290 research outputs found

    Multiscale habitat characterization of herbaceous Atlantic Coastal Plain Flora on lakeshores in Nova Scotia

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    Accepted VersionAtlantic Coastal Plain Flora (ACPF) are a group of plants mostly inhabiting lakeshores along the Atlantic coast of the United States, with disjunct populations in Nova Scotia and Ontario. To better define their ecological requirements, the main objective of this study was to determine the factors (biotic and abiotic habitat components) influencing ACPF communities (distribution, species abundance, and richness) at both the landscape and local scales. On 16 lakeshores in southwestern Nova Scotia, we characterized ACPF communities and habitat within 20 cm square contiguous quadrats distributed along 20 m transects (landscape scale) and in 5 m × 5 m grids (local scale). Performing redundancy analysis (n = 16 transects), we found that at the landscape scale, shoreline slope and shrub species distribution influenced the quantity of suitable habitat available for ACPF, with mineral shorelines supporting higher ACPF richness. Using spatial generalized linear mixed models (n = 3125 quadrats in five grids), we found that elevation, vegetation elements (shrubs, sundews, graminoids), and substrate type mostly influenced ACPF presence and abundance. ACPF also showed inter-specific differences in habitat preferences. Defining ACPF ecological requirements at both the landscape and local scales is important to guide conservation and management actions in Nova Scotia and throughout their North American range

    Análise do mercado de serviços de regulação de frequência secundária e terciária no sistema eléctrico português

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    Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo EnergiaOs operadores das redes de transporte (ORT) enfrentam desafios cada vez maiores e mais imprevisíveis. A forte penetração de energias renováveis e a liberalização do mercado de energia eléctrica dão origem a uma maior volatilidade na produção de energia eléctrica e a desencontros entre produção e consumo, passíveis de acontecer no decorrer da operação do sistema eléctrico. Os serviços de sistema são um complemento aos mercados de energia eléctrica e caracterizam-se como sendo uma segurança necessária ao bom funcionamento do sistema pois é através destes que é feito o equilíbrio entre geração e consumo em tempo real e assim feita a regulação de frequência da rede eléctrica. Com o presente trabalho pretende-se fazer uma análise aprofundada do que são os serviços de sistema para regulação de frequência, nomeadamente sobre a regulação secundária e a regulação terciária bem como abordar a regulamentação que as fundamenta. Será também aprofundado o funcionamento do mercado de serviços de sistema para regulação de frequência em Portugal e oencadeamento cronológico deste com o mercado diário e com as diversas sessões intradiárias do Mercado Ibérico de Electricidade (MIBEL). Serão ainda referidos diversos serviços de sistema noutros países europeus em comparação com Portugal. Para apoio a esta análise desenvolveu-se uma ferramenta em Matlab®que permita visualizar sob a forma de gráficos as ofertas dos agentes de mercado participantes através das suas unidades físicas (grupos geradores), o custo marginal dessas mesmas centrais e ainda visualizar o preço de fecho de mercado na respectiva hora. Os resultados obtidos apontam para uma dependência do perfil de licitação relativamente à tecnologia da central. Foram ainda analisadas as correlações entre centrais e a dependência do preço das ofertas e da banda contratada relativamente à existência de meses mais ou menos chuvosos, ou seja com maior ou menos índice de produtibilidade hidroeléctrica (IPH). Denota-se ainda uma elevada participação das centrais hídricas neste mercado de banda secundária.Abstract: The transmission system operators (TSO) face increasing and more unpredictable challenges. The high penetration of renewable energy and the liberalization of the electricity market rises the volatility in electricity generation and bigger differences between production and consumption, in the course of the electrical system operation. Ancillary services are a complement to electricity markets and are characterized as a necessary service that allows a proper and reliable functioning of the system as it is the mechanism that allows the TSO to balance generation and consumption in real time operation and control the frequency of the system. The present work aims to make a thorough analysis of what are the ancillary services for frequency regulation, particularly on secondary regulation and tertiary regulation and to address the laws that allow to develop the frequency regulation in Portugal. It will also be studied the operation of the ancillary services market for frequency regulation in Portugal and the chronological connection with the daily market and the various intraday market sessions of Iberian Electricity Market (MIBEL). Itwill be studied also various ancillary services in other European countries compared to Portugal. To support this data analysis a Matlab® tool was developed allowing the user to view in the graphical form the offers of market players participating with their physical units (power plants), the marginal cost of these same power plants and the market clearing price, all for the same selected period of time. The results show a dependence of the bidding profile relative to the power plant technology. It will be also studied the correlations between different power plants and the price variation of the market due to the variation of the hydroelectric capability factor (HCF) variation. It is also relevant the high share of hydro power plants participating in the ancillary services market for secondary frequency control

    Mechanochemical feedback control of dynamin independent endocytosis modulates membrane tension in adherent cells.

