5 research outputs found


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    Introduction: Breast cancer occupies the first position in Asia's women cancer cases in recent years. Signs and symptoms experienced by the patient affect the stress condition of the patient as well as the family as a caregiver. The condition changes to deal with problems during patient assistance as a major problem in an outpatient setting. The demands of adaptation to through the needs during the period of assistance by the family is more complex. The study aimed to determine the experience of stress and adaptation of breast cancer patient's family. Methods: The qualitative method used with in-depth interviews on seven respondents who were the family caregiver of breast cancer patients. Setting carried out at the shelter house in Bandung. The analysis process used thematic analysis based on Braun & Clarke. Results: The results found five main themes are: 1) Stressor on breast cancer patients, 2) Crisis fulfillment of companion needs, 3) Crisis accompaniment, 4) Coping mechanisms of caregiver, and 5) Ability in adaptation. Conclusions: Family experience in assisting breast cancer patients who undergo outpatient also impact families tension who traversed with a subjective effort optimally to adapt in accompanying patients and the needs of other resource support system. Suggestions for future step are early recognition of stress by health workers especially nurses to be able to provide targeted interventions to develop positive adaptation to clients. The development through research is needed in applying family center care both the outpatient and inpatient care in an integrated manner

    Family Process with Breast Cancer Patient in Indonesia

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    Introduction: Breast cancer occupies the first position in Asia’s women cancer cases in recent years. Signs and symptoms experienced by the patient affect the stress condition of the patient as well as the family as a caregiver. The condition changes to deal with problems during patient assistance as a major problem in an outpatient setting. The demands of adaptation to through the needs during the period of assistance by the family is more complex. The study aimed to determine the experience of stress and adaptation of breast cancer patient’s family. Methods: The qualitative method used with in-depth interviews on seven respondents who were the family caregiver of breast cancer patients. Setting carried out at the shelter house in Bandung. The analysis process used thematic analysis based on Braun & Clarke. Results: The results found five main themes are: 1) Stressor on breast cancer patients, 2) Crisis fulfillment of companion needs, 3) Crisis accompaniment, 4) Coping mechanisms of caregiver, and 5) Ability in adaptation. Conclusion: Family experience in assisting breast cancer patients who undergo outpatient also impact families tension who traversed with a subjective effort optimally to adapt in accompanying patients and the needs of other resource support system. Suggestions for future step are early recognition of stress by health workers especially nurses to be able to provide targeted interventions to develop positive adaptation to clients. The development through research is needed in applying family center care both the outpatient and inpatient care in an integrated manner

    Korelasi motivasi diri dengan perilaku kontrol tekanan darah penderita hipertensi di uptd puskesmas kerambitan i: Correlation between motivation and blood pressure control among hypertension patients at community health center regional technical implementation unit kerambitan i

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    Latar Belakang: Hipertensi sebagai salah satu gangguan kardiovaskuler dengan komplikasi berupa serangan jantung, stroke dan penyakit ginjal dengan angka kejadian yang terus meningkat. Ketidakpatuhan penderita dalam kontrol tekanan darah akan memicu terjadinya kekambuhan dan komplikasi. Tujuan: mengetahui korelasi antara motivasi diri dengan perilaku kontrol tekanan darah pada penderita hipertensi di Unit Pelaksana Teknis Daerah (UPTD) Puskesmas Kerambitan I. Metode Penelitian: penelitian ini menggunakan desain analitik korelasi dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Pemilihan sampel penelitian menggunakan Non probability sampling dengan metode pengambilan sampel consecutive sampling. Pengambilan data dilakukan secara luar jaringan (offline) dengan menerapkan protocol kesehatan secara ketat. Analisa data menggunakan uji statistik Spearman’s rho. Hasil penelitian: Hasil dari 125 responden, sebagian besar responden memiliki motivasi yang kurang yaitu sebanyak 81orang (64,8%) dan sebagian besar responden  memiliki perilaku kontrol kurang yaitu sebanyak 52 orang (41,6%). Hasil uji statistik didapatkan nilai p value 0,000 < α 0,05, nilai koefisien korelasi pada penelitian ini menunjukkan kekuatan korelasi antar kedua variabel dalam kategori sangat kuat yaitu 0,870 dengan arah korelasi positif. Simpulan: terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara motivasi diri dengan perilaku kontrol tekanan darah pada penderita hipertensi di UPTD Puskesmas Kerambitan I.Latar Belakang: Hipertensi sebagai salah satu gangguan kardiovaskuler dengan komplikasi berupa serangan jantung, stroke dan penyakit ginjal dengan angka kejadian yang terus meningkat. Ketidakpatuhan penderita dalam kontrol tekanan darah akan memicu terjadinya kekambuhan dan komplikasi. Tujuan: mengetahui korelasi antara motivasi diri dengan perilaku kontrol tekanan darah pada penderita hipertensi di Unit Pelaksana Teknis Daerah (UPTD) Puskesmas Kerambitan I. Metode Penelitian: penelitian ini menggunakan desain analitik korelasi dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Pemilihan sampel penelitian menggunakan Non probability sampling dengan metode pengambilan sampel consecutive sampling. Pengambilan data dilakukan secara luar jaringan (offline) dengan menerapkan protocol kesehatan secara ketat. Analisa data menggunakan uji statistik Spearman’s rho. Hasil penelitian: Hasil dari 125 responden, sebagian besar responden memiliki motivasi yang kurang yaitu sebanyak 81orang (64,8%) dan sebagian besar responden  memiliki perilaku kontrol kurang yaitu sebanyak 52 orang (41,6%). Hasil uji statistik didapatkan nilai p value 0,000 < α 0,05, nilai koefisien korelasi pada penelitian ini menunjukkan kekuatan korelasi antar kedua variabel dalam kategori sangat kuat yaitu 0,870 dengan arah korelasi positif. Simpulan: terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara motivasi diri dengan perilaku kontrol tekanan darah pada penderita hipertensi di UPTD Puskesmas Kerambitan I

