233 research outputs found

    MuseĂŻtzaciĂł de conflictes contemporanis: el cas de la Guerra Civil espanyola

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    La museïtzació de la guerra és un tema polèmic, i més quan es tracta de conflictes recents. Es reflexiona sobre el perquè s'ha de plantejar l'estudi de la guerra des d'un punt de vista científic. A més, es posa especial èmfasi en com els europeus han afrontat la seva dramàtica història bèl·lica recent i el patrimoni per ella generat; s'enumeren i descriuen els diferents tipus de museus i instal·lacions patrimonials i els seus trets didàctics. La realitat europea contrasta amb el dèficit d'iniciatives patrimonials i museals respecte a la història i el patrimoni de la Guerra Civil espanyol

    Musealization of contemporary conflicts. The case of Spanish Civil war.

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    La museïtzació de la guerra és un tema polèmic, i més quan es tracta de conflictes recents. Es reflexiona sobre el perquè s’ha de plantejar l’estudi de la guerra des d’un punt de vista científic. A més, es posa especial èmfasi en com els europeus han afrontat la seva dramàtica història bèl·lica recent i el patrimoni per ella generat; s’enumeren i descriuen els diferents tipus de museus i instal·lacions patrimonials i els seus trets didàctics. La realitat europea contrasta amb el dèficit d’iniciatives patrimonials i museals respecte a la història i el patrimoni de la Guerra Civil espanyola.The musealization regarding with war is always a polemic issue, especially when it is about conflict which are relatively recent. It is reflected about why war from a scientific point of view has to be studied. Moreover, it is emphasized how Europeans have faced up to its dramatic warfare history and its related heritage: different kinds of museums and heritage complex and their teaching and learning characteristics are listed and described. European reality contrast with the lacking of heritage and museistic initiatives about history and remains of Spanish Civil War

    Supply Chain Planning in Stable Demand and Fashion Products

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    In recent years, terms such as supply chain or supply chain planning have become increasingly important in the industrial sector. Nowadays, everyone is aware that a good performance in supply chain activities is essential to business success. But what are the keys to do a good supply chain planning? Do they depend on the product? What changes? To answer these questions, we will study how the supply chain is planned for two very different types of product: stable demand and fashion products. Moreover, we will do it through the study of two leading companies in these industries: Unilever and Inditex, to learn the best practices in each sector and see how the different features of the products affect to the supply chain planning.Outgoin

    A new synthetic approach to the lactol moiety of halichoblelide

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    A stereoselective approach to the Îł-lactol moiety of halichoblelide is described starting from commercially available (R)-1-butyn-3-ol. The key step is the hydroboration of a chiral protected 1,2-butadien-3-ol and its addition to furfural

    Stereoselective Acetate Aldol Reactions From Metal Enolates

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    This review deals with metal enolate-mediated stereoselective acetate aldol reactions. It summarizes recent advances on aldol additions of unsubstituted metal enolates from chiral auxiliaries, stoichiometric and catalytic Lewis acids, or acting in substrate- controlled reactions, which provide stereocontrolled aldol transformations that allow the efficient synthesis of structurally complex natural products

    Thermal and hydrodynamic studies for micro-channel cooling for large area silicon sensors in high energy physics experiments

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    Micro-channel cooling initially aiming at small-sized high-power integrated circuits is being transferred to the field of high energy physics. Today`s prospects of micro-fabricating silicon opens a door to a more direct cooling of detector modules. The challenge in high energy physics is to save material in the detector construction and to cool large areas. In this paper, we are investigating micro-channel cooling as a candidate for a future cooling system for silicon detectors in a generic research and development approach. The work presented in this paper includes the production and the hydrodynamic and thermal testing of a micro-channel equipped prototype optimized to achieve a homogeneous flow distribution. Furthermore, the device was simulated using finite element methods.Comment: 10 pages, submitted to NIMA (accepted

    Inhibitors of lipogenic enzymes as a potential therapy against cancer

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    Cancer cells rely on several metabolic pathways such as lipid metabolism to meet the increase in energy demand, cell division, and growth and successfully adapt to challenging environments. Fatty acid synthesis is therefore commonly enhanced in many cancer cell lines. Thus, relevant efforts are being made by the scientific community to inhibit the enzymes involved in lipid metabolism to disrupt cancer cell proliferation. We review the rapidly expanding body of inhibitors that target lipid metabolism, their side effects, and current status in clinical trials as potential therapeutic approaches against cancer. We focus on their molecular, biochemical and structural properties, selectivity and effectiveness and discuss their potential role as antitumor drugs. Keywords: cancer drugs; lipid metabolism; lipogenic enzyme inhibitors

    Universitat i empresa quĂ­mica: un diĂ leg necessari entre dos mons complementaris

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    Un diàleg fluid entre les universitats i altres centres de recerca de Catalunya amb el teixit empresarial és, avui dia, una exigència social ineludible. La transferència de coneixement des dels centres de recerca públics a les nostres empreses ha de servir per millorar la seva competitivitat internacional. Entre les diferents formes de col·laboració, han pres força recentment els doctorats industrials. En aquest article es recullen les característiques bàsiques d'aquests doctorats, així com les experiències del nostre grup de treball i, en concret, el desenvolupament d'una nova síntesi industrial de l'entecavir, un potent fàrmac contra l'hepatitis B.A fluid dialogue between university (and other research centres) and the Catalan chemical companies emerges as an inescapable social demand. Knowledge transfer from public research centres should improve the international competitiveness of our chemical industry. Among the various forms of collaboration, the industrial doctorates have recently gained relevance. This article covers the basic features of these doctorates, as well as the experience of our research group in this field and specially the development of a new industrial synthesis of entecavir, a potent drug against hepatitis B

    A novel nucleophilic approach to 1-alkyladenosines. A two-step synthesis of [1-N-15] adenosine from inosine

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    A novel ANRORC mechanism in the reaction of 1-(2,4-dinitrobenzenesulfonyl)inosines with amines has allowed the preparation of 1-alkyladenosines and [1-15N]adenosines in a straightforward way from inosines
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