1,242 research outputs found

    A stability condition for turbulence model: From EMMS model to EMMS-based turbulence model

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    The closure problem of turbulence is still a challenging issue in turbulence modeling. In this work, a stability condition is used to close turbulence. Specifically, we regard single-phase flow as a mixture of turbulent and non-turbulent fluids, separating the structure of turbulence. Subsequently, according to the picture of the turbulent eddy cascade, the energy contained in turbulent flow is decomposed into different parts and then quantified. A turbulence stability condition, similar to the principle of the energy-minimization multi-scale (EMMS) model for gas-solid systems, is formulated to close the dynamic constraint equations of turbulence, allowing the heterogeneous structural parameters of turbulence to be optimized. We call this model the `EMMS-based turbulence model', and use it to construct the corresponding turbulent viscosity coefficient. To validate the EMMS-based turbulence model, it is used to simulate two classical benchmark problems, lid-driven cavity flow and turbulent flow with forced convection in an empty room. The numerical results show that the EMMS-based turbulence model improves the accuracy of turbulence modeling due to it considers the principle of compromise in competition between viscosity and inertia.Comment: 26 pages, 13 figures, 2 table

    Micro-vibration isolation measurement platform using permanent magnet negative-stiffness devices and air springs

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    Environmental micro-vibration affects the accuracy of precision measurement devices. Passive isolation system can isolate most external vibration, decreasing its stiffness will improve isolation effect. Permanent magnet negative-stiffness device (PMNSD), which is mainly constructed from three permanent magnets, can decrease the system dynamic stiffness of isolation system without any effect to the static stiffness, when it is used parallel with positive-stiffness isolator. The mechanism of its negative stiffness is analyzed, and its stiffness is calculated by theory method and finite element method, it proves that the stiffness will decrease with the decrease of the initial air gap of magnets. A micro-vibration isolation platform using PMNSDs and air springs is constructed, it can carry many kinds of measurement instruments which weight 0-2000 Kg, keeping the system natural frequency under 1 Hz, it has good isolation capacity for micro-vibration over 2 Hz. The PMNSD will have greatly practical applications for its tunable negative stiffness, zero static stiffness, contact free, long life and so on

    Multiple roles of dihomo-γ-linolenic acid against proliferation diseases

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    Considerable arguments remain regarding the diverse biological activities of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). One of the most interesting but controversial dietary approaches focused on the diverse function of dihomo-dietary γ-linolenic acid (DGLA) in anti-inflammation and anti-proliferation diseases, especially for cancers. This strategy is based on the ability of DGLA to interfere in cellular lipid metabolism and eicosanoid (cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase) biosynthesis. Subsequently, DGLA can be further converted by inflammatory cells to 15-(S)-hydroxy-8,11,13-eicosatrienoic acid and prostaglandin E1 (PGE1). This is noteworthy because these compounds possess both anti-inflammatory and anti-proliferative properties. PGE1 could also induce growth inhibition and differentiation of cancer cells. Although the mechanism of DGLA has not yet been elucidated, it is significant to anticipate the antitumor potential benefits from DGLA

    Correlation between Clinicopathology and Expression of Heat Shock Protein 72 and Glycoprotein 96 in Human Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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    Heat shock protein 72 (HSP72) and glycoprotein 96 (gp96) are highly expressed in cancer tissues. Recent studies indicate the possible roles of HSP72 and gp96 in the development and progression of gastrointestinal carcinomas but detailed information is still ambiguous. We investigated the correlation between clinicopathology and expression of HSP72 and gp96 in human esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. The expression of HSP72 and gp96 was studied in 120 human esophageal squamous cell carcinomas with or without metastasis as well as in mucous membrane adjacent to cancers by way of immunohistochemistry. HSP72 immunoreactivities were detected in 112 of 120 primary tumors (93.3%) and in 30 of 120 mucous membranes adjacent to cancers (25.0%). Gp96 detected in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma and inmucous membrane adjacent to cancer was 85.0% and 20.0%, respectively. Both HSP72 and gp96 stained in cytoplasm. HSP72 and gp96 expression in esophageal squamous cell carcinomas withmetastasis was significantly higher than those with nonmetastasis (P < .05). The results indicate that there exists a significant correlation between the expression of HSP72 and gp96 and the progression of esophageal squamous cell carcinomas. HSP72 and gp96 expression were significantly associated with the presence of tumor infiltration, lymph node, and remote metastasis

