19 research outputs found

    Pemberdayaan Perempuan Dalam Penyediaan Urban Forestry Di Perumahan Kota Wijaya Mendalo

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    Sesuai dengan peraturan Undang-undang No. 26 tahun 2007 tentang penataan ruang menyebutkan bahwa 30% wilayah kota harus berupa RTH yang terdiri dari 20% publik dan 10% privat, dimana RTH publik adalah RTH yang dimiliki dan dikelola oleh pemerintah daerah kota/kabupaten yang digunakan untuk kepentingan masyarakat secara umum. RTH Privat adalah RTH milik institusi tertentu atau orang perseorangan yang pemanfaatannya untuk kalangan terbatas antara lain berupa kebun atau halaman rumah/gedung milik masyarakat/swasta yang ditanami tumbuhan.Ruang terbuka hijau ini memiliki multi fungsi yaitu sebagai kelestarian lingkungan, sosial, budaya dan olah raga. Permasalahan mitra yang dihadapi yaitu masih kurangnya luasan Ruang Terbuka Hijau Privat di kawasan Kota Wijaya yang dibangun oleh pihak developer PT Zaky Putra Andalas, selanjutnya kondisi lahan yang terbuka dan gersang, ketiadaan tanaman peneduh di jalur jalan sisi perumahan di areal kawasan Perumahan Mendalo Hills dikhawatirkan akan menimbulkan bencana seperti erosi dan juga banjir, terutama pada saat intensitas hujan tinggi. Kegiatan pengabdian PPM LPPM ini melibatkan peran serta perempuan sebagai warga perumahan RT 32 Mendalo Hill melalui penyuluhan tentang fungsi pentingnya Ruang Terbuka Hijau, serta demonstrasi penananaman pohon peneduh. Luaran dari pengabdian ini adalah penerapan Ipteks tentang penanaman pohon, dan tersedianya tempat pembibitan (nursery) di dalam areal Kota Wijaya

    Analisis Populasi Amfibia Anura di Kawasan taman Hutan Raya Bukit Sari Provinsi Jambi : Analysis of population of Amphibian Anura in Bukit Sari Grand Forest Park Jambi Province

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    ABSTRACT Bukit Sari Grand Forest Park is one of the conservation areas that is a habitat for amphibians. Habitat conditions and quality certainly affect the diversity of amphibian species. This study aims to analyze the population and compare the diversity of amphibian species of the order anura based on different habitat types and identify the habitat conditions of amphibians of the order anura in Bukit Sari Grand Forest Park. The research method used in this research is Visual Encounter Survey in data collection carried out on habitat types (natural forests, oil palm plantation transitions, rubber plantation transitions and open area transitions). The data obtained were analyzed using the species diversity index (Shannon Wiener), community similarity index, eveness index and species richness index. Based on the results of anura research that has been carried out on 4 habitat types in the Bukit Sari Grand Forest Park, 149 individuals and 16 species from 5 families were found, namely Bufonidae, Dicroglossidae, Microhylidae, Ranidae and Rhachoporidae. The most common type found is from the Dicroglossidae family, Limnonectes macrodon which was found 31 individuals. The amphibian diversity index in Bukit Sari Grand Forest Park is classified as medium category while the species richness index is classified as a low category. Keywords: Amphibians, anura, Bukit Sari Grand Forest Park, diversity, population   ABSTRAK Taman Hutan Raya Bukit Sari merupakan salah satu kawasan konservasi yang menjadi habitat amfibi. Kondisi dan kualitas habitat tentunya mempengaruhi keanekaragaman jenis amfibi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis populasi dan membandingkan keanekaragaman jenis amfibi ordo anura berdasarkan tipe habitat yang berbeda serta mengidentifikasi kondisi habitat amfibi ordo anura di Tahura Bukit Sari. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah VES (Visual Encounter Survey) dalam pengambilan data yang dilakukan pada tipe habitat (hutan alam, transisi perkebunan kelapa sawit, transisi perkebunan karet dan transisi areal terbuka). Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan indeks keanekaragaman jenis (Shannon Wiener), indeks kesamaan komunitas, indeks kemerataan jenis dan indeks kekayaan jenis. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian anura yang telah dilakukan pada 4 tipe habitat di kawasan Tahura Bukit Sari, ditemukan 149 individu dan 16 jenis dari 5 famili, yaitu Bufonidae, Dicroglossidae, Microhylidae, Ranidae, dan Rhachoporidae. Jenis yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah dari famili Digroglosidae yaitu Limnonectes macrodon yang ditemukan sebanyak 31 individu. Indeks keanekaragaman amfibi di Tahura Bukit Sari menunjukkan kategori sedang sedangkan indeks kekayaan jenis di Tahura Bukit Sari tergolong dalam kategori rendah.   Katakunci: Amfibi, anura, keanekaragaman, populasi, Taman Hutan Raya Bukit Sar

