31 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Islamic Branding, Kualitas Produk, Dan Halal Lifestyle Terhadap Keputusan Konsumen Membeli Busana Muslimah Merek Nadheera Luxury Di Kabupaten Jepara

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    The purpose of this study was to find out whether there is an influence between Islamic branding, product quality, and Halal lifestyle variables on the purchasing decision of Muslim clothing for the Nadheera Luxury brand in Jepara Regency. This research is a quantitative study, taking samples with purposive sampling, 96 consumers were selected who had bought the luxury Muslim clothing brand Nadheera in Jepara Regency. Data analysis techniques used instrument testing, classical assumption testing, and hypothesis testing using the SPSS 25 application. The results of this study indicate that Islamic branding, product quality, and halal lifestyle variables partially or simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions for Muslim clothing brands. Nadheeera Luxury in Jepara Regency

    Analisis Beban Ekonomi dan Dampak Karena Tuberculosis terhadap Kesejateraan di Kota Bengkkulu

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    Tuberculosis (TB) disease placed tremendous burdens on patients, families, communities, and government budgets. In addition to the work productivity loss, most profound effect declineed in level of well-being even impoverishment. The purpose of this study was to analyze the economic burden and impact of Tuberculosis disease in patients and household members. It is a retrospective descriptive study with cross sectional study design. Study population was TB patients who were treated at all Health City Center in Bengkulu City with the sampling technique using a probability proportional to size a number of 71 patients. The estimated total economic burden due to TB disease in Bengkulu City was IDR 7,215,200 up to IDR 12,970,200, - or 28.28% -50.84% of the average household income. The most dominant component of cost was the indirect cost of IDR 5,135,300, - or 20.13% of the average household income, followed by the direct cost of IDR 2,080,600, - (8.15%) of the average household income. 87.3% average monthly income decreased due to TB. The effect of income decline led to 19% of high income households falling in the low income group. Due to the decrease in income, 43.7% of households changed their consumption patterns by reallocating in consumption. Patients with low-income groups spent 14% of household income on TB treatment. To reduce the risk of medical costs and the uncertainty of medical costs, it is necessary to establish the pathnersip with the private sector, the need for public funding in the form of pre-payment mechanism and health policy in protecting the household from all costs due to TB disease.Penyakit Tuberculosis (TB)  menempatkan beban luar biasa bagi penderita, keluarga, masyarakat, dan anggaran pemerintah. Selain kehilangan produktivitas kerja efek paling mendalam adalah penurunan tingkat kesejahteraan bahkan mengakibatkan pemiskinan rumah tangga. Tujuan penelitian ini menganalisis beban ekonomi dan dampak penyakit Tuberculosis pada pasien dan anggota rumah tangga. Merupakan penelitian deskriptif secara retrospektif dengan desain studi cross sectional. Populasi penelitian adalah pasien TB yang berobat di seluruh Puskesmas di Kota Bengkulu dengan teknik pengambilan sample menggunakan  sample probability proportional to size sebanyak 71 pasien. Estimasi total beban ekonomi akibat sakit TB di Kota Bengkulu adalah Rp 7.215.200 sd Rp 12.970.200,- atau sebesar 28.28%-50.84%  dari rata-rata pendapatan rumah tangga. Komponen biaya yang paling dominan adalah biaya tidak lamgsung yaitu sebesar  Rp 5.135.100,- atau 20.15% rata-rata pendapatan rumah tangga di ikuti biaya langsung sebesar Rp 2.080.600,- (8.2%) rata-rata pendapatan rumah tangga. 87.3% rata-rata pendapatan bulanan menurun akibat TB. Efek dari penurunan pendapatan menyebabkan 19% rumah tangga dengan penghasilan tinggi menurun pada golongan penghasilan rendah.Akibat penurunan pendapatan mengakibatkan 43.7% rumah tangga merubah pola konsumsi dengan melakukan realokasi dalam konsumsi. Pasien dengan golongan penghasilan rendah menghabiskan 14% dari pendapatan rumah tangga untuk pengobatan TB. Untuk mengurangi risiko besarnya biaya medis dan ketidakpastian biaya medis, maka perlu membangun pathnersip dengan sektor swasta, diperlukan adanya upaya pendanaan public dalam bentuk pre-payment mechanism serta kajian kebijakan kesehatan dalam melindungi rumah tangga  dari semua biaya karena sakit TB

