9,703 research outputs found

    Quasi-16-day periodic meridional movement of the equatorial ionization anomaly

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    Based on the daytime location of the equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA) crest derived from GPS observations at low latitude over China during the 2005–2006 stratospheric sudden warming (SSW), a quasi-16-day periodic meridional movement of EIA crest with the maximum amplitude of about 2 degrees relative to the average location of EIA crest has been revealed. In addition, periodic variations that are in phase with the meridional EIA movement are also revealed in the equatorial electrojet (EEJ) and F2 layer peak height (<i>hm</i>F2) over Chinese ionosonde stations Haikou and Chongqing. The quasi-16-day periodic component in Dst index is weak, and the 16-day periodic component does not exist in F10.7 index. Such large-scale periodic meridional movement of EIA crest is likely related to the globally enhanced stratospheric planetary waves coupled with anomalous stratospheric zonal wind connected with SSW. In addition, such large-scale periodic movement of EIA should be global, and can affect the ionospheric morphology around the low-latitude belt near the EIA region. Further case analysis, simulation and theoretical studies must proceed in order to understand the periodic movements of EIA connected with the different periodic atmospheric variations

    Properties of Galaxy Groups in the SDSS: II.- AGN Feedback and Star Formation Truncation

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    Successfully reproducing the galaxy luminosity function and the bimodality in the galaxy distribution requires a mechanism that can truncate star formation in massive haloes. Current models of galaxy formation consider two such truncation mechanisms: strangulation, which acts on satellite galaxies, and AGN feedback, which predominantly affects central galaxies. The efficiencies of these processes set the blue fraction of galaxies as function of galaxy luminosity and halo mass. In this paper we use a galaxy group catalogue extracted from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) to determine these fractions. To demonstrate the potential power of this data as a benchmark for galaxy formation models, we compare the results to the semi-analytical model for galaxy formation of Croton et al. (2006). Although this model accurately fits the global statistics of the galaxy population, as well as the shape of the conditional luminosity function, there are significant discrepancies when the blue fraction of galaxies as a function of mass and luminosity is compared between the observations and the model. In particular, the model predicts (i) too many faint satellite galaxies in massive haloes, (ii) a blue fraction of satellites that is much too low, and (iii) a blue fraction of centrals that is too high and with an inverted luminosity dependence. In the same order, we argue that these discrepancies owe to (i) the neglect of tidal stripping in the semi-analytical model, (ii) the oversimplified treatment of strangulation, and (iii) improper modeling of dust extinction and/or AGN feedback. The data presented here will prove useful to test and calibrate future models of galaxy formation and in particular to discriminate between various models for AGN feedback and other star formation truncation mechanisms.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Site‐Selective trans‐Hydrostannation of 1,3‐ and 1,n‐Diynes: Application to the Total Synthesis of Typhonosides E and F, and a Fluorinated Cerebroside Analogue

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    Propargyl alcohols are privileged substrates for stereochemically unorthodox trans‐hydrostannation reactions catalyzed by [Cp*RuCl]4 (Cp*=pentamethylcyclopentadienyl), because an incipient hydrogen bond between the ‐OH group and the polarized [Ru‐Cl] unit assists substrate binding. For this very reason, it is also possible to subject diyne derivatives carrying one ‐OH group to site‐selective stannylation, even if the acetylene units are conjugated and hence, electronically coupled. An unusual temperature dependence was observed in that heating tends to improve site‐selectivity, whereas per‐stannylation is favored when the reaction is carried out in the cold. This counterintuitive trend can be rationalized based on spectroscopic data; additional support comes from the isolation of the unusual bimetallic complex 11. The bridging fulvene and enynyl ligands in 11 are thought to reflect an interligand redox isomerization process likely triggered by synchronous activation of the 1,3‐diyne substrate by two metal centers. The preparative relevance of site‐selective trans‐hydrostannation is illustrated by the total synthesis of two members of the typhonoside series of glycolipids, which are endowed with neuroprotective properties. Moreover, the preparation of a fluoroalkene sphingosine analogue shows that the tin residue also serves as a versatile handle for late‐stage modification of a bioactive target compound

    Improved preservation effects of litchi fruit by combining chitosan coating with ascorbic acid treatment during postharvest storage

