129 research outputs found

    Ignacy Chrzanowski (1866-1940)

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    "Kronos" : możliwe lektury

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    Błoński and the texts of French culture

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    The article is devoted to Jan Błoński’s connections with French literature and culture. Błoński, a Francophile and expert on France, repeatedly wrote about the greatest French novelists and playwrights. He also showed interest in twentieth-century French philosophy and French literary criticism (i.a. criticism of consciousness) and was engaged in translation and popularization activities as well. In the French texts of culture he has seen model forms of experiencing the modern cultural, historical and civilisation transformations. However, it did not prevent him from keeping the critical approach to many phenomena present in the French culture. The author of the article thus shows both the main areas of interest and ascination of the critic, as well as those phenomena in contemporary French literature and theory to which Błoński retained far-reaching cepticism

    Three Voices about the Book by Włodzimierz Bolecki Modalności modernizmu (Modalities of Modernism)

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    The text is a commentary on the book Modalności modernizmu (“Modalities of Modernism”) by Włodzimierz Bolecki which is regarded here as a pioneer synthesis. The authors bring attention to Bolecki’s model of thinking about Central and Eastern European modernism and ponder about the new perspectives that this model opens up. Special emphasis is put on the questions of methodology and training of a new generation of interpreters who should be equipped with the competences essential for conducting this type of research. Also, the attention is brought to cognitive benefits resulting from the perspective combining the description of the typical features of not only Polish modernism but also the Modernisms of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, and especially, which is ever more evident in this context, not self-evident, unique character of Polish literature of the 19th and 20th centuries and the Polish turn towards modern culture in the studies of the recent decades. A broader presentation of a regional perspective which is suggested in the book by Bolecki, could help to explain the empty space on the map of parallel transformations in close, and yet individually different countries of the region, forcing us to revise our previous ways of thinking about literature and culture of modernism, as well as the languages of its description

    Mrożek : the third edition

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    From paper, from memory

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    Miłosz a quarter of a century ago

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    European paradigm and Polish complex

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    How to read today "Under the eyes of the West" Conrad

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    To say goodbye to the hideous century

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