    Perilaku pencarian dan pengobatan pasien tuberculosis di Kota Bengkulu

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    Latar Belakang: Penemuan kasus yang tidak efisien menjadikan batu sandungan dalam keberhasilan penemuan kasus TB khususnya dalam hal pola pencarian pengobatan dimana beberapa terjadi keterlambatan dalam pengobatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perilaku pencarian pengobatan selama masa pre treatment, treatment, dan strategy coping yang dilakukan oleh pasien TB di kota Bengkulu. Metode: Menggunakan studi dengan pendekatan cross sectional pada pasien TB Paru  yang berobat di Puskesmas se-Kota Bengkulu. Teknik pengambilan sample menenggunakan metode Probability Proprotional to Size dan diperoleh  sample sebanyak 71 orang. Hasil: Karakteristik responden 53.5% berusia di atas 43 tahun, 53.5% berjenis kelamin laki-laki, 46.5% tingkat pendidikan SLTA dan lainnya, 87.3% bekerja pada sektor informal, 50.7% memiliki jaminan kesehatan, 59.1% memilki penghasian rendah. Perilaku pengobatan selama masa pre treatment 53.5% mengunjungi fasilitas kesehatan swasta,. Faktor jarak dan waktu tunggu yang lama menjadi alasan pasien tidak mengunjungi puskesmas/RS umum. Selama masa treatment pada fase intensif dan lanjutan frekuensi waktu kunjungan 53.5% setiap 2 minggu sekali, dengan total waktu kunjungan kurang dari 60 menit, menggunakan kendaraan pribadi, 50.8% izin /libur bekerja saat mengambil obat dengan ditemani anggota rumah tangga sebagai bentuk dukungan keluarga terhadap pasien. Pengeluaran kesehatan yang timbul akibat TB 60.6% bersumber dari pasien sendiri. 33.3% melakukan usaha coping dengan meminjam 30.4% dan menjual asset (13%). 47.6% pinjaman berasal dari keluarga dekat dengan nilai rata-rata pinjaman kurang dari satu juta rupiah. Kesimpulan: Perilaku pencarian dan pengobatan pasien TB di Kota Bengkulu menunjukkan pasien  tidak langusng mendatangi fasilitas kesehatan umum saat gejala TB dirasakan, sehingga terjadi keterlambatan dalam pencarian pengobatan selain itu keterbatasan sumber daya mengakibatkan rumah tangga melakukan coping strategy untuk membiayai TB melalui penjualan aset dan pinjaman.  Kata Kunci: Coping Strategy, Perilaku Pencarian Pengobatan, Pre Treatment, Treatmen


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    Stimulation will develop faster than children who receive less or no stimulation. Children's development can be achieved optimally if parents, especially mothers, make various efforts to fulfill children's basic needs (care, sharpen, love) one of which is to stimulate children's development. The method of implementing this community service is by counseling about the knowledge of early stimulation of toddler development. This Community Service activity is carried out in the Work Area of ??the Bengkulu Fish Market Health Center. The time for implementation is in August 2021. The participants in this community service activity are mothers who have children aged 1-5 years in the Work Area of ??the Bengkulu Fish Market Health Center with a total of 35 people. Activities are carried out in stages (1) providing an explanation of the theme of the extension and the purpose of the activity; (2) do a knowledge pre test (3) provide knowledge about knowledge of early stimulation of toddler development (4) do a knowledge post test. The results of the activity showed that there was an increase in mothers' knowledge on average pretest 35.2 (poor category) and posttest ie 86.6 (good category). After participating in this activity, mothers can apply the knowledge of early stimulation of toddler development.  Keywords: Child, Stimulation, Developmen

    Pengaruh Transparansi dan Akuntabilitas Pelaporan Keuangan terhadap Kinerja Keuangan Penerimaan Dana Zakat di Kota Bandung