    POTENSI SUMBERDAYA DANAU DEPATI EMPAT BERBASISKAN ADO-ODTWA DI TAMAN NASIONAL KERINCI SEBLAT: Potential Resources of Lake Depati Empat based on ADO-ODTWA Assesment in Kerinci Seblat National Park

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    Kerinci Seblat National Park (TNKS) is a conservation area with an area of ​​1,389,509,867 hectares. The form of utilization in the national park area that is considered to be able to provide sustainable benefits in increasing the income of local communities and preserving the area is maintained ecotourism. Depati Empat Lake is one of the tourist areas in the Kerinci Seblat National Park. Lake Depati Empat has the potential for diversity of flora and fauna around the lake, the potential of lake waters such as fish species and the potential of environmental services (landscapes) with aesthetic value which is very potential to be developed as an ecotourism area. Therefore this study aims to analyze the potential resources of Lake Depati Empat by using ADO-ODTWA analysis. The method of collecting data is done through field observations, questionnaire interviews and literature studies. The results showed that Lake Depati Empat was based on the ADO-ODTWA assessment results in the Lake Depati area. Four assessment components that received high potential value included tourist attraction, supporting facilities and infrastructure, carrying capacity of the area and the availability of clean water while accessibility and accommodation gained potential value, so that Lake Depati Empat gets very potential criteria to be developed as a natural tourism destination (ecotourism).

    PERILAKU STEREOTIP HARIMAU SUMATERA (Panthera tigris sumatrae) DALAM MASA REHABILITASI PADA PUSAT REHABILITASI HARIMAU SUMATERA DHARMASRAYA (PR-HSD) ARSARI SUMATERA BARAT: Stereotypical Behavior of Sumatran Tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae) During the Rehabilitation Period at The Sumatran Tiger Rehabilitation Center Dharmasraya (PR-HSD) ARSARI Sumatera Barat

