65 research outputs found

    Measurement of Alkaloids Achyranthes Aspera Linn Level Using Thin Layer Chromatography Method and High-Performance Liquid Chromatography

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    One of the plants with the potential to be developed into a raw material for anti-breast cancer drugs is jarong (Achyranthes aspera linn). Allegedly alkaloid of Achryranthes aspera linn leaves showed anticancer activity in vitro in mice myeloma cells is extremely potent. In vivo study showed that the alkaloid Achyranthes aspera linn causes apoptosis and healing in breast cancer cells in mice induced by benzopyrene. Alkaloids of Achyranthes aspera linn leaves as anticancer been listed on Incestual Property Rights (IPR) since October 12, 2012, with number P00201299839. This study aims to prove the existence of alkaloids in the leaves of Achyranthes aspera linn using thin layer chromatography (TLC), determine the level of alkaloids in the leaves alkaloid fraction of Achyranthes aspera using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and alkaloid fraction dose as an anticancer and dosing for the study. Alkaloid qualitative measurement results with thin layer chromatography showed alkaloid in orange. Alkaloid levels using HPLC has a retention time of 3.482 minutes, a wavelength of 254 nm, there are 13 kinds of chemical substances with the major components amounted to 52.36% alkaloids, the other component is the green substance with a peak area of 13.0624%, while other chemical substances in a very small peak area of between 0.428% until 8.3598%. Alkaloid fraction dose of Achyranthes aspera used in the study as anticancer is controlled the dose of 0 mg/kg, 1 treatment dose of  60 mg/kg, 2 treatment dose of 75 mg/kg and 3 treatment dose of 90 mg/kg.  Keywords: Alkaloids, Achyranthes aspera linn, TLC, HPLC

    Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I (IGF-I) from Crossbred Pregnant MareSerum to Increase Follicle Number of Mice (Mus musculus)

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    The purpose of the research was to know the effect of Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I (IGF-I) derived from pregnant crossbred mare serum (PMS) in mice (Mus musculus) folliculogenesis. The subjects of this research were 20 female mice. The research was arranged by Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with four treatments and five replications. The treatments were C0 = 10 ng/ml of physiological NaCl, P1 = 10 ng/ml of IGF-I PMS, P2 = 20 ng/ml of IGF-I PMS, and P3 = 40 ng/ml of IGF-I PMS. Observed variables are the number of primary, secondary, tertiary and de Graff follicles. During the treatment, the estrous cycle was also observed. The data of follicles number were analyzed by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and followed by HSD (Honestly Significant Difference) test. The result showed that the addition of IGF-I PMS significantly affects (p<0.05) on increasing the primary and secondary follicles number. The addition of IGF-I PMS 20 ng/ml and 40 ng/ml can increase the primary and secondary follicles significantly (p<0.05).  Keywords: IGF-I crossbreed mare serum pregnant; follicle; Mus musculu

    Acute Toxicity Tests of Alkaloid Pare (Momordica Charanthia) Fruit on The Histopathology of Liver

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    Pare fruit (Momordica charanthia) potential as an antidiabetic. In preliminary research has proven that alkaloid of the Pare fruit (Momordica charanthia) can lower blood sugar levels of mice suffering from diabetes mellitus. Alkaloid Pare can improve pancreatic β-cell function by improving the preparation phase for the cell dividing (interphase) and repair the mitotic stages and increase the CDK expression in mice with diabetes mellitus. The purpose of this research was to determine the dose that causes the death of 50% (LD50) and to determine the toxicity effect of alkaloid Pare (Momordica charanthia) against damage in the form of congestion, degeneration, and necrosis of liver cells. Acute toxicity test with a 24-hour long treatment using 60 female mice, divided into six groups, each group consisted of 10 animals. The group is as follows: P0 only given distilled water, the group P1, P2, P3, P4 and P5 respectively treated 0.3 g/kg bw, 1 g/kg bw, 3 g/kg bw, 10 g/kg bw and 15 g/kg bw. Furthermore, all the mice were necropsied to take the liver for histopathology preparations to observe the occurrence of congestion, degeneration, and necrosis. The parameters observed through histopathological examination of the liver include congestion, degeneration, and necrosis. The results of the research tested by Kruskal-Wallis test with data obtained based on the value of scoring was not significantly different (α<0.05) in the liver histopathological changes in the form of congestion, degeneration, and necrosis between control and treatment groups orally in time 24 hours. The dose can cause 50% of deaths more than 15 g in mice are included in the category of medicinal substances which are not harmful.    Keywords:  Alkaloid Pare fruit, LD50, congestion, degeneration, necrosis, liver

