88 research outputs found

    Selective Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Biomass‐Derived 5‐Hydroxymethylfurfural to 2, 5‐Diformylfuran: from Mechanistic Investigations to Catalyst Recovery

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    The catalytic transformation of bio-derived compounds, specifi-cally 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), into value-added chemi-cals may provide sustainable alternatives to crude oil andnatu-ral gas-based products. HMF can be obtained from fructoseand successfully converted to 2,5-diformylfuran (DFF) by an en-vironmentally friendlyorganic electrosynthesis performed in anElectraSyn reactor, using cost-effective and sustainable graph-ite (anode) and stainless-steel (cathode) electrodes in an undi-vided cell, eliminating the need for conventionalpreciousmetal electrodes. In this work, the electrocatalysis of HMF isperformed by using green solvents such as acetonitrile, g-vale-rolactone, as well as PolarClean, which is used in electrocataly-sis for the first time. The reaction parameters and the synergis-tic effects of the TEMPOcatalyst and2,6-lutidine base are ex-plored both experimentally and through computationmodel-ing. The molecular design and synthesis of asize-enlarged C3-symmetric tris-TEMPO catalystare also performed to facilitate asustainable reactionwork-up through nanofiltration. The ob-tained performanceisthen compared with those obtained byheterogeneous TEMPO alternatives recov ered by using an ex-ternal magnetic field and microf iltration. Resultsshow that thisnew methodofelectrocatalytic oxidation of HMF to DFF canbe achieved with excellent selectivity,good yield, and excellent catalyst recovery

    One-Pot Synthesis of Renewable Phthalic Anhydride from 5-Hydroxymethfurfural by using MoO3 /Cu(NO3 )2 as Catalyst.

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    Herein, a synthetic pathway to renewable phthalic anhydride (PA) from 5-hydroxymethfurfural (HMF) in one pot is reported. The commonly available catalysts MoO3 and Cu(NO3 )2 play a crucial role in integrating the multiple steps of the reaction, namely decarbonylation of HMF to active furyl intermediate (AFI), oxidation of HMF to maleic anhydride (MA), Diels-Alder cycloaddition of AFI and MA, and subsequent dehydration, in one pot. Under mild reaction conditions, a 63.2 % yield of PA is obtained from HMF. Compared with the currently reported route to renewable PA based on the Diels-Alder cycloaddition of biomass-derived MA and furan, this convenient one-pot synthesis represents a great improvement in efficiency

    The co-benefits of clean air and low-carbon policies on heavy metal emission reductions from coal-fired power plants in china

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    China has implemented a series of measures to address air pollutants and carbon emissions from coal-fired power plants, which can mitigate toxic heavy metal emissions simultaneously. By integrating plant-level information and energy activity data, we investigated the co-benefits of clean air and low-carbon policies by compiling a detailed inventory of historical heavy mental emissions (i.e., Hg, Pb, Cd, Cr, Ni, Sb, Mn, Co, Cu, Zn, As, and Se) for China's coal-fired power plants during 2005–2020. Several scenarios were then designed to assess the evolution of heavy metal emissions for each coal-fired power plant with consideration given to the coal washing rate, air pollution control devices, operational hours and lifetime. The total emissions decreased from 12.9 thousand tons in 2005 to 8.8 thousand tons in 2020, which was mainly due to the widely installation of upgraded end-of-pipe devices and the decommissioning of small and emission-intensive plants, especially in Sichuan, Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Scenario analysis shows that reducing the operational lifetime to 20 years is the most effective measure to reduce national HM emissions, but the effects differ widely between regions. This study provides insights for the precise co-control of both heavy metals and carbon emissions, which is highly important for meeting the requirements of the Minamata Convention and carbon neutrality

    Synthesis of renewable monomer 2, 5-bishydroxymethylfuran from highly concentrated 5-hydroxymethylfurfural in deep eutectic solvents

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    Abstract(#br)2, 5-Bishydroxymethylfuran (BHMF) has been currently emerged as a promising biomass-derived monomer. It is highly desirable to proceed a chemical process at a high substrate concentration, by which a facile and cost-effective separation of products can be expected. Herein, we report for the first time on the hydrogenation of highly concentrated 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) in deep eutectic solvents (DESs), giving a near quantitative selectivity towards BHMF in ChCl-glycerol DES at 25°C in 3h using NaBH 4 as the H-donor. DES is hailed as a new class of green solvent, in which HMF/BHMF could be stabilized by the strong hydrogen-bond interaction, and allowed the selective hydrogenation of HMF at high concentration up to 40wt%. Notably, the resulting BHMF could be facilely separated by extraction with ethyl acetate, and then high purity of BHMF with a desirable isolated yield around 80% was obtained after removing of ethyl acetate. Additionally, the reaction efficiency of HMF hydrogenation in DESs was verified to be strongly associated with the viscosity of DESs and the p K a value of hydrogen-bonding donor

    Cascade conversion of furfural to fuel bioadditive ethyl levulinate over bifunctional zirconium-based catalysts

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    Abstract(#br)Biomass-derived ethyl levulinate (EL) is currently deemed as a promising fuel bioadditive to improve (bio)diesel combustion performance without the sacrifice of its octane number. In this contribution, a range of Zr–Al bimetallic catalysts were prepared for the cascade conversion of furfural to EL by the integration of transfer hydrogenation and ethanolysis in ethanol. The ratio of Lewis to Brþnsted acid sites (L/B) could be tuned by the ratio of Al 2 O 3 to ZrO 2 over SBA-15 support. Among these catalysts, Zr–Al/SBA-15(30:10) with appropriate L/B ratio of 2.25 exhibited an outstanding catalytic performance to give a furfural (FF) conversion up to 92.8% with a EL selectivity as high as 71.4% at 453 K in 3 h