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    ABSTRACT Animal activity is an activity carried out by animals consisting of several behaviors. Behavior is animal movements that are influenced by the relationship between the animal and its environment that occurs repeatedly, so that it becomes a characteristic of the animal. During the rehabilitation period, animals experience changes in their habitat and other behavioral changes. This study aims to analyze the stereotypical activity of the Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae) during the rehabilitation period at the Sumatran Tiger Rehabilitation Center which is included in the Appendix I category in CITES with critically endangered status causing (Panthera tigris sumatrae) to be conserved ex-situ. Research on stereotypical activities of Sumatran tigers was conducted at the ARSARI Sumatran Tiger Rehabilitation Center (PR-HSD) in West Sumatra. The object of this research is a male tiger (Putra Singgulung) and a tigress (Ria). The method used is focal animal sampling. The results obtained in a study of the stereotypical activity of two Sumatran tigers in ex-situ habitat at PR-HSD were female Sumatran tigers (35.25%) and male Sumatran tigers (36.21%) (Putra singgulung). The most frequently seen activities were resting behavior (55.88%) in female Sumatran tigers (Ria) and (55.88%) in male Sumatran tigers (Putra singgulung). Research on stereotypical Sumatran tiger activities is expected to become basic data for the conservation management of the Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae) at the Dharmasraya Sumatran Tiger Rehabilitation Center (PR-HSD) ARSARI, West Sumatra.   Keywords: sumatran tiger (panthera tigris sumatae), ex-situ conservation, stereotyping activity   ABSTRAK Aktivitas satwa merupakan kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh satwa terdiri dari beberapa perilaku. Perilaku merupakan gerak-gerik hewan yang dipengaruhi oleh hubungan antara hewan dengan lingkungannya yang terjadi berulang-ulang, sehingga menjadi ciri dari satwa tersebut. Pada masa rehabilitasi satwa mengalami perubahan habitat dan perubahan perilaku lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis aktivitas stereotip harimau sumatera (Panthera tigris sumatrae) dalam masa rehabilitasi pada Pusat Rehabilitasi Harimau sumatera termasuk dalam kategori Appendix I dalam CITES dengan status critically endangered menyebabkan (Panthera tigris sumatrae) dikonservasi secara ex-situ. Penelitian tentang aktivitas stereotip harimau sumatera dilakukan pada Pusat Rehabilitasi Harimau Sumatera Dharmasraya (PR-HSD) ARSARI Sumatera Barat. Objek pada penelitin ini yaitu seekor harimau jantan (Putra Singgulung) dan seekor harimau betina (Ria). Metode yang digunakan yaitu focal animal sampling. Hasil yang didapatkan pada penelitian mengenai aktivitas stereotip dua harimau sumatera pada habitat ex-situ di PR-HSD yaitu pada harimau sumatera betina (Ria) (35.25%) dan (36.21%) harimau sumatera jantan (Putra singgulung). Aktivitas aktivitas yang paling sering terlihat yaitu perilaku istirahat (55.88%) pada harimau sumatera betina (Ria) dan (55.88%) pada harimau sumatera jantan (Putra singgulung). Penelitian aktivitas stereotip harimau sumatera diharapkan menjadi data dasar untuk manajemen konservasi harimau sumatera (Panthera tigris sumatrae) di Pusat Rehabilitasi Harimau Sumatera Dharmasraya (PR-HSD) ARSARI Sumatera Barat.   Kata kunci: harimau sumatera (Panthera tigris sumatrae), konservasi ex-situ, aktivitas stereoti


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    The knowledge of the village community is important to know because the determination of village forests is still quite new and the scope of forest use is limited. This study aims (1) to analyze the community's knowledge of the Pematang Rahim Village Forest. (2) To find out the influencing factors related to public knowledge of the Pematang Rahim Village Forest. The sampling method in this study used the proportional stratified random sampling method and obtained 97 respondents. This type of research uses quantitative and qualitative approaches. The data analysis technique in this study is multiple linear regression using Dummy Variables and primary and Pematang Rahim Village Forest is a peat forest that has been designated as a village forest since 2017. The peat forest located in the forest area makes the utilization of the Pematang Rahim Village Forest only in the form of environmental services and non-timber forest products. secondary data obtained through structured interviews (questionnaires) with respondents. Based on the results and discussion of the research, the level of knowledge of the people of Pematang Rahim Village towards the Village Forest area has a score of 46 and there are 2 variables that have a real and significant effect on the level of community knowledge, namely the variable (D4) experience with Y which is 0.000 t table (5.452 > 1.662) and variable (D6) the source of information on Y is 0.000 t table (4.047 > 1.662).Keywords: Community Knowledge and influencing factor, Village Forest, Peat ForestAbstrakHutan Desa Pematang Rahim merupakan hutan gambut yang ditetapkan menjadi hutan desa sejak tahun 2017. Hutan gambut yang berada pada kawasan hutan lingkup membuat pemanfaatan Hutan Desa Pematang Rahim hanya bisa dilakuan dalam bentuk jasa lingkungan dan hasil hutan bukan kayu. Pengetahuan masyarakat desa menjadi penting untuk diketahui karena penetapan hutan desa yang masih cukup baru dan lingkup pemanfaatan hutan yang menjadi terbatas. Penelitian ini bertujuan  (1) untuk menganalisis pengetahuan masyarakat terhadap Hutan Desa Pematang Rahim dan (2) untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi terkait pengetahuan masyarakat terhadap Hutan Desa Pematang Rahim. Metode pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode proportional stratified random sampling dan diperoleh responden sebanyak 97 responden. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini adalah regresi linear berganda dengan menggunakan Dummy Variable dan data primer dan sekunder yang di dapatkan melalui wawancara terstruktur (kuesioner) dengan responden.Berdasarkan hasil dan pembahasan penelitian tingkat pengetahuan masyarakat Desa Pematang Rahim terhadap kawasan Hutan Desa memiliki skor nilai 46 dan terdapat 2 variabel yang berpengaruh secara nyata dan signifikan terhadap tingkat pengetahuan masyarakat yaitu variable pengalaman terhadap Y yakni 0,000 t tabel (5.452 > 1.662) dan variable (D6) sumber informasi terhadap Y yakni 0,000 t table (4.047 >1.662).Kata Kunci: Hutan Desa, Hutan Gambut, Pengetahuan Masyarakat dan faktor yang mempengaruh

