180 research outputs found

    A Confucian Holistic World Order and China\u27s Vision of a Shared Future

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    In his article A Confucian Holistic World Order and China\u27s Vision of a Shared Future, Huiyong Wu traces the differences between the Western world and China, as well as their impact upon politics, economic relations and culture. In particular, Wu focuses on China\u27s political ideal, based on Confucian moral ethics, which emphasizes inter-subjectivity over the individual subjectivity, and which holds a strong vision of communal respect among national citizens. This vision might be somehow in conflict with the Western tradition that places individual freedom above everything else. Through initiatives like the Belt and Road China is steadily developing and promoting A Community with a Shared Future, a holistic world order that directs itself towards the ideal of eliminating conflicts and seeking peace

    A Novel Task of Loading and Computing Resource Scheduling Strategy in Internet of Vehicles Based on Dynamic Greedy Algorithm

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    Focus on the scheduling problem of distributed computing tasks in Internet of Vehicles. Firstly, based on the computing-aware network theory, a distributed computing resource model of the Internet of Vehicles is established, and the seven-dimensional QoS attributes of the computing resources in the Internet of Vehicles (reliability between computing resources, communication costs, computing speed and computing costs of the computing resources themselves , computing energy consumption, computing stability, and computing success rate) are grouped and transformed into two-dimensional comprehensive attribute priorities: computing performance priority and communication performance priority. Secondly, the weighted directed acyclic graph model of distributed computing tasks in the Internet of Vehicles and the seven-dimensional QoS attribute weighted undirected topology graph model of distributed computing resources in the Internet of Vehicles are respectively established. Moreover, a dynamic greedy algorithm-based task of loading and computing resource scheduling algorithm is proposed. Finally, the example analysis shows that the overall performance of this dynamic greedy algorithm-based task of loading and computing resource scheduling algorithm is better than the classic HEFT scheduling algorithm and round robin scheduling algorithm

    Relevance of PUFA-derived metabolites in seminal plasma to male infertility

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    AimThis study aims to investigate the biological effects of polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA)-derived metabolites in seminal plasma on male fertility and to evaluate the potential of PUFA as a biomarker for normozoospermic male infertility.MethodsFrom September 2011 to April 2012, We collected semen samples from 564 men aged 18 to 50 years old (mean=32.28 years old)ch., residing in the Sandu County, Guizhou Province, China. The donors included 376 men with normozoospermia (fertile: n=267; infertile: n=109) and 188 men with oligoasthenozoospermia (fertile: n=121; infertile: n=67). The samples thus obtained were then analyzed by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) to detect the levels of PUFA-derived metabolites in April 2013. Data were analyzed from December 1, 2020, to May 15, 2022.ResultsOur analysis of propensity score-matched cohorts revealed that the concentrations of 9/26 and 7/26 metabolites differed significantly between fertile and infertile men with normozoospermia and oligoasthenozoospermia, respectively (FDR < 0.05). In men with normozoospermia, higher levels of 7(R)-MaR1 (HR: 0.4 (95% CI [0.24, 0.64]) and 11,12-DHET (0.36 (95% CI [0.21, 0.58]) were significantly associated with a decreased risk of infertility, while higher levels of 17(S)-HDHA (HR: 2.32 (95% CI [1.44, 3.79]), LXA5 (HR: 8.38 (95% CI [4.81, 15.24]), 15d-PGJ2 (HR: 1.71 (95% CI [1.06, 2.76]), and PGJ2 (HR: 2.28 (95% CI [1.42, 3.7]) correlated with an increased risk of infertility. Our ROC model using the differentially expressed metabolites showed the value of the area under the curve to be 0.744.ConclusionThe PUFA-derived metabolites 7(R)-MaR1, 11,12-DHET, 17(S)-HDHA, LXA5, and PGJ2 might be considered as potential diagnostic biomarkers of infertility in normozoospermic men

    Pheromonal bile acid 3-ketopetromyzonol sulfate primes the neuroendocrine system in sea lamprey

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    BACKGROUND: Vertebrate pheromones are known to prime the endocrine system, especially the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis. However, no known pheromone molecule has been shown to modulate directly the synthesis or release of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH), the main regulator of the HPG axis. We selected sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) as a model system to determine whether a single pheromone component alters the output of GnRH. Sea lamprey male sex pheromones contain a main component, 7α, 12α, 24-trihydroxy-5α-cholan-3-one 24-sulfate (3 keto-petromyzonol sulfate or 3kPZS), which has been shown to modulate behaviors of mature females. Through a series of experiments, we tested the hypothesis that 3kPZS modulates both synthesis and release of GnRH, and subsequently, HPG output in immature sea lamprey. RESULTS: The results showed that natural male pheromone mixtures induced differential steroid responses but facilitated sexual maturation in both sexes of immature animals (χ(2) = 5.042, dF = 1, p < 0.05). Exposure to 3kPZS increased plasma 15α-hydroxyprogesterone (15α-P) concentrations (one-way ANOVA, p < 0.05) and brain gene expressions (genes examined: three lamprey (l) GnRH-I transcripts, lGnRH-III, Jun and Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK); one-way ANOVA, p < 0.05), but did not alter the number of GnRH neurons in the hypothalamus in immature animals. In addition, 3kPZS treatments increased lGnRH peptide concentrations in the forebrain and modulated their levels in plasma. Overall, 3kPZS modulation of HPG axis is more pronounced in immature males than in females. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that a single male pheromone component primes the HPG axis in immature sea lamprey in a sexually dimorphic manner