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    Plasma membrane tension regulates many key cellular processes. It is modulated by, and can modulate, membrane trafficking. However, the cellular pathway(s) involved in this interplay is poorly understood. Here we find that, among a number of endocytic processes operating simultaneously at the cell surface, a dynamin independent pathway, the CLIC/GEEC (CG) pathway, is rapidly and specifically upregulated upon a sudden reduction of tension. Moreover, inhibition (activation) of the CG pathway results in lower (higher) membrane tension. However, alteration in membrane tension does not directly modulate CG endocytosis. This requires vinculin, a mechano-transducer recruited to focal adhesion in adherent cells. Vinculin acts by controlling the levels of a key regulator of the CG pathway, GBF1, at the plasma membrane. Thus, the CG pathway directly regulates membrane tension and is in turn controlled via a mechano-chemical feedback inhibition, potentially leading to homeostatic regulation of membrane tension in adherent cells

    The NANOGrav 15 yr Data Set: Search for Transverse Polarization Modes in the Gravitational-wave Background

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    Recently we found compelling evidence for a gravitational-wave background with Hellings and Downs (HD) correlations in our 15 yr data set. These correlations describe gravitational waves as predicted by general relativity, which has two transverse polarization modes. However, more general metric theories of gravity can have additional polarization modes, which produce different interpulsar correlations. In this work, we search the NANOGrav 15 yr data set for evidence of a gravitational-wave background with quadrupolar HD and scalar-transverse (ST) correlations. We find that HD correlations are the best fit to the data and no significant evidence in favor of ST correlations. While Bayes factors show strong evidence for a correlated signal, the data does not strongly prefer either correlation signature, with Bayes factors ∼2 when comparing HD to ST correlations, and ∼1 for HD plus ST correlations to HD correlations alone. However, when modeled alongside HD correlations, the amplitude and spectral index posteriors for ST correlations are uninformative, with the HD process accounting for the vast majority of the total signal. Using the optimal statistic, a frequentist technique that focuses on the pulsar-pair cross-correlations, we find median signal-to-noise ratios of 5.0 for HD and 4.6 for ST correlations when fit for separately, and median signal-to-noise ratios of 3.5 for HD and 3.0 for ST correlations when fit for simultaneously. While the signal-to-noise ratios for each of the correlations are comparable, the estimated amplitude and spectral index for HD are a significantly better fit to the total signal, in agreement with our Bayesian analysis

    The NANOGrav 15-year data set: Search for Transverse Polarization Modes in the Gravitational-Wave Background

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    Recently we found compelling evidence for a gravitational wave background with Hellings and Downs (HD) correlations in our 15-year data set. These correlations describe gravitational waves as predicted by general relativity, which has two transverse polarization modes. However, more general metric theories of gravity can have additional polarization modes which produce different interpulsar correlations. In this work we search the NANOGrav 15-year data set for evidence of a gravitational wave background with quadrupolar Hellings and Downs (HD) and Scalar Transverse (ST) correlations. We find that HD correlations are the best fit to the data, and no significant evidence in favor of ST correlations. While Bayes factors show strong evidence for a correlated signal, the data does not strongly prefer either correlation signature, with Bayes factors 2\sim 2 when comparing HD to ST correlations, and 1\sim 1 for HD plus ST correlations to HD correlations alone. However, when modeled alongside HD correlations, the amplitude and spectral index posteriors for ST correlations are uninformative, with the HD process accounting for the vast majority of the total signal. Using the optimal statistic, a frequentist technique that focuses on the pulsar-pair cross-correlations, we find median signal-to-noise-ratios of 5.0 for HD and 4.6 for ST correlations when fit for separately, and median signal-to-noise-ratios of 3.5 for HD and 3.0 for ST correlations when fit for simultaneously. While the signal-to-noise-ratios for each of the correlations are comparable, the estimated amplitude and spectral index for HD are a significantly better fit to the total signal, in agreement with our Bayesian analysis.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    The NANOGrav 15-year Data Set: Search for Anisotropy in the Gravitational-Wave Background

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    The North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves (NANOGrav) has reported evidence for the presence of an isotropic nanohertz gravitational wave background (GWB) in its 15 yr dataset. However, if the GWB is produced by a population of inspiraling supermassive black hole binary (SMBHB) systems, then the background is predicted to be anisotropic, depending on the distribution of these systems in the local Universe and the statistical properties of the SMBHB population. In this work, we search for anisotropy in the GWB using multiple methods and bases to describe the distribution of the GWB power on the sky. We do not find significant evidence of anisotropy, and place a Bayesian 95%95\% upper limit on the level of broadband anisotropy such that (Cl>0/Cl=0)<20%(C_{l>0} / C_{l=0}) < 20\%. We also derive conservative estimates on the anisotropy expected from a random distribution of SMBHB systems using astrophysical simulations conditioned on the isotropic GWB inferred in the 15-yr dataset, and show that this dataset has sufficient sensitivity to probe a large fraction of the predicted level of anisotropy. We end by highlighting the opportunities and challenges in searching for anisotropy in pulsar timing array data.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures; submitted to Astrophysical Journal Letters as part of Focus on NANOGrav's 15-year Data Set and the Gravitational Wave Background. For questions or comments, please email [email protected]

    The NANOGrav 15-Year Data Set: Detector Characterization and Noise Budget

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    Pulsar timing arrays (PTAs) are galactic-scale gravitational wave detectors. Each individual arm, composed of a millisecond pulsar, a radio telescope, and a kiloparsecs-long path, differs in its properties but, in aggregate, can be used to extract low-frequency gravitational wave (GW) signals. We present a noise and sensitivity analysis to accompany the NANOGrav 15-year data release and associated papers, along with an in-depth introduction to PTA noise models. As a first step in our analysis, we characterize each individual pulsar data set with three types of white noise parameters and two red noise parameters. These parameters, along with the timing model and, particularly, a piecewise-constant model for the time-variable dispersion measure, determine the sensitivity curve over the low-frequency GW band we are searching. We tabulate information for all of the pulsars in this data release and present some representative sensitivity curves. We then combine the individual pulsar sensitivities using a signal-to-noise-ratio statistic to calculate the global sensitivity of the PTA to a stochastic background of GWs, obtaining a minimum noise characteristic strain of 7×10157\times 10^{-15} at 5 nHz. A power law-integrated analysis shows rough agreement with the amplitudes recovered in NANOGrav's 15-year GW background analysis. While our phenomenological noise model does not model all known physical effects explicitly, it provides an accurate characterization of the noise in the data while preserving sensitivity to multiple classes of GW signals.Comment: 67 pages, 73 figures, 3 tables; published in Astrophysical Journal Letters as part of Focus on NANOGrav's 15-year Data Set and the Gravitational Wave Background. For questions or comments, please email [email protected]

    How to Detect an Astrophysical Nanohertz Gravitational-Wave Background

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    Analysis of pulsar timing data have provided evidence for a stochastic gravitational wave background in the nHz frequency band. The most plausible source of such a background is the superposition of signals from millions of supermassive black hole binaries. The standard statistical techniques used to search for such a background and assess its significance make several simplifying assumptions, namely: i) Gaussianity; ii) isotropy; and most often iii) a power-law spectrum. However, a stochastic background from a finite collection of binaries does not exactly satisfy any of these assumptions. To understand the effect of these assumptions, we test standard analysis techniques on a large collection of realistic simulated datasets. The dataset length, observing schedule, and noise levels were chosen to emulate the NANOGrav 15-year dataset. Simulated signals from millions of binaries drawn from models based on the Illustris cosmological hydrodynamical simulation were added to the data. We find that the standard statistical methods perform remarkably well on these simulated datasets, despite their fundamental assumptions not being strictly met. They are able to achieve a confident detection of the background. However, even for a fixed set of astrophysical parameters, different realizations of the universe result in a large variance in the significance and recovered parameters of the background. We also find that the presence of loud individual binaries can bias the spectral recovery of the background if we do not account for them.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    The NANOGrav 15-year Data Set: Evidence for a Gravitational-Wave Background

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    We report multiple lines of evidence for a stochastic signal that is correlated among 67 pulsars from the 15-year pulsar-timing data set collected by the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves. The correlations follow the Hellings-Downs pattern expected for a stochastic gravitational-wave background. The presence of such a gravitational-wave background with a power-law-spectrum is favored over a model with only independent pulsar noises with a Bayes factor in excess of 101410^{14}, and this same model is favored over an uncorrelated common power-law-spectrum model with Bayes factors of 200-1000, depending on spectral modeling choices. We have built a statistical background distribution for these latter Bayes factors using a method that removes inter-pulsar correlations from our data set, finding p=103p = 10^{-3} (approx. 3σ3\sigma) for the observed Bayes factors in the null no-correlation scenario. A frequentist test statistic built directly as a weighted sum of inter-pulsar correlations yields p=5×1051.9×104p = 5 \times 10^{-5} - 1.9 \times 10^{-4} (approx. 3.54σ3.5 - 4\sigma). Assuming a fiducial f2/3f^{-2/3} characteristic-strain spectrum, as appropriate for an ensemble of binary supermassive black-hole inspirals, the strain amplitude is 2.40.6+0.7×10152.4^{+0.7}_{-0.6} \times 10^{-15} (median + 90% credible interval) at a reference frequency of 1/(1 yr). The inferred gravitational-wave background amplitude and spectrum are consistent with astrophysical expectations for a signal from a population of supermassive black-hole binaries, although more exotic cosmological and astrophysical sources cannot be excluded. The observation of Hellings-Downs correlations points to the gravitational-wave origin of this signal.Comment: 30 pages, 18 figures. Published in Astrophysical Journal Letters as part of Focus on NANOGrav's 15-year Data Set and the Gravitational Wave Background. For questions or comments, please email [email protected]