451 research outputs found

    Supernovae in the Central Parsec: A Mechanism for Producing Spatially Anisotropic Hypervelocity Stars

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    Several tens of hyper-velocity stars (HVSs) have been discovered escaping our Galaxy. These stars share a common origin in the Galactic centre and are distributed anisotropically in Galactic longitude and latitude. We examine the possibility that HVSs may be created as the result of supernovae occurring within binary systems in a disc of stars around Sgr A* over the last 100 Myr. Monte Carlo simulations show that the rate of binary disruption is ~10^-4 yr^-1, comparable to that of tidal disruption models. The supernova-induced HVS production rate (\Gamma_HVS) is significantly increased if the binaries are hardened via migration through a gaseous disc. Moderate hardening gives \Gamma_HVS ~ 2*10^-7 yr^-1 and an estimated population of ~20 HVSs in the last 100 Myr. Supernova-induced HVS production requires the internal and external orbital velocity vectors of the secondary binary component to be aligned when the binary is disrupted. This leaves an imprint of the disc geometry on the spatial distribution of the HVSs, producing a distinct anisotropy.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    On the accretion mode of the intermediate polar V1025 Centauri

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    The long white-dwarf spin periods in the magnetic cataclysmic variables EX Hya and V1025 Cen imply that if the systems possess accretion discs then they cannot be in equilibrium. It has been suggested that instead they are discless accretors in which the spin-up torques resulting from accretion are balanced by the ejection of part of the accretion flow back towards the secondary. We present phase-resolved spectroscopy of V1025 Cen aimed at deducing the nature of the accretion flow, and compare this with simulations of a discless accretor. We find that both the conventional disc-fed model and the discless-accretor model have strengths and weaknesses, and that further work is needed before we can decide which applies to V1025 Cen.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, To appear in MNRAS, includes low-res figures to reduce siz

    Magnetohydrodynamic modelling of star-planet interaction and associated auroral radio emission

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    We present calculations of auroral radio powers of magnetised hot Jupiters orbiting Sun-like stars, computed using global magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) modelling of the magnetospheric and ionospheric convection arising from the interaction between the magnetosphere and the stellar wind. Exoplanetary auroral radio powers are traditionally estimated using empirical or analytically-derived relations, such as the Radiometric Bode's Law (RBL), which relates radio power to the magnetic or kinetic energy dissipated in the stellar wind-planet interaction. Such methods risk an oversimplification of the magnetospheric electrodynamics giving rise to radio emission. As the next step toward a self-consistent picture, we model the stellar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling currents using a 3D MHD model. We compute electron-cyclotron maser instability-driven emission from the calculated ionospheric field-aligned current density. We show that the auroral radio power is highly sensitive to interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) strength, and that the emission is saturated for plausible hot Jupiter Pedersen conductances, indicating that radio power may be largely independent of ionospheric conductance. We estimate peak radio powers of 101410^{14} W from a planet exposed to an IMF strength of 10310^3 nT, implying flux densities at a distance of 15 pc from Earth potentially detectable with current and future radio telescopes. We also find a relation between radio power and planetary orbital distance that is broadly consistent with results from previous analytic models of magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling at hot Jupiters, and indicates that the RBL likely overestimates the radio powers by up to two orders of magnitude in the hot Jupiter regimeComment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    An analysis of the effect of data processing methods on magnetic propeller models in short GRBs

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    We present analysis of observational data from the Swift Burst Analyser for a sample of 15 short gamma-ray bursts with extended emission (SGRBEEs) which have been processed such that error propagation from Swift’s count-rate-to-flux conversion factor is applied to the flux measurements. We apply this propagation to data presented by the Burst Analyser at 0.3-10 keV and also at 15-50 keV, and identify clear differences in the morphologies of the light-curves in the different bands. In performing this analysis with data presented at both 0.3-10 keV, at 15-50 keV, and also at a combination of both bands, we highlight the impact of extrapolating data from their native bandpasses on the light-curve. We then test these data by fitting to them a magnetar-powered model for SGRBEEs, and show that while the model is consistent with the data in both bands, the model’s derived physical parameters are generally very loosely constrained when this error propagation is included and are inconsistent across the two bands. In this way, we highlight the importance of the Swift data processing methodology to the details of physical model fits to SGRBEEs

    The outburst duration and duty-cycle of GRS 1915+105

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    The extraordinarily long outburst of GRS 1915+105 makes it one of the most remarkable low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs). It has been in a state of constant outburst since its discovery in 1992, an eruption which has persisted ~100 times longer than those of more typical LXMBs. The long orbital period of GRS 1915+105 implies that it contains large and massive accretion disc which is able to fuel its extreme outburst. In this paper, we address the longevity of the outburst and quiescence phases of GRS 1915+105 using Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations of its accretion disc through many outburst cycles. Our model is set in the two-alpha framework and includes the effects of the thermo-viscous instability, tidal torques, irradiation by central X-rays and wind mass loss. We explore the model parameter space and the examine the impact of the various ingredients. We predict that the outburst of GRS 1915+105 should last a minimum of 20 years and possibly up to ~100 years if X-ray irradiation is very significant. The predicted recurrence times are of the order of 10^4 years, making the X-ray duty cycle a few 0.1%. Such a low duty cycle may mean that GRS 1915+105 is not an anomaly among the more standard LMXBs and that many similar, but quiescent, systems could be present in the Galaxy.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication by MNRA