    Genome-wide association study of maize resistance to Pythium aristosporum stalk rot

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    Stalk rot, a severe and widespread soil-borne disease in maize, globally reduces yield and quality. Recent documentation reveals that Pythium aristosporum has emerged as one of the dominant causal agents of maize stalk rot. However, a previous study of maize stalk rot disease resistance mechanisms and breeding had mainly focused on other pathogens, neglecting P. aristosporum. To mitigate crop loss, resistance breeding is the most economical and effective strategy against this disease. This study involved characterizing resistance in 295 inbred lines using the drilling inoculation method and genotyping them via sequencing. By combining with population structure, disease resistance phenotype, and genome-wide association study (GWAS), we identified 39 significant single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with P. aristosporum stalk rot resistance by utilizing six statistical methods. Bioinformatics analysis of these SNPs revealed 69 potential resistance genes, among which Zm00001d051313 was finally evaluated for its roles in host defense response to P. aristosporum infection. Through virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) verification and physiological index determination, we found that transient silencing of Zm00001d051313 promoted P. aristosporum infection, indicating a positive regulatory role of this gene in maize’s antifungal defense mechanism. Therefore, these findings will help advance our current understanding of the underlying mechanisms of maize defense to Pythium stalk rot

    Bovine Herpesvirus Type 1 (BHV-1) UL49.5 Luminal Domain Residues 30 to 32 Are Critical for MHC-I Down-Regulation in Virus-Infected Cells

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    Bovine herpesvirus type 1 (BHV-1) UL49.5 inhibits transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) and down-regulates cell-surface expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules to promote immune evasion. We have constructed a BHV-1 UL49.5 cytoplasmic tail (CT) null and several UL49.5 luminal domain mutants in the backbone of wild-type BHV-1 or BHV-1 UL49.5 CT- null viruses and determined their relative TAP mediated peptide transport inhibition and MHC-1 down-regulation properties compared with BHV-1 wt. Based on our results, the UL49.5 luminal domain residues 30–32 and UL49.5 CT residues, together, promote efficient TAP inhibition and MHC-I down-regulation functions. In vitro, BHV-1 UL49.5 Δ30–32 CT-null virus growth property was similar to that of BHV-1 wt and like the wt UL49.5, the mutant UL49.5 was incorporated in the virion envelope and it formed a complex with gM in the infected cells

    Prostaglandin I2 Signaling Drives Th17 Differentiation and Exacerbates Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis

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    BACKGROUND: Prostaglandin I(2) (PGI(2)), a lipid mediator currently used in treatment of human disease, is a critical regulator of adaptive immune responses. Although PGI(2) signaling suppressed Th1 and Th2 immune responses, the role of PGI(2) in Th17 differentiation is not known. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In mouse CD4(+)CD62L(+) naïve T cell culture, the PGI(2) analogs iloprost and cicaprost increased IL-17A and IL-22 protein production and Th17 differentiation in vitro. This effect was augmented by IL-23 and was dependent on PGI(2) receptor IP signaling. In mouse bone marrow-derived CD11c(+) dendritic cells (BMDCs), PGI(2) analogs increased the ratio of IL-23/IL-12, which is correlated with increased ability of BMDCs to stimulate naïve T cells for IL-17A production. Moreover, IP knockout mice had delayed onset of a Th17-associated neurological disease, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), and reduced infiltration of IL-17A-expressing mononuclear cells in the spinal cords compared to wild type mice. These results suggest that PGI(2) promotes in vivo Th17 responses. CONCLUSION: The preferential stimulation of Th17 differentiation by IP signaling may have important clinical implications as PGI(2) and its analogs are commonly used to treat human pulmonary hypertension

    Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate and aldolase mediate glucose sensing by AMPK

