7,473 research outputs found

    Guanche ta- y t-...-t

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    En la reconstrucción lingüística en general debemos contar con algún tipo de reglas de juego. A partir de la experiencia acumulada en casos análogos, no puede considerarse metodológicamente correcta la aceptación de propuestas etimológicas para el guanche o cualquier otra lengua cuando dichas propuestas se basen solo en meras correspondencias con palabras en otras lenguas. Tal principio metodológico debe considerarse válido incluso en aquellos casos donde no haya duda de que las lenguas implicadas pertenezcan al mismo grupo lingüístico

    Vidal i la moda antroponimica

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    La moda és un fenomen encara no degudament estudiat en el ampli camp de la Llingüística; dins del lèxic, dins de l'onomàstica i més en concret dins de l'antroponímia és sense dubte un fenomen molt intens i antic. Una variant històricament molt practicada consistix en traduir el llinage d'algú a la llengua de prestigi de l'época, açò és: un pur calc pel qual un individu, digam, de nom 'ferrer' passarà a dir-se Ferrari, Herrero, Kowalski, Schmidt o Smith segons les conveniències socials de l'época. N'hi ha prou indicis que la pràctica existia ya en época romana

    Unfoldings of holomorphic foliations

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    The objective of this paper is to give a criterium for an unfolding of a holomorphic foliation with singularities to be holomorphically trivial

    Osito, Bajo la Ciudad y Demás Lúbricas Toponimias de Más

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    El noble objetivo de rescatar para el caudal románico aquel léxico latino hasta ahora no reconocido y supuestamente oculto en la toponimia románica puede –de modo provechoso, creemos– complementarse con la operación inversa de rescatar el léxico prelatino soterrado en la toponimia románica. El análisis etimológico de topónimos cuales Ascó, Ejea, Estepa, Iniesta, Niebla, Osseto, Segarra o Segorbe sin ponderar debidamente el material prerromano, puede comportar graves errores interpretativos. Palabras clave: Toponimia; latín; románico; prerromano; Lingüística.Attempts to rescue the Latin lexicon till now not recognized in the Romance toponymy are a noble goal, but this operation can be usefully supplemented with the inverse operation of rescueing the Pre-Latin lexicon hidden in Romance toponymy. The etymological analysis of place names such as Ascó, Ejea, Estepa, Iniesta, Niebla, Osseto, Segarra or Segorbe may result in serious errors of interpretation, if one does not take into account the Pre-Roman material. Keywords: Toponymy; latin; Romance languages; Pre-Roman languages; Linguistics

    CFD and aeroelastic analysis of the MEXICO wind turbine

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    This paper presents an aerodynamic and aeroelastic analysis of the MEXICO wind turbine, using the compressible HMB solver of Liverpool. The aeroelasticity of the blade, as well as the effect of a low-Mach scheme were studied for the zero-yaw 15m/s wind case and steady- state computations. The wake developed behind the rotor was also extracted and compared with the experimental data, using the compressible solver and a low-Mach scheme. It was found that the loads were not sensitive to the Mach number effects, although the low-Mach scheme improved the wake predictions. The sensitivity of the results to the blade structural properties was also highlighted

    Detecting series periodicity with horizontal visibility graphs

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    The horizontal visibility algorithm has been recently introduced as a mapping between time series and networks. The challenge lies in characterizing the structure of time series (and the processes that generated those series) using the powerful tools of graph theory. Recent works have shown that the visibility graphs inherit several degrees of correlations from their associated series, and therefore such graph theoretical characterization is in principle possible. However, both the mathematical grounding of this promising theory and its applications are on its infancy. Following this line, here we address the question of detecting hidden periodicity in series polluted with a certain amount of noise. We first put forward some generic properties of horizontal visibility graphs which allow us to define a (graph theoretical) noise reduction filter. Accordingly, we evaluate its performance for the task of calculating the period of noisy periodic signals, and compare our results with standard time domain (autocorrelation) methods. Finally, potentials, limitations and applications are discussed.Comment: To be published in International Journal of Bifurcation and Chao

    Sexual Function in Women with Breast Cancer : An Evidence Map of Observational Studies

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    Breast cancer (BC) is the leading cause of cancer in women, and has implications for sexual function (SF). In this study, we used an evidence map to identify, describe, and organise the current available evidence regarding SF in women with BC. We searched the MEDLINE, PsycINFO, and CINAHL databases for observational studies assessing SF in women with BC published in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French between 2000 and 2021 (sample ≥ 50 women). Of the 64 included studies (13,257 women with BC), 58 were published since 2010. Women who were married, partnered, or in relationships represented 74.1% of the entire sample. Only a single study was conducted on women representing a sexual minority. We identified 22 assessment instruments and 40 sexual dysfunction (SdF) domains. The number of publications on SF in women with BC has increased in the last 10 years, but still remains low. Some groups of women are underrepresented, and some SdF domains are underdiagnosed, with the assessment instrument used affecting which domains are studied. Women with BC need to be better screened, as their quality of life (QoL) is affected by Sd

    La Tessera de hospitalidad del oppidum de monte bernorio (Villarén de Valdivia, Palencia)

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    El oppidum de Monte Bernorio (Villarén, Pomar de Valdivia, Palencia), está situado en el centro de la región cantábrica y es uno de los más importantes yacimientos arqueológicos de la Edad del Hierro del norte de la Península Ibérica (fig. 1). Se emplaza en una muela caliza en la vertiente sur de la Cordillera Cantábrica ocupando una estratégica posición, lo que lo convierte en un referente natural y en un punto defensivo clave para el control de un amplio territorio. Domina una importante intersección de vías de comunicación naturales que conectan ambas vertientes de la Cordillera Cantábrica por su lado central. Además el oppidum controla otra importante vía de comunicación natural que permite recorrer el piedemonte cantábrico en dirección este-oeste por su vertiente meridional; así mismo se sitúa en una posición muy ventajosa para acceder a las cabeceras de las cuencas de los ríos Ebro y Pisuerga