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    Fenomena yang terjadi saat ini potensi penerimaan zakat yang ada tidak sesuai dengan realisasi dana zakat yang diterima oleh Lembaga Amil Zakat (LAZ). Sementara realisasi penerimaan dana zakat yang diperoleh Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (BAZNAZ) pun masih jauh dari potensi yang ada. Rendahnya kinerja penerimaan dana zakat disebabkan kurangnya kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap Lembaga Amil Zakat karena kurangnya transparansi dan akuntabilitasi terhadap pelaporan keuangan yang disajikan. Oleh sebab itu tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh antara transparansi dan akuntabilitas pelaporan keuanga terhadap kinerja keuangan penerimaan dana zakat yang ada di kota Bandung. Penelitian ini adalah sampel dari beberapa lembaga keuangan amil zakat yang ada di kota Bandung yang sudah terdaftar di Kementerian Agama. Hasil dari penelitian ini terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara transparansi dan akuntabilitas pelaporan keuangan terhadap kinerja keuangan penerimaan dana zakat

    Factors Associated with Drug Abuse at kipas Foundation Bengkulu City

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    Drug abuse is utilization of narcotics which is not for medicinal purposes, but because intention to enjoy its effects, in excessive amounts, more or less regularly, and last long enough, causing physical, mental health and social life. The aims of this study was to determine Factors associated with drug abuse at KIPAS Foundation Bengkulu City. This study uses a qualitative approach with in-depth interview techniques. The informants in this study were 4 main informants from 32 people with age of 12-21 years and 1 counselor informant who knew deeply the problem (key informant). Data analysis technique was done by reducation data, data presentation and conclusion. This study was conducted at KIPAS Foundation Bengkulu City. The results of this study showed from 4 informants said that his personality is quiet, does not care about what happens in their environment and only interact with the same drug users. While the problem of his family often quarreled and some even divorced and were cared less by their parents. Peers influence them by giving drugs for free and they threaten if not use drugs also means not being loyal friends.  It is hoped that the Bengkulu City KIPAS Foundation will continue to improve health services for drug addicts by conducting medical therapy, psychosocial therapy, community therapy, religious therapy and also conveyed through posters and leaflets so that residents are no longer involved in drugs


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    Background: Nurse is a profession that cannot be separated from the problem of work fatigue. Fatigue due to work will have a negative impact on work such as decreased accuracy, skill, and even work productivity. If this happens to nurses, it can put the patient at risk, decreasing the quality of service. Work fatigue is caused by several factors, such as worker characteristics, namely age, sex, education, nutritional status, and work environment factors (Tarwaka, 2013). Nurses have a fairly heavy duty in assisting emergency services and nursing services continuously for 24 hours so that nurses sometimes eat irregularly which can cause nutritional conditions to be disturbed (Astuti, Ekawati, & Wahyuni, 2017). Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between age, nutritional status and subjective work fatigue in inpatient nurses at dr. M Yunus Bengkulu. Methods: The research design was an analytic survey with a cross sectional approach. The population of this study were 128 nurses in the inpatient room with total sampling technique. The data collection instrument is a work fatigue feeling questionnaire consisting of 17 questions adopted from (Setyawati, 2010) which has tested the validity and reliability in her book entitled at a glance about work fatigue, a nutritional status questionnaire by taking physical measurements of body weight and height to determine BMI, and age questionnaire with units of years. Data analysis used chi square test with 95% degree of error if p-value ? 0.05 indicates a significant relationship and if > 0.05 is not significant. Results: This study shows that there is no relationship between age and subjective work fatigue on nurses with a p-value = 0.107 > ? = 0.05. And there is a relationship between nutritional status and subjective work fatigue on nurses with a p-value = 0.000 > ? = 0.05. Conclusion: Work fatigue that occurs in nurses is expected to be an important concern, nurses should maintain a healthy body by consuming balanced nutritious food and diligent exercise and adequate rest, so as to reduce the risk of fatigue due to work

    Penghitungan Biaya Satuan pada Instalasi Rawat Jalan di Rumah Sakit X Jambi menggunakan Metode Step Down