    Development of Competency Indexes to Assess Nursing Postgraduate's Tutor

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    The aim of this study was to develop competency indexes assessing nursingpostgraduate's tutor in China. Based on Iceberg competency theory, a Delphisurvey was carried out. 30 nursing experts in 16 provinces of China wereinvited to rate the importance of indexes and give some comments on thecontent. There were 22 experts taking part in two rounds Delphi study. AKendall's W test also demonstrated experts were well coordinated. Duringthe first round, overall mean scores were high, except for 1 tertiary index.We also added and moved some indexes building on the experts'suggestions. After two rounds, we developed competency indexesappropriate to assess tutots' competencies, consisting of 5 preliminaryindexes, 13 secondary indexes and 68 tertiary indexes. The competencyindexes were validated and scientific, it can be used to assess tutors in China

    Computing Loops With at Most One External Support Rule

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    If a loop has no external support rules, then its loop formula is equivalent to a set of unit clauses; and if it has exactly one external support rule, then its loop formula is equivalent to a set of binary clauses. In this paper, we consider how to compute these loops and their loop formulas in a normal logic program, and use them to derive consequences of a logic program. We show that an iterative procedure based on unit propagation, the program completion and the loop formulas of loops with no external support rules can compute the same consequences as the “Expand ” operator in smodels, which is known to compute the well-founded model when the given normal logic program has no constraints. We also show that using the loop formulas of loops with at most one external support rule, the same procedure can compute more consequences, and these extra consequences can help ASP solvers such as cmodels to find answer sets of certain logic programs

    On the high-energy behavior of massive QCD amplitudes

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    In this note, we propose a factorization formula for gauge-theory scattering amplitudes up to two loops in the high-energy boosted limit. Our formula extends existing results in the literature by incorporating the contributions from massive loops. We derive the new ingredients in our formula using the method of regions with analytic regulators for the rapidity divergences. We verify our results with various form factors and the scattering amplitudes for top-quark pair production. Our results can be used to obtain approximate expressions for complicated two-loop massive amplitudes from simpler massless ones, and can be used to resum the mass logarithms to all orders in the coupling constant.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figure

    Micro-vibration isolation measurement platform using permanent magnet negative-stiffness devices and air springs

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    Environmental micro-vibration affects the accuracy of precision measurement devices. Passive isolation system can isolate most external vibration, decreasing its stiffness will improve isolation effect. Permanent magnet negative-stiffness device (PMNSD), which is mainly constructed from three permanent magnets, can decrease the system dynamic stiffness of isolation system without any effect to the static stiffness, when it is used parallel with positive-stiffness isolator. The mechanism of its negative stiffness is analyzed, and its stiffness is calculated by theory method and finite element method, it proves that the stiffness will decrease with the decrease of the initial air gap of magnets. A micro-vibration isolation platform using PMNSDs and air springs is constructed, it can carry many kinds of measurement instruments which weight 0-2000 Kg, keeping the system natural frequency under 1 Hz, it has good isolation capacity for micro-vibration over 2 Hz. The PMNSD will have greatly practical applications for its tunable negative stiffness, zero static stiffness, contact free, long life and so on

    Coordinate-free formation control of multi-agent systems using rooted graphs

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    This paper studies how to control large formations of autonomous agents in the plane, assuming that each agent is able to sense relative positions of its neighboring agents with respect to its own local coordinate system. We tackle the problem by adopting two types of controllers. First, we use the classical gradient-based controllers on three leader agents to meet their distance constraints. Second, we develop other type of controllers for follower agents: utilizing the properties of rooted graphs, one is able to design linear controllers incorporating relative positions between the follower agents and their neighbors, to stabilize the overall large formations. The advantages of the proposed method are fourfold: (i) fewer constraints on neighboring relationship graphs; (ii) simplicity of linear controllers for follower agents; (iii) global convergence of the overall formations; (iv) implementation in local coordinate systems, in no need of a global coordinate system. Numerical simulations show the effectiveness of the proposed method