755 research outputs found

    Energy and sustainable urban transport development in China: Challenges and solutions

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    This paper presents an overview of urban road transport development and challenges in energy consumption in China. It relates sustainable urban road transport development with energy consumption and environmental management. It analyzes the main challenges related to urban road transport development: energy security, low efficiency in energy utilization, and unsustainable environmental management. It also discusses necessary technological and policy initiatives to deal with these challenges: e.g., promoting the development and dissemination of cleaner vehicle technologies, substitution of LPG, CNG, LNG and biofuels for gasoline and diesel, strengthening regulations on vehicle emissions, expediting public transport development, and the effective management of the soaring private car

    Enabling sustainable urban road transport in China: A policy and institutional perspective

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    This paper is an effort to investigate the approach to sustainable urban road transport in Chinese mega cities with an emphasis on policy and institutional perspectives. The study links the major “unsustainabilities” of China’s urban road transport with those deficiencies in urban road transport planning and management and China’s auto industry policy, and gives some suggestions and recommendations for policy change and adjustment. The paper also provides some examples of successful experiences from foreign cities in urban road transport development from which Chinese cities can learn

    Diffuse interstitial and multiple cavitary lung lesions due to Talaromyces marneffei infection in a non-HIV patient

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    AbstractA 57-year-old man presented with unproductive cough and dyspnea for 6 months in Fujian Province, China. His misuse of a large amount of steroids (accumulated dose equivalent to 3530 mg prednisolone) resulted in Talaromyces marneffei infection. Chest computed tomographic scan revealed diffuse interstitial and multiple cavitary lung lesions. Treatment with amphotericin B combined with itraconazole resulted in total recovery, with marked regression of lung lesions

    Study of a cold spray nozzle throat on acceleration characteristics via CFD

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    Cold spray technology can obtain coatings in a solid state, suitable for deposition protection, repair, and additive manufacturing. In order to further expand the application areas of cold spraying nozzles, especially the inner surface of the components or areas where a Straight-line conical nozzle cannot be applied, because the study of the throat of the nozzle with the angle will directly reduce the total length of the nozzle (the horizontal direction), hence, the spray with the angle will show its advantage. This study discusses the influence of the throat structure of the conical cold spray nozzle on the acceleration characteristics, including the throat’s size, length, and angle. The results show the following. Firstly, under the premise of keeping the shrinkage ratio and divergence ratio unchanged at normal temperature, the throat diameter is between 2–6 mm in size, and the maximum growth rate exceeds 20 m/s. When the throat exceeds 6mm, the growth rate of the outlet slows down, and the growth rate is only 8 m/s. Secondly, the length of the throat has little effect on the acceleration characteristics, the total range fluctuated from 533 to 550 m/s, and 11 mm length of the throat is the closest to 0mm. Additionally, the 90° throat angle has the least effect on the acceleration characteristics. Finally, the particle trajectory is affected by inlet pressure, injection pressure, particle size, and other factors

    Effect of Preliminary Torsional Strain on Low-Cycle Fatigue of Q345B Structural Steel

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    Effect of preliminary torsional strain on low-cycle fatigue of Q345B steel was studied. The specimens were first 0, 180, and 360° twisted, then the low-cycle fatigue of Q345B steel was evaluated in the strain range of 0.3–0.8% by the method of axisymmetrical strain. The cycling response, cyclic stress–strain relationship, strain–life relationship, fatigue life prediction model, and seismic stability at different torsion angles were obtained and analyzed. The strain–life curve is shown to slope down as a power function. The fatigue life comes down with preliminary torsional strain at a constant level. The cycling response varied from cyclic hardening to cyclic softening in preliminary torsion, and the cyclic hardening rate increased linearly with the strain amplitude. The parameters of the Coffin–Manson relation are corroborated with experimental data. After heat treatment, the seismic stability of the material is improved, with torsional strain greatly reducing this characteristic. Electron microscope examination of fatigue fracture revealed a fatigue crack initiating on the surface of the specimen. The propagating crack deviated from its direction, and plasticity of the material dropped as a result of preliminary torsional strain.Изучено влияние деформации предварительного кручения на малоцикловую усталость стали Q345B. Вначале образцы скручивали на 0, 180 и 360°, затем методом осесимметричной деформации определяли малоцикловую усталость стали Q345B в диапазоне деформаций 0.3 0.8%. Получены и проанализированы характеристика циклических изменений, зависимость циклического изменения напряжения от деформации, зависимость деформация долговечность, модель прогнозирования усталостной долговечности и сейсмостойкость при различных углах кручения. Показано, что кривая деформация долговечность идет вниз и описывается степенной функцией. Усталостная долговечность снижается с увеличением деформации предварительного кручения при постоянном уровне последней. Характеристика циклических изменений варьировала от циклического упрочнения до циклического разупрочнения при кручении, скорость циклического упрочнения возрастала линейно с повышением амплитуды деформации. Параметры зависимости Коффина Мэнсона подтверждаются экспериментальными данными. После термообработки сейсмостойкость материала улучшается, при этом деформация предварительного кручения существенно снижает ее. Электронно-микроскопическое исследование усталостного разрушения выявило зарождение усталостной трещины на поверхности образца. Растущая трещина отклонялась от своего направления, пластичность материала снижалась в результате деформации предварительного кручения.Вивчено вплив деформації попереднього кручення на малоціклову втому стали Q345B. Спочатку зразки скручували на 0, 180 і 360 °, потім методом вісесиметричної деформації визначали малоціклову втому стали Q345B в діапазоні деформацій 0.3-0.8%. Отримано і проаналізовано характеристику циклічних змін, залежність циклічної зміни напржень від деформації, залежність деформація-довговічність, модель прогнозування втомної довговічності і сейсмостійкості при різних кутах кручення. Показано, що крива деформація - довговічність йде вниз і описується ступеневою функцією. Втомна довговічність знижується зі збільшенням деформації попереднього кручення при постійному рівні останньої. Характеристика циклічних змін варіювала від циклічного зміцнення до циклічного знеміцнення при крученні, швидкість циклічного зміцнення зростала лінійно з підвищенням амплітуди деформації. Параметри залежності Коффина-Менсона підтверджуються експериментальними даними. Після термообробки сейсмостійкість матеріалу поліпшується, при цьому деформація попереднього кручення істотно знижує її. Електронно-мікроскопічне дослідження втомного руйнування виявило зародження втомної тріщини на поверхні зразка. Зростаюча тріщина відхилялася від свого напрямку, пластичність матеріалу знижувалася в результаті деформації попереднього кручення

