiaoxia Yin, Brian W.-H. Ng, Bradley Ferguson, Samuel P. Mickan and Derek Abbot

    Analisis Pajak Penghasilan Pasal 23 Atas Jasa Freight Forwarding Pada PT Armarda Samudera Samarinda

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    Penelitian ini akan dibahas mengingat kegiatan Jasa Freight Forwarding yang dilakukan oleh PT. Armada Samudera Raya merupakan objek PPh Pasal 23 yang harus dilakukan perhitungan, pemotongan, penyetoran dan pelaporan di kantor pajak yang terdekat. Dalam menjalankan USAha jasa Freight Forwarding pada PT. Armada Samudera menggunakan pihak ketiga atau sistem Reimbursement. Mengetahui perhitungan dan pemotongan PPh pasal 23 atas jasa Freight Forwarding yang termasuk jenis jasa lain, dasar pengenaan objek pemotongan PPh 23 sebesar 2 % dari jumlah bruto (Penghasilan).Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah “Apakah pemotongan Pajak Penghasilan (PPh) Pasal 23 atas jasa freight forwarding pada PT. Armada Samudera Raya telah sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan 141/PMK.03/2015 dan Undang-Undang Nomor 36 Tahun 2008?”. Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah perhitungan PPh berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 141/pmk.03/2015 dan Undang-Undang Nomor 7 Tahun 1983 tentang Pajak Penghasilan yang telah diubah terakhir dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 36 Tahun 2008 mewajibkan setiap Perusahaan sebagai wajib pajak untuk melakukan pemotongan PPh 23 sebesar 2 % dari jumlah bruto (Penghasilan) dan membadingkannya dengan perhitungan Perusahaan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Hipotesis diterima apabila pemotongan Pajak Penghasilan (PPh) Pasal 23 atas jasa freight forwarding pada PT. Armada Samudera Raya belum sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan 141/PMK.03/2015 dan Undang-Undang Nomor 36 Tahun 2008 dan sebaliknya Hipotesis ditolak apabila pemotongan Pajak Penghasilan (PPh) Pasal 23 atas jasa freight forwarding pada PT. Armada Samudera Raya sudah sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan 141/PMK.03/2015 dan Undang-Undang Nomor 36 Tahun 2008

    A real-time correlation of host-level events in cyber range service for smart campus

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    Comparative analysis of tumor biology and prognosis in mucinous and signet-ring cell colon cancers versus classical adenocarcinoma

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    Background: Limited information is currently available on the natural history and prognosis of two distinct histological subtypes of adenocarcinoma (AC) in the colon: mucinous adenocarcinoma (MAC) and signet-ring cell carcinoma (SRCC). Therefore, the aim of this study is to examine the clinicopathological characteristics of colon MAC and SRCC, comparing them to classical AC, using a large cohort of cases from the United States.Methods: Patients diagnosed with colon AC, MAC, or SRCC from the SEER database between 2000 and 2018 were included in our study. Incidence trends, patient demographics, tumor characteristics, treatment, and survival were analyzed.Results: In our study, we analyzed a total of 310,813 patients with colon cancers, including 271,382 cases of classical AC, 34,750 cases of MAC, and 4,681 cases of SRCC. Over the study period, we observed a decline in the age-adjusted incidence rates of colon AC, MAC, and SRCC. Notably, the MAC and SRCC cohorts differed significantly from AC in terms of patient characteristics, tumor locations, and treatment patterns. Patients with MAC and SRCC had poorer survival outcomes compared to those with AC. Factors associated with worse survival included older age, male sex, poorly differentiated tumors, advanced stage, and the presence of MAC or SRCC histology. On the other hand, surgical intervention was associated with improved survival.Conclusion: Our study underscores the significance of recognizing the distinct features and outcomes associated with different histological subtypes of colon cancer. Further research is warranted to delve into the underlying biological traits that contribute to these differences and to develop more tailored treatment strategies

    Prenatal exposure and transplacental transfer of perfluoroalkyl substance isomers in participants from the upper and lower reaches of the Yangtze River

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    Data on gestational exposure characteristics and transplacental transfer are quite limited for perfluoroalkyl substance (PFAS) isomers, especially those from large-scale comparative studies. To fill this gap, we examined isomers of perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS), perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), and perfluorohexane sulfonic acid (PFHxS) in matched maternal and cord serum from Mianyang and Hangzhou, which are located in the upper and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, China, respectively. These data were compared with those from our previous study on Wuhan in the middle reach. The average ΣPFAS concentration increased from upstream to downstream (Mianyang (4.44 ng/mL) < Wuhan (9.88 ng/mL) < Hangzhou (19.72 ng/mL)) and may be related to the per capita consumption expenditure of each city. The ln-transformed PFAS concentrations showed significant differences between Mianyang and Hangzhou after adjusting confounding factors (p < 0.05). The percentages of linear PFOS and PFOA in maternal and cord serum from these cities all exceeded those in electrochemical fluorination products. The isomer profiles of PFASs in maternal and cord serum might be greatly influenced by local production processes of PFASs and residents’ dietary habits. The transplacental transfer efficiencies decreased significantly with increasing concentrations in maternal serum for ΣPFAS, ΣPFOS, ΣPFOA, ΣPFHxS, n-PFOS, iso-PFOS, 4m-PFOS, 1m-PFOS, n-PFOA, n-PFHxS, and br-PFHxS (Spearman rank correlation coefficients (r) = 0.373–0.687, p < 0.01). These findings support an understanding of the regional characteristics in maternal exposure to PFASs along the Yangtze River, isomeric profiles of PFASs in these regions, and the transplacental transfer processes of PFAS isomers