123 research outputs found


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    According to Wellek and Waren (1995: 285), conflict is the essential incident of plot expansion in literature. Thus, conflict is important in the theatre because the fundamental conflict is human conflict. The research questions of this research are; (1) How does the conflicts happen between the characters in the theatre “Leonce und Lena” by Georg Büchner? (2) How do the factors affect the internal and external conflict happen between the characters in the theatre “Leonce und Lena” by Georg Büchner? The purpose of this research is to describe; (1) The conflict of characters, (2) The factors which affect the internal and external conflicts happen. The research design was used in this research is descriptive qualitative research. The theory which was used in this research Nurgiyantoro and Peg Pickering theory. The data analysis was done by (1) reading the research object deeply, (2) searching the data which contain conflicts and the factors, (3) analyzing the conflicts and the factors, and (4) describing the conflicts and the factors. Thus, the results of this research are, (1) there are internal and external conflicts which happen in the theatre script, (2) the factors which affect the internal conflict consists of a) the emotional affliction since the demand and hope unqualified, b) the experience, interest, purpose, or the self-value have a contradictory with others. Meanwhile, the factors which affect the external conflict consists of a) the desire to be appreciate and to be treated as human, b) desire to have self-respect, and d) desire to consistent Keywords : Conflict, Charakter, Leonce und Lena by Georg Büchne

    Implementation of Islamic Education and Wasathiyah Da'wah for Millennial Generation with Al-Qur'an Perspective in Facing Society 5.0

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    Purpose – The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of Wasathiyah education and da'wah for the millennial generation from the perspective of the Koran in facing society 5.0.  The challenges and obstacles will be more complex. Methods -- The research method used was literature research. The data collection technique was documentation. The data were analyzed by using critically performed text analysis. Design/methods/approach – The research method used was literature research. The data collection technique was documentation. The data were analyzed by using critically performed text analysis. Findings – The results showed that Islamic education for the millennial generation is facing increasingly rapid technological developments. They are not affected by extreme groups in the name of Islam, and it is not easy to declare heresy against someone who has a different opinion.  A preacher must be creative, and innovative to adapt with the developments of technology so that the millennial generation is interested in Islamic teaching. Research limitations – This study has limitations on the observed cases regarding the implementation of Islamic education and wasathiyah da'wah for the millennial generation. Originality/value– The research findings provide an overview of the deflection of the understanding of the wasathiyah concept regarding trust education for the millennial generation. Islamic education that is not delivered properly may cause radical actions. Technology makes da’wah reach all circles. In the midst of the globalization revolution, it becomes an opportunity for preachers (da'i) to be more creative and innovative in conveying messages. In other words, da’wah activities should be improved, both in terms of supplies and facilities (tools/materials)

    Pengelolaan Kurikulum Adaptif Mata Pelajaran Matematika Pada Program Sekolah Cluster Di SMKN 2 Purwodadi

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    ABSTRACT Widya Syafitri Wulandari. Q.100140078. Adaptive curriculum management subjects of mathematics at the school cluster program at SMK 2 Purwodadi. Thesis. Graduate Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. 2016. The aim of research to determine the planning, implementation, and evaluation of school mathematics curriculum adaptive cluster. Qualitative research with ethnographic design. Where research SMK N 2 Purwodadi. The research subject Principals, teachers, and students. Data collection techniques of interview, observation, documentation. The validity of the triangulation of data sources, techniques, time. Data analysis techniques with methods groove. The results of the study (1) Management of adaptive curriculum in math lesson planning includes designing syllabi and lesson plans that already contains a character education is the KI and KD, as well as the student's character assessment sheets .; (2) The study of mathematics includes three activities, namely the preliminary activities of teachers manage the religious character of prayer, discipline go to class on time, invite students to maintain the cleanliness of the classroom, and teachers to motivate students. Core activities, teachers implement instructional methods discussion so familiarize students have a democratic character, tolerance, social care, communicative, curiosity, love of peace, hard work, and creative. The activities cover teachers familiarize students have the responsibility and creative character by giving the task .; (3) Management of adaptive curriculum in the evaluation of mathematics learning are teachers carry out daily tests or individual assignments so students can familiarize themselves has an honest character, discipline, hard work and responsibilities. Assessment can also be done with the observation in the learning process fatherly knowing the attitude, knowledge and skills of students. Keywords: adaptive curriculum, math, vocationa


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    Abstract This research generally have a purpose to analyze the influence of good corporate governance mechanism that is managerial ownership and institutional ownership of the earnings management practices. In this study, researchers are expected to obtain empirical evidence that managerial and institutional ownership have a relationship on earnings management in companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI) 2012-2015. In this using 50 companies selected using the method. in this study the data were analyzed using multiple linear regression, whereas  hypothesis test uses regression coefficient test, F test and t test. Results obtained from testing in this study demonstrate managerial ownership and institutional ownership has no significant effect on earnings management. This indicates that the high and low levels of ownership of the shares owned by the management and institutions can not reduce their earnings management actions within a company.  Keywords: earnings management, managerial ownership, and institutional ownershi