    A flexible Cu-based catalyst system for the transformation of fructose to furanyl ethers as potential bio-fuels

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    Abstract(#br)Biomass-derived furanyl ethers, such as 5-alkoxymethylfurfurals (AMFs) and 2,5-bis(alkoxymethyl)furans (BAMFs), can be employed as promising biofuels or additives. The development of multifunctional catalysts for the efficient production of furanyl ethers from sugars through 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) as an intermediate is highly desirable but challenging, because multiple reactions including dehydration, etherification and hydrogenation get involved and the side reaction of sugars and HMF to form humins is inevitable. In this contribution, we found that the introduction of CuO resulted in the generation of Lewis acid sites at the cost of Bronsted acid sites over CuO-USY catalysts through the formation of Al-O-Cu(II) species. The dispersity of CuO particles and the amount of Lewis acid sites could be manipulated by adjusting the loading of CuO. If 5 wt% CuO was supported on USY zeolite to give a CuO(5)-USY catalyst, CuO particles with a high dispersity (36.4%) afforded abundant Lewis acid sites (457.1 Ό mol/g). Lewis acid over CuO(5)-USY greatly promoted the acid-catalyzed dehydration of fructose to HMF and HMF etherification to AMFs, resulting in a HMF yield up to 86.2% from fructose and AMFs yields greater than 90% from HMF. Interestingly, a combination of CuO(5)-USY and a small amount of metallic Cu powder was able to offer desirable BAMFs yields by the reductive etherification of HMF under hydrogen atmosphere. As a result, 5-methoxymethylfurfural (MMF) of 79.6% and 2,5-bis(methoxymethyl)furan (BMMF) yield of 74.5% were achieved from fructose through HMF as an intermediate in the presence of CuO(5)-USY alone or with metallic Cu as a co-catalyst. Therefore, the above Cu-based catalyst system holds the promise to flexibly produce a family of AMFs or BAMFs from fructose via a facile two-step approach

    Insights into the active sites and catalytic mechanism of oxidative esterification of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural by metal-organic frameworks-derived N-doped carbon

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    Abstract(#br)Directly oxidative esterification of Biomass-derived 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) into dimethyl furan dicarboxylate (DMFDCA) is a promising route for the replacement of petroleum-derived commodity chemical terephthalic acid (TPA) extensively employed in polyester synthesis. Co-based N-doped carbon materials are one of the most promising applied catalysts for oxidative esterification reaction, however, the active sites and reaction pathway of these catalysts have not been clearly clarified, which is crucial to the practical application. Herein, we report that ZIF-67 (a zeolitic imidazolate framework (ZIF)-type cobalt-containing MOF) derived Co@C-N material is a highly effective catalyst for the selective conversion of HMF into DMFDCA in 95% yield. The high activity of the ZIF-67 derived nanocarbon composites Co@C-N can be attributed to the electron transfer between nitrogen-doped carbon shells and Co nanoparticles. The appropriate graphitic N and pyridinic N doping increases the electronic mobility and active sites. Density functional theory (DFT) simulations indicated that oxygen, HMF and methanol molecules are adsorbed and activated on C-N materials. Furthermore, no 2, 5-diformylfuran (DFF) was captured as an intermediate because the oxidative esterification of aldehyde preferentially occurred than the oxidation of hydroxyl group in HMF. We anticipate that these results can drive progress in the bio-based polymers sector and oxidative esterification reaction

    Induced cultivation pattern enhanced the phycoerythrin production in red alga Porphyridium purpureum.

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    Porphyridium purpureum is a rich source for producing phycoerythrin (PE); however, the PE content is greatly affected by culture conditions. Researchers have aimed to optimize the cultivation of P. purpureum for accumulation of PE. When traditional optimized culture conditions were used to cultivate P. purpureum, high PE contents were not usually achieved. In this study, an induced cultivation pattern was applied to P. purpureum for PE biosynthesis (i.e., an incremental approach by altering temperatures, light intensities, and nitrate concentrations). Results revealed that the induced pattern greatly improved the PE biosynthesis. The optimized PE content of 229 mg/L was achieved on the 12th cultivation day, which was a maximum PE content within one cultivation period and accounted for approximately 3.05% of the dry biomass. The induced cultivation pattern was highly suitable for PE synthesis in P. purpureum, which provided an important reference value to the large-scale production of PE

    Improving planting pattern for intercropping in the whole production span of rubber tree

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    A spatial arrangement for planting rubber was proposed in order to facilitate intercropping during the whole production span of rubber tree. A field experiment was established in the Experiment Farm, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences, Danzhou, Hainan, China, with two planting patterns of rubber clone Reyan 7-20-59: (1) single row avenue planting pattern (SR) by 3 m × 7 m, and (2) double row avenue planting pattern (DR) by (2 m × 4 m) × 20 m. The experiment showed that the girth of rubber trees in the DR system at the first tapping year was slightly bigger than that in the SR system. Although rubber trees under tapping in per unit area in the DR system were relatively lesser, however, the yield per hectare with 98% of SR was not significantly affected due to its higher yield per tree. In addition, the DR system provided larger unshaded area of land and higher light penetration. Considering the overall performance of the two planting systems, the DR system proved to be a suitable planting system for long-term intercropping in rubber plantations.Keywords: Hevea, whole production span, intercropping syste