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    Abstrak Tanggung jawab Rumah sakit adalah memberikan pelayanan yang berkualitas dan terjangkau bagi masyarakat, sehingga penentuan tarif dengan perhitungan biaya aktual sangat diperlukan sebagai dasar pengambilan keputusan yang lebih presisi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghitung biaya satuan dan analisis perbandingan biaya antar unit di instalasi rawat jalan menggunakan metode step down. Penelitian ini merupakan bagian dari partial economic evalution yaitu hanya memotret deskripsi biaya dari suatu objek (cost object) tanpa membandingkan luaran layanan dari unit yang di analisis. Tahapan analisis data meliputi identifikasi sumber dari pusat biaya dengan menentukan final cost, intermediate cost dan indirect cost, tahap kedua yaitu mengidentifikasi dan menghitung biaya investasi, biaya operasional dan biaya pemeliharaan. Hasil penelitian menujukkan biaya satuan tertinggi terdapat di poli gigi dan mulut sebesar Rp 621.100,99 /kunjungan sedangkan biaya satuan terendah di poli penyakit dalam yaitu sebesar Rp 214.307,51/kunjungan. Diharapkan hasil penelitian ini dapat menjadi pertimbangan dalam perubahan ataupun penyesuaian tarif layanan dan menjadikan bahan evaluasi pada poli rawat jalan agar lebih efisien dalam pengelolaanya. Abstract Hospital has a responsibility to provide quality and affordable health care to the community. Therefore, determining tariffs by calcu­lating the actual cost is very important, especially for internal stakeholders in undergoing cost analysis, performance evaluation and decision making, including tariff negotiation with external stakeholders. This research objective is to calculate unit costs and compar­atively analyzing costs between units in an outpatient installation using the step-down method. This research used a partial economic evaluation which only portrays the description of cost object without comparing the output from the analyzed unit. The stages of data analysis include identifying the resource of cost center by firstly determining the final cost, intermediate cost and indirect cost, the second stage is identifying and calculating investment cost, operational cost, and maintenance costs, the third stage is determining the allocation basis, and the fourth stage is calculating the total cost. The highest unit cost occurs in dental poly at Rp.621.100,99/visit, while the lowest unit cost is in internal medicine which is Rp.241.307,51/visit. It is hoped that the results of this study can be taken into consideration in the changes made by service rates and making evaluation materials on outpatient care so that they are more efficient in their management


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    The Integrated System for Recording and Reporting (ISRR) Sukamerindu Public Health Center of Bengkulu there are several problems, namely the provision of inaccurate data / information, reporting that is often not timely and there is no standard mechanism. This study aims to analyze the application of ISRR from the aspect of input (human resources, funding, equipment), process (recording, reporting), and output (presentation of data & information, dissemination, utilization). The research method is qualitative research with a phenomenological approach through in-depth interviews with 3 key informants and 6 ordinary informants. Data processed by the Content analysis method and SWOT analysis to determine the formulation of strategies for the problems found. The results showed that ISRR Sukamerindu Public Health Center had not run optimally, this was due to lack of human resources, lack of coordination between data managers and program holders, lack of equipment, manual recording and recapitulation with personal laptops, there were still delays in sending reports and data became less accurate. The data presentation is more complete, the distribution is only to the Bengkulu Department of Health, and the data is used for evaluation for health policy stakeholders. To improve the performance of the implementation of ISRR Sukamerindu Public Health Center researchers suggested that the Bengkulu Department of Health further enhance its collaboration with Public Health Centers by optimizing communication and conducting planned and continuous training to get skilled and professional human resources in ISRR management.Keywords: Analysis, Public Health Center, Recording, Reporting, Syst

    Perbandingan Transfer Rate GSM pada Handphone sebagai Device Access dan Handphone sebagai Modem

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    Dengan adanya penyatuan TI dengan teknologi telekomunikasi, membuat teknologi komunikasi khususnya selular telah berkembang pesat di Indonesia, hal ini dimungkinkan dengan penetrasi pasar yang besar terhadap kebutuhan telekomunikasi khususnya yang sifatnya mobile. Perkembangan teknologi memperluas fungsi handphone, tidak hanya sebagai alat komunikasi biasa, tetapi juga bisa digunakan untuk mengakses internet dengan menggunakan layanan WAP. Selain mengakses internet dengan menggunakan layanan WAP, ada cara lain yang biasanya digunakan untuk mengakses internet, yaitu handphone digunakan sebagai modem internet jika kita menggunakan laptop atau PC untuk mengakses internet. Dari kedua cara pengaksesan internet tersebut, akan dilakukan analisis untuk membandingkan Transfer Rate GSM pada handphone sebagai Device Access dan handphone sebagai Modem