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    Penelitian dan pengembangan ini didasarkan pada masalah keterbatasan variasi media pembelajaran yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan konsep turunan fungsi. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk menghasilkan media pembelajaran yaitu alat peraga papan turunan matematika pada materi turunan fungsi kelas XI, untuk mengetahui kevalidan media pembelajaran dan peningkatan pemahaman konsep matematis dengan berbantuan media pembelajaran yang telah dikembangkan. Metode yang digunakan adalah Research and Development (R&D) dengan model pengembangan ADDIE yang meliputi lima tahap yaitu Analisys, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. Kualitas alat peraga papan turunan matematika ditinjau dari aspek kevalidan dan peningkatkan pemahaman konsep matematis. Untuk aspek kevalidan diperoleh dari hasil penilaian 3 validator yaitu 2 orang ahli media memperoleh hasil persentase 78,24% dengan kategori baik. 2 orang Ahli materi memperoleh hasil persentase 86% dengan kategori sangat baik. 5 Siswa kelompok kecil memperoleh hasil persentase 83,5% dengan kategori sangat baik. Rata-rata persentase dari ketiga validator adalah 82,63% dengan kategori sangat baik. Sedangkan untuk mengetahui peningkatan pemahaman knnsep matematis diperoleh dari pretest dan postest siswa kelompok besar dengan skor rata-rata pretest 43,3 dan skor rata-rata postest 84,3 sehingga N-Gain yang diperolah adalah 0,72 dengan interpretasi tinggi. Dari nilai N-Gain  yang diperoleh maka alat peraga papan turunan dapat meningkatkan pemehaman konsep matematis siswa. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa alat peraga papan turunan matematika yang dikembangkan dinyatakan valid dapat meningkatkan pemahaman konsep matematis siswa

    Eksplorasi Jamur Dari Rizosfer tanaman Jagung (Zea mays) Dan Uji Antagonisnya Terhadap Fusarium verticillioides Penyebab Penyakit Busuk Tongkol

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    Fusarium verticillioides merupakan salah satu penyebab penyakit busuk tongkol pada tanaman jagung (Zea mays). Penggunaan jamur rizosfer untuk pengendalian penyakit busuk tongkol merupakan salah satu alternatif pengendalian yang bisa dikembangkan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk memperoleh jamur-jamur antagonis yang berasal dari rizosfer tanaman jagung dan berpotensi menekan pertumbuhan patogen F. verticillioides. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratrium Fitopatologi, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Andalas, Padang. Sampel tanah rizosfer tanaman jagung diambil dari tiga kecamatan di Kabupaten Pasaman Barat. Jamur rizosfer diisolasi dengan metode pengenceran berseri dan diuji daya hambatnya terhadap F. verticillioides dengan metode biakan ganda menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 14 isolat jamur rizosfer, masing-masing perlakuan diulang 3 kali. Hasil isolasi jamur rizosfer diperoleh 14 isolat dengan karakter morfologi yang bervariasi. Dari 14 isolat didapatkan 8 isolat yang memiliki daya hambat diatas 60% yaitu isolat KBB2 (Trichoderma sp.), KJB2 (Trichoderma sp.), KPC1 (Trichoderma sp.), KPE1 (Trichoderma sp.), TLA3 (Aspergilllus sp.), KPA3 (Aspergillus sp.), AKD1 (Aspergillus sp.) dan KBA1 (Fusarium sp.). Isolat terbaik dalam mengahambat Fusarium verticillioides yaitu KBB2 dengan daya hambat 84,33%. Hasil identifikasi didapatkan 3 genus jamur yang berpotensi dalam menekan pertumbuhan patogen F. verticillioides yaitu Trichoderma, Aspergillus, dan Fusarium. Kata kunci : Fusarium verticillioides, jamur rizosfer, uji antagonis, Zea may


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    Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) is the second cause of five deaths, causing 0.94 million chilren death each year. The surveys were conducted in 2007-2014 showing that 47% of ARI was experienced by low income countries. 58% of ARI occurences were experienced by children under five years (WHO, 2015). There were 687 cases in 2018 placing the first rank out of the 10 biggest diseases in the Tembung resort Public Health Center. The objective of the study is to test the relationship between ventilation, type of floor, occupancy density and smoking habits in the home with the incidence of ARI in infants in Sidorejo Hilir Subdistrict, Medan Tembung Subdistrict in 2018. This is an observational study with cross sectional approach. The research population was all women that had babies 1-4 years old consisting of 86 families at Sidorejo Hilir village. The research samples were performed by using purposive sampling techniques based on certain considerations made by the researchers themselves based on the inclusion criteria of 71 samples. The research data were derived from the results of interviews using questionnaires, checklist sheets, roll meters, and calculators. The statistical test used was the chi-square test using the SPSS program. The result showed that there was a relationship between ventilation, floor type, occupancy density and smoking habits in the home with the incidence of ARI in infants. On ventilation, it was found that P = 0.001, on floor type P = 0.002, on occupancy density P = 0.001 and on smoking habits in the home was P = 0,000. It was found that all variables were related to the incidence of ARI in infants in Sidorejo Hilir Sub-District, Medan Tembung Subdistric