    Peristiwa kehidupan, aktivitas fisik, dan fungsi kognitif pada lansia di komunitas

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    Background: Aging is a natural process that all individuals will face and it cannot be prevented. Someone who enters old age will face a process of change both physically, mentally, socially and spiritually. Decreased cognitive function can occur in older adults as they get older. However, decreased cognitive function can lead to Dementia problems. Adverse life events also can lead older adults have cognitive problems. Yet, being active physically can prevent older adults suffering problem in cognitive function.Purpose: To examine the relationship between adverse life events, physical activity, and cognitive function in older adults dwelling in community.Method: The research design used descriptive analytic with a cross-sectional approach. The total sample in this study was 93 older adults dwelling in community. This survey used questionnaires to measure adverse live events with Geriatric Adverse Live Events Scale (GALES), physical activity with International Physical Activity Questionnaire–Elderly (IPAQ-E), and cognitive function used Cognitive Impairment Test (6 CIT) questionnaire.Results: The results of the Spearmen's rho correlation test were r = -0.294 for the physical activity variable and r = 0.454 for the life events variable with a significant value of p <0.05. This can be interpreted that there is a significant relationship between adverse life events and physical activity with cognitive function in older adults.Conclusion: An older adult who experiences stress is very at risk of experiencing a decrease in cognitive function and this can lead to the emergence of dementia problems. Then the lower the physical activity carried out by older adults can trigger cognitive function problems.Suggestion: It is hoped that families will routinely facilitate elderly people to carry out activities according to their abilities and conditions. Keywords: Adverse Life Events; Cognitive Function; Older Adults; Physical Activity Pendahuluan: Menua adalah proses alami yang akan dihadapi semua individu dan hal ini tidak dapat dicegah. Seseorang yang memasuki usia lanjut akan menghadapi proses perubahan baik pada fisik, jiwa, sosial dan spiritual. Masalah fungsi kognitif dapat terjadi pada lansia seiring dengan bertambahnya usia. Namun, penurunan fungsi kognitif dapat memicu terjadinya masalah Demensia. Peristiwa kehidupan yang tidak menyenangkan juga dapat berpengaruh terhadap masalah kognitif pada lansia. Namun, aktif secara fisik dapat mencegah lansia memiliki masalah fungsi kognitif.  Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan peristiwa kehidupan, aktivitas fisik, dan fungsi kognitif pada lansia yang tinggal di komunitas.Metode: Desain penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analitik yang menggunakan pendekatan cross-sectional. Total sampel pada penelitian ini berjumlah 93 orang lansia yang tinggal di komunitas. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner Geriatric Adverse Live Events Scale (GALES) untuk menilai peristiwa kehidupan pada lansia, Physical Activity Questionnaire–Elderly (IPAQ-E) untuk menilai aktivitas fisik, dan Cognitive Impairment Test (6 CIT) untuk menilai fungsi kognitif pada lansia.Hasil: Hasil uji korelasi spearmen’s rho adalah sebesar r = -0,294 untuk variable aktivitas fisik dan r = 0,454 untuk variable peristiwa kehidupan dengan nilai significance p <0,05. Hal ini dapat diartikan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara aktivitas fisik dan peristiwa kehidupan dengan fungsi kognitif pada lansia.Simpulan: Seorang lansia yang mengalami stress sangat beresiko mengalami penurunan fungsi kognitif dan hal itu dapat mengarah munculnya masalah dementia. Kemudian semakin rendah aktivitas fisik yang dilakukan oleh lansia dapat memicu munculnya masalah fungsi kognitif.Saran: Diharapkan keluarga dengan rutin memfasilitasi lansia untuk melakukan aktivitas sesuai dengan kemampuan dan kondisinya

    Health literacy is strongest determinant on self-monitoring blood glucose (SMBG) type 2 DM patients during COVID-19 pandemic at public health centre in Tabanan Regency

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    Diabetes mellitus is becoming the most common risks factor and comorbidities found in patients with COVID-19. Self-monitoring blood glucose (SMBG) could improve the prognosis of diabetic patients infected with the coronavirus. This study aims to analyze the most related determinant factor with SMBG type 2 DM patients during the covid-19 pandemic at the Tabanan’s Public Health Centre. A cross-sectional approach was used in this study by involving 169 respondents using proportional stratified random sampling. Data gathering instruments included questionnaires. Binary logistic regression was performed to evaluate determinant factors and SMBG. the findings found that women 2,680 times more possible doing SMBG (AOR [95% CI] = 2,680 [1,222-5,879]), high income person 2,954 times more possible doing SMBG (AOR [95% CI] = 2,954 [1,363 – 6,403]), high anxiety rate 0.171 times lower for doing SMBG, high health literacy is 3,051 times higher possible perform SMBG (AOR [95% CI] = 3,051 [1,326 – 7,019]), high support from family 2,486 times higher possible to do SMBG. Health literacy is the strongest determinant factor on SMBG type 2 DM patients during the COVID-19 pandemic at the Tabanan Public Health Centre.