    Identifikasi Spesies Burung Di Hutan Rawa Bento Kawasan Taman Nasional Kerinci Seblat: Identification of Bird Species in Rawa Bento Forest Kerinci Seblat National Park Area

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    ABSTRACT Rawa Bento is a swamp forest located in Kerinci Seblat National Park which is included in the jungle zone. Rawa Bento is the highest swamp in Sumatra, at an altitude of 1375 meters above sea level. This swamp area has an area of approximately 1000 ha and also has three swamp ecosystems namely peat swamp grass, dwarf swamp forest, and small swamp lakes. Rawa Bento is a natural tourism area that has a natural ecosystem and has a beautiful and diverse natural community, one of which is bird species. Birds are a good indicator of environmental health and biodiversity value. This study aims to identify bird species in the Rawa Bento swamp forest of Kerinci Seblat National Park.  The research was conducted for two months starting from December 2022 to January 2023. The research was conducted using the point count method. Determination for the observation path with purposive sampling. The results of the study identified as many as 10 species of birds from 7 families. The endemic bird species encountered are cream-striped bulbul (Hemixos leucogrammicus) and the sumatran whistling-thrush (Myophonus castaneus). The bird species identified were mostly found in the dwarf swamp forest ecosystem.   Keywords: Bird, ecosystem, Rawa Bento, swamp forest   ABSTRAK Hutan rawa bento merupakan hutan rawa yang terletak di Taman Nasional Kerinci Seblat yang termasuk ke dalam zona rimba. Rawa Bento termasuk rawa tertinggi yang berada di Sumatera yaitu berada di ketinggian 1375 mdpl. Kawasan rawa ini mempunyai luas kurang lebih 1000 ha dan juga memiliki tiga ekosistem rawa yakni rumput rawa gambut, hutan rawa kerdil, serta danau rawa kecil. Rawa Bento merupakan kawasan wisata alam yang memiliki ekosistem yang masih alami dan mempunyai komunitas alam yang indah dan beranekaragam, salah satunya spesies burung. Burung merupakan salah satu indikator yang baik bagi kesehatan lingkungan dan juga nilai keanekaragaman hayati. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi spesies burung di hutan rawa bento kawasan taman nasional kerinci seblat.  Penelitian dilakukan selama dua bulan mulai dari bulan desember 2022 hingga januari 2023. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode point count. Penentuan untuk jalur pengamatan dengan purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian teridentifikasi sebanyak 10 spesies burung dari 7 famili. Spesies burung endemik yang dijumpai yaitu burung cucak kerinci (Hemixos leucogrammicus) dan ciung batu sumatera (Myophonus castaneus). Spesies burung yang teridentifikasi lebih banyak ditemukan pada ekosistem hutan rawa kerdil.   Katakunci: Burung, ekosistem hutan rawa, Rawa Bent

