39 research outputs found

    Non-destructive measurement of the transition probability in a Sr optical lattice clock

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    We present the experimental demonstration of non-destructive probing of the 1S0-3P0 clock transition probability in an optical lattice clock with 87Sr atoms. It is based on the phase shift induced by the atoms on a weak off-resonant laser beam. The method we propose is a differential measurement of this phase shift on two modulation sidebands with opposite detuning with respect to the 1S0-1P1 transition, allowing a detection limited by the photon shot noise. We have measured an atomic population of 10^4 atoms with a signal to noise ratio of 100 per cycle, while keeping more than 95% of the atoms in the optical lattice with a depth of 0.1 mK. The method proves simple and robust enough to be operated as part of the whole clock setup. This detection scheme enables us to reuse atoms for subsequent clock state interrogations, dramatically reducing the loading time and thereby improving the clock frequency stability.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    An Optical Lattice Clock with Spin-polarized 87Sr Atoms

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    We present a new evaluation of an 87Sr optical lattice clock using spin polarized atoms. The frequency of the 1S0-3P0 clock transition is found to be 429 228 004 229 873.6 Hz with a fractional accuracy of 2.6 10^{-15}, a value that is comparable to the frequency difference between the various primary standards throughout the world. This measurement is in excellent agreement with a previous one of similar accuracy

    Interference-filter-stabilized external-cavity diode lasers

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    We have developed external-cavity diode lasers, where the wavelength selection is assured by a low loss interference filter instead of the common diffraction grating. The filter allows a linear cavity design reducing the sensitivity of the wavelength and the external cavity feedback against misalignment. By separating the feedback and wavelength selection functions, both can be optimized independently leading to an increased tunability of the laser. The design is employed for the generation of laser light at 698, 780 and 852 nm. Its characteristics make it a well suited candidate for space-born lasers.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Low noise amplication of an optically carried microwave signal: application to atom interferometry

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    In this paper, we report a new scheme to amplify a microwave signal carried on a laser light at λ\lambda=852nm. The amplification is done via a semiconductor tapered amplifier and this scheme is used to drive stimulated Raman transitions in an atom interferometer. Sideband generation in the amplifier, due to self-phase and amplitude modulation, is investigated and characterized. We also demonstrate that the amplifier does not induce any significant phase-noise on the beating signal. Finally, the degradation of the performances of the interferometer due to the amplification process is shown to be negligible

    A high stability semiconductor laser system for a 88^{88}Sr-based optical lattice clock

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    We describe a frequency stabilized diode laser at 698 nm used for high resolution spectroscopy of the 1S0-3P0 strontium clock transition. For the laser stabilization we use state-of-the-art symmetrically suspended optical cavities optimized for very low thermal noise at room temperature. Two-stage frequency stabilization to high finesse optical cavities results in measured laser frequency noise about a factor of three above the cavity thermal noise between 2 Hz and 11 Hz. With this system, we demonstrate high resolution remote spectroscopy on the 88Sr clock transition by transferring the laser output over a phase-noise-compensated 200 m-long fiber link between two separated laboratories. Our dedicated fiber link ensures a transfer of the optical carrier with frequency stability of 7 \cdot 10^{-18} after 100 s integration time, which could enable the observation of the strontium clock transition with an atomic Q of 10^{14}. Furthermore, with an eye towards the development of transportable optical clocks, we investigate how the complete laser system (laser+optics+cavity) can be influenced by environmental disturbances in terms of both short- and long-term frequency stability.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Appl. Phys.

    New Limits on Coupling of Fundamental Constants to Gravity Using 87^{87}Sr Optical Lattice Clocks

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    The 1S0^1\mathrm{S}_0-3P0^3\mathrm{P}_0 clock transition frequency νSr\nu_\text{Sr} in neutral 87^{87}Sr has been measured relative to the Cs standard by three independent laboratories in Boulder, Paris, and Tokyo over the last three years. The agreement on the 1×10151\times 10^{-15} level makes νSr\nu_\text{Sr} the best agreed-upon optical atomic frequency. We combine periodic variations in the 87^{87}Sr clock frequency with 199^{199}Hg+^+ and H-maser data to test Local Position Invariance by obtaining the strongest limits to date on gravitational-coupling coefficients for the fine-structure constant α\alpha, electron-proton mass ratio μ\mu and light quark mass. Furthermore, after 199^{199}Hg+^+, 171^{171}Yb+^+ and H, we add 87^{87}Sr as the fourth optical atomic clock species to enhance constraints on yearly drifts of α\alpha and μ\mu.Comment: Published version. 4 pages, 4 figure

    Limits to the sensitivity of a low noise compact atomic gravimeter

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    A detailed analysis of the most relevant sources of phase noise in an atomic interferometer is carried out, both theoretically and experimentally. Even a short interrogation time of 100 ms allows our cold atom gravimeter to reach an excellent short term sensitivity to acceleration of 1.4×1081.4\times 10^{-8}g at 1s. This result relies on the combination of a low phase noise laser system, efficient detection scheme and good shielding from vibrations. In particular, we describe a simple and robust technique of vibration compensation, which is based on correcting the interferometer signal by using the AC acceleration signal measured by a low noise seismometer.Comment: 30 pages, 14 figure

    Geodesy and metrology with a transportable optical clock

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    partially_open24openGrotti, Jacopo; Koller, Silvio; Vogt, Stefan; Häfner, Sebastian; Sterr, Uwe; Lisdat, Christian; Denker, Heiner; Voigt, Christian; Timmen, Ludger; Rolland, Antoine; Baynes, Fred N.; Margolis, Helen S.; Zampaolo, Michel; Thoumany, Pierre; Pizzocaro, Marco; Rauf, Benjamin; Bregolin, Filippo; Tampellini, Anna; Barbieri, Piero; Zucco, Massimo; Costanzo, Giovanni A.; Clivati, Cecilia; Levi, Filippo; Calonico, DavideGrotti, Jacopo; Koller, Silvio; Vogt, Stefan; Häfner, Sebastian; Sterr, Uwe; Lisdat, Christian; Denker, Heiner; Voigt, Christian; Timmen, Ludger; Rolland, Antoine; Baynes, Fred N.; Margolis, Helen S.; Zampaolo, Michel; Thoumany, Pierre; Pizzocaro, Marco; Rauf, Benjamin; Bregolin, Filippo; Tampellini, Anna; Barbieri, Piero; Zucco, Massimo; Costanzo, Giovanni A.; Clivati, Cecilia; Levi, Filippo; Calonico, David

    Another Way to Eliminate an Air Leak during Mask Ventilation in Edentulous Patients

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