1,440 research outputs found

    Variable Energy Photoelectron Spectra Of Organometallic Compounds Of The Late Transition Metals

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    This thesis describes photoelectron spectroscopy (PES) studies with variable photon energy for organometallic molecules of late transition metals, including cobalt, rhodium, iridium, nickel, palladium, platinum, copper, and silver. Synchrotron radiation (in the range of 30 to 170 eV photon energy) and traditional helium I (21.22 eV) and helium II (40.81 eV) light sources were used in this study, with the aid of theoretical ground state and cross section calculations by using X{dollar}\alpha{dollar}-SW and Gelius model methods. With these techniques the variation of band intensities as a function of photon energy were investigated. The very different intensity features between metal d orbitals (due to delayed maximum, Cooper minimum, and p-d resonance) and ligand orbitals (a monotonic decay for carbon 2p) allowed confident assignments for the photoelectron spectra of those compounds whose PE spectra were recorded for the first time. In particular, this thesis describes attempts to resolve controversies over the PE spectral assignments for some fundamental organometallic molecules. Based on the reliable spectral assignments, a difference in metal d ionization potentials (IP) between the first and second (or third) row transition metals, which is much larger for the late transition groups than for the early transition groups, has been demonstrated. The cause of this large IP difference has been explored by comparing trends in relative intensities (branching ratios) for analogous bands in compounds of the first, second and third transition metals, and by comparing the calculated ground state energy differences of metal d based MO\u27s with the observed IP differences. The method for analysis of the trends of band intensity was used to evaluate the difference in the ground state orbital characters. These studies show that, contrary to other reports, differential relaxation effects are not the dominant cause of the IP trends. For some compounds, the complete inner valence spectra have also been assigned with the aid of the experiments and the X{dollar}\alpha{dollar}-SW energy calculations

    Autonomic Cloud Computing: Open Challenges and Architectural Elements

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    As Clouds are complex, large-scale, and heterogeneous distributed systems, management of their resources is a challenging task. They need automated and integrated intelligent strategies for provisioning of resources to offer services that are secure, reliable, and cost-efficient. Hence, effective management of services becomes fundamental in software platforms that constitute the fabric of computing Clouds. In this direction, this paper identifies open issues in autonomic resource provisioning and presents innovative management techniques for supporting SaaS applications hosted on Clouds. We present a conceptual architecture and early results evidencing the benefits of autonomic management of Clouds.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, conference keynote pape

    Communicative Language Teaching in Current Chinese Colleges and Universities.

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    Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) has been prioritized as the key instructional approach in colleges since the Chinese Ministry of Education issued a revised syllabus in 1999 that underlines college EFL students\u27 communicative competence. The issuance of the syllabus was followed by a series of reforms on curricular designs and teaching methods. However, CLT has encountered great resistance. College teachers and learners are constrained by socio-cultural influences such as the perceptions of teachers\u27 roles and ways of learning and teaching (Hu, 2002; Rao, 1996). Although some teachers have shown positive attitudes towards CLT, in general they have failed to practice it communicatively. This thesis discusses solutions and provides suggestions after delineating the difficulties these teachers and learners have encountered particularly. Taking into consideration China\u27s increased global impact and internationallycollaborating programs that are currently conducted in many universities, this thesis highlights that CLT is an applicable approach to improve students\u27 communicative competence

    Communicative Language Teaching in Current Chinese Colleges and Universities.

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    Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) has been prioritized as the key instructional approach in colleges since the Chinese Ministry of Education issued a revised syllabus in 1999 that underlines college EFL students\u27 communicative competence. The issuance of the syllabus was followed by a series of reforms on curricular designs and teaching methods. However, CLT has encountered great resistance. College teachers and learners are constrained by socio-cultural influences such as the perceptions of teachers\u27 roles and ways of learning and teaching (Hu, 2002; Rao, 1996). Although some teachers have shown positive attitudes towards CLT, in general they have failed to practice it communicatively. This thesis discusses solutions and provides suggestions after delineating the difficulties these teachers and learners have encountered particularly. Taking into consideration China\u27s increased global impact and internationallycollaborating programs that are currently conducted in many universities, this thesis highlights that CLT is an applicable approach to improve students\u27 communicative competence

    Perks and labor investment efficiency: Evidence from China

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    This study investigates the effect of perks on future labor investment efficiency. Agency theory suggests that perks motivate managers to distort investments for personal gain. By contrast, incentive contract theory suggests that perks can be a component of incentive contracts, encouraging managers to make investments in the best interest of shareholders. Based on a sample of 12,818 firm–year observations from 2009 to 2017, we find that perks are positively related to future labor investment inefficiencies, consistent with agency theory. An exogenous reduction in executive perks caused by the 2012 anti-corruption campaign decreases labor investment inefficiencies. Further analyses show that the positive effect of perks on overinvestment predominantly occurs when firms have excessive free cash flow, low political visibility, and a less-educated workforce, whereas the positive relationship between perks and underinvestment is more prevalent. Finally, we find that perks and labor investment inefficiencies are detrimental to firm value

    Modeling and simulation study of electromechanically system of the human extremity exoskeleton

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    In order to design a suitable control scheme for human extremity exoskeleton, the interaction force control scheme which regards human body as the work environment of human extremity exoskeleton was proposed. And then, the electromechanical system of human extremity exoskeleton was simplified, and the modeling and simulation study of the electromechanical system by using Matlab/Simulink module was carried out. The angular deviations between human extremity exoskeleton joints and human body joints were obtained by the simulation. Besides, the torques provided by human body and motors for human extremity exoskeleton joints to bear heavy payload were calculated. The analysis of the simulation calculation results proves that the interaction force control scheme can achieve good man-machine coordinated walking as well as help human body bear heavy payload. Besides, the upper extremity exoskeleton experiment was conducted, and the same conclusion with the simulation study was obtained

    Nonlinearity in Large Amplitude Oscillatory Shear (Laos) of Different Viscoelastic Materials

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    The present work investigates nonlinear behavior in large amplitude oscillatory shear (LAOS) of four different polymeric materials using simultaneous conventional rheometric measurements and particle-tracking velocimetric observations. In contrast to most studies in the literature that treat nonlinearity in LAOS in steady state, we emphasize by the present four examples that nonlinearity in LAOS often arise in complex fluids due to time-dependent rearrangement of their microstructures in response to LAOS. Consequently, no correlation is obvious between strain dependence of the steady-state stress response and the time-dependent characteristics of the steady-state response. For instance, a highly viscoelastic material made of nano-sized polybutadiene particles exhibits homogeneous deformation and an approximate sinusoidal wave despite strong strain softening. In a second example, a well-entangled polybutadiene solution becomes inhomogeneous over time, and the corresponding nonlinearity (i.e., strain softening) took a finite time to develop to its fullest. In the example of wall slip of a monodisperse entangled polyisoprene melt, contrary to the literature claim that even harmonics would emerge, we show that the stress response only involves odd harmonics in the absence of any edge fracture. Last, a polydisperse poly(dimethyl siloxane) melt experiences homogeneous LAOS without displaying significant higher harmonics in the absence of any edge failure. In contrast, the Fourier transform analysis shows that meniscus failure is responsible for the emergence of higher harmonics including some even ones. (C) 2009 The Society of Rheology. [DOI: 10.1122/1.3193713