    Reproductive efficiency and serum progesterone concentration on dairy cattle based on blood urea nitrogen (BUN) concentrations

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    The objective of this study was to identify the levels of Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) and its relation to the reproductive efficiency and serum progesterone concentration in lactating Holstein Friesian dairy cattle. Data were obtained by stratified random sampling from population to get 18 dairy cows, which divided into three groups. The first, second, and third groups each with milk yield of less than 17, between 17-21, and over 21 liters/day, and with calving interval of less than 365, between 365-450 and more than 450 days. Blood was collected from the coccygeal vein at the time of insemination (D0), 7 day (D+7) and 22 days (D+22) after insemination. BUN and progesterone concentration were measured. Data analysis showed no significant difference (P>0.05) on the observed parameters. Data regrouping based on BUN concentration showed that the mean of services per conception (S/C) was lower and conception rate (CR) was higher (P18 mg/dL. The mean of progesterone concentration at D+22 was higher (P18 and BUN<18 mg/dL. This study concluded that high BUN concentration affect the reproductive efficiency of dairy cows by decreasing CR and increasing progesterone serum concentration

    Effect of Psidium guajava Juice on The Seminiferous Tubules Diameter and Epithelium Thickness in Rattus norvegicus Exposed by Lead Acetate

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    Lead is one of humans and animals' most common and hazardous heavy metals. This study aimed to investigate the effect of white guava (Psidium guajava) fruit juice on the seminiferous tubule diameter and epithelium thickness in rats (Rattus norvegicus) exposed to lead acetate. The research design was a completely randomized design (CRD). A total of 25 male rats with an average weight of 200 grams were used for the study, divided into 5 treatment groups, each consisting of 5 rats. The treatments were as follows: the control group (C) was given distilled water orally; the T0 group was induced with lead acetate (50 mg/Kg BW) orally; the T1, T2, T3 groups were induced with lead acetate (50 mg/Kg BW) and then given 25%, 50%, and 100% concentration of white guava fruit juice, respectively. All the treatments were conducted for 14 days. The histopathology slides of the testis were made with HE staining, and the seminiferous tubule diameter and epithelium thickness were measured. The data were analyzed using One Way ANOVA and Duncan test (p&lt;0.05). The results showed that the control group (C) which was given distilled water only had a seminiferous tubule diameter and epithelium thickness of 336.24±23.32 µm and 66.46±4.39 µm, respectively. The T0 group which was induced with lead acetate only showed a reduction in the diameter and epithelium thickness of seminiferous tubules (243.38±49.35 µm and 44.08±14.45 µm). The members of the T1, T2 and T3 groups showed positive effects on the diameter (323.49±22.82 µm; 314.41±13.04 µm; 325.04±16.88 µm, respectively) and epithelium thickness (56.36±3.36 µm; 60.50±3.81 µm; 66.744±9.50 µm, respectively). There was no significant difference reported between each group. The administration of guava juice to rats induced with lead acetate can positively affect the diameter and epithelium thickness of seminiferous tubules

    Profile of Progesterone Levels After Administration of Gonadotropins in Dairy Cattle with Ovarian Hypofunction

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    This study aimed to evaluate the profile of progesterone in dairy cattle with ovarian hypofunction. A total of 10 cows in this study were evaluated three times in the collection phase, i.e. (F1) when the cow was diagnosed with ovarian hypofunction, (F2) when the cow was in heat and (F3) 21 days after artificial insemination to detect pregnancy. Samples in the form of blood serum were then analyzed using ELISA. As a result, the average time of heat in ovarian hypofunction cows was 7,4 days. Progesterone levels in F1 were 1,027 ng/ml, 2,774 ng/ml, 1,476 ng/ml, 2,256 ng/ml, 1,258 ng/ml, 1,758 ng/ml, 2,393 ng/ml, 0,592 ng/ml, 0,755 ng /ml, 1,876 ng/ml, respectively. Progesterone levels in F2 were 0,671 ng/ml, 0,517 ng/ml, 0,763 ng/ml, 0,598 ng/ml, 0,615 ng/ml, 0,537 ng/ml, 0,726 ng/ml, 0,643 ng/ml, 0,593 ng/ml, 0,975ng/ml, respectively. Progesterone levels in F3 were 15,642 ng/ml, 4,215 ng/ml, 17,327 ng/ml, 20,721 ng/ml, 5,796 ng/ml, 17,214 ng/ml, 15,815 ng/ml, 16,745 ng/ml, 4,632 ng /ml, 18,281 ng/ml, respectively. The pregnancy rate in hypofunctional cows treated with PG-600 in this study was 70%

    Suppementation of Kelor Leaf (Moringa oleifera) Aqueous Extract Increase on Post-Thawed Limousin Bull Sperm Quality