    Peningkatan Tingkat Kesiapterapan Teknologi Sistem Informasi Geografis Rumah Makan, Tempat Ibadah, Dan Souvenir Sebagai Pendukung Pariwisata Di Kota Bukittinggi

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    Bukittinggi merupakan salah satu kota destinasi pariwisata yang terdapat di Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Daya tarik di Kota Bukittinggi ialah daya tarik wisata kuliner dan souvenir berupa tenunan, sulaman, bordiran, dam beraneka sanjai khas Bukittinggi. Untuk menunjangnya sebagai kota destinasi pariwisata, Bukittinggi telah dilengkapi dengan masjid dan mushalla yang digunakan untuk tempat beribadah wisatawan ketika melakukan pariwisata. Chairunnisa (2017) telah mengembangkan aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografis Souvenir dan aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografis Kuliner yang selanjutnya disebut dengan SIG Rumah Makan, dan Yuliani (2017) juga telah mengembangkan aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografis Tempat Ibadah. Aplikasi ini ditujukan untuk memudahkan wisatawan dalam mencari rumah makan, tempat ibadah, dan souvenir ketika sedang berpariwisata di Kota Bukittinggi. Namun aplikasi ini belum diuji dalam lingkungan yang relevan, yaitu di Kota Bukittinggi, dan komponen/subsistem aplikasi masih berada dalan lingkungan laboratorium. Sehingga belum diketahui validitas data maupun masalah dan kendala yang terdapat pada aplikasi jika diuji cobakan langsung oleh pengguna di lingkungan yang relevan, yaitu di Kota Bukittinggi. Aplikasi ini harus memiliki kesiapan dan kematangan aplikasi yang layak agar dapat dipergunakan secara maksimal tanpa adanya masalah dan kendala ketika dicobakan di Kota Bukittinggi. Peningkatan tingkat kesiapterapan teknologi pada aplikasi SIG Rumah Makan, Tempat Ibadah, dan Souvenir sebagai pendukung pariwisata di Kota Bukittinggi ini dilakukan dengan melakukan validasi perangkat lunak ketiga aplikasi sesuai dengan indikator pengujian TKT pada riset terapan yaitu level 4 s/d level 6, melakukan perbaikan terhadap fungsional yang tidak dapat berjalan sesuai dengan rancangan seperti tidak dapat menampilkan rute google maps dari posisi pengguna menuju objek wisata, memperbaiki fungsi yang tidak berjalan, dan melakukan perbaikan terhadap antarmuka pengguna. Pada ketiga aplikasi ini juga dilakukan pengembangan agar aplikasi lebih optimal ketika digunakan oleh pengguna berupa penambahan fungsi register dan verifikasi akun pelanggan, menampilkan detail informasi objek wisata, menambahkan tinjauan/review pelanggan terhadap objek wisata, menambahkan informasi tambahan pada laman admin, dan mengelola pengguna pada aplikasi. Aplikasi SIG Rumah Makan, SIG Tempat Ibadah, dan SIG Souvenir telah siap untuk diterapkan di Kota Bukittinggi dan dapat digunakan oleh pengguna/wisatawan tanpa adanya masalah dan kendala. Ketiga aplikasi ini dinyatakan telah berada pada Tingkat Kesiapterapan Teknologi level 6 dan dapat diakses pada laman https://gissurya.org. Kata kunci: Tingkat Kesiapterapan Teknologi, Pariwisata, Kota Bukittinggi, Rumah Makan, Tempat Ibadah, Souvenir, Sistem Informasi Geografis, Web, Pengujian


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    Suatu sistem deskriptor mempunyai solusi jika syarat regularitas terpenuhi. Pada skripsi ini, sistem deskriptor dapar dinormalkan jika terdapat suatu vektor kontrol u=-Kẋ, sedemikian sehingga det(E+BK)≠0. Sistem deskriptor disebut normal positif jika syarat matriks K ϵ R^(m×n) terpenuhi sedemikian sehingga det(E+BK)≠0 dan solusi dari sistem tersebut adalah positif. Kata kunci : Matriks, Rank, Determinan, Sistem Deskriptor, Normalisasi, Positif
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