1,945 research outputs found

    Bipartite graph partitioning and data clustering

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    Many data types arising from data mining applications can be modeled as bipartite graphs, examples include terms and documents in a text corpus, customers and purchasing items in market basket analysis and reviewers and movies in a movie recommender system. In this paper, we propose a new data clustering method based on partitioning the underlying bipartite graph. The partition is constructed by minimizing a normalized sum of edge weights between unmatched pairs of vertices of the bipartite graph. We show that an approximate solution to the minimization problem can be obtained by computing a partial singular value decomposition (SVD) of the associated edge weight matrix of the bipartite graph. We point out the connection of our clustering algorithm to correspondence analysis used in multivariate analysis. We also briefly discuss the issue of assigning data objects to multiple clusters. In the experimental results, we apply our clustering algorithm to the problem of document clustering to illustrate its effectiveness and efficiency.Comment: Proceedings of ACM CIKM 2001, the Tenth International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, 200

    Effect of supercritical carbonation on the strength and heavy metal retention of cement-solidified fly ash

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    This paper presents both experimental and multi-physics studies on the carbonation and heavy metal retention properties of cement-solidified fly ashes. Cement-solidified fly ash samples with 40% and 60% fly ash ratios were tested for carbonation depth after being supercritically carbonated. Tests were also carried out for compressive strength and retention capacity of heavy metals of the samples before and after supercritical carbonation. Using CO2 absorption instead of calcium carbonate to measure carbonation degree, a multi-physics model was developed and combined with a leaching model to study the impact of carbonation on Cu and Pb leaching from the cement-solidified fly ash. The results show that supercritical carbonation has both positive and negative impacts on the strength and retention capability of heavy metals of the cement-solidified fly ashes, which suggests that both the carbonation conditions and the amount of fly ash recycled in cementitious materials should be properly controlled to maximize potential positive effect

    Model of C-Axis Resistivity of High-\Tc Cuprates

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    We propose a simple model which accounts for the major features and systematics of experiments on the cc-axis resistivity, ρc\rho_c, for \lsco, \ybco and \bsco . We argue that the cc-axis resistivity can be separated into contributions from in-plane dephasing and the cc-axis ``barrier'' scattering processes, with the low temperature semiconductor-like behavior of ρc\rho_c arising from the suppression of the in-plane density of states measured by in-plane magnetic Knight shift experiments. We report on predictions for ρc\rho_c in impurity-doped \ybco materials.Comment: 10 pages + figures, also see March Meeting J13.1

    C-axis Raman spectra of a normal plane-chain bilayer cuprate and the pseudogap

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    We investigate the Raman spectra in the geometry where both incident and scattered photon polarizations are parallel to the z^\hat{z}-direction, for a plane-chain bilayer coupled via a single-particle tunneling tt_\perp. The Raman vertex is derived in the tight-binding limit and in the absence of Coulomb screening, the Raman intensity can be separated into intraband (t4\propto t_\perp^4) and interband (t2\propto t_\perp^2) transitions. In the small-tt_\perp limit, the interband part dominates and a pseudogap will appear as it does in the conductivity. Coulomb interactions bring in a two-particle coupling and result in the breakdown of intra- and interband separation. Nevertheless, when tt_\perp is small, the Coulomb screening (t4\propto t_\perp^4) has little effect on the intensity to which the unscreened interband transitions contribute most. In general, the total Raman spectra are strongly dependent on the magnitude of tt_\perp.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Dynamical charge susceptibility in layered cuprates: the influence of screened inter-site Coulomb repulsion

