43 research outputs found

    Analisis Faktor Ekologi Dominan Pemilihan Kubangan Oleh Badak Jawa (Rhinoceros Sondaicus Desmarest 1822) Di Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon

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    The characteristic of wallow can be one of standard or criteria of the javan rhino habitat which will be used for selection strategy of further javan rhino's wallow. The objective of this study is to identify the wallow characteristic of javan rhino both physical and biological factors that need for identifiying the dominant ecological factor in determining wallow selection strategy for javan rhino. The data that were collected consisted of physical characteristic javan rhino's wallow i.e. the length and the width of wallow, the depth of mud and water of wallow, water pH inside the wallow, the height of wallow site, the temperature and humidity, and the distance from wallow to the coastal, river, and from human access. The biotic characteristic aspects of javan rhino' wallow that were observed consisted of the number of javan rhino' feed and the total density of vegetation spread around the wallow according to result of vegetation analysis. Based on the result of factor analysis, the dominant ecological factor that affect wallow selection are the height of the site (10-87 mdpl), air temperature (26-29°C), and tree density (25-174 ind/ha)

    Studi Karakteristik Kubangan Badak Jawa (Rhinoceros Sondaicus Desmarest 1822) Di Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon

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    The characteristic of wallow can be one of standard or criteria of the javan rhino habitat that need for creating the second habitat which will be used for selection strategy of further javan rhino's wallow. The objective of this study is to identify the wallow characteristic of javan rhino. The results of this study is hopefully used for the consideration in determining the second habitat of java rhino and for the basics information of habitat development of javan rhino insitu conservation. The data that were collected consisted of physical characteristic javan rhino's wallow i.e. the length and the width of wallow, the depth of mud and water of wallow, water pH inside the wallow, the height of wallow site, the temperature and humidity, and the distance from wallow to the coastal, river, and from human access

    Nilai Ekonomi Air di Sub DAS Konto dan Sub DAS Cirasea

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    Nilai ekonomi manfaat hidrologis yang dihasilkan hutan lindung belum diketahui secara luas, sehingga apresiasi terhadap hutan lindung masih rendah dan tekanan terhadap hutan lindung masih terus berlangsung. Karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji nilai-ekonomi manfaat hidrologis air dari hutan lindung. Metode yang digunakan adalah pendekatan biaya pengadaan, yang mencerminkan nilai minimal manfaat ekonomi air yang dirasakan rumah tangga di hulu DAS yang langsung memanfaatkan air dari sumber mata air hutan lindung. Analisis ini menggunakan software Minitab versi 13.0. Penelitian dilakukan di bagian hulu-tengah DAS Brantas, yaitu di Sub DAS Konto, yang mengalirkan air ke waduk Selorejo, dan di Sub DAS Cirasea, hulu DAS Citarum. Lokasi ini dipilih karena merupakan DAS yang paling banyak memiliki permasalahan, terutama polusi air permukaan, konflik air, dan penurunan muka air tanah, serta merupakan sumber air utama untuk Perum Jasa Tirta (PJT) I dan PJT II yang merupakan BUMN pensuplai air terbesar di pulau Jawa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai ekonomi air untuk manfaat hidrologis Sub DAS Konto, dan Sub DAS Cirasea, masing-masing sebesar Rp. 37.873.740.832/tahun dan Rp. 76.769.512.989/tahun, nilai ini adalah nilai yang diberikan oleh keberadaan hutan lindung di Sub DAS Brantas dan Sub DAS Cirasea yang menghasilkan manfaat hidrologis terhadap rumah tangga. Hasil perhitungan nilai ekonomi air dari manfaat hidrologis yang dihasilkan sebagai fungsi dari keberadaan kawasan hutan lindung di Sub DAS Brantas dan Sub DAS Cirasea ini, hanya sebagian kecil dari nilai ekonomi air total yang dikandung oleh kawasan hutan lindung di Sub DAS Brantas dan Sub DAS Cirasea karena masih banyak pengguna-pengguna air lain yang lebih besar seiring dengan mengalirnya air

    Economic Assessment of Some Agro Forestry Systems and Its Potential for Carbon Sequestration Service in Indonesia

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    This paper provides several alternatives agroforestry and plantation systems to consider for carbon sequestration purposes. It is indicated that multicropping of coffee multistrata or fruit trees such as mango, duku and durian with timber or food and vegetable crops produces more benefits financially and economically compared to monoculture of tree plantation such as albizia. The former system is more attractive in terms of return to labour and land. However, the later system produce more carbon and low cost of carbon, which is more potential from the buyers point of view: So there is a trade-off from supply and demand side for choosing the best alternatives system. Implication of these are as follows: (i) amount and price of product is becoming a key factors in determining whether a system is more feasible for selling of product or carbon trade, and (ii) there is a need to create incentives system for land owners/producers if carbon trade is a priority

    Karbon Dan Peranannya Dalam Meningkatkan Kelayakan USAha Hutan Tanaman Jati (Tectona Grandis) Di KPH Saradan, Jawa Timur

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghitung karbon dan pengaruh nilai karbon pada kelayakan hutan tanaman Jati (Tectona grandis). Penelitian dilakukan di KPH Saradan, Perum Perhutani Unit II, Jawa Timur. Metode perhitungan karbon menggunakan model alometrik Biomasa (Brown dan Vademikum Kehutanan) karena model ini sangat sederhana serta mengakomodasi variabel yang lebih banyak. Dengan kondisi tanah yang relatif kurang subur, pada akhir daur (60 tahun), Jati menghasilkan karbon per hektar berturut-turut sebesar 348,08 (Brown, 1997) dan 520,46 ton C/ha (Vademecum Kehutanan, 1976). Perkiraan biaya karbon berdasarkan pembuatan hutan tanaman per ton adalah sebesar Rp. 22.194 dihitung berdasarkan pembuatan hutan tanaman. Ditambahkannya nilai karbon akan meningkatkan kelayakan hutan tanaman, yang diindikasikan dengan meningkatnya IRR Perusahaan sebesar 2%, dan NPV sebesar 73%. Implikasinya adalah dengan kondisi sekarang (daur panjang, resiko tinggi) pembangunan hutan tanaman jati layak untuk diusahakan terutama apabila nilai karbon dimasukan, karena itu perlu diteruskan

    An analysis of forestry sector conflict in Indonesia 1997 - 2003

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    Analisa konflik: sektor kehutanan di Indonesia 1997-2003

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    This paper provides a profile of forest-related conflict in Indonesia 1997 to June 2003, based on a survey of national and provincial newspaper articles and six case studies in Sumatera, Kalimantan and Java. The report shows that conflict increased most rapidly in 2000 during the transition to decentralization, and has generally stayed at higher levels than during the New Order period. Reports of conflicts were highest in East Kalimantan, followed by Sumatera and Central Java. The causes of conflict were primarily differences in perceptions about boundaries, rights to use of forest, compensation payments and distribution of benefits from forests. Although media reports focus on the escalation of conflict after the reform period, the case studies demonstrated complex histories of latent conflict and conflict resolution through compensation payments that proved unsuccessful in reducing long-run conflict. The study recommends that (i) conflict management be considered an element of forest management, (ii) forest conflicts should be monitored to learn more about their incidence, causes and ways of managing them and (iii) alternative methods for managing conflict should be explored