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    The purpose of this research was to determine the best dosage of Moringa oleifera Aqueous extract in egg yolk skim milk extender for post thawed Limousin Bull sperm quality on aspect viability, and the level of. The treatment was divided into five groups: egg yolk and skim milk diluter (P0), 2,5% M. oleifera aqueous ekstract in 4 ml egg yolk skim milk (P1), 5% M. oleifera aqueous ekstract in 4 ml egg yolk skim milk (P2), 10% M. oleifera aqueous ekstract in 4 ml egg yolk skim milk (P3), 20% M. oleifera aqueous ekstract in 4 ml egg yolk skim milk (P4). The sperm quality was observed post thawing. The data were analyzed using ANOVA and Duncant Test. The best sperm motility showed on P2 with 43b ± 5,70, the best sperm viability showed on P3 with 58,20b ± 8,72 and than the lowest level of malondialdehyde showed on P4 with 5,434a ± 1,034. In conclusion addition of M. oleifera on dose 10% can increase quality of Limousin Sperm Post Thawed

    Efek Pemberian Vitamin C dan Vitamin E terhadap Gambaran Histopatologi Duodenum Mencit yang di papar Boraks

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    The aim of this research was to investigate the effect of vitamin C and E towards histopathological changes of duodenum in mice induced with borax. Twenty five male mice of BALB/c strain divided into five groups; KI (vitamin control) was given 0,56 mg/ mice /day of vitamin C solution combinated 2,1 mg/mice/day of vitamin E solution, K2 (borax control) was given 5,2 mg/mice/day of boraks, PI was given combination of 0,56 mg/mice/day vitamin C and 2,1 mg/mice/day vitamin E solutions and 5,2 mg/mice/ day of borax, P2 was given combination of 1,12 mg/mice /day of vitamin C and 4,2 mg/mice/ day of vitamin E solutions and 5,2 mg/mice/day of borax, P3 was given combination of 2,24 mg/mice/day of vitamin C and 4,2 mg/mice/day of vitamin E solutions and 5,2 mg/mice/day of borax. Borax solution on P3, P4 and P5 groups induced in an hour after each groups treated with combination of vitamin C and E solutions. The treatment were given by oral gavage for 14 days. The result against submucosal edema of duodenum indicated there was not any significant difference (P>0.05) between KI (vitamin control) and K2 (boraks control) groups. There was a signifant difference between K2 (borax control) with PI and P3 groups. There was indicated that vitamin C and E decrease the submucosal edema of duodenum induced with borax. The result against the damage of mucous epithelial indicated there was a significant difference (P<0,05) between K2 group with PI, P2, and P3 groups. There was not any significant difference between P1, P2, and P3 groups. There was indicated that vitamin C and vitamin E could repair the submucosal edema of duodenum induced with boraks. Keywords: Vitamin E, vitamin C. submucosal edema, mucous epithelial, borak

    Peningkatan Kualitas Kambing Kacang Melalui Pemakaian Tehnik Transfer Embrio

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    daya produksi dan reproduksi kambing kacang masih rendah dinyatakan dengan berat badan yang rendah dan angka kelahiran yang juga rendah sehingga peningkatan populasi lamban. Perkawinan alam dengan pejantan etawah yang lebih besar ukurannya memakan waktu yang lama sedangkan inseminasi buatan pada kambing belum digalakkan pada ternak ini. Transfer embrio merupakan tehnologi yang dapat dengan cepat memperbaiki mutu kambing kacang dengan memakai embrio berasal dari kambing etawah

    Reproductive Efficiency and Serum Progesterone Concentration on Dairy Cattle Based on Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) Concentrations

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    The objective of this study was to identify the levels of Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) and its relation to the reproductive efficiency and serum progesterone concentration in lactating Holstein Friesian dairy cattle. Data were obtained by stratified random sampling from population to get 18 dairy cows, which divided into three groups. The first, second, and third groups each with milk yield of less than 17, between 17-21, and over 21 liters/day, and with calving interval of less than 365, between 365-450 and more than 450 days. Blood was collected from the coccygeal vein at the time of insemination (D0), 7 day (D+7) and 22 days (D+22) after insemination. BUN and progesterone concentration were measured. Data analysis showed no significant difference (P>0.05) on the observed parameters. Data regrouping based on BUN concentration showed that the mean of services per conception (S/C) was lower and conception rate (CR) was higher (P18 mg/dL. The mean of progesterone concentration at D+22 was higher (P18 and BUN<18 mg/dL. This study concluded that high BUN concentration affect the reproductive efficiency of dairy cows by decreasing CR and increasing progesterone serum concentratio