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    Pericarp browning and aril decay of litchi fruits shorten post-harvest storage and thus reduce market value. Effects of chitosan coating and ascorbic acid (AsA) on litchi fruits storage were investigated in this paper. Based on the fact that AsA increases anti-oxidation capacity and chitosan inhibitsdehydration and microbial attack, the novel strategies of combining chitosan with AsA treatment were developed to improve litchi storability. By treating harvest fruits with 40 mmol/l AsA and 1.0% (w/v) chitosan solution, parameters of browning index and relative leakage rate and activities of polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and peroxidase (POD) in pericarp were markedly lowered in treated fruits. Moreover, increased activities of super oxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) and contents of AsA andglutathione were observed in pulp of treated fruit, thus leading to lowered contents of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and malondialdehyde (MDA). Correspondingly, total soluble solids, soluble sugar and titratable acidity were significantly increased and thus lowered decay rate was achieved. It was suggested that chitosan and AsA play active roles in inhibiting pericarp browning, dehydration and microbial attack and maintaining membrane integrity, thus improved litchi storability being achieved

    Creation and control of a two-dimensional electron liquid at the bare SrTiO3 surface

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    Many-body interactions in transition-metal oxides give rise to a wide range of functional properties, such as high-temperature superconductivity, colossal magnetoresistance, or multiferroicity. The seminal recent discovery of a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) at the interface of the insulating oxides LaAlO3 and SrTiO3 represents an important milestone towards exploiting such properties in all-oxide devices. This conducting interface shows a number of appealing properties, including a high electron mobility, superconductivity, and large magnetoresistance and can be patterned on the few-nanometer length scale. However, the microscopic origin of the interface 2DEG is poorly understood. Here, we show that a similar 2DEG, with an electron density as large as 8x10^13 cm^-2, can be formed at the bare SrTiO3 surface. Furthermore, we find that the 2DEG density can be controlled through exposure of the surface to intense ultraviolet (UV) light. Subsequent angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) measurements reveal an unusual coexistence of a light quasiparticle mass and signatures of strong many-body interactions.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, supplementary information (see other files

    Impact of Different Developmental Instars on Locusta migratoria Jumping Performance

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    Ontogenetic locomotion research focuses on the evolution of locomotion behavior in different developmental stages of a species. Unlike vertebrates, ontogenetic locomotion in invertebrates is poorly investigated. Locusts represent an outstanding biological model to study this issue. They are hemimetabolous insects and have similar aspects and behaviors in different instars. This research is aimed at studying the jumping performance of Locusta migratoria over different developmental instars. Jumps of third instar, fourth instar, and adult L. migratoria were recorded through a high-speed camera. Data were analyzed to develop a simplified biomechanical model of the insect: the elastic joint of locust hind legs was simplified as a torsional spring located at the femur-tibiae joint as a semilunar process and based on an energetic approach involving both locomotion and geometrical data. A simplified mathematical model evaluated the performances of each tested jump. Results showed that longer hind leg length, higher elastic parameter, and longer takeoff time synergistically contribute to a greater velocity and energy storing/releasing in adult locusts, if compared to young instars; at the same time, they compensate possible decreases of the acceleration due to the mass increase. This finding also gives insights for advanced bioinspired jumping robot design

    Intelectin contributes to allergen-induced IL-25, IL-33, and TSLP expression and type 2 response in asthma and atopic dermatitis.

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    The epithelial and epidermal innate cytokines IL-25, IL-33, and thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) have pivotal roles in the initiation of allergic inflammation in asthma and atopic dermatitis (AD). However, the mechanism by which the expression of these innate cytokines is regulated remains unclear. Intelectin (ITLN) is expressed in airway epithelial cells and promotes allergic airway inflammation. We hypothesized that ITLN is required for allergen-induced IL-25, IL-33, and TSLP expression. In two asthma models, Itln knockdown reduced allergen-induced increases in Il-25, Il-33, and Tslp and development of type 2 response, eosinophilic inflammation, mucus overproduction, and airway hyperresponsiveness. Itln knockdown also inhibited house dust mite (HDM)-induced early upregulation of Il-25, Il-33, and Tslp in a model solely inducing airway sensitization. Using human airway epithelial cells, we demonstrated that HDM-induced increases in ITLN led to phosphorylation of epidermal growth factor receptor and extracellular-signal regulated kinase, which were required for induction of IL-25, IL-33, and TSLP expression. In two AD models, Itln knockdown suppressed expression of Il-33, Tslp, and Th2 cytokines and eosinophilic inflammation. In humans, ITLN1 expression was significantly increased in asthmatic airways and in lesional skin of AD. We conclude that ITLN contributes to allergen-induced Il-25, Il-33, and Tslp expression in asthma and AD

    A preliminary study on the metamorphic rocks in Nimu, Tibet

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    Abstract HKT-ISTP 2013 A