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    葡萄糖是生物中最基本、最主要的营养物质,它不仅是机体能量的主要来源,也是生物质合成的主要原料。因此,葡萄糖的水平对于生物体是极其重要的。然而,在生活中,体内葡萄糖水平的波动是十分常见的,这是因为我们不可能每时每刻都在摄入葡萄糖:睡一大觉、剧烈运动几个小时或者太忙了没时间吃饭,都会引起葡萄糖水平的显著下降。这时,机体能够触发一套有效的过程应对这类“不利情况”,其中最为关键的就是激活“代谢的核心调节”——AMPK。在葡萄糖水平下降时,被激活的AMPK能够迅速启动脂肪、蛋白质的分解代谢,关闭它们的合成代谢,从而起到维持机体的能量和物质代谢的平衡,弥补机体因葡萄糖不足引起的胁迫压力。那么,机体如何感受葡萄糖水平下降,并“传递”给AMPK使其激活呢?林圣彩教授课题组的这项研究正是发现了生理状态下机体感受葡萄糖水平的机制。通过研究他们发现,无论在不含葡萄糖的细胞培养条件下,还是在饥饿的低血糖的动物体内,都不能观测到AMP水平的上升,这充分说明了机体有一套尚不为人知的、独立于AMP的感应葡萄糖水平的机制。在进一步的研究中他们揭示了这一完整过程:葡萄糖水平下降将引起的葡萄糖代谢中间物——果糖1,6-二磷酸(fructose-1,6-bisphosphate)水平的下降,该过程进一步地被糖酵解通路上的代谢酶——醛缩酶(aldolase)感应,因为醛缩酶正是将含有6个碳原子的果糖1,6-二磷酸裂解成三碳糖的酶,一旦醛缩酶“吃不到”由葡萄糖衍生的果糖1,6-二磷酸,它便“翻脸”,传递给也正是林圣彩教授课题组先前发现的溶酶体途径进而激活AMPK。该过程完全不涉及AMP水平,即能量水平的变化,是一条全新的、完全建立在实际的生理情况上的通路。林圣彩教授进一步地把葡萄糖水平总结为一种“状态信号”,以区别于传统的“能量信号”。据悉,该葡萄糖感知通路的发现对开发用于治疗肥胖症,乃至延长寿命的药物具有深远的意义。【Abstract】The major energy source for most cells is glucose, from which ATP is generated via glycolysis and/or oxidative metabolism. Glucose deprivation activates AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK)1, but it is unclear whether this activation occurs solely via changes in AMP or ADP, the classical activators of AMPK2, 3, 4, 5. Here, we describe an AMP/ADP-independent mechanism that triggers AMPK activation by sensing the absence of fructose-1,6-bisphosphate (FBP), with AMPK being progressively activated as extracellular glucose and intracellular FBP decrease. When unoccupied by FBP, aldolases promote the formation of a lysosomal complex containing at least v-ATPase, ragulator, axin, liver kinase B1 (LKB1) and AMPK, which has previously been shown to be required for AMPK activation6, 7. Knockdown of aldolases activates AMPK even in cells with abundant glucose, whereas the catalysis-defective D34S aldolase mutant, which still binds FBP, blocks AMPK activation. Cell-free reconstitution assays show that addition of FBP disrupts the association of axin and LKB1 with v-ATPase and ragulator. Importantly, in some cell types AMP/ATP and ADP/ATP ratios remain unchanged during acute glucose starvation, and intact AMP-binding sites on AMPK are not required for AMPK activation. These results establish that aldolase, as well as being a glycolytic enzyme, is a sensor of glucose availability that regulates AMPK.D.G.H. was supported by an Investigator Award from the Wellcome Trust (097726) and a Programme Grant from Cancer Research UK (C37030/A15101). S.-C.L. was supported by grants from the National Key Research and Development Project of China (2016YFA0502001) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (#31430094, #31690101, #31571214, #31601152 and #J1310027)

    The Lysosomal v-ATPase-Ragulator Complex Is a Common Activator for AMPK and mTORC1, Acting as a Switch between Catabolism and Anabolism

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    林圣彩教授课题组长期致力于细胞信号转导的研究。近年来,该课题组潜心研究,不断攻关,取得了一系列重大成果,如揭示细胞如何应对生长因子缺乏的内在机理,发现了细胞自噬“路线图”、还发现了细胞如何感应“饥饿”信号AMP的信号传导通路等。其中,“发现细胞自噬‘路线图’”成果曾登上《科学》杂志,并入选2012年度“中国科学十大进展”。AMPK and mTOR play principal roles in governing metabolic programs; however, mechanisms underlying the coordination of the two inversely regulated kinases remain unclear. In this study we found, most surprisingly, that the late endosomal/lysosomal protein complex v-ATPase-Ragulator, essential for activation of mTORC1, is also required for AMPK activation. We also uncovered that AMPK is a residential protein of late endosome/lysosome. Under glucose starvation, the v-ATPase-Ragulator complex is accessible to AXIN/LKB1 for AMPK activation. Concurrently, the guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) activity of Ragulator toward RAG is inhibited by AXIN, causing dissociation from endosome and inactivation of mTORC1. We have thus revealed that the v-ATPase-Ragulator complex is also an initiating sensor for energy stress and meanwhile serves as an endosomal docking site for LKB1-mediated AMPK activation by forming the v-ATPase-Ragulator-AXIN/LKB1-AMPK complex, thereby providing a switch between catabolism and anabolism. Our current study also emphasizes a general role of late endosome/lysosome in controlling metabolic programs