    Analisis Faktor Ekologi Dominan Pemilihan Kubangan Oleh Badak Jawa (Rhinoceros Sondaicus Desmarest 1822) Di Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon

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    The characteristic of wallow can be one of standard or criteria of the javan rhino habitat which will be used for selection strategy of further javan rhino's wallow. The objective of this study is to identify the wallow characteristic of javan rhino both physical and biological factors that need for identifiying the dominant ecological factor in determining wallow selection strategy for javan rhino. The data that were collected consisted of physical characteristic javan rhino's wallow i.e. the length and the width of wallow, the depth of mud and water of wallow, water pH inside the wallow, the height of wallow site, the temperature and humidity, and the distance from wallow to the coastal, river, and from human access. The biotic characteristic aspects of javan rhino' wallow that were observed consisted of the number of javan rhino' feed and the total density of vegetation spread around the wallow according to result of vegetation analysis. Based on the result of factor analysis, the dominant ecological factor that affect wallow selection are the height of the site (10-87 mdpl), air temperature (26-29°C), and tree density (25-174 ind/ha)

    Studi Karakteristik Kubangan Badak Jawa (Rhinoceros Sondaicus Desmarest 1822) Di Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon

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    The characteristic of wallow can be one of standard or criteria of the javan rhino habitat that need for creating the second habitat which will be used for selection strategy of further javan rhino's wallow. The objective of this study is to identify the wallow characteristic of javan rhino. The results of this study is hopefully used for the consideration in determining the second habitat of java rhino and for the basics information of habitat development of javan rhino insitu conservation. The data that were collected consisted of physical characteristic javan rhino's wallow i.e. the length and the width of wallow, the depth of mud and water of wallow, water pH inside the wallow, the height of wallow site, the temperature and humidity, and the distance from wallow to the coastal, river, and from human access

    Orchid Exploration in Traditional Forest of Gunung Batuah Gunung Raya District, Kerinci Regency, Jambi

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    Orchids are plants that have many types and are spread all over the world. Natural orchids generally grow well in natural forests, especially in mountainous areas. Inventory needs to be done to obtain data and information about the presence of orchid species. This research was conducted in January-February 2017. The research was conducted in Gunung Batuah Traditional Forest, Gunung Raya District, Kerinci Regency, Jambi Province with the method of exploration in the plot at an altitude of 1100 m asl-1400 m asl and 1500 m asl-1650 m asl. The results showed that there were 22 types of orchids found in the research location which were included in 14 genera, where there were 16 types of epiphytic orchids, 4 terrestrial orchids and 3 types of saprophytic orchids. The most common orchids are the genus Bulbophyllum, the genus Liparis and the genus Appendicula. Most individuals are in the type of orchid Bulbophyllum lobbii. Orchids are mostly found at an altitude of 1500 m asl-1650 m asl. The habitat trees that were mostly planted with orchids were Syzigium sp, Litsea Angulata and Vitex heterophylla which were scattered in zone 1 to zone 4.   Keywords: Gunung Raya traditional forest, natural forest, orchi

    Various Types of Potential Drug Plants in Muhammad Sabki Urban Forest Jambi City

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    The urban forest of Muhammad Sabki is one of city green open space that have many functions and potential to developed, especially plants that can be used as medicine. Medicinal plant is one of non timber forest product which is not only used by communities around the forest but also by urban communities. However, data on potentially herbal medicinal species in this urban forest have not been found. The recent research limited to the diversity of vegetation and wildlife. This research conducted for 4 months on 2017 in the area of Muhammad Sabki’s Urban Forest. A total of 50 sampling units are sized 2 m x 2 m and 5 m x 5 m, created randomly on this area consider of forest homogeneity. Based on the inventory, its found as many as 149 species of plants that have potential as a medicine. However, the analysis result obtained 50% of the total species are plants that used as medicine by the communities around world. The dominant types of plants that useful as medicine in this region are members of Rubiaceae family, 9 types (6%). The parts of plant organs that commonly used are leaves, as much as 36%. Keywords: medicinal plant, plant utilization, urban forest