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    The analytical expression for dynamical charge susceptibility in layered cuprates has been derived in the frame of singlet-correlated band model beyond random-phase-approximation (RPA) scheme. Our calculations performed near optimal doping regime show that there is a peak in real part of the charge susceptibility χ(q,ω)\chi({\bf q},\omega) at {\bf Q} = (π\pi, π\pi) at strong enough inter-site Coulomb repulsion. Together with the strong maximum in the Im χ(Q,ω)\chi({\bf Q},\omega) at 15 meV it confirms the formation of low-energetic plasmons or charge fluctuations. This provides a jsutification that these excitations are important and together with a spin flcutuations can contribute to the Cooper pairing in layered cuprates. Analysing the charge susceptibilitiy with respect to an instability we obtain a new plasmon branch, ωq\omega_{\bf q}, along the Brillouin Zone. In particular, we have found that it goes to zero near {\bf Q}CDW(2π/3,2π/3)_{CDW} \approx (2\pi/3, 2\pi/3)

    Doping Dependence of the Pseudogap in La(2-x)Sr(x)CuO(4)

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    We report the results of Raman scattering experiments on single crystals of La(2-x)Sr(x)CuO(4) that span the range from underdoped (x = 0.10) to overdoped (x =0.22). The spectra are consistent with the existence of a strong anisotropic quasiparticle interaction that results in a normal state depletion of spectral weight from regions of the Fermi surface located near the zone axes. The strength of the interaction decreases rapidly with increasing hole concentration and the spectral evidence for the pseudogap vanishes when the optimum doping level is reached. The results suggest that the pseudogap and superconducting gap arise from different mechanisms.Comment: 7 pages, 6 eps figures, added new sections, figures, reference

    The Knee of the Cosmic Hydrogen and Helium Spectrum below 1 PeV Measured by ARGO-YBJ and a Cherenkov Telescope of LHAASO

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    The measurement of cosmic ray energy spectra, in particular for individual species, is an essential approach in finding their origin. Locating the "knees" of the spectra is an important part of the approach and has yet to be achieved. Here we report a measurement of the mixed Hydrogen and Helium spectrum using the combination of the ARGO-YBJ experiment and of a prototype Cherenkov telescope for the LHAASO experiment. A knee feature at 640+/-87 TeV, with a clear steepening of the spectrum, is observed. This gives fundamental inputs to galactic cosmic ray acceleration models

    Mean Interplanetary Magnetic Field Measurement Using the ARGO-YBJ Experiment

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    The sun blocks cosmic ray particles from outside the solar system, forming a detectable shadow in the sky map of cosmic rays detected by the ARGO-YBJ experiment in Tibet. Because the cosmic ray particles are positive charged, the magnetic field between the sun and the earth deflects them from straight trajectories and results in a shift of the shadow from the true location of the sun. Here we show that the shift measures the intensity of the field which is transported by the solar wind from the sun to the earth.Comment: 6 papges,3 figure

    4.5 years multi-wavelength observations of Mrk 421 during the ARGO-YBJ and Fermi common operation time

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    We report on the extensive multi-wavelength observations of the blazar Markarian 421 (Mrk 421) covering radio to gamma-rays, during the 4.5 year period of ARGO-YBJ and Fermi common operation time, from August 2008 to February 2013. In particular, thanks to the ARGO-YBJ and Fermi data, the whole energy range from 100 MeV to 10 TeV is covered without any gap. In the observation period, Mrk 421 showed both low and high activity states at all wavebands. The correlations among flux variations in different wavebands were analyzed. Seven large flares, including five X-ray flares and two GeV gamma-ray flares with variable durations (3-58 days), and one X-ray outburst phase were identified and used to investigate the variation of the spectral energy distribution with respect to a relative quiescent phase. During the outburst phase and the seven flaring episodes, the peak energy in X-rays is observed to increase from sub-keV to few keV. The TeV gamma-ray flux increases up to 0.9-7.2 times the flux of the Crab Nebula. The behavior of GeV gamma-rays is found to vary depending on the flare, a feature that leads us to classify flares into three groups according to the GeV flux variation. Finally, the one-zone synchrotron self-Compton model was adopted to describe the emission spectra. Two out of three groups can be satisfactorily described using injected electrons with a power-law spectral index around 2.2, as expected from relativistic diffuse shock acceleration, whereas the remaining group requires a harder injected spectrum. The underlying physical mechanisms responsible for different groups may be related to the acceleration process or to the environment properties.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, 5 tables, Accepted for publication in ApJ