    Research on Rapidly Shaped Charge Cutting Technology of Aircraft Damaged Thin-Wall Structure

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    Shaped charge cutting technology has been introduced into the field of aircraft structure repair to rapidly reshape irregular holes in thin-walled structures. In the present research, numerical calculation of the dynamic cutting process by ANSYS and experiments of shaped charge cutting on a 2A12 aluminum alloy plate with 2 mm thickness have been carried out. It was found that fast kerf is smooth, producing a neat edge and good linearity. The incision fracture section is arranged in neat rows on a corrugated strip, and the lines are clear. Otherwise, the lower part is slightly messy without obvious distribution rules. The target plate separation method of cumulative cutting is a kind of “pre-penetration” and “late tear” method. The application of shaped charge cutting technology can aid in repair of aircrafts’ thin-walled structural damage

    Frictional drag between non-equilibrium charged gases

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    The frictional drag force between separated but coupled two-dimensional electron gases of different temperatures is studied using the non-equilibrium Green function method based on the separation of center-of-mass and relative dynamics of electrons. As the mechanisms of producing the frictional force we include the direct Coulomb interaction, the interaction mediated via virtual and real TA and LA phonons, optic phonons, plasmons, and TA and LA phonon-electron collective modes. We found that, when the distance between the two electron gases is large, and at intermediate temperature where plasmons and collective modes play the most important role in the frictional drag, the possibility of having a temperature difference between two subsystems modifies greatly the transresistivity.Comment: 8figure

    Cytogenetic and molecular identification of a new wheat-Thinopyrum intermedium addition line with resistance to powdery mildew

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    Thinopyrum intermedium, which has many useful traits, is valuable for wheat breeding. A new wheat-Thinopyrum addition line, SN100109, was developed from the progeny of common wheat cultivar Yannong 15 and Th. intermedium. It was resistant to most races of Blumeria graminis f. sp tritici (Bgt), which caused powdery mildew in wheat, and its reactions were different from the reactions of gene Pm40 and Pm43. Genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) and molecular marker analysis were used to identify the genomic composition of SN100109. GISH results showed that SN100109 was a wheat-Th. intermedium disomic addition line containing one pair of J chromosomes, and the resistance gene was located on the alien additional chromosomes of SN100109. And four molecular markers BE425942, BF482714, Xgdm93 and BV679214 which were assigned to homologous group 2, were specific molecular markers of the additional chromosomes. All the results indicated that SN100109 contained one pair of 2J chromosomes. SN100109 can be used as a novel germplasm source for introducing powdery mildew resistance genes to wheat in breeding programs

    The Vacuum System of HIRFL

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    AbstractThe vacuum system of Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL) is a large and complex system. HIRFL consists of two ECR ion sources, a sector focus cyclotron (SFC), a separate sector cyclotron (SSC) and a multi-purpose cooling storage ring system which has a main ring (CSRm) and an experiment ring (CSRe). Several beam lines connect these accelerators together and transfer various heavy ion beams to more than 10 experiment terminals. According to the requirements of the ion acceleration and ion lifetime, the working pressure in each accelerator is different. SFC is nearly 50 years old. After upgrade, the working pressure in SFC is improved from 10-6mbar to 10-8mbar. The pressure in SSC which was built in the 1980s reaches the same level. The cooling storage ring system with a length of 500m came into operation in 2007. The average pressures in CSRm and CSRe are 5×10-12mbar and 8×10-12mbar respectively. Different designs were adopt for vacuum system of a dozen beam lines to meet specific requirement of each experiment terminal. Along with the extensive development of the heavy ion researches and applications, new accelerators of HIRFL are under construction. The vacuum system of the new machines will be designed and constructed followed the overall schedule