197 research outputs found

    El patrimoni natural de l'Urgell

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    L'Ensenyament Assistit per Ordinador

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    Un balanç d'aquesta tècnica i un exemple de com es pot aplicar a l'estudi de la químic

    Diatom check-list from catalonian countries (Eastern Spain)

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    Aquest catàleg inclou totes les citacions florístiques de les diatomees d'aigües epicontinentals dels Països Catalans registrades a la bibliografia preexistent fins a I 'any 1990 . En el recull que hem efectuat s'han registrat 704 espècies, 179 varietats i 12 formes. Per a cada tàxon, hom dóna totes les referències bibliogràfiques on ha estat citat, i també les seves sinonímies més rellevants.This is the first comprehensive diatom check- list of the Catalonian Countries ( Balearic islands and eastern Iberian peninsula ) covering all the previous recorded taxa from epicontinental waters till 1990 . It contains a complete list of species and lower taxa set out in alphabetical order within each genus . A total of 681 species , 196 varieties and 12 forms have been accounted for. The check- list also includes the synonims formerly in common use and the bibliographic references for each currently reported taxon

    Reflexions sobre l'aportació de la química analítica a l'estudi del medi ambient

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    La contaminació sol expressar-se en espècies químiques concretes, cosa que indueix una relació reversible entre la contaminació i la Química, donant lloc a nombrosos equívocs, com és el cas que alguns químics analistes prenen la iniciativa per a dissenyar estudis i interpretar resultats, recolzats en la capacitat de l'instrumental de mesura, quan, en realitat, són qüestions multidisciplinàries, molt complexes. El punt de vista químic dóna una referència important, que cal valorar oportunament dins el context general de la qüestió ambiental. Aquesta valoració s'ha de fer en termes de fiabilitat dels resultats de laboratori i de ]a mostra objecte de mesura, respecte a la seva representativitat d'un lloc o d'una situació concreta. Es consideren algunes possibilitats per a garantir la fiabilitat, mitjançant tècniques, com el disseny d'experiència, els exercicis d'intercalibració entre laboratoris, i els mètodes avançats per al tractament i presentació de resultats. Hem cregut que podria interessar de conèixer algunes idees a les quals hem arribat, després de participar en projectes de seguiment i de desenvolupar estudis metodològics per a la determinació de contaminants en el Medi Ambient. Aquesta línia de treball fou adoptada per a adjuntar, en un tema comú, les diferentes especialitats del Departament d'Analítica i per a participar en projectes multi disciplinaris i multinacionals


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    A Review of Medical Conditions and Behavioral Problems in Dogs and Cats

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    Behavioral problems and medical conditions have been treated separately for years. However, behavior depends directly on an animal's health condition, and vice versa. Some behavioral problems are caused totally or partially by a medical condition. Additionally, some of these problems represent a diagnostic challenge for veterinarians because, in many cases, apart from behavioral changes, there are no other clinical signs or evidence of illness. Improving our knowledge of the most common medical problems that can modify behavior may help veterinarians to improve their diagnostic protocols and treatments. Based on our experience, most relevant medical conditions are some neurological problems, endocrine or metabolic problems, and pain-related conditions. Thus, the aims of this review are to describe the state of the art of the relationship between these medical conditions (among others) and behavioral problems, and proposing new lines of investigation. Not all animals behave identically when faced with the same situation. These individual differences in the expression of their behavior could be due to many factors, including medical conditions. These medical problems can change behavior directly or indirectly. The aims of this review are to describe the state of the art of the relationship among some medical and behavioral problems, and to propose new lines of investigation. The revision is focused on the relation between behavioral problems and pain, endocrine diseases, neurological problems, vomeronasal organ alterations, and cardiac disorders. These problems represent a diagnostic challenge from a practical point of view. The most common sign of pain in animals is a change in behavior. Although the relation of pain to behavioral problems has been widely studied, it is not absolutely clear. As an example, the relation between sleep disorders and pain is poorly known in veterinary medicine. New studies in humans and laboratory animals show that a reciprocal relationship does, in fact, exist. More specifically, the literature suggests that the temporal effect of sleep deprivation on pain may be stronger than that of pain on sleep. Some behavioral problems could modify the sleep-awake cycle (e.g., cognitive dysfunction). The impact of these behavioral problems on pain perception is completely unknown in dogs and cats. Thyroid hormones play an important role, regarding behavioral control. Both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism have been related to behavioral changes. Concerning hypothyroidism, this relationship remains controversial. Nonetheless, new neuro-imaging studies provide objective evidence that brain structure and function are altered in hypothyroid patients, both in laboratory animals and in humans. There are many neurological problems that could potentially change behavior. This paper reviews those neurological problems that could lead to behavioral changes without modifying neurological examination. The most common problems are tumors that affect central nervous system silent zones, mild traumatic brain injury, ischemic attacks, and epilepsy. Most of these diseases and their relationship to behavior are poorly studied in dogs and cats. To better understand the pathophysiology of all of these problems, and their relation to behavioral problems, may change the diagnostic protocol of behavioral problems

    Síntesi de la ponència d'organització i estatuts

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    Els Ocells pleistocènics d'Es Pouàs, Eivissa. Nota preliminar

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    Es presenta l'ornitofauna fòssil lliurada pel jaciment pleistocènic d'Es Pouàs, Eivissa. Fins ara s'han identificat 21 tàxons, essent tots, llevat d'un, nous per al registre fossilifer eivissenc. La fauna obtinguda al depòsit d'Es Pouàs permet reinterpretar biogeogràficament les diferències faunístiques existents entre les Gimnèsies i les Pitiüses.The fossil ornithofauna obtained in Es Pouas, Eivissa, is presented in this paper. Until now they are 21 identified taxa, all of them, excepting one, new for the Eivissan fossil record. The obtained fauna allows to develop a new biogeographical interpretation of actual faunistic differences between, Gymnesic and Pityusic Islands

    Analysis of the effect of clock drifts on frequency regulation and power sharing in inverter-based islanded microgrids

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Local hardware clocks in physically distributed computation devices hardly ever agree because clocks drift apart and the drift can be different for each device. This paper analyses the effect that local clock drifts have in the parallel operation of voltage source inverters (VSIs) in islanded microgrids (MG). The state-of-the-art control policies for frequency regulation and active power sharing in VSIs-based MGs are reviewed and selected prototype policies are then re-formulated in terms of clock drifts. Next, steady-state properties for these policies are analyzed. For each of the policies, analytical expressions are developed to provide an exact quantification of the impact that drifts have on frequency and active power equilibrium points. In addition, a closed-loop model that accommodates all the policies is derived, and the stability of the equilibrium points is characterized in terms of the clock drifts. Finally, the implementation of the analyzed policies in a laboratory MG provides experimental results that confirm the